Sunday 20 October 2024

How to AUTO TRADE FOREX through TradingView 🤖 AutoView Guide (PART 18)

How to AUTO TRADE FOREX through TradingView 🤖 AutoView Guide (PART 18)

hey traders my name is matthew from the
art of trading and in this video series
i'm going to be showing you
how to automate your forex trading
through trading view
but before we begin let me explain the
journey it took me to get here
many years ago when i was a teenager i
used to play an online game called
this game required a lot of clicking
with the mouse to play
and by a lot of clicking i mean a lot of
clicking you had to click on everything
to move around or perform actions it was
kind of like pokemon or zelda
but instead of a controller you used a
mouse well being a teenager it didn't
take me long to get bored of all the
i still wanted to play the game but i
only wanted to do the fun stuff and skip
the boring mundane repetitive stuff
and so i learned how to code and i
created a robot
i made a bunch of automated scripts that
did all the repetitive work for me
i'd mined rocks fish lobsters it killed
monsters did everything i didn't want to
do or didn't have time to do
since i was in school of course this was
considered cheating in the game and i
eventually got banned for it but i'd
been caught by the bug
writing those scripts was some of the
most fun i'd ever had in many cases it
was even more fun than playing the game
now what does all this have to do with
trading well it's been 17 years since i
wrote my first script
and after trading the financial markets
for over four years with the past two
being consistently profitable
i finally discovered a way to fully
automate my trading scripts through
trading view
so that i don't need to lift a finger in
order to enter manage and exit my
basically i found a way to cheat at
trading in today's video i'm going to be
showing you how to connect
your order view account to your oanda
brokerage account
and test your very first command and in
the lessons to come i'm going to show
you how to achieve various things with
autoview now if you're not sure what
autoview is i'll explain that throughout
this lesson but basically
it's a chrome browser plugin that reacts
to your trading view alerts and manages
your trades automatically based on the
commands you've given
throughout this video series we're going
to automatically manage trading
positions and move our stop loss to
break even
after a certain price is hit we're going
to create an atr based trailing stop
script that automatically locks in
below price action as your trade goes
into profit
we're going to create a position size
calculator that can be used to
automatically adjust your position
sizing based on a percentage of your
allowing you to essentially automate
entire strategies and at the end i'm
going to give you one of my personal
trading scripts that i've been using to
profitably auto trade the forex markets
for the past few months
welcome to the most comprehensive auto
view guide on the internet
let's get started auto view if you
haven't heard of it and you probably
haven't because
it's not a very well known plugin but
it's a chrome browser plugin
that allows you to automatically execute
trades and turn
any trading view script into an
trading algo it's pretty amazing pretty
incredible stuff
now of course you could do this on your
own if you know a programming language
or there's other services that allow you
to automate your trading but this
plugin basically allows you to turn any
trading view script
into an automatic trading bot and in
today's video i'm going to be
focusing exclusively on how to get it
working with oanda
specifically for forex trading but this
plugin works on crypto markets as well
and supports over a dozen
exchanges and brokers the way it works
is it uses
trading view alerts to manage and
execute trades
as of recording this video the only
forex broker that autoview supports is
but that works fine for me since that's
my main forex broker anyway
now this is not a broker recommendation
and you should always do your own
research before choosing a broker
but if you want to play around with
autoview then you must create an awanda
practice account
for forex trading autoview is free to
use on a demo account for testing
and oanda allows you to create a free
demo account but if you want to use it
on a live account with real money you
need to upgrade
it's 25 us dollars per month which is
actually pretty cheap if you have a
profitable trading script and more than
one thousand dollars to play with if you
don't have more than one thousand
dollars then i'll
probably stay clear of using this plugin
the fee is going to eat into your
profits and i'll leave a link to this
autoview website and plug-in in the
video description
but keep in mind that i do not accept
any responsibility if anything goes
and use of this plugin is completely at
your own risk
all i'm doing today is explaining how to
connect autoview to tradingview and
and how to place demo trades if you lose
money with this plugin then that's on
make sure you thoroughly understand how
the plugin works before using real money
with it
