Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is hry bshi and this
time we're going to be going over well
the second part for my tower of Hanoi
series now this is just the second part
so now I'm going to be explaining the
algorithm and showing you a little
implementation of it in Swift again this
uses trees and so yeah I'm just going to
be explaining it to you so let's get
started let's dive straight into this I
have really nothing to explain yet
however as I said already like a million
times we're using trees for this to
happen and I have the Whiteboard ready
here as you can see so what I'm going to
be doing now is I'm going to be telling
you how we can use my custom algorithm
to solve the Tower of Hanoi uh for four
discs okay so that's four discs we're
going to be solving using this method
first of all as you can see this is
going to be the tree area but uh this
green shaded area over here Will be an
array basically of all the instructions
that we have gathered thus far so let's
just dive straight into it now basically
what we're going to be doing is we need
to uh make a set of steps that we're
going to be taking so what my current
plan is we want to first of all
move four
diss from also uh yeah uh I'm going to
be referring to Peg one as Peg a peg two
as Peg B and Peg 3 is Peg C in case you
were wondering so now what I'm going to
say is we're using four
diss from
a to
c however we can use B in the middle if
we need
to okay
perfect now this is our beginning like
what are we going to be doing from now
on basically what we have to do is we're
going to take three discs now we're
going to move it from uh Peg a to Peg B
the first three discs then the remaining
disc on Peg a will be moved to Peg C
then the remaining pegs on Peg B will be
moved to Peg C and then like that all
four discs will be on
pegy so now how are we going to do this
we know that we have to move three discs
first of all let me just make a little
line so you can see first this is the
first tree that I'm first line that I'm
making we know that we have to move uh
discs from actually uh just give me a
so you can see that a bit better I'm
just going to make it a bit
bigger okay so now we're moving three
discs from Peg
a to Peg B using Peg
C now you might already start noticing a
pattern but next we're going to be
moving Peg I mean one dis from Peg a a
to Peg C using
B again you're getting this
pattern and then finally what we're
going to be doing is we're going to be
moving those three discs from Peg B to
Peg C using Peg
a it is that simple now here is our
pattern essentially what we're doing is
we're taking our beginning uh for
example node this is one node in our
tree now this node has four for its dis
value a for its from Peg B for its using
Peg and C for its two
Peg now the first thing that this node
wants to do is move three diss from A to
B and so essentially what we're doing is
we're saying 4- 1 is 3 then we're just
swapping these two over here B and C we
swapping to make CB meaning a CB A to B
C then over here basically what we're
doing on the middle on the second node
is we are just saying okay we're going
to move one disc from a to c using B
that one disc on a going to
C then finally what we're going to do is
we're going to move the three diss that
we moveed to B back over to C using a
it's that simple now if you don't
understand this yet that's probably
because I haven't filled in the rest of
the table now I'm going to be filling in
the rest of the table with you then I'll
explain what this tree means then I'll
explain the actual algorithm then we're
going to go going to go to the Mac part
okay so
now from 3 ACB what are we going to be
doing first of all we know that the
first node over here is just diss minus
one okay so the diss number for this
node will be 3 - 1 which is
2 okay so we had two discs we've
determined that then we know we have to
swap the using Peg and the two
Peg so ACB will become
ABC as you can
now we know that the second
node will have always one
dis uh so we can just write a
one right and we know it'll have the
exact same setup as these three
pegs so it'll have ABC or sorry
ACB because it's coming from this
then finally the third
node which will have again diss minus
one which would be two in this case and
then the two I mean the FR Peg and the
using Peg have to be
reversed and so I'm going to say c a
b now we have constructed
a little we've gone in one
depth but first of all we know one
cannot be extended like that's the
simplest thing you can do just move one
disc from a to c you don't need
instructions on how to do that but
moving three discs from A to B you need
instructions so this will be continued
this is just going to stop right here
and I'm going to tell you what we're
going to do with this but this is again
three not one so we're going to extend
it further so now let's just um bring it
further now 3 - 1 is
2 now b a c we have to uh switch over
the two and using p the pegs so this
will become B
CA so I'm going to write uh or sorry
yeah b c
a boom next what we're going to do for
the second
node is we are going to say again we
