Thursday 17 October 2024



so blow there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is Tammy Bakshi and
this time we're going to be going over
how you can use PI torch and
specifically open an MTP why in order to
run numeral machine translation tasks
now essentially what I'm going to show
you today is how you can use a sequence
to sequence LS TM long short-term memory
network in order to convert from English
to French sentences in fact today we've
also got a special guest on the show who
is proficient at French and will be
helping us out when testing out the
entire system we'll be getting to that
in just a little bit but just before we
get to that though I have to tell you
that if you watched my autoencoder video
before that will really help you out in
understanding how the system actually
works there will be a link down in the
description to that video and that will
give you a good base to start off of but
for now though let's start with this
video now first of all how will this
system work well if you've watched the
autoencoder video you know that neural
networks can take information really
condense that information down into just
a few points a few few numbers into a
small vector and then decode it and
really expand it back up to its original
form or at least really really close to
his original form now in your own
networks are great at that but what if
you could take information decode it
down into a really small vector then or
encode it down into a really small
vector and then decode it into another
really big vector that has a slightly
different way of representing the same
information for example if you were
using a regular MN ist auto encoder
which I talked about in the last video
you could having your ol network that
took in a regular Animus digit and
outputted an inverted color version of
that image it would be representing the
same information in a different way what
if you can apply the exact same
technique to language that's right so
now I'm going to show you how you can
English words an entire english sentence
fit into a neural network have it
condense that down and pound it into a
small vector and then decode it into a
bigger vector but this time instead of
representing the input as English word
it'll represent them as French word
vectors in the right order and the right
grammar this is really really
interesting and there's actually an
entire new approach this is in fact an
entire new approach to the machine
translation problem instead of
converting from words to words which
oftentimes makes mistakes because of
course in languages you don't always
have the same word order I want to order
an extra large pizza in English gonna
have an entirely different word order in
french however with the neural machine
translation system it will learn how to
change the word order and it will learn
which use to which words to use in other
words places depending on the context as
well and the data that it was trained on
so now let's get into an explanation of
how the entire system works now the
neural machine translation bit has
already been implemented by on github
and there will be a link to that game
hub repository down in the description
below and we showing you that github
repository in just a moment as well the
original implementation for this was an
irregular torch power by luma but now
it's also been translated into Python
YouTube PI torch and it's release so now
I'm going to show you how you can
actually implement a neural machine
translation system but just before we
get to that I'd like to explain how the
entire system works let's get started
now let's take a really simple example
sentence like for example you say I want
an extra large pizza all right now you
have this English sentence
repeat some and let's just say the
person's name that you're asking his
name is James
okay uh and so now what you're gonna do
is of course this is this is completely
valid in English but let's just say you
wanted to convert this to French now
what you could do which is the naive way
of doing this is you could just convert
every single individual word to their
French counterpart which wouldn't be
very nice of course in this case if you
were to do that that would be very very
grammatically incorrect uh and no one
would be able to understand that however
there are some smarter ways of doing it
for example the older older method of
Google Translate which tries to do a
little bit of a smarter machine
translation but I won't be getting into
that algorithm just yet however with
neural networks all you have to do is
take this sentence send it to a
tokenizer okay so now you're going
tokenize this what that means is they're
going to split every individual part of
sentence into of course as I mentioned
individual parts so for example you put
a space before the comma space before
the punctuation and what that would
allow you to do have individual
tokenized element of the sentence into
individual vectors that can go into the
neural network at the end after that
though once that wants the network or
once you have tried your sentence you
can vectorize the sentence and what the
vectorization does of course allows the
neural network to understand the input
now the factorization of course you can
do this by Ward vector is really however
else you don't want to in this case
we're going to use love word vectors
which I will also be talking about in
the rest of the video
but once you have finally vectorize it
you can use a recurrent neural network
to understand that vectorization or that
vectorized version of the sentence and
so in this case you could just use any
recurrent neural network but I'm going
to be using LST ends you could also use
gated recurrent units GRE use but I'm
not going
sacrificing really any accuracy
whatsoever we're going to be going for
LST m/s now the RM what it's going to do
is it's going to take the entire set of
huge vectors and convert it to one
individual set of smaller vectors are
really really tiny vector compared to
what the input is and that can that
actually describes the entire input
sequence in just one small vector its
amount it describes all the semantics of
the input without being very specific on
what the actual awards themselves were
however there are a few problems with
this like for example James isn't an
