Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is tammy bakshi and
we're going to be going over how you can
implement and optimize
a proof of work algorithm on gpu
using cuda now this is really
because we're gonna go from just being
able to process a few hundred million
hashes per second on cpu
to now being able to process over eight
billion hashes per second on four
nvidia tesla v100 gpus
now before we get deeper into this whole
proof of work stuff there's one more
thing that i want to say
today we are going to be taking a look
at what are what are known as
cuda kernels so writing code that's
going to run on your gpu to run
again what's known as an embarrassingly
parallel task that's the technical term
so if you'd like to learn about the
fundamentals of cuda kernels and how
they work
there is a youtube video that i recorded
a couple of years ago
on the world of cuda and the basics of
how you can implement
some simple vector mathematics on cuda
but today we're going to be taking those
concepts and scaling them even further
so there is a link on screen right now
where you can go ahead and take a look
at that previous tutorial if you'd like
to find out the fundamentals of cuda
kernels so hello there and welcome to
another tutorial
my name is tammy bakshi and this time
we're going to be going over
how you can use cuda c for general
gpu computing and of course if you'd
like to be notified whenever i release
new content like this one
please do feel free to subscribe to the
channel ring the notification bell and
that way you'll know when i release a
new video
on a topic just like this one now this
is absolutely
fascinating stuff and what do these
numbers mean well first of all
we'd have to understand what a
proof-of-work algorithm really is
now a proof-of-work algorithm on its own
doesn't really mean
much it's just an algorithm where you're
trying to brute force a certain
hash condition however when you apply
this proof of work to another algorithm
like for example
the blockchain network then you get
something that's really useful
by using the proof of work technique
blockchains can actually
verify transactions in a completely
decentralized way
meaning there's no centralized server
where all those transactions are stored
this is really interesting stuff but
again what does proof of work
actually mean well let's take a look
first of all it's important to
understand the concept of a hash
i won't get deep into exactly how they
work but there's a series of hash
functions called the
sha hasp hash functions this sha 1 2
and 3. shot 2 in specific was developed
by the cia
and it's what's known as a
cryptographically secure
hashing function so what that means is
we can feed in as much data as we like
into shot
shot 2 and it's going to output a series
of bytes
and these bytes are what's known as a
digest of the information that was fed
now the length of those bytes is limited
so for example
sha 256 which is the most popular
hashing algorithm under
under the shaw family will output 256
bits of info or 32 bytes of info
now here's the thing about sha-256
because we can only represent 2 to the
power 256
total possible hashes it's always
possible that two completely
separate inputs will end up having the
same hash
but the likelihood of that is
exorbitantly small it's
essentially infinitesimal because of
course we have 2 to the power 256
possible hashes i mean if you were to
feed in
a couple million bytes and even just one
of them changed
slightly by a single bit you would most
likely get a completely
different hash the entire idea of a
hashing algorithm
is that you cannot go from output to
input only
input to output now paradoxically in a
a hashing algorithm is more
cryptographically secure
if it takes longer to compute because if
it takes longer to compute
then it's harder to brute force that
with cryptocurrency mining people have
come up with all sorts of creative ways
to get really really fast hashers in
order to gain as much crypto as possible
like for example asics that i'm sure
you've heard about but today what we're
going to be doing
is quite interesting we're going to take
an input string so for example
to make sheet and we're going to try and
find a sequence of 20
characters that when appended to the
input string
in total result in a sha-256 hash
where the first n number of bytes are
totally zeros
and so for example maybe we want to find
a certain sequence of 20 characters
where when you take the input and append
it the first three bytes of the hash are
all zeros
now you might think why would you want
to do that
well you don't really need to do that
for anything but what that proves
is that your computer has done the work
to find those zeros
and thereby in a blockchain you could
use that
work in order to prove that you verified
a certain number of transactions
and so that is how blockchain technology
and today we're going to be taking a
look at how you can implement that proof
of work algorithm
