Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is Henry bakshi and
this time we're going to be going over
how you can use neural networks to play
a game in Swift and this time it's a
game called Nimble ninja and now first
of all before I continue I'd like to say
a big thank you to Michael leech Michael
leech is a uh I developer uh and he has
created a game uh that uses Sprite kit
and Swift for iOS uh and essentially is
a game called Nimble ninja so now let me
explain the concept of this game to you
to begin so first of all uh we have a
sort of platform all right we have a
platform here and we have a character
here uh who has eyes and a mouth okay so
he's a he's a character he's essentially
the ninja here H and we have obstacles
in front of him now it's not like your
classic game where you have to jump over
the obstacles instead here there are
obstacles underneath as well and they
don't just alternate like this like if I
were to do this they don't just
alternate like this what happens is it's
completely random which is the best part
so I mean by complete Randomness you
could have three in a row like this for
example all right uh you could also then
have like two more this could be some
sort of example game all right this is
sometimes how the game could play out
it's completely random and that's the
best part about it so this is
essentially the game and so in order to
dodge this obstacle now first of all
this obstacle is coming at this uh
person uh or the ninja and so
essentially what happens is when you
click on the screen anywhere on the
screen this ninja is going to flip
around over
here all right so he's going to flip
around then he's going to continue
running the obstacle will go above him
now once this obstacle starts coming at
him then he's going to flip over again
uh and uh and so he's going to dodge
that obstacle and he's going to keep
doing that whenever an obstacle is
beside him uh so that he can dodge the
obstacles up and down that's essentially
how the game works so now I'd like to
sort of get into how my part of this
game works now first of all this is
actually a pretty interesting gamees uh
game for a human to play all right so
humans are good at this but I've made a
modification to the game and this
modification incorporates speed so
obstacles over time come at you faster
and faster and faster every second they
get faster and essentially what this
allows me to do is add another level of
Challenge and so after about like
120 it becomes almost impossible for a
human to play maybe even 140 it becomes
impossible almost impossible at least
your brain that we're mapping out onto a
computer on a much much smaller scale
because of course your brain has
trillions upon trillions of neurons You
couldn't possibly you know simulate that
on a computer even the world's fastest
uh supercomputer can only emulate uh
around like a worm siiz brain not even
yet uh and so of course neural networks
do take a lot of computational power but
I will be getting into why the iPhone 7
handles this amazingly in just a
bit so now let's take an example of a
neural network so now let's say you
wanted to create a brain and this brain
could essentially count up okay so you
give it a b a four bit binary uh sort of
number and it'll give you the next
binary number so let's say we have our
inputs so this is a neuron whenever I
draw this sort of Big O I mean that this
is a
neuron just like in your brain these are
on so they might not look like them but
they are and so let's say you give it
the input as binary
0 1 now if you don't know this is 4 bit
binary and this would mean one okay this
is in 10 bit one so now uh essentially
uh what's going to happen is let's say
we have some more neurons now we of
course want to have output
these output neurons will be able to
give us our output which in this case is
going to be 0 0 1
0 but how do we go from input to Output
do we just connect these and do
calculations and do extremely Advanced
calculations between them in order to
find out how to add a number no but
you're close what we do is we add
another layer of neurons and this layer
is called the hidden layer so first of
all this is called the input
layer this is called the output
layer and now we're going to add
something called The
layer the hidden layer is essentially
what does all of the processing now
again there can actually be multiple
hidden layers but I'll get back I'll get
back to that in just a bit so let's say
we have six hidden neurons so we have
one 2 3 4 five and six okay so we have
six hidden neurons
now this input neuron this specific
input neuron the first input neuron will
be connected to every single hidden
neuron now if you're wondering how it's
connected it's connected using something
called a synapse I'll explain this in
just a second so now of course every
other input neuron is also going to be
connected to every other hidden neuron
or res said every other neuron in the
layer and so if I just finish this
diagram really
quickly as you can see every input layer
neuron is connected to every other
hidden layer neuron so essentially
what's happening is these are called