English word that's just some random
word we came up with in this case a
person's name so how do we deal with
that well what happens is that
vectorization process you could just
input all zeroes as a factor you could
end put a random vector but in this case
what I'm going to do is input an all
zero vector and what that'll do is tell
the recurrent neural network that this
is an out of vocabulary word it is an
unknown word that it's never seen before
and in theory the neural network should
be able to replace this with a token in
this case angular bracket U and K and
then at the very end once you are done
converting it you can put you can
actually replace all the unknown unknown
unknown vectors with the actual words
from English because of course it
doesn't know how to convert them to
French in the first place but then again
once you're done with that recurrent
neural network it'll feed into one more
recurrent neural network that will then
take the encode a vector and then decode
it back into a huge vector that
represents this exact sentence in French
and then in theory you should be able to
reverse the factorization process and
then you can do you can basically take
the vectors word vectors to words run
this process in Reverse and then you
should finally have your output which is
your French sentence
which is what I'm going to be showing
you how to build right now but now
they'll before I tell you how you can
actually implement the system I think it
would be really interesting to see a
demo of this in action in fact this is
actually the exact system that Google
Translate now uses for many different
languages as it creates much much more
accurate results but now let's get over
to a demo of the system itself where
I'll show you a demo of around seven
different sentences and how they are
converted to French via this entire
system now let's get over to how you can
implement this with PI torch alright so
welcome back to the demonstration now
I'm going to show you how this system
actually works now before we actually
take a look at the system we have to
have to we have to find a way to see if
the system actually works and while I
don't know French there is someone who's
joining me today special guest Ari who
is actually very proficient in French
would you like to introduce yourself hi
my name is Abby I'll be helping tad make
with the French translation let's get
into the video perfect all right let's
start now you can actually see on screen
right now all we've got 8 different
sentences and so these are straight from
the French translation system not been
modified whatsoever these are tokenized
versions so before punctuation like
apostrophes commas question marks you've
got little spaces here however those can
be done tokenize just as easily but for
now let's actually begin and see if
these translation system works with a
few examples so now Abby what do you
think the first sentence here actually
says in English so this is the French
version if you want you can actually say
out the French version then we'll talk
about the English a su la and I manifest
yawn xenophobia sandy Emma okay so what
do you think that means in English okay
so are you going to the xenophobia
protests Saturday Emma yes that is in
fact what it means if we were to go to
the English version over here you can
take a look and the original English is
are you going to the xenophobia protest
on Saturday Emma so yes that is correct
and apparently the translation system
has worked in this case so that was a
demo of the translation system
converting one simple English sentence
ah - French let's try it out a few more
so let's just try out number two now so
do you think this is from ink from
French to English la pluie tada they
informed them a class of alright okay so
what would this be in English so like
most of the kids in my class are going
yes exactly that is in fact exactly what
it is in English most of the kids in my
class are going now let's try out one
more so what does this say so this is
French first of all so the program the
program judogi de la ville is sandy
Adisa it's a zoo okay so how what would
that be in English so like the large
like the biggest or large hockey hockey
game yeah a hockey game in the town is
this Saturday at 10 o'clock time p.m.
already great are you ok so does it um
ok so the actual sentence from English
is the town's largest hockey came is
this Saturday at 10 a.m. are you going
so is it does it doesn't mostly match up
or yes emotionally it mostly matches up
but here at the end it's where it says a
tegu it just says like are you there's
no other variable asking like are you
going like that yes so in this case the
reason for that would be that their
perplexity of this model is actually 6.0
7 which is relatively high and this was
only trained for around 24 hours on a
you know mid-sized GPS so if we were to
scale that up to more GP was in much
more training time then we should get a
much lower perplexity in this case
basically meaning error rate and we
should be good to go and that should be
able to translate that nicely and Plus
this was trained on much much more
formal sentences not in this context
however it is again completely possible
to fix that error with more training
data and more training time as well
let's try out number four now ah so this
is French first of all label a so a
Levante about either deep diesel so uh
Judy okay okay so um it says that the
tickets are going on sale at twelve
twelve o'clock
okay so was there an error in the
sausage yes it didn't translate the
okay I just left it is Thursday okay so
again that is because we're using very
little training data meaning that
Thursday's not in the vocabulary this is
again an issue with the training data
that we have if I were to have more
training data for example from some
corpuses that I'm going to be showing
you at the end of this video we'd be
able to get much higher accuracy but
then again I'll get into that in second
part of this video for now let's just
continue with simple sentences number
five now so I'm also for the sentence
number four the one on Thurs the one
about Thursday
it shouldn't say sua is you just say
Thursday well because like you're saying
it's like on Thursday it's like it
sounds weird because you're saying that
it's like on top of like Thursday so you
have to say Thursday ok so again this is
