Thursday 17 October 2024



hey guys welcome back to another lesson
in this lesson i'm going to be covering
a popular request which is
how to detect pivot points in the
markets using pine so what you see on my
chart right now is a customized pivot
point script that i've adapted from the
inbuilt trading view pivot script and
i've added a couple of features here
i've added the background color option
and delete last line option and if you
turn this on it will only leave the last
detected pivot on your chart as you can
see there so i'll leave the default
settings on for now now as i've
mentioned several times when it comes to
identifying subjective based patterns in
the markets detecting impulsive moves
and pivots in the markets price legs
is extremely difficult at least to do
accurately like what i mean by that is
for me personally i would read this
market pretty much how the script is
reading it but there are times when it
detects pivots that i don't really agree
with so for example right now
we have this impulsive move up here
which looks okay to me and then we have
this pullback here to this low but the
script is not detecting this one two
three move which i would using my human
i would identify this move as a move
that just broke structure and i would
class this market gold
as in a temporary
reversal situation not necessarily a
downtrend yet until we get another
uh lower high and lower low
but we do have a potential reversal here
because we have this impulsive move up
here a pullback we made a swing low we
then made a lower high and now a lower
low that is an indication that this
market could be entering into a bearish
phase for a while technically until we
take out this low i would class this
still as an uptrend but in the short
term especially on these lower time
frames uh we're in a downtrend right now
and this pivot point tool is not showing
that it's detecting this move as the
impulsive move but this move here was
not significant enough to be classed as
a second pivot and so
i'm just trying to explain here
the limitations of using code to
identify market patterns
if i open up the settings menu we can
tweak these settings a little bit to
adapt the script to detect the pivots
slightly differently so for example if i
lower this deviation setting down to two
the pivots have now changed if i lower
it even more to one
that doesn't seem to have changed
anything let's go even lower
still no difference and so this is as
about as accurate as this tool is going
to get in terms of identifying pivots in
the market so i'll leave the default
settings as they are for now and i'll
just quickly explain what these settings
do before we jump into the code the
deviation setting
used to identify when the market has a
significant pullback from a swing high
or a significant rally from a swing low
so the higher we set this setting the
more significant the move must be in
order to be considered an impulsive move
and the lower this number is the less
the move must be and so as you can see
if i get rid of this freaking tool and i
drop this down to one uh notice
in this price action here that the
if i can get rid of that
watch this where my mouse is here when
i'm um when i click out of this box now
the script is more sensitive because it
requires less of a deviation from a
swing higher or swing low in order to
count that as a pivot and the next
setting here depth is how many bars to
look over in order to determine whether
we have a swing high or a swing low so
by default i've set this to 12 which
means that the script is looking six
bars to the right and six bars to the
left and if this bar in the middle
is higher than all of the bars to the
left and right then it's counted as a
swing high and same for a swing low if
this is the lowest bar
over the past six bars to the left and
the six bars to the right
and we also get a deviation a
significant price move from that low
then that is counted as a pivot point so
keep in mind that this script requires
several bars to print to the right of
the swing low or the swing high before
it will consider whether or not the
swing level swing high is significant so
in other words it's slightly lagging now
you can drop this number down if you
want to and now it will be a little bit
more responsive but it will also pick up
more noise in the market so that is
always a trade-off you will have to make
when creating scripts like this no
matter what settings you put into your
script the way the script identifies
these patterns is going to entail a
trade-off between accuracy under certain
circumstances that's why personally i'm
not a big fan of analyzing price action
in this manner i prefer to identify
things like swings impulsive moves in
the market manually with my eye but if
you do require your script to identify
impulsive moves like this then the
script that we're about to break down is
about as good as you're going to get in
terms of your code accurately
identifying these swings
so anyway with all of that said let's
get into the source code and start
breaking down how the script works
so the first thing i do is get a bunch
of user inputs which we just went over i
didn't mention that the bg color
changes the background color based on
what the last pivot was so you can see
that we had a
impulsive move down here
and then the chart began plotting red in
the background and then once we got a
pivot high or a impulsive move up
then the chart turned to green and
remember that the depth is how many bars
to look
uh left and right so with the 12 bar
depth we're looking six bars to the left
and six bars to the right and so if i
click on this swing high here and
measure out six bars you can see that on