so let's get started so the first thing
you want to do is go to google
and just google search auto view and
it'll be the first two links that pop up
the second link is the chrome
extension the first link is the website
that this
plugin creators made for more
information about the plugin
so for this video we're going to click
on auto view the first link and this was created
by a cryptocurrency team
so pink is their cryptocurrency and you
can pay for the
plug-in using the pink cryptocurrency
you can also pay with paypal
and bitcoin i believe but anyway that's
not important for today's
video now there's a whole bunch of
information here on this website i
really do encourage you to come and read
all of this before you get started
but i'm going to skip that and we're
going to go straight to get auto view
up here at the top click on that that'll
take you to the plugin page
you need to click add to chrome click
add extension
and the plugin will be installed so next
up i would
suggest clicking on your extensions icon
and pinning this plugin to your plugin
hotbar and then you need to click on
and there'll be a whole bunch of
information here so these are the
40 exchanges you can use this plugin on
but really this is more like 20 because
most of these are doubles or you know
binance here has like several
exchanges here some of them are demo
exchanges and test nets
and so awanda down the bottom here you
have the real live
money brokerage integration and the
practice account
integration so before we get started you
need to connect
trading view to this plugin the the way
you do that is
click on this trading view link and
login to your trading view account
once you're logged in the extension
should be
automatically enabled for trading view
now all you need to do is connect your
brokerage account
so to do that we need to click change
here is a list of the alert syntax and
we'll go over this later
but these are the commands you use to
send to autoview
and autoview will pass these commands
and send them to your
broker to execute trades based on
whatever you tell it to do
but first of all we need to connect our
broker so let's come up to
permissions and we're dealing with our
lander today so we're going to scroll
all the way
down here to around towards the bottom
and here
are our oanda brokerage accounts so we
need to click
on the little tab here which will give
autoview permission
to use oanda practice api which is short
for application programming interface
and that's basically an online service
that speaks to
auto view so all of you can speak to
your awanda practice account and tell it
what to do
so we need to enable the link between
autoview and your awanda practice
so click on this little tab here
click allow when it says it requests
additional permissions click allow and
it will turn both
oanda and oanda practice on that's okay
we'll only be using the joanna practice
integration today so the next step is to
create an awanda practice account if you
haven't already
so if you click on this link here that
will take you to the oanda
login page if you have an account just
log in here
otherwise if you don't have an account
you need to sign up
to oanda it's completely free to create
a demo account
make sure you're creating a practice
account and once you're done with that
log in to your account and you can do
the next step which i'll explain
now so now that we've enabled our oanda
in the auto view plugin settings we need
to scroll down this
uh list of exchanges on the left here we
need to scroll down
until you see oanda click on oanda
then you need to scroll back up to the
top of the page and you'll see this
button up here
add account we need to click on this
button here so click on that
now you don't need to change any of this
up here this account
later on you might want to play around
with this when you learn how to use
the plugin basically this allows you to
connect multiple accounts with this
but if you're only using one account
which we will be today you can leave
with the default setting of an asterisk
there of a star
now what we need to do here is put in
our account id
and our access api token
so to do that you need to go over to
your owander account your practice
demo awander account right here and then
you need to go to
add sub account now here's a list of my
demo accounts for this particular
account that i'm logged into
i just ignored this two quadrillion
billion zillion account
i created that for my girlfriend's
nephew to play around with when he was
he had a lot of fun trading corn and
pretty much cornered the entire global
with this account balance but anyway
what you need to do here
is either create a new account so you
can just put in a name here select a
currency and a leverage
multiplier a ratio so i'll show you how
to do that right now first of all
click this top option v20fx trade
do not enable hedging on this account if
you enable that that means that
you'll be allowed to open long and short
trades on the same market and that will
mess with the autoview plugin so we
don't want that
and now here you can just put in
whatever you want i would recommend
at least setting leverage to 100 to one