just know that it's one disc with the
exact same Peg set up so we're going to
say 1 BAC
C okay it's that simple next the third
node which will be down
here so what we're going to do is we're
going to switch the from and using
nodes and we're going to remove one from
the discs so that would be two
discs and if we swap b and a that would
be a
perfect okay so we are making progress
with our tree but we still have a few
more things to do because as you can see
we have a two which is not to which we
do not know how to solve we have another
two we and we have two more twos so now
we have four more things to
expand and then theoretically we should
have a set of instructions right well
see so we see we're starting off from
here we have two from a to c using B so
if I expand we know that 2 - 1 is 1 of
course and so the number of discs will
okay next we have to swap the using and
the two pegs so that will be
CB okay then we're going to do our
middle Peg or our sorry our second
node get confused between those two
sometimes uh and so we know that's of
course just one uh dis but it's the
exact same Peg setup so we're going to
say dis one with the exact same Peg
setup which is
ABC then finally our third
node which 2 - one is one
dis uh and then A and B reverse that
would be b a
c and
perfect now we've solved this now let's
solve this node so now this node's first
node child node actually will be let's
see 2 minus one that's one for
Diss and then A and B reversed that
would be
perfect next what we have is the second
node okay so now we know it's the exact
same Peg setup with just one disc
instead so that would be c a b
finally the third node child node of
this node uh and so we know that's 2 -
one that's one
dis then we have C and A have to be
reverse so that would be
ACB and
perfect next we're going to solve this
one and this one and we'll be done okay
so 2 BCA 2 - 1 that's one so we know the
number of discs for this first child
node will be
one then we know C and A flipped will be
uh a so b a
c then I'm going to create the um
basically second node child node for
this parent
node which will have anywh
uh the one dis and the exact same Peg
setup so one
BCA then we're going to go for the third
node which will be 2 - 1 that's
1 and then B and C flipped so it will be
CBA and now just really quickly let me
just tell you this will work with both
even and odd discs because as you can
see here we have a node that has an odd
number and it's still working over here
it's working fine it's just that I
wanted a slightly bigger um pet um discs
uh for this example so you can really
see how this tree is formed and if I
were to choose something like five
however this would just be gigantic so
I'm not going to go so huge as to five
but I want a moderately big uh tree so
that you can really see how it's going
to three how it's going to two how it's
going to one etc
etc okay
continuing now that we've solved this
node's child nodes we don't need to do
it for this one because that's a one
then we can do it for this one however
node now this is 2 a BC so 2 - 1 we know
that's one so it's first nodes uh number
of discs should be one then B and C
flipped is CB so AC CB
okay uh then the second node we all know
that this is just going to be uh a one
dis with the exact same Peg set up so
that would be one
ABC uh next the third child node so
let's just do
that now we know 2 - 1 is 1 so that
would mean the number of discs is one
and then A and B flipped is ba a so b a
c meaning this will be the end
result and now we have completed our
tree now basically this is a this is how
you can take it into like consideration
this is a fully grown apple tree now we
need to pick the ripe apples off
essentially and the ripe apples are the
ones with one disc and it has to be done
from most top right down okay just top
right from here down now you may be
wondering wait a minute are these just
the instructions that we're going to
pick off no and you'll see what I
mean so essentially what I'm saying is
whenever you see a one in this
tree and then it's uh discs
diss are essentially what we're going to
take out and put into the
instructions for example 1 a BC will be
taken as a to c by our program and then
given to the user but we can't just take
this in any random order that just
wouldn't work however what we are going
to do is let's just say I get a marker
we see we're going here we have this
initial node
it has its own first node then it has
its own first
node now it has its own first node and
then it ends here this is the last one
so this is the first uh basically uh
node that I've encountered that has one
dis on it so I can say I can note down
a I can I can put that into my array as
a to
B so I'm going to note that down as a
to B so we got one instruction down now
as you can see we have to go back
because we cannot go forward that that
would just be nil so we have over here
the second node for this okay so this
node has a second
node this is the second time we've got
over with a dis with a uh instruction
with one it and we can see it says a to
c so we're going to follow what it says
and move from a
over 2