the seventh bar here is when we start
plotting red because that is when this
swing high to the swing low pivot was
detected now this background color
setting is a little bit
off with what you see on your chart and
the reason for that is this if i use the
bar replay tool
and we step forward here we can see the
script working in real time you can see
that it just detected this swing higher
to swing low this impulsive bearish move
and if we move forward a little bit now
it's detected this swing low to swing
high impulsive move it's counted this
deviation from the swing low as an
impulsive move technically it's not
really an impulsive move it's just a bit
of volatility in
price action here i personally wouldn't
count this as a
impulsive bullish move but the script
does because the script is dumb and it
doesn't know how to differentiate
between a large candle in consolidation
and a actual impulsive move but anyway
if i move forward here
you'll see that the script will update
this swing loader swing high impulsive
move when a new swing high is detected
in the same direction so just there if i
go back one bar you can see that the
script is detecting this as a pivot and
then if i move forward one more bar
we've had six bars print since this new
swing high and the pivot gets updated oh
one more bar now the pivot gets updated
from here to here
to from here to here
and so what the script is doing is
updating the impulsive move as it
unfolds so long as price action is still
developing in that same direction so so
long as price is rallying here and we
get these swing highs with a
large pullback our pivot will continue
to update higher and higher unless we
get a swing low
with a significant
move if that happens then the pivot will
stop drawing
in the bullish direction and then
reverse to the downside but anyway we'll
get to how that happens in the code in a
moment so if i progress through
historical price action slowly here
you'll see that our pivot will continue
to update
so the next time we get a significant
bearish pullback
our pivot point will update to the new
swing high
keep going keep going there we go so now
the script is detecting this as a
impulsive bullish pivot and you get the
idea if i get out of the bar replay tool
that was our last swing high and we now
have a new pivot to a swing low
so now let's jump into the source code
and break down how the script works
so first of all we get a bunch of user
inputs which i've already gone over
then we have a
deviation threshold here which
calculates the deviation threshold for
identifying major swings it takes the
average true range into account so it
does adapt based on volatility in the
market and this little formula here
gives us our deviation threshold so this
will give us a number in pips that price
must move in order for a new pivot point
to be considered valid or significant
next up we prepare our pivot variables
so we have our line object this is the
line you see on the chart we have the
index of the last pivot which is the
most recent pivot and then we have the
index the bar index of the previous
pivot and these indexes are used to draw
our line between and then finally we
have our last price so i stands for
index p stands for price and we're
tracking the last two bar indexes of our
pivot and we are tracking the price
value of our last pivot and then we have
is high last and if this is false then
it means that the last pivot was a pivot
low so if the last pivot was a high this
would be true if the last pivot was not
a high then it would be false and we
have a pivot low all of these variables
are persistent so they attract across
price action as it unfolds the next
thing we do is define a custom function
for detecting pivot points and returning
the price and bar index of that pivot
point so this is a little bit difficult
to explain in plain english but i'll do
my best
this function takes three inputs
price source
a look back length or a depth that's our
depth setting and an is high boolean
parameter and if is high is true then we
validate a pivot high if it's not true
then we're trying to validate a pivot
low and what we do here is first we
create a
variable called l2 which is short for
length two and this is our length look
back length multiplied by two now when
we call this function we actually divide
our depth value by two this is how the
training view developers wrote this
script this is the approach they went
so when we pass in a depth of 12 what
actually gets passed into this pivots
function is the value 6 as our length
then that gets multiplied by 2 to get
our actual depth value which is 12 and
then c
is our price value of the
so when we pass in our value length this
parameter here when this gets passed
into our price source historical
operator because we are dividing depth
by two that means we're looking back six
bars and we get that sixth bar and then
we loop from zero to l2 which is uh 12
because remember l2 is our length
multiplied by two so we get our actual
depth value here and then these if
statements here check if
uh is high is true then we check is the
price source of each bar that we're
looping over
if that price source is higher than our
mid point our c value then ok is set to
false and the function will return n a
it will return a n a integer and an n a
float because the pivot is invalid
um basically if
this okay check fails that means that
there was a bar to the left or to the
right of this swing high that was higher
than that current bar so in this
particular case this bar would
pass this check because if we look one
three four five six bars to the right
and six bars to the left it is the
highest bar over that period there is no
bar that was higher than that bar and so