for since we're testing we want maximum
and for our name put in anything here
for this one i'm going to say
auto view youtube i'm going to select
the currency
i'm going to select us dollars for this
example and i'm going to hit save
now i've got a new account down here
it's got zero dollars in it so i need to
click deposit here
and now this is mimicking the live
account normally you would see this on
your live account and you'd select
a bank or a credit card and then
deposit money but today we're depositing
fake money so you can put whatever you
want in here
i would recommend anywhere between a
thousand to ten thousand dollars
would be a good place to start and you
can change this later you can withdraw
and deposit fake money
at any time so now i'll hit proceed and
we'll have a ten thousand dollar
ten thousand us dollar oanda demo
account to play around with
and we're good to go so the next thing
we need to do is
copy this number here this is your
account number
so you wanna copy this number here
copy and then before i continue let me
close some of these tabs because we
don't need them open
but now let's come up to our auto view
plugin settings page here and we need to
the account id into this
box here so we're halfway done now
we need to click on my practice account
up here click on that you'll be taken to
sort of home page for your demo account
and the next thing you need to do is
come down here to my services
and click on manage api access
so click on that link there and if you
haven't created an oanda api key yet
then you'll see something different here
you'll see create
token or something like that i've
already created a token so in order to
a new api token i need to click revoke
so i'm going to do that now i'm going to
revoke and now i can click generate to
a new api key it's important you don't
this api key with anyone else especially
on a live account because then they can
access your account
using the api but because i'm using a
demo account today it doesn't really
matter to me
but this is your key you need right here
you need to copy
this key in this box here and you can do
that by just triple clicking
on the text here right click and copy go
to your auto view settings page here and
paste it
into your access token box text box here
once you've done that you need to click
on test account and if the test
works then you are good to go so now you
need to click
add account and now we have successfully
added an awanda practice account to auto
view and we can begin
executing trades so the next step is to
over to your trading view chart so the
way this works is you need to
keep your browser open because
this plugin basically monitors your
trading view alerts
and when an alert is received it will
execute trades
on your behalf based on whatever
information you put in the alert message
so if you close your browser or you turn
off your computer this
plugin will not work and it will not be
placing any trades for you
so that's the main limitation of this
plugin you know there's always a
and the trade-off here is that this
plug-in is extremely easy to use and set
but the drawback is you need to keep
your computer on at all times and keep
your browser open
now i personally have a computer that i
keep in my kitchen that's on
all the time with a chart open so that i
can manage my trades throughout the day
without having to go into my office
all the time you may have to leave your
computer on if you're going to be
using this plugin or you need to buy a
or vps virtual private server and
install this plugin into a browser on
there and leave it running
i'm not going to teach you how to do
that in this video because it's just way
too complicated way too long
for today we're just going to focus on
how to get order view set up
all right so the past 10 minutes has
been a video from last year that i did
detailing the steps on how to set up
your oanda practice account
i reused that video to save time in the
editing process because nothing has
changed since recording
the first part of that video but since
recording that video i've learned
a lot about autoview i am much more
familiar with it
and i've learned how to do some quite
advanced things with it so the whole
purpose of this new video series is to
break down step by step the various
things that i've learned over the past
year or so of playing around with
autoview so to wrap this video up we're
just going to test
our practice account to make sure that
auto view is in fact
working the way we're going to do that
is by creating an alert
on wherever price action currently is
and pass it a command
an auto view command to make sure that
it places the order for us
first of all make sure you are logged
into your demo account so that we can
that these commands are in fact working
then the next thing you need to do
is just right click on wherever price it
currently is and click add alert
don't worry about any of the indicators
i have on my chart right now
in fact i'll hide them all just so this
is less confusing
right click on wherever price currently
is scroll down to the bottom here
and we're going to create a new alert to