synapses what are connecting these
neurons now these synapses do a
calculation okay now essentially what's
happening is it's let's say this neuron
it takes the zero and it passes it on to
every single synapse that it has
connected to it and those synapses will
do a c a very SM small and minor
calculation on them and then they'll
send that that like this uh this neuron
let's say it's going through the first
synapse it's going to send it to the
first hidden layer neuron now this
neuron is going to receive input from
lots of these other four neurons as well
and so it's going to take all of those
four inputs from the input layer from
the synapsis and it's going to do a
calculation on those and then pass it on
again through synapses and all of these
neurons will do that with the
corresponding inputs that they were
given now if you're thinking that hey
wouldn't all these neurons get the same
input though well no because the
synapses between these between like
let's say uh this neuron and this neuron
or this neuron and this neuron are
completely different weights by weights
I mean how heavy the calcul calculations
are how big the calculations are are
they very minor sort of really um sort
of really sort of minor calculations uh
like fine-tuned calculations or are they
major calculations that make the number
a lot bigger or a lot smaller that's
essentially the weight and then from the
hidden layer they go right back to the
output layer and so essentially of
course we are connecting every single
hidden uh neuron
uh in this layer to the output
sorry to the outputs
um so what's happening here is again we
are connecting to these neurons using
synapses now these synapses will again
do another calculation on the uh on the
number that they were given from the
neuron and then finally now I know this
is taking some time because this is
exactly how complex a neur actually is
in a computer as well so as you can see
this is essentially our architecture if
you will of how the ne network will work
now again every connection has a weight
every neuron has a weight every synapse
again has a weight and the output
neurons have a weight as well and once
everything comes together and all these
calculations are completed you'll have a
final output and this is all done within
milliseconds so we're essentially using
exactly what your human brain does as
I'm talking my brain is implementing a
very very very similar technique except
on a much larger scale with trillions
upon trillions of neurons and that's how
I'm generating the speech quite ironic
but uh essentially now to begin when you
initialize this neural network the
weights on the synapses and the neurons
are going to be completely random and
your output will be absolutely random as
well complete gibberish not useful
whatsoever okay now you may by a
completely random chance get the perfect
random weights and good output but
that's a very very small chance so now
how would we actually get this to give
us useful output this is how what we' do
is we'd say okay you gave me this output
but I expected this output you give it
that positive example and tell it what
it did was wrong so what's going to
happen is it's going to put a technique
called back propagation into play and
what's going to happen is it's going to
take that output that it was supposed to
give and sort of make that act as input
and see how like let's say we were to uh
give this uh run in Reverse if we were
to give it okay so let's say it okay
sorry I'm going all over the place but
let's say your random neural network
gives you uh 1 1
01 okay as your output but this is
completely wrong wrong all right we do
not want this all right but we do want
this we do want this output
though so what's going to happen is
you're going to say okay let's say that
we took this and ran it backwards
through the neural network and wanted to
get exactly this how would we do it
what's going to happen is it's going to
send us back and it's going to adjust
the calculations ever so slow ly in
these neurons in these synapses in these
other neurons and in these synapses and
if it doesn't get this output it'll do
that again in a very small fashion over
and over and over again until it reaches
this input or very very close to in this
input how far it is from this input is
called the error rate you can make the
error rate to be as small as you want or
to be as big as you want in this case
since we want this to be as accurate as
possible we're going to give it an error
rate of
0.01 now of course that may take hours
days maybe even like a week to train
depending on your training set and how
exactly accurate you'd like it to be but
it shouldn't be a
problem because of course I mean it does
pay off in the end you have an extremely
useful counter and of course this is
only four bit you could apply this to
many more bits or even to much more
useful calculations rather than just an
Adder But continuing though so now we
have this neural network and we have
this back propagating from many many
like for many different outputs and
that's essentially our training data
then we have our test data which checks
the error rate and if it's too high
it'll try to bring the error rate down
by back propagating over and over again
but this still I mean you kind of have
to admit that why would this be useful
we can just do plus equals 1 plus plus
or like equals to this plus one you
really don't need this type of neural
network but what you do need is for a
neural network to do something much more
that you can't just write a massive
function for let's take a look at that
so now let's just say that we don't use
this neural network right we're not
going to be implementing this but this
was a pretty nice example of how a
neural network actually works so let's
just take this off the board so now what
is what are we going to be doing in this
video now if you haven't already gotten
the clue we're going to be mixing Nimble
ninja with n networks they a bot that
can play the game almost infinitely
let's take a look so now as you can see
what I'm going to do is let's say uh we
have our game all right so of course we
have a little platform we have our
person here with his eyes and his nose
and a mouth and we have our obstacles
right now let's see what parameters we
have now if we were to feed some sort of
data from the game into the Neal Network
what would the data be okay so let's see
we have the current speed at which this
uh which the obstacles are running
towards the ninja so we have the
speed that's one of our
parameters we have I don't know the x
value of the nearest
obstacle and that's pretty much it
actually uh for this game I mean there
are a few more like the X obstacle uh
the x value for the OB for the obstacle
on the opposite side
but I'm not going to get into that
because that could get a little bit
complicated with the training so I'm not
going to get into that just
yet uh in fact I'm actually not even
going to get into the speed today all I
care about is the x value of that
obstacle let's take a look at what I
mean now let's say we have a neural
network with one input no more inputs
just one input then we have a hidden
layer okay now this isn't just these
many neurons we have a hidden layer of
neurons and so this input layer will
connect to each and every single one of
these neurons and there of which there
are like
300 okay and then we have one output
from which each neuron will connect two
again so essentially we have 300 Hidden
one input one output now how would this
work so our input is the x value of the
closest obstacle and our output is
whether to not whether or not to flip to
flip or not to
flip if it is over if this output value
is greater than
0.99 we consider that yes we do want to
flip if it's less than 0.9 99 then it's
a no we do not want to flip our
character and that is essentially how
it's going to work but what's going to
happen is I'm going to play this as far
as I can without it getting too fast and
right as I stop playing or right as I
lose the neural network will kick in so
essentially while I'm playing I've
created uh I've edited the code a little
bit of this game actually quite a bit uh
and so essentially it's going to collect
data of how I play and it'll clean up
the data and sort of it'll organize that
data after that it's going to use uh the
an API from Colin Hundley is GitHub will
be in the description as well as Michael
leeches and so essentially uh it uses an
API from Colin Hundley called Swift AI
which has a neural network library
essentially a neural network neural
network API and so it's going to feed
that data into the neural network then
the neural network will back propagate
back propagate back propagate train
train train test test test until it
reaches an error rate of under
0.01 once it reaches that error rate we
know that we're ready to let the neural
network play the neural network will
then run into action and it should be
able to play almost infinitely unless it
gets fast to the point that it's unable
to like it doesn't even appear on screen
it gets that fast which I could solve
technically by creating a maximum speed
but for the first version this is pretty
anyway though so this is essentially how
our final application is going to work
it looks like a simplification here but
trust me it's not this simple but I'm
here to make it simple for you so I hope
that by the end of this you'll either a
be able to implement this into uh this
Nimble ninja game by yourself or B be
able to implement it into your own game
in fact I'm working on implementing this
neuron Network technique to much much
more advanced games uh hint apple
picking uh but anyway you'll be seeing
more of that on my YouTube channel later
but for now this is what I'm going to be
explaining to you hope you like this
part again thank you very much uh but
now the rest will be explained in part
two when I explain to you how you can
use these neural networks to play Nimble
ninja again thank you very much uh if
you lik the video please make sure to
leave a like down below if you think it
can help anybody else please do consider
sharing the video and if you really like
my content and you want to see much more
of it please do consider subscribing to
my YouTube channel as it really does
help out a lot uh one more