this check never gets executed and okay
remains true and then if okay is true or
in other words if the pivot is a valid
pivot either a pivot high or a pivot low
then we return the bar index and the
price value as a tuple so this function
returns two values the bar index of our
pivot and the price value of our pivot
and we use that information later on to
draw our lines but we'll get to that in
a moment so after we've defined this
custom function we then immediately use
it in these two
tuple values here so we have i h and ph
that's the index high and the price high
of our pivot and index
low and price low of our low pivot
so we pass in the high price
our depth divided by 2
and true the value true means that we
want to check if it's a high and then
for our lows we pass in the low value
and false as is high and that validates
our pivot lows
next up we then have another custom
function here which calculates the price
deviation which is used for validating
large moves if we don't do this then the
script will identify every single swing
high and swing low as a pivot and will
get a lot more noise being picked up in
the in the lines that are drawn onto the
chart so this calc div or calculate
deviation takes two parameters the base
price so this is the price of our last
pivot point and this price value is the
current pivot price so we pass in the
previous pivot price and the most
recently detected pivot price and if we
have a significant deviation then that
new pivot is validated as being
important and or significant and the
line is updated so next we have another
custom function for detecting pivots
that meet our deviation criteria so this
all of the information we've got so far
to update our line if the
correct conditions are found in price
action so the first thing we do is we
check if the last pivot was a high so it
was a high pivot and the line is not n a
the line object is not an a then that
means we are checking the bullish
direction of a new pivot so all of this
code within this if statement gets
executed if the new pivot is in the same
direction as the last pivot as i showed
you when we had the bar replay tool
playing first it detected this as a
pivot and then a new pivot was detected
here and the line looked like that and
then a third
pivot was detected there and now the
line looks like that
that's what this if statement here
right here that's what this code is
responsible for doing so if we have a
pivot a new pivot in the same direction
as the last and the price of our new
pivot the pivot price is greater than
the last pivot high which is true in
these three cases then we update our
line so we use the line dot set xy2
and this function here updates our line
the line.set function takes three
parameters the line object we want to
update the bar index the new bar index
of the most recent point and the price
value of the most recent point so in
pivot here it doesn't update the x y one
it updates the x y two or the right most
bar index and price value of our line
and then this pivot found function
returns our line object and this boolean
that tracks if the last pivot was a
pivot high this gets returned as a tuple
otherwise if the new pivot is
lower than the
most recent swing high pivot then we
return n a we return an n a line a null
line and a null boolean value and
nothing gets updated so that's this if
statement which is responsible for
updating the line we also check the same
thing for a low pivot so if the last
pivot was not a swinging high then it's
a swing low and we check if the current
price is lower than the last price than
the last pivot price if that is the case
then we update our line to the downside
otherwise if the latest detected pivot
is lower than our swing high and we're
updating in the bullish direction then
nothing gets updated and same for a new
pivot low if price action would unfold
like this and then we get a pullback and
then another pivot low but this pivot
low is higher than the previous one then
we don't update the line to that one
because then because then we would have
price action down here
and our pivot line drawing to that new
pivot low which is higher than the
previous swing low and that's not what
we want and so that's what this block of
code here is responsible for doing and
then we have this else statement here
that says
if we have a new pivot in the opposite
so if this check fails
our line has not been updated yet and is
null or n a then we check if the
value or parameter
the price deviation is greater than our
deviation threshold
if that is the case then the price move
is significant and we create a new line
between the pivot points so id equals a
new line and this new line takes a bunch
of parameters the first one is the last
index of the last pivot and the last
price value of the last pivot and the
index bar index of the current pivot and
the price of the current pivot and that
creates a new line or a new pivot
and the old line is basically finished
drawing the old pivot is done and we now
have a new pivot that we're going to
continue updating to the downside so if
we get another pullback here that's
significant greater than our deviation
threshold then this line you see here
will be updated to that new swing low
pivot and then if we get a
rally here and then a pullback from that
rally that's significant then we'll get
a new line drawing from that swing low
up to the new swing high that's what
this if statement here is responsible
for doing and it also returns a tuple
returns the new line id
and whether or not it was a high pivot a
swing high pivot and otherwise
if we have detected a pivot point so
we've detected a bar that is the highest