C then we're going to go back and we're
going to say okay come down over here
and we see oh third node this also has a
one so it says B to C that means note
down from B to
okay now we go back we see oh we checked
all these all the child noes for this
node now we have to go back now we see
for this node what's its second child
node because we're done the first oh it
has a one so well we say A to B perfect
note it
down a to
perfect now we cannot expand further
than this again that would just be nail
so we say okay come back over here and
we're done the second child node for
this node so go down
and so from here we have a first
Noe so this is a one and we're going to
say C to a so we just note down C to a
perfect then we go back in the second
node C to B perfect C to
B then we go back and we say oh third
node A to B perfect no put that
down a
B come back come back come back because
we are done
basically we've gone into this
node and we've gone into its first node
and we've completed all of its three
child nodes now we're coming back then
we grab an apple from here then we come
back and we grab all of these three
child nodes and we just noticed just
like we got all the three child nodes
from this we got it from this node so
now this node is no longer needed by us
so either we can just delete it but why
would you want to delete it when you can
just keep it and go to the next and now
since we are initiating this from this
node we have to look at its second node
which is a one dis and this is a to c so
I'm going to note that
down a 2
C perfect
there now we're going to look at its
third node which is again a
three now this has a first node which
has its own first node but then that's
the end of the line so that's B to
C again going back oh this has a second
node beat
a now come back this has its own third
node which is c a
okay which I can just note down
conveniently coming back we see okay
perfect uh we're done the first node and
all its three child nodes now we have to
do the three's second
node uh so uh wait just really quickly
note if you were if you want to if you
make this connection from the other part
one that I just made uh actually Four
discs will require 15 turns because uh
actually 2 to ^ 4 16 - 1 is 15 meaning
it'll take 15 turns uh so that's why I
have exactly 15 elements in this array
over here uh so that we can see if we
have the correct number of moves anyway
continuing now we've gotten back from
here here here now we're going to the
second node which is B to
C so I can just write that
down B to
next we're going to go to its third node
which has its own first node which is a
B then it has its own second node which
is a to
c then it has its own third node which
is B
Toc now we can go back say back back
back and now once we've returned this to
this initial node we know that we've
gone through all this
tree and that means we have a perfectly
good set of instructions to solve four
discs in the tower of noo in the minimum
number of moves possible hope you
enjoyed that now what I'm going to do is
I'm going to be taking a picture of this
I'm going to move it onto my Mac and I'm
going to show you that these moves will
actually solve a tower of hanoy game
okay so that was actually pretty much it
for the Whiteboard part of this video I
hope you enjoyed now we're going to be
going to the Mac part where I'm also
going to be showing you an
implementation of this and Swift hope
you enjoy let's get to it so welcome
back to the Mac part now I'm going to be
cropping this image so we can only see
the instructions then I'm going to be
going to the Tower of Hanoi simulator
online The Flash simulator uh and then
we're just going to be seeing how it
works I'm going to show you the Swift
implementation and then we'll be done
okay so let's get started with uh this
white board image over here make my face
smaller uh come over here and I'm just
going to select these instructions that
we have created on the Whiteboard and in
case you didn't already know this if you
select something in preview and then you
click command K crops that right out
okay then I'm going to use l capitan's
Main feature I guess I'm going to press
this down actually I guess I have to
have these uh in small view uh I'm going
to press this down put this over here
put this over here make this a bit
bigger and here we are ready so now as
you can see I have the tower ofy on one
side and then I have the instructions on
the other so again this is for four
discs and let's get started now first of
all it tells us to solve a to B so uh
we're on a to B over here on the first
one so A to B boom then it says a to c
okay I'll do that then it says B to
C then it says A to
B then it's telling you to move from C
a again as you if you really look at
this pattern and if you watch part one
you realize that we're using the exact
same algorithm it's just the computer
found out these
moved again in case you haven't watched
part one this website is
that allows me to simulate the Tower of
hooi uh and there's a flash version and
an HTML version The Links will be in the
continuing now after we've moved from C