one of the examples were less perplexity
it should understand that grammar and
she'll be able to understand that on in
some contexts means you know without sir
or some without so with sir in this case
since it didn't understand Thursday that
wasn't in its vocabulary didn't
understand Thursday and I thought it
might literally be on top of something
and so it was able to infer from that
context but if that were in the
vocabulary you would understand from the
context and not insert sir ah so next
number five so this is French first of
all so la francais a long time for
talking to hed
I turned to pay a dollar a month I lost
that long alright so what do you think
of me in English so French is a very
important language to study other
countries in the world speak this
language okay sure so now that's
actually very very close to what it was
French is a very important language to
study as many countries around the world
speak this language is exactly what the
English version was however it seems as
if as many may have been left out by the
translation system was it so um we
learned to throw in Canada we learn
Quebec French and this is translating
French French so some of these words may
be different from what what you may say
in Canada versus what we say in France
so that might be one of the reasons that
it's a little bit more confusing however
let's go over a number
so which is actually relevant so number
six this is the French version sentence
what do you think it would mean English
okay so example it's a G the dizzy I'm
long appreciate the Canada so what that
mean in English it so for example it's
for example sorry it's a second it's
official second language of Canada
perfect that is exactly what it is in
English for example is the official
second language of Canada now let's try
just two more and see how exactly we're
able to use the system so now this is of
course prediction number seven let's
talk about this well deck eBay in person
asset class evoke a Mahad the class demo
davinia key la okay so what do you think
this would be so describe a person in
this class and your classmates or
students other students in the class
will have to guess who it is
exactly again semantically the exact
same as what was entered into the system
describe a person in this class and your
classmates will have to guess who it is
now one more thing I'd like to point out
here is that if I were to take the
original English sentence here and if I
were to copy that back into this
document take a look at these two days
it copying the punctuation like
correctly where it should be like the
commas and and of course the end is
correct what is the Komets correct place
where it should be is all the
punctuation taking care of nicely yes
thank you
perfect that's great so system again is
learning exactly how to use that
punctuation as well can textually with
the rest of the sentence even though
it's scaling all that information down
to a really small vector however let's
try out one more over here prediction
number eight okay so you know let's see
what entry so the winner will receive a
prize okay again exactly what it was in
English this one was actually completely
correct the winner will receive a prize
exclamation mark and so that was a demo
of the system in action so how many
write the system I would rate it like
like in being eight out of ten
eight out of ten perfect there was just
like some areas where it wouldn't pick
up on some yards yeah and also it would
bring in like the English word into like
it wouldn't travel exactly exactly
it wouldn't translate the English word
a French word again all solved with more
vocabulary more training data higher
vocabulary size and of course more
training time as well a hotter just for
24 hours of training this is a
relatively good system an open-end MT py
allows me to build this really really
easily so now I'm going to be getting
over to the actual coding part where I'm
going to show you how to implement this
entire system how to get all the
training data and then how to calculate
calculate a BL you score to find out how
good your translation system actually is
now let's get over to the coding part
Thank You Abby alright so welcome back
to the coding part and now just before I
begin I would like to say a big thank
you to the guys at hard for actually
making this so so easy if you actually
take a look open nmt itself as a project
was actually created by the folks over
at Harvard which is simply amazing makes
it so so easy to train on neural machine
translation systems with both torch and
PI torch which surprisingly of course I
mean I mean of course it works with PI
torch due to the fact that it does work
with torch Python or PI towards being a
port of torch to the Python world of
course really really popular relatively
new as well and it's an amazing library
I which I'll be adding a lot deeper into
in future tutorials because we're going
instead of relearning a language and
like Lua you can just use these sorts of
torch library in the Python language
however now though I'm going to be
bringing you in to actually how you can
use open nmt on some simple data and by
simple though I mean French to English
in English to French shada in this case
I'll show you adjust the English to
French version and then I'll talk about
why it's so so interesting now let's
start off with the code itself how do
you train the system it's really easy in
fact I just created one simple shell
file that automatically trains it for me
first thing it does of course is in the
shell fell in the shell file they get
some tools it'll help it to tokenize and
and find a new score etc in this case
though these tools I'm only using the
tokenizer for now
and a few other tools you blue score is
something that will come in a separate
part of this series but after that once
we've gotten the tools that will
actually help us pre-process our data
we've got to pre-process the data itself
now in order to pre-process don't data
we've got some really simple commands
that run these Perl scripts that I
actually just downloaded and so as you
can see or in fact we actually wouldn't
necessarily need these two lines of code
here so we can remove those those aren't
actually being used in this circumstance
although for other German to English
ones they will be used but we don't need