bar over our depth look back period or
the lowest low over our depth look back
however the deviation the price
deviation is not greater than our
deviation threshold so we only have a
small move from that swing high or swing
then we return nothing we return line as
n a and boolean n a so that's our
function for updating our pivots
whenever a new pivot is found or an
existing pivot needs to be updated all
of that is handled by this function here
and then this code here is where we
combine everything we've gone over so
into actually analyzing price action so
remember we have these tuple values up
here index high price high index low
price low
these are our pivots that get detected
if we have a valid pivot point these
variables will have a value assigned to
them if we do not have a valid pivot
they'll be n a they'll be set to n a
and so what we do here is we check if
our bar index for our pivot high is not
n a then that means that we have just
detected a valid pivot a valid swing
high pivot and then this if statement is
executed and the first thing we do is we
calculate our price deviation from the
previous swing high
to the new pivot high price value and
then we passed this deviation threshold
into our pivot found function which we
just went over here and this function
here checks if we have a pivot and a
deviation from that pivot that is
significant if that is the case then we
get another tuple value here which is
our line id and whether or not the last
pivot was a swing high if this pivot
found function either updates our new
line because we had a valid
pivot in the same direction as the
line direction so remember that's the
line updating from each swing high in
the same direction as this impulsive
if that is the case then these tuple
values will be set to
these values here otherwise if we have a
new pivot in the opposite direction to
the one we're updating and the price
deviation is above our threshold then
these are the values that will be
returned in our tuples and if we don't
have a valid pivot that is either
updating our line in the same direction
as the previous pivot direction or we
don't have a new pivot that exceeds our
deviation threshold so this pullback you
see here was shallower like let's say it
was just sitting here we wouldn't have a
pivot being drawn and we'd be getting n
a returned instead
and so once we get all these values from
our custom functions we can then check
if our line id is not n a or in other
words if the line has been updated then
update the price and index values and
delete the previous line so if this new
line id is not equal to our last line id
that means we have a new line drawing in
this case here and if we have delete
last line turned on in the settings menu
then we use the line.delete function to
delete the previous line
so now if i come to the settings menu
and i turn delete last line on we'll be
just left with this most recent line
and every other line that precedes it is
being deleted
when the line is updated
to a new line i'll turn that off for now
and here is where we update our
persistent variables that track these
pivots so line last is reassigned to
our new line id
is high last is reassigned to whether or
not the current pivot is a swing high
our index for the previous
pivot is set to index of the last bar
so in other words if i zoom out a little
this is the first coordinate of our line
this is the second coordinate of our
line but when we have a line updated as
in the case here
this becomes
our coordinate number one and this
becomes coordinate number two
so it was one two when a new line is is
detected this gets overwritten with
um the
last index and price value and this
becomes our new second coordinate for
our line that's what all of these
variables here track and then we have an
else statement here that checks for
pivot lows so that handles pivot highs
this else statement handles pivot lows
and it does exactly the same thing as
pivot highs
calculates the deviation and everything
but it's doing it in the opposite
direction so we're passing in our pl our
pivot low price value instead of our
pivot high value and all of these
variables here are tracking the low
value the price low and the bar index of
our new pivot low and that's it that's
the core logic of this script
for tracking
price pivots significant swing high and
lows in the markets
all right so i had to take a break
between recording the first part of this
lesson now it's a few days later i'm
going to wrap up
what we've covered so you can see the
gold has in fact continued lower
after the breaking structure here
but now to wrap up this lesson let's
have a quick look at what we can
actually do with the information we've
just gathered so if i scroll down to the
bottom of the script here i have a
little bit of drawing code that
interacts with the lines we have here so
first i'm getting the start bar index of
our line of our most recent line i'm
getting the start price of our most
recent line i'm getting the ending index
bar index of our most recent line and
the ending price then down here is where
i change the background color of my
chart and the color changes based on
whether the ending price of our line is
above or below the starting price so in
this case
when this pivot low was detected here
and we started drawing a line from this
high down to this low the background
color of my chart turned red or bearish
because the last pivot was a bearish
pivot the last impulsive move was a
bearish impulsive move now this isn't a
bullish bearish filter on its own you
can see here that the chart was read all
the way up until this pivot up here was
detected ideally you'd probably combine
this condition of the previous pivot