now hashing is something that's very
embarrassingly parallel is what the
technical term is
what that means is we can spin up
thousands of threads on a certain
that are all working to just generate
random strings
hash and check if it meets the condition
because there's no logic involved
you can't reverse engineer a hashing
function the entire assumption of a
hashing function is that you can't do
that reverse engineering
and so we have to essentially generate
random strings and brute force
check potentially trillions of hashes in
order to find the right one
and so on cpu this can be difficult
because even the
top of the line 128 thread ibm power
can only process about 100 million
hashes per second in fact
if you want to take a look at how i
actually implemented a cpu-based version
of this do take a look at the live
stream that i held
on wednesday june 17 in order to
implement a cpu-based hasher it was a
live stream so you can actually take a
look at the whole process of how we went
the idea of architecting and
implementing that cpu-based hasher
in golang and now in c as well
however we cannot make do with only a
couple hundred million hashes per second
we've got to go
even faster which is why we're going to
be implementing on gpu for about eight
billion hashes per second now that's
even then
a little bit slow because then with
crypto mining you want in the trillions
or quadrillions per second
if you want to earn any money but for an
application like this one
under the constraints that we have for
our solution it's absolutely more than
enough now in case you're into this sort
of stuff
when i actually ran the cuda profiler to
figure out how
fast the solution is the compute speed
of light
score for this application was
approximately 75
so i am actually using a lot of the
compute on the gpu
and i've tried to minimize the overhead
as much as possible
uh enabling as few memory writes and
reads as possible enabling as much data
to be stored in
in gpu registers and all these sorts of
really intense optimizations to get
to eight billion hashes per second and
now i would love to show you exactly how
those kuda kernels work
and how you can build them for yourself
and so without any further ado
let's go ahead and take a look at how
you can implement this on an ibm power
server with four
tesla v100 gpus in a totally scalable
way it works on multiple gpus
you can just tell it how many gpus you
want to run on and all these other sorts
of hyper parameters so let's take a look
at how you can implement proof of work
on cuda alright so now let's get started
with taking a look at how the
of this proof-of-work algorithm works on
cuda now as you can see i've already
into a server this is a power server
so it's using an ibm power architecture
not x86 so what's incredible about cuda
is that of course
it is completely cross-platform it even
works on ibm power servers in fact it's
on power servers because of nv-link
enabling really
really great memory bandwidth enabling
the cpu and gpu to talk
super quickly now that doesn't really
play into this use case in specific
however for deep neural networks and
these sorts of things power is great
now as you can see on me over here i've
four uh nvidia tesla v100 gpus
these gpus are not being used at all
currently they're completely
free to use um and what that means is
that there's nothing else running on
them so we're only going to be running
the proof of work algorithm i have also
gone into my home folder
into a folder called redesigntrain which
is just the name that github assigned
this git repository
um if you take a look this is a this is
a github
this is a git repo and so you can find
this on the redesigned train repo on
github link of course in the description
uh now the way this works there are a
couple different files here you don't
need to worry about a.out right now all
you need to worry about
is the and and sha256.cuh files
uh the file is the main file that
we want to care about
i i guess nu.cou could be like a main.c
and shot256.cuh would be a main.h or
or just a header file that we want to
include um
now this header file is doing more than
a traditional header file it actually
essentially all of the code for the
sha-256 algorithm
and this runs on the actual gpu so these
are device functions a device function
is a function that runs on the gpu once
again cuda has very c like syntax in
fact it
uses c compilers in the back end
and so that's that's the sha 256
implementation i did not
write that sha-256 implementation from
i modified it to fit this use case and i
will be linking to the original
implementation in the description as
but now let's go ahead and dive right
into new dot coo
now essentially what i want to start off
by doing is
describing the high level architecture
of the program because i feel like
that's a lot more important than the
nitty gritty of how
exactly everything communicates so let's
go ahead and start off with the high