those tools in this case so I'm only
going to be downloading these tools here
but after that of course as I mentioned
getting back to the point we've got to
pre-process our data now in order to
pre-process data we've got a really
simple script that's running here first
of all it tries to actually remove the
very first and last lines from the from
the files themselves just in case
there's extra extra space and then
finally you're going to organize all the
training data and testing data to make
sure that the model actually understands
the data from there though we've got a
Python that actually really pre process
all the data and takes all of these you
know token ate it
token native files and actually converts
them to data that the neural machine
translation system can understand and
work with in terms of training after
that though the actual training of a
model comes in and it's as simple as one
line of code that's right a simple
Python 3.5 call to train button dot py
pass it the data tell it where it's Oh
save the model in this case multi 30k
model and finally give it your GPU ID in
this case I'm relieved one Scene one GPU
so GPU 0 that's right it's that simple
to train the system however you've got
to have your data now in this case
people with my daya slash multi 30k
folder you can see that I've got quite a
few different files here and if you were
to remove the clean process versions of
these files you can see that I got
trained at de train de en and valid at
the en value now the train files are
what's going to tween
system and the vowel files are what's
going to validate the system to find out
what types of accuracy were getting now
in this case I'm using English and
French however it is annotated as de and
en you can do that for now let's just to
make it compatible in general like for
example target is de and we're coming
from is en so you can actually paste in
any information that you want to within
these two files and learn eventually
using sequence to sequence how to
convert from one language to another in
fact you'd apply this to really anything
like for example IBM Watson has aid to
speech service and what it allows you to
do used to say like for example instead
of just getting a text and hoping that
it says it correctly you can actually
give it certain expression on the text
so what you could do is you could build
one of these sequence the sequence
systems to actually automatically
convert just regular text to text with
expression to tell Watson exactly what
expression so Watson does the main text
speech for you but you do the expression
handling for the voice itself just in
case that you want a more personalized
or accurate version of that expression
handling and so there are all sorts of
things that you could possibly do with
this um but for now all you will need to
do is actually go back to this directory
run back between dot SH and that's what
you need to do now it's only gonna work
with bash because a few specific
commands that this shell file has all
but try that out as you can see W gets
gonna do some really interesting stuff
it's gonna start dying I'm gathering
some of the tools and at this point it's
pre processing the data once it's done
pre-pro is a pre processing the data
it's going to actually step training
model through the trained up UI file now
instead of me actually showing you this
model training which would I assume be
really really repetitive and it would
take a long time instead of me showing
you how the model is trained let's just
skip over to the evaluation of the model
itself so I remember I have already
trained this model and now we're ready
to actually take a look at how it
you already saw some simple
classifications and translations are not
classifications those translations that
I did before with Abby's help oh but now
I think
show you how exactly you run those
translations in the first place let's
just kind of control see this script
over here I'm let's go over to the
folder that contains my pre trained
model and then what I'll do is I'll get
out this command and this command will
allow me to actually translate from
English to French how does it do this
well if you take a look over here I said
I defined a specific model for the
program to use now every epoch it will
actually log down a little checkpoint a
model it tells you the accuracy
challenge and it gives you the
perplexity as well in this case I
reached a perfect perplexity of 6.07 at
the 13th epoch which is you know it's
it's okay it's not the best you could
get and of course you can get much much
better than that
however it's X is relatively low of
course I would not use the translation
system until it's less than say like
eight or at least in the single digits
is minimum to actually start using it
six is still a little bit high if I were
to use this my everyday life I want to
train this even more however apart from
that though again you're gonna tell it
in which GP you use to translate you can
also do this with CPU but GPU is better
of course I'm hoping that we can we tell
it where to translate from in this case
a text file oh and of course we're gonna
tell to replace unknowns and what that
means is that if for example if there's
an unknown input in the original text
file date or can vary from try and find
out using attention mechanisms where
that would be in the output and replace
that in the output so you have final
translations and do it no verbose way so
we don't need to save the output to a
file we can just see it in the terminal
before I run that command though I'd
like to actually create the Committee of
course the the sentence for us to
translate pasal is just open up a new
file here called say YT transpose dot
txt now what I'm going to say here is
I don't I won't be sure alright so there
we go now we've got two sentences on now
in theory like and I manually tokenize
this for example before and after the
apostrophe there have to be spaces same
thing would be period at the end and the
commas in the middle and so as you can
see once you've got this all tokenized
and nice I'm going to save the file I'm
going to run the same script Python 3.5
or we could just copy and paste this
command here and what I will do is pass
it the YouTube translate txt file we're
gonna use the same model and let's look
for the best
now again unfortunately I don't have any