to a we can move from C to
B then from A to B and we've we've
solved the first seven and as you can
see we've moved three diss from A to B
C okay now it tells us to move from a to
interesting then it says B to C okay
okay I'll do that then it says b to a
okay then C to
a interesting B to C not very surprising
then a to
b a to
c and finally B2
C now that was quite simple and we have
solve the the game in exactly 15 moves
now when I was explaining this to you
you may have realized oh God this is
going to be really expensive to program
and this is just going to be too much
but you're mistaken this is actually
quite simple to actually make it's just
that the implementation of it uh is
really easy just creating a command line
interface isn't that easy but we'll get
into that later first what we have to
get into is the
Noy so as you can see over here this is
a simple version of an implementation in
Swift as you can see it's very very
little code and if I say uh I want
number of discs as for example three it
gives us the result first of all move a
to c uh or actually you know what let me
just actually follow these steps so a to
first just to really quickly show you
this works a to c then it tells us to
move a to B
then it says C to
B then it says a to
c then it says uh B to
a and then it says B to
C and then it says a to c and as you can
see we've solved it in seven
moves so that was actually quite simple
uh and that proves that this actually
works we can also do it for
four and it'll give us the instructions
five I think we might need a debug uh
console now uh we can do it for six I'm
just quickly scrolling through these um
see how it
works as you can see it eventually
starts taking uh some time to
calculate uh moves because of course
there are tons of moves for like nine
different discs but anyway so now okay
it got that um there was an earlier
version of this that I programmed in
that would actually use the first
algorithm that I used in part one and
that could at Max do around five discs
because it was very memory intensive but
this is recursive yet it's not that
memory intensive so as you can see this
is a very efficient algorithm and let's
get straight into coding this now now
first of all this is an implementation
of it in part three I'm going to be
showing you the cui or how to create the
command line interface for
it okay so now let me make my face a bit
bigger and so now I can just uh comment
this line out so we don't have all this
random execution going on and hide the
console so let's get into it by saying
that first of all we are creating a
class called Hanoi node and also a quick
tip uh if you're using a playground
really basic uh functionality like not
even framework functionality just no UI
kit whatsoever or anything you don't
really need to spend excess memory
importing framework or UI kit when you
can just import Darwin and it takes up a
bit less memory so that's just a quick
tip for you anyway continuing inside of
the Hanoi node class we are noting the
diss from using and two
pegs so basically uh when I would show
you uh over here on preview if I just
control command Z that uh each one of
these was a node this was a node this
was a node this was a node it had a
from Two and using
value which were the pegs that it was
from using in
two and so now these are stored as
strings because of course you can name
pegs then what we're doing is we we have
three computed properties in case you
don't know what a computed property is
well uh I do have another tutorial with
my AAR pathfinding that will explain
that but anyway let me just give a quick
explanation but if you are wondering
what a star pathfinding is a link will
be in the description for sure okay so
basically computed property will allow
you to it's just a variable but when you
get it the propert the value inside of
this property is computed each time uh
so for example uh let's say I created um
a variable a which is equal to something
the user can enter and variable B which
is also something the user can enter
variable C if it was a computed property
whenever you would get it it would
automatically already be equal to the
value of a plus b that's simple so that
you don't need to calculate it then use
it no just use it straight up and it
gets calculated like a function but it
has some limitations like it can't take
parameters it's that simple okay
continuing so
now we have Leaf one leaf 2 and leaf
three which themselves are Hanoi nodes
now you may be thinking if a Hanoi node
contains a variable of a Hanoi node and
that itself has more Hanoi nodes doesn't
that just break my own rule of the
barrier recursion that I talked about in
my other recursion video which there
will be a link to in the
description well no because this is
optional meaning at any time I can make
this nil meaning there will be nothing
after that that also means that I was
lying to you a few minutes ago not lying
just I'm sorry but uh as you can see
whenever you have one on the board the
tree doesn't just end there there's
actually a nil after this but you
usually ignore that due to the fact that