price being above or below the most
recent pivot price with other market
filters if i throw on the bar replay
tool on this pivot low here we cycle
forward a bit
you can see that as soon as the
script detects a bearish pivot the
background color of my chart turns red
and if we cycle forward
we don't get a new bullish pivot until
all the way up here so keep that in mind
it's not a perfect system this is just
to show you how we can interact with the
pivot values that we've just calculated
i've also added a offset here a negative
offset based on our depth so if i get
rid of this offset if i set this to zero
because remember our pivots are detected
on a lagging basis we need at least six
bars after our swing high or swing low
is detected so i've used a negative
uh for the background color so that that
lines up with where the pivots are
detected i'm also plotting the distance
in pips from the swing height of the
swing low that's this purple number up
here if you look up there and i measure
from the swing high
down to the swing low we have about a
114 pip distance
which coincides with that purple number
up there then finally if i uncomment
these four lines here and save my code
we'll now be getting a red line let me
turn the background color off we get a
red line and a green line drawing
highlighting the swing high and swing
low of our most recent
impulsive move so this could be an
interesting filter to combine in your
scripts for example perhaps you have a
pullback strategy or even a breakout
strategy and you only want to trade
bearish or bullish breakouts so long as
price is trading below
this pivot swing high and the most
recent pivot swing low
was a bearish one
that's just an example there
one other thing we can do if i comment
out our lines so that we don't clutter
our chart too much and i uncomment these
plots if i say the code this is doing
exactly the same thing except it's
red line is the last pivot price and the
green line is the starting pivot price
so this green line here is showing where
our pivot began and the red line is
showing the last pivot price and so
using these plots you can see these
scripts updating
the pivots as it goes so initially we
had this swing high detected on this bar
and then this swing low was detected on
this bar here because remember we have a
six bar delay and then so on you get the
idea and so i'll wrap this lesson up
here i'll leave the source code below
with some of these lines uncommented and
yeah this is a somewhat convoluted but
one of the most
accurate pivot detection scripts i've
seen so far in my research in pine
script it's not perfect because there is
still some subjectivity in the settings
you put in here but it is what it is
that is the price we pay when working
with code and subjective price patterns
there is always going to be a compromise
between accuracy and simplicity i mean
perhaps if you had a 1000 line code
script that analyzed every minor detail
of price action you might be able to get
this to be a little bit more accurate
but there's no guarantee that the script
would detect impulsive moves any better
than the script does that's why
personally i like to keep my rules as
simple as possible in my strategies when
it comes to automating them rules based
discretionary strategies are a
completely different story but if i was
automating a script that used this sort
of feature or this sort of functionality
i would be very conservative in my
expectations of it being accurate anyway
this lesson is long enough i'll wrap
this up here and in the next lesson
i will show you how i created my dynamic
structure indicator which attempts to
detect support and resistance in the
markets slightly different to pivots but
similar kind of concept where we're
trying to detect subjective market
and structure in price hey guys i hope
you found this lesson interesting if you
did make sure to hit the subscribe
button and uh just check back later
because i will have some more lessons
coming out very soon otherwise in the
meantime if you want to learn more about
panscript check out my website the link
is above i have a
free basics course there that goes into
a lot of detail about the fundamental
basics of pinescript if you're new to
pine then there's a mastery course which
is extremely popular at the moment and
this course will teach you pretty much
everything you need to know to go out
and fish using pine scripts i do give
you some fish in the course in in the
shape of
giving away some of my scripts my
personal projects and the code that i've
written to achieve certain things but
really the course is intended and
designed to teach you how to convert
your own training ideas and techniques
into code so that you can create tools
to assist in your own trading however it
is that you trade we all trade
differently but i've tried to make the
pine script mastery course a versatile
course that covers all the bases and
then finally there is my indicators and
strategy scripts for those of you who
just want to steal all of my work that
i've done over the years i have every
single script that i've ever written
that's worth mentioning the source code
is up here with lessons detailed lessons
explaining every block of code every
line of code why i did things the way i
did and a little bit of bonus content
here now obviously i'm always expanding
these courses so what you see here is
what i've
done so far but there will be more
lessons to come especially regarding
automation and student questions anyway
with all that said i'll leave this video
here and i'll speak with you in the next
one take care and as always best of luck
with your own trading and your coding

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