right now however what happens is I mean
we've got this translation ready as you
can see right now see this is where the
perplexity comes in it has not been able
to translate this sentence here why not
sure but how can you fix it well by
using much more data than I currently am
because I'm using very very small data
set and you're training for much much
more than 24 hours even if you have a
much stronger GPU with for example if
you take seven ten seventy this would
not be it's nearly fast enough to be
finished in 24 hours so again more
epochs better model better data and you
would get much much higher accuracy
however I do actually hope that this
very first translation here was correct
in fact if anyone here in the comments
knows French I'd love to hear from you
and see if this translation is correct
alright so that's what we have to cover
in terms of the actual implementation
that's right it's that simple to train
and test a neural machine translation
system through open and NTP why in fact
in later tutorials obviously you had
actually build this type of system from
scratch in terrassa that actually takes
in its own input data out an output
you know and does everything manually
but for now I thought it would be more
interesting to actually take a look at
the concept itself and an implementation
by folks at Harvard next now let's talk
about the errors that the model made
last time while I was with happy now the
first one you may have realized here was
the phobia one now of course it says are
you going to the xenophobia protest on
Sunday Emma and I may have noticed that
it did not translate gene phone yet to
it's French counterpart here why didn't
do that because xenophobia was
misspelled in fact if you see over here
I've actually correctly spelled
xenophobia over here in are you going to
the xenophobia protest on Saturdays to
Emma and what happened is a model
actually changed the grammar not only
did it translate xenophobia to
xenophobia in the in the French sentence
it change the beginning grammar of the
sentence itself look at this we've got a
tofu all around a read a lot over here
like I'm sorry not parenting that
correctly but we've got something
entirely different over here so remember
even that small the change the fact that
it did not understand xenophobia made it
then it had to infer that it's referring
to xenophobia in a different context
when it understood xenophobia and was
able to translate it correctly then
understood that context and was able to
create the correct I was able to create
the correct grammar before xenophobia
but an even more interesting example
though which really proves the context
appendix of the context dependence is
this one now as you can see there's an
error here tickets will be sale at 12
p.m. with only be for sale at 12 p.m. on
Thursday now Thursday is not a word in
the vocabulary but Thursday itself is
Thursday exclamation mark isn't a word
in the vocabulary itself that means that
the sentence wasn't tokenized correctly
which is why it did not translate
Thursday to whatever it's French
counterpart is correctly
it didn't use correct grammar in the
rest of the sentence however what's
really interesting is once i tokenized
it correctly over here and set it back
into the model as you can see again
almost entirely different grammar it's
not literally putting twelve hours on
instead what it's doing is it's saying
twelve on Thursday
it's contextually very correct which as
I always as Abby was pointing out sir
makes it sound as if something is
literally on top of something and
because the fact of the model never knew
that Thursday wasn't referring to a day
it thought it that was the object or
something of that sort and it thought it
was literally on it and it used sue so
as you can see it is very very context
dependent however once it gets the
context that it needs it makes extremely
accurate human-like natural translations
that sound good the people who actually
know the language and don't seem awkward
or weird in terms of word order or
Grammatik choice like for example if you
have an English sentence like for
example or you know you have an English
sentence like for example I want a large
pizza you wouldn't want to form that in
French in a formal way and so that's why
the Watson language translation service
allows you to actually choose the
context in which your language
translation should be done and so
depending on the day that you train the
neural network wins you can actually
choose the context or the formality in
which this conversation is taking place
and so for example if I'm at a pizza
place I might not want to sound really
formal with my friendship I'd like a
large pizza pie I mean you don't want to
sound really formal however if you're
speaking to for example you know you
making an automatic translation system
for the UN in fact there's actually a
data set from the UN their speeches
English to French French to English lots
of other languages as well which is
something that I'm going to be working
on in another part of this video and
that actually holds really formal French
well it's so depending on what you train
the model on that's a knowledgeable game
and that's the type of language it'll
convert to and from and so again
so why these models are so great you can
personalize them to specific contacts
you can personalize them to specific
occasions or where you'd like to use
them and that was what I had to go over
in this video thank you very much for
joining everyone I really joined making
this video I hope you enjoyed watching
and you'll learn something along the way
thank you very much for joining in today
that's my goal for this video of course
if you liked the video and you want to
see more of it please do consider liking
the video share it with your friends or
family or whoever else you think may
benefit from it and of course from there
if you have any more questions or
suggestions or feedback please do leave
it down in the comment section below you
know it to me at any age you know that
come where tweeted to be attached you
apart from that thank you very much
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PineConnector TradingView Automation MetaTrader 4 Setup Guide

what's up Traders I'm Kevin Hart and in today's video I'm going to be showing you how to install Pine connecto...