level architecture
now remember gpus are fast
individually instruction for instruction
they may be slower than a cpu
but if you can run like thousands of
hash brew forcings per per you know
clock cycle if you can run
thousands of them instead of just a
couple like you could on a cpu
that means gpus are fast in fact they
are so
fast that they usually sort of reverse
the traditional bottleneck
usually your bottleneck is in compute
because compute takes a long time
and things like creating data or loading
aren't usually the bottlenecks however
gpu compute that gets turned around on
its head as a matter of fact the gpus
are so fast
that it actually takes us longer to
generate the random strings and feed
them to the gpus
than it does for the gpus to process
those random strings
especially because you can't just feed
it a single random string and expect it
finish things really quickly you have to
feed it entire blocks of random strings
super super fast and so unlike on the
cpu implementation i don't have
a separate random number generator and a
um gpu checker instead what i do
is i have a single cuda kernel that will
take a random seed
use that random seed to generate random
and at the same time check whether or
not those random strings actually match
our condition
that way we save out on two bottlenecks
first of all generating on cpu is slow
compared to what the gpu needs to feed
it to full efficiency
second we don't need to generate all of
those strings on cpu
and then copy that entire block of
over to gpu over pcie instead what we
can do
is we can simply generate and use it on
the gpu
that way we don't even need to have a
block of memory for this stuff we can
just keep it entirely in registers so
it's really fun stuff that we can do
if we're able to do it directly within
the single kernel
that's why i've merged it all into a
single function but now
i know what you're thinking how exactly
does this work so let's get into that
now first of all of course after my
traditional imports
i've got a couple of definitions over
here and i want to quickly go through
those definitions
so i start off by defining the text so
this is the prefix that we want to feed
the actual program so that we can find
some text that when appended to this
text the result
gives us a shot 256 hash that starts
with a certain number of zeros
i'm also just having to define we're
working with c so
i have to define things like how long
the text is i've got to find how many
and this is a sort of gpu part these
three variables over here
i've got to define how many threads i
want the gpu to execute
i want to define how many blocks
of these threads the gpu is going to
and i wanted to find how many gpus i
want to use in total
so the way this works and this is a
little interesting the way cuda
wraps its um wraps its compute
with cuda you don't just have n number
of threads
you have n number of blocks each block
containing n number of threads and so
it's it's interesting the way that
happens in different
use cases you want to have different
arrangements of
blocks to threads you can specify that
there's of course limitations and it
really depends on things like the warp
size of your gpu
but in this case i found 1500 256 to be
a good combination
for this gpu in this use case and so you
want to really specify this
to what it is that you are doing
although this is a pretty good
standard set is what i would say now of
course the way this code works and this
is the fun part
is that the gpus that this
implementation that i've created
actually supports multiple gpus and so
what that means is
you could have a machine with 10
different gpus on it and you could just
i want to run on 10 gpus and the rest of
the program will automatically fit
uh to run on 10 gpus or even just one
but this case
i've got four gpus now i also want to
specify the difficulty
so what is the difficulty you may ask
well remember what we want to do is we
want the output of the challenge
to say a certain number of zeros that a
certain shot 256 hash
should start with in this case we want
the algorithm to output a sha-256 hash
which starts with four consecutive bytes
worth of zeros
that's a lot of zeros so that's
that's 32 zeros that we're asking it to
do in fact if you see a little bit later
in the code we actually bump that up
even further a little bit by a few more
so this is a really really intense
challenge and i can't wait to see what
the performance numbers are like
from there though i also do go ahead and
define the random length so this is the
the maximum the actual length of the
number of bytes
that we want to append to the text to
come up with the hash
now from there i just have a pretty
simple function called chara not
the constant called character set this
is the set
from which we can actually choose a
random letter or a random character to
uh into our into our solution and so
we can of course add more characters to
this if we want we can remove it doesn't
really matter
in this case just to keep it readable i
decided to have a pretty standard set of
and from there i've got a function and
this is where the fun starts this is a
device function called device
random gen device random gen what it
does is a suit a random generation
that takes an unsigned long to an
unsigned 64-bit integer
and it does a bunch of bit operations
bit shifts things like that
and it's going to try and essentially
create a random number now
you can't really create a random number
with computers as they are today that's
not how they work
that's impossible but what you can do is
you can
make a function such that the input even
if it changes very very slightly the
output changes a lot
and that's how random number generators
work in computers today
and this is an implementation of a super
random number generation function now if
we wanted things like
being able to be cryptographically
secure we wouldn't be using this ha
this random generation algorithm but if
you think about it we don't need to be
cryptographically secure
we just want a random number function
that's relatively uniform
with the input that we give it or the
bounds that we give it this is
quite uniform and so we don't need to go
more advanced in fact the simpler this
function is
the more cpu call or gpu clock cycles we
can shave off
that adds up to millions of cycles
you know many seconds of compute which
are really valuable here
so just a super simple random number
generation function
now from there i'm going to go ahead and
skip this function for now
i'll tell you what it does and we'll
come back to it basically this is the
this is the cuda kernel
the cuda kernel that is responsible for
the input text it's taking a pointer to
where to store a solution
if it finds a solution it's taking a
pointer to a variable
where it will store a boolean value of
whether or not the
kernel has found a solution as well as
the random seed now really quickly uh
i'm going to
say whatever i just said how does that
sort of relate to the function
parameters let's take a look
so as you can see this over here is the
string or the byte pointer
to the prefix that we want to that we
want to pen to
there's also the byte pointer to the
solution which is by default a null
pointer however
uh not null pointer per se but you know
it's not initialized memory
um and uh what's what's gonna happen is
if this cuda kernel finds a solution to
the problem it'll put the solution
into this pointer uh or where this where
this pointer points
as well as just an integer or a boolean
value uh by default this is negative one
and what we want to do is set this to
one if the cuda kernel finds a solution
so that way the cpu knows if we actually
have a solution
and of course as i mentioned the basic
random number generator seat
um now we'll come back to this function
in just a moment but first i want to go
uh as i mentioned we want to have super
simple random number generation so i
also have a version of that same
function for the host for the cpu
that will be compiled to cpu assembly
not gpu
i also just have a little pre-shot 256
function this is mostly a legacy
from the previous codebase that i'm
going to link in the link to in the code
link to in the description there's
definitely a much better way to do this
you could literally just put
underscoring the sort constant
um as a prefix for the variable but
anyhow this is a legacy carryover
which can be removed in a later commit
from there i also have a long long
called time milliseconds
this is going to return the current time
in milliseconds
that way i can actually go ahead and
time things like execution and figure
out how many hashes
we're processing per second from there
this is where the the sort of cpu gpu
interconnect comes in we start off by
defining a structure called
handler input what is handler input well
the way this
implementation works is of course
there's the main thread and that's
that's the thread that's that the
program is launched from
the main thread actually spawns a bunch
of different threads
specifically however it'll spawn n
number of threads
where n is the number of gpus that you
want to execute on
so if you only have a single gpu it'll
spawn a single thread if you've got 10
it'll spawn 10 threads now each thread
is responsible for
handling the input output for a single
and of course as the handler it needs to
have some sort of input to tell it what
to do
so this is the handler input structure
it tells each handler thread
information about what it needs to do
and how it needs to do it
in this case the only things that it
needs to know would be first of all
the device so what device exactly are we
using are we using the first gpu the
fourth the tenth what are we using for
this specific thread
but also within the handler input
i want to store an unsigned long called
hash is processed
that way whenever the whenever the
worker actually processes say
n number of hashes i can go ahead and
store that
here and say i've processed these many
more hashes and the main
thread can continuously look at that
pointer and always be like all right
you're incrementing the number of hashes
you process
you don't need to do this in a real life
scenario you probably wouldn't
but this is for benchmarking this is so
that we know how many hashes we're
processing per second
and you'll be pretty surprised when i
actually run this code just
how fast it is but anyhow from there i
also just have two more global variables
one is the solution lock and so this is
a mutex
that makes it so that the main thread
knows when a worker has found a solution
as well as a global pointer uh
to uh to solution um now
basically this is this is the chunk of
cpu memory that will actually contain
the solution
if we find one hopefully we do now
this function over here this absolute
unit um
is going to be responsible for actually
launching and and
and sort of maintaining the gpu handler
thread it takes a void pointer so a raw
and that void pointer is then casted to
a handler input pointer
and so that that enables us to know what
the input is
now the first thing we got to do right
off the bat before we even begin
is take the device that that handler is
responsible for handling
and tell cuda that this thread intends
to work with that device
so that we can get a context that tells
us that we're only working with that
so the first thing we've got to do set
device that's the most important part
then the rest follows first of all we're
doing is of course that legacy carryover
i was talking about pre-shot 256
set up the gpu memory a little bit from
there what i do is essentially just
allocate blocks of cpu and corresponding
gpu memory and sync them so that
we know what we're doing now cuda has
some fancy new features that enable
things like for example being able to
access gpu memory from the cpu
but the thing is that introduces very
very little
overhead but it's overhead nonetheless
and the entire point of this application
is to be as
blazingly fast as possible so i'm not
using those fancy new
convenient techniques we're still going
the old-fashioned way
and that old-fashioned way uh is i go
ahead and create
uh first of all the cpu prefix right so
i go ahead and um
get the text uh that that we're looking
put that into a pointer and i go ahead
and also allocate
uh memory for that space for that on the
so i get a byte pointer but this isn't
like a traditional c pointer this is a
cuda malloc
c pointer this is owned by the gpu
um and so so that's something to keep
keep in mind then what i do is a simple
cuda memory copy so i copy the cpu
prefix over
to the device and this is a host to
device transfer host being cpu
device being gpu then i go ahead and
memory for the actual solution if and
when we find it
again there's no guarantee we will but
if we do we want to have memory to
actually store it
i then go ahead and and allocate the
same memory for the device
no syncing is required here uh because
that comes later
then finally i also just allocate the
memory for the block contains solution
variable which i mean even an integer
needs to be allocated with cuda you
couldn't just say
you know int block contains solution
equals negative one and then pass a
pointer because
you want to specifically do a cuda
malloc so it's
pretty interesting there but then again
i just copy the device version to the
cuda version
because the device version is set to
negative one and we also want the cuda
to be set to negative one now after that
i just go ahead and get a random number
generator seed which by default is equal
uh the time in milliseconds and then
after that
we go ahead and start handling the gpu
because we've got all of our
basic stuff figured out
now the way this is going to work is we
start off by actually taking uh the host
random number generator function
and feeding the time in milliseconds to
that function
so we can modify it so we can mutate it
across every iteration because of course
every iteration when we call the gpu we
don't want to be using the same random
seed we would be
doing literally nothing and so we go
ahead and pass up the random seed
make it modify and then what i go ahead
and do is take the number of threads
per block take the number of blocks
multiply to figure
out how many hashes the gpu was about to
i then go ahead and add those to the
total number of hashes processed
once that's done now the main thread
knows that we're processing hashes right
not exactly important but it's good for
then i go ahead and do something called
a cuda kernel invocation the kuda kernel
is gonna look like a function call but
has this weird
thing in the middle and this weird thing
is telling cuda how many threads and how
many blocks we want to execute on so
it's telling it the topology of the
once we've done that we want to pass it
the device prefix the device solution
the device whether or not contains a
and the random number generator seed so
i know that's
a mouthful but i've already described
these parameters uh the four of these
parameters are responsible for
you know telling the gpu what to do and
getting a result
once the gpu actually has a result to
give us
then i go ahead and run a function
called cuda device synchronize
so this is kind of like p thread join
for for cpu but for gpu instead except
this is going to wait for any
non-blocking operations it's going to
block until they're all done
this includes cuda kernels this includes
cuda memory copies this includes
anything that's non-blocking this will
block it for you
and so this is there so we can actually
wait for the kernel to finish
executing once that's done then i
execute only a
single and a very small memory copy
every iteration
only a single memory copy so we're
trying to reduce bottlenecks here
and that memory copy is going to copy
the boolean of whether or not a block
contains a solution
from gpu memory to cpu memory
uh once that's done then we're gonna
check if it's equal to one so did the
gpu find a solution in this iteration
if it did then we're gonna do a bit more
of an expensive memory copy
which will copy the actual solution over
from gpu memory to cpu memory
we're going to assign that solution to
the global variable
and then we're going to unlock the
solution lock
so what's going to happen is in the
beginning the main thread is going to
lock the solution lock it's going to
launch the threads
and it's going to attempt to lock it
now when it comes to lock the solution
lock for a second
time it's going to block the main thread
it's going to block
because well we don't have a solution
and so what's going to happen is when a
handler thread actually
finds a solution it's going to unlock
the solution lock
which means the main thread cannot lock
it again and it's done blocking it can
continue connecting it can actually
print out the solution
so it's a it's an interesting way i
wanted to use semaphores
um but the problem was that for some
reason on mac samplers wouldn't block
which almost seems like a bug but
regardless i'm using a mutex instead
and it works just as well then we go
ahead and break the loop
uh do a cuda device reset and return
but i also just quickly checked that hey
if another gpu handler thread's found a
solution then there's no need for me to
continue to compute
so i can just break cuda device reset
return null we're good to go
and so uh the way this works is is
pretty fascinating and then of course
we've got the main function
and the main function is basically just
going to do a little bit of
initialization we're going to
uh go ahead and initialize the solution
lock as i mentioned here's the first
lock so this one's easy
you know it's by default unlocked main
thread locks it it's got lock
um but then from there what it's going
to do is it's going
to initialize two arrays it's going to
initialize an array of thread
so this is so that we know the thread
ids for our
handler threads so we can kill them at
the end or join with them at the end
and also an array of pointers so a
double pointer
and these this array of pointers uh each
actually points to the part of the
handler input struct
that defines the number of hashes that
were processed by that gpu
and of course we're using this so we
actually can tell from the main thread
uh how many hashes were processed now i
also go ahead and calculate the start
once again this is for benchmarking so
we can see you know how many seconds it
takes for the gpus
to actually do their do their magic um
and then i just
loop from zero to the number of gpus
i go ahead and create the handler input
block of memory i allocate that i set
the device
using the loop in index i go ahead and
set the number of hashes that have been
processed to zero by default
i could absolutely use call lock but
that takes a bit of extra overhead
let's not talk about that right now and
i also go ahead and take a pointer
to the part of the structure that
defines the hashes that were processed
put it in that first array i was talking
about then i go ahead
and tell p thread to create a thread and
i tell it to put the thread id directly
inside of the array of thread ids
and i of course pass it the handler
input if you take a look here
we are passing it handler input
for the thread and then just go ahead
and sleep a little bit and the reason
for the sleep is actually important
because if you launch the threads too
quickly and they calculate their time in
milliseconds at the same time
they're both gonna have the same random
seed and the same you know for the
random seats
and so you're again going to be doing
nothing and there's no point of that
um so i make sure that i sleep for a
little bit uh so that we have different
random c's
then what i do is i have an infinite
loop and this is pretty fun
logic over here what i do is i actually
go ahead and loop
through all of those pointers to the
handler input structures
and i go ahead and essentially what i do
is i
i take the values that they point to so
the number of hashes that were processed
get a
sum of all the handler input functions
or handler inputs
and then i go ahead and sum them i take
the elapsed time
and i print out in real time how many
hashes have been processed how many
seconds have elapsed
and the current hashes per second count
so this is something that's going to
continuously update even as
we are calculating a solution even as
we're brute forcing a solution
and this is the advantage of having a
separate main thread and separate
handler threads
then i just have a little logic that
says if we found a solution and it's no
longer uninitialized memory
then break the loop print out a new line
so we can um
separate then just for the sake of
lock the solution lock again that's
really important we don't want to be
reading on the
uninitialized memory so we go ahead and
lock it again and that's only possible
after the handler thread is unlocked
meaning the main thread locks it
and we're good to go and then go ahead
and calculate a final elapsed time count
i go ahead and join with all gpu handler
and then from there i just go ahead and
calculate finally the number of hashes
that were processed
and then i print out the solution i
print out the total number of hashes
the time that it took and the hashes
that were processed per second
as you can tell this is a really really
fun dance between
cpu and gpu and and processing on all
sorts of different devices
and now that you understand the overall
architecture we can come back to the
cuda kernel that i was promising
the kuda kernel remember is a single
function and this is invoked
once per thread and
and remember there are multiple blocks
of threads so this function is actually
thousands of times every time we invoke
the cuda kernel and in order to know
which thread you want you are in this
function there's a bunch of global or
system variables here like block index
block dimension and thread index by
leveraging those you can know which
thread you are
that's important for me because by
knowing which thread i am
i can modify my random c to be different
from every other thread's random seed
and therefore we actually have gpus
doing compute
and not nonsense and so then what i do
is pretty simple stuff go ahead and
initialize the shot 256 context
create the digest and this is a block of
32 bytes which represents the final shot
hash go ahead and create the random
bytes create the random seed add in the
thread index
then go ahead and generate the random
string by looping
then finally go ahead and initialize the
update it with the prefix so go ahead
and calculate the sha 256 for the prefix
um calculate the sha-256 for the random
string that you append
and then go ahead and finalize that hash
and store it within the digest
once that's done we have a little bit of
difficulty verification going on
and so all i need to do is just loop
four bytes because we're referring to
difficulty which is referred to as four
so loop through four bytes make sure
they're all zero if
if any one isn't zero just return
immediately right we know
we don't have a solution just return but
if it did pass that
then we have another test the other test
is uh check four more bits so not a
whole byte more just half a byte
so in total we're looking for 36 bits of
zeros to begin with
that's a magic number it can be really
whatever you want it to be
the less the more easy it is for for the
algorithm to find a solution
but in this case it's enough to be
um and that's the entire point
in fact i'm actually going to make this
a bit more difficult right let's bump it
up a little bit
from from from 36. then of course i go
ahead and do a
final check if we've reached this line
of code
we know we have a solution on our hands
but if another threads already found a
just return don't copy your own memory
then go ahead and just immediately say
you know what i found a solution
uh and then from there go ahead and copy
this thread's
solution to the memory that is allocated
specifically for the purpose
of storing the solution and with that
we're done that's that's all there is to
it i know it seems like
wow we colored an entire gpu in just
that much code but yeah we did it and
that's the power of cuda that's why we
use cuda over things like
opencl or metal it's just genuinely more
intuitive and easy and powerful to get
things done with cuda
not to say that you can't get things
done with opencl or metal or vulcan or
whatever else you want to use
but cuda's been developed from the very
beginning to be great at gp gpu
and it really shows in the way that we
can code with it
so now if i go ahead and exit vim we can
go ahead and have some fun
so i'm going to go ahead and use nvcc
which is the nvidia seat cuda compiler
uh to compile uh my code now i do
want to tell nvcc to run full
optimizations like as
as as high as it can get um and these
flags that i pass it are telling it
basically go
all out with your optimizations don't
hold back
um now it doesn't have an o fast flag
like clang and gcc it just has up till
o3 so we're using o3
but now if you take a look we have a
compiled binary and watch this this is
so fun what it's going to do is it's
going to start in real time printing out
the number of hashes in total that have
been processed the number of seconds
that have elapsed
and the hashes that are being processed
per second watch this
it takes a few milliseconds to actually
initialize but once it initializes
you can see that it just gets going like
take a look at that
wow we've already processed in the
amount of time that i said this over 100
billion hashes
it's hot it's processing 8 billion per
second and
counting the most that i've seen this
peak at is about 8.3
billion per second that is incredible
and so what we're going to do is let
this go yes look at that 8.2
8.23 8.24 8.25
of course there's diminishing returns as
you get higher and higher and the reason
for that is is
one of the reasons at least is that
remember there's that initialization
cost in
in the beginning and so as you continue
to process more and more hashes
you're compounding um that um
and you're sort of reducing that initial
cost on the number of hashes per second
oh wow we're eight point three six eight
point three seven we're going further
we might we might actually get to eight
point four uh now remember if your
problem is too simple then it's always
possible that you will find a solution
so quickly that you will not be
processing very many hashes per second
because the initialization cost was too
but oh we reached 8.4 this is actually a
pretty tough problem for it to solve
maybe we need to re
crank down the difficulty a bit but
actually what i want to do is i want to
let it go ahead and solve it on its own
we're about to hit a trillion hashes in
just a moment
uh so i'm going to go ahead and speed up
the video
and we're going to go ahead and wait for
a solution to this problem i'll be right
all right so now let's take a look as
you can see we processed
a trillion 59 billion 79 million
680 000 hashes
that is mind-boggling the fact that we
did it in just two minutes and five
wow okay um we found the solution to the
problem which is
amazing uh and we we can see our final
hashes per second count over here
of course this is slightly lower than it
was over here because there was
not only the extra initialization cost
now but also the extra cost of
winding everything down and having a
graceful shutdown now what's incredible
is that we could literally just go ahead
and go to any
like sha 256 hashing algorithm or
uh feed intane a back sheet and just
append this one string to it
and suddenly you would have it start off
with a certain number of
zeros more than 36 bits in the beginning
would start
with zero that is truly incredible what
i quickly do want to do
um is i want to modify the code and just
show you
what happens if we go down to one gpu
see it's only one gpu and we're going to
reduce the difficulty to like
three just so that we can speed this up
a little
and if you take a look what happens if i
go ahead and compile this
and if i go ahead and run this code
watch this
it's gonna find a solution and well
maybe that was a bit too simple
um but i'll just bring it down to like
um this will take a second um
and then go ahead and comment up this
line of code over here
and watch this what's really fascinating
about this
what's really fascinating is that the
scaling is nearly linear
well see this problem is wait there we
go see
finally i was able to demonstrate the
linear scaling you see what's amazing is
that just a single gpu is reaching about
two billion hashes per second
and if we go ahead and take four gpus
worth which is like 8.4 billion
and if we divide this by four we notice
that it's 2.1 billion hashes per second
so this specific
use case is such that because there's no
communication across gpus and things
like that
it scales linearly it's absolutely
incredible the way this technology works
and it's only possible thanks to the
power of cuda
and so that brings us to the end of
today's tutorial i really do hope you
enjoyed and i hope this was insightful
and helped you learn a little bit more
about the world of cuda how it works
and how some of the algorithms behind
the world of blockchain work as well
now of course if you do like it this
kind of content please do make sure you
subscribe to the channel as it really
does help out a lot
uh and of course do do turn on
notifications and that way
you're actually notified whenever i go
ahead and release new content
uh and with that uh please do feel free
to leave any questions or suggestions
you have down in the comments below or
reach out to me on social media and i
would love to answer them
and the code is on github and in the
description all right thank you very
much everybody goodbye

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