it's just nil doesn't matter it's just
nil I guess uh and same thing for all
these ones there's a nil after this
there's a nil after this there's a nil
after all of these because it can't just
abruptly end it can't just stop at a
Hanoi node that's impossible so that's
just a quick uh explanation of that for
you anyway continuing now when you get
Leaf one we are creating a new Final
constant which is equal to a new Hanoi
node which is the discs of this Hanoi
node are equal to our diss minus one the
current diss minus one the from value
will be same from but we're swapping the
using Peg and the two Peg uh so we're
for the using we're giving two and for
two we're giving using that
simple next we are returning uh then
we're using a quick uh conditional uh
we're checking if final do diss greater
than zero meaning it is one or something
bigger than
one then we on to return that final
variable meaning continue good job or
else nil because we do not want an
endless loop of
recursion next in leaf two we're doing
the same thing with the optional Hanoi
node we're still creating the final
constant however this time for the diss
we're just straight up giving one
because we I taught that to you in the
trees uh then we are keeping from using
into two the exact same then we're doing
exact same thing with the discs however
instead of checking finals discs because
we know that's going to be one we're
checking our own discs so that we can
see uh if we should actually uh continue
and create this
node finally Leaf three in which we are
still creating finyl we are putting the
diss minus one however we are swapping
from and using and we're keeping two the
same then we're just check then we're
just checking if the final discs are
greater than Z Z if so then return final
or else
no then we just have a really quick
initializer for this class which takes
the diss from using and two and sets the
values to them that was quick then we
have a global variable named ins or
instructions uh which is a string array
then we have a Hanoi function now simply
put this function is going to do all the
dirty work for us it's going to to
create the Hanoi node class go through
the tree and basically grab all the
values it'll pick all the
apples and so this function will take
the diss the name of the peg a the name
of Peg B and the name of Peg
C then we are creating a starting Leaf a
constant we are creating a hanoy node in
this of course we're setting the diss to
the dis that the user gave us in the
function declar ation from as a using as
B and to as C of
course then what we're doing is we're
checking if let L1 is equal to leaf.
Leaf one meaning does this Leaf have
Leaf one if it does then say if L1 do
diss is equal to
one what what's happening now is we're
checking is this ripe essentially uh if
it is tick it or else call yourself on
Leaf I'll explain what that means
now meaning if the discs are one then
just take this instruction and append it
into our instructions
array as Leaf one from then Leaf one to
so if it were to say a one ABC meaning
one disc from a to c it would actually
just depend AC into to the
array or else if it's actually a um real
U uh dis if it's the you call it if it's
not one it's two or three or something
greater than one then we're just going
to call ourself on diss minus
one with the same from using and two
values that we got from this
leaf then we do the exact same thing for
leaf two and the exact same thing for
leaf three no difference whatsoever
except that in leaf two if uh the discs
are not one then we call ourself with
diss minus one and a is just a b is just
B and C is just C it'll eventually stop
we know that
okay now this function works but it
isn't too convenient to code in this is
due to the fact that you need to give it
the discs the a value the B value and
the C value and it doesn't return
anything now order to fix that I've
actually created another function called
Hanoi just straight up Hanoi not Hanoi
underscore and so what's happening is
this uh function only takes uh the diss
as an integer and returns an array of
strings or the
instructions then we just call Hanoi on
the discs that you gave us with the the
a peg named a the bpeg named B and the
cpeg named C then we just return those
instructions that uh are created uh once
uh you use the Hanoi function and then
as you can see if I just fill this in
with let's say three
diss it worked and that was actually all
it for part two I hope you enjoyed if
you did please uh leave a like on this
video again also subscribe to my Channel
if you're new you can also contact me by
either commenting down below you can uh
um also contact me on Twitter at tagim
Manny or you can just email me at tajim
man the email and Twitter
handle that I just mentioned will be in
the description if you can't spell them
and yeah that's going to be it for this
video again part three is coming out
really soon and part three will have how
to create a little simple uh cui not GUI
command user interface not um graphical
user interface for this program and
that's going to be it for this video

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