create an alert
that tells awanda demo or the oanda
practice account to initiate a trade we
need to type
e equals oanda practice
so e stands for exchange this plugin is
mostly used for crypto exchanges but
it is integrated with oanda so we can
use awand to practice here if you're
using a live account you would just
oanda without the practice but we'll get
to that in a future video for now we're
going to stick on the practice account
so that we can make sure we know what
we're doing before we start
playing around with the real money the
next thing we need to do is specify
side of the book we want to trade so b
stands for book
and here you can write long or short i'm
just going to write long here
next up we need to specify our position
size or our quantity
using q so q equals i'm just going to
put 1 here
one unit that's all we need to confirm
that it's working
the next thing we need to do is s which
stands for symbol
we're on australian dollar right now
aussie dollar
so oanda requires you to
either put in a forward slash or an
underscore between the two
currency pairs that you are telling it
to trade on this symbol parameter
if you were to just write aud usd the
alert will not work oando
will not process this currency pair it
a slash in between so keep that in mind
when it comes to writing our scripts we
will need to add the slash because when
you reference
the current ticker on trading view it
just gives you the ticker without the
slash in between so we'll fix that in
our scripts later that's not important
for now
and then the final thing we need to do
here is specify whether we
are using a limit order or a market
so to do that we need to write t equals
and i'm just going to do a market order
this is all we need in order to
initialize our first trade we're not
going to put a stop loss or a take
profit in we're just
proving that the api connection is
working so now that you've written out
your command we need to make sure that
the alert
is on current price action it's around 3
p.m currently in the middle of an
australian trading day so price action
is not moving at all
for me as usual so i don't even need to
update this
don't worry about any of your settings
they don't really matter as long as this
alert fires then the command will be
now we need to click create and we wait
i will actually move this up
just a little bit so now we wait for
price action to trigger our alert you'll
know if it was triggered
by whatever happens down here in the
alerts log and this will flash as well
when the alert is triggered so now we're
just going to wait until price action
triggers this alert and see if it opens
a market order for one unit going along
on aussie dollar here we go
and it worked we have opened our first
oanda demo trade one unit on aussie
without a stop loss or a take profit
at market on this forex market
so our awanda api connection is working
if however yours does not work for some
reason uh you can come up to the order
browser plugin come down to change
and over here there is a log setting
that you can click on
a log page and this will tell you what
went wrong
if something failed and it will also
tell you what the plugin is doing
basically congratulations strap
in this is just the beginning we're
going to have a lot of fun working with
if you're anything like me especially if
you're a nerd like me you are going to
love this stuff it's really really fun
and even if you're not a nerd even if
this is all new to you
you will be blown away by how simple
this is once you wrap your head around
all the different various commands we
have to work with
and i will be recording this series as
if you are a complete beginner
to this stuff so don't worry if this is
all new to you
you will be able to follow along and by
the end of this series
you will be able to automate any scripts
that you've either written
or any scripts that you have the source
code to so that's it for today's video
this was a successful mission in the
next video we will be going
over the various commands that autoview
requires in order to manage forex trades
through orlando
at least the main ones like stop loss
placement take profit placement expiry
time and day
limit and market orders which price to
put your limit order at
all that kind of stuff we'll cover in
the next video if you found this video
interesting or especially if you found
it helpful
make sure to hit the subscribe button
because i will be back really soon
with the rest of this series and we are
going to do some cool
cool stuff and while you're down there
please hit the like button if you don't
mind it helps support the channel
and leave a comment too if you've found
this interesting if you've run into any
if you have any questions or even any
suggestions please leave them in the
comments section
and i'll try to find time to respond to
everyone but if not
i'm very blessed to have a really great
trading community following this channel
and maybe someone else will answer your
question if i can't
anyway i'll see you in the next video
good luck with your training in the
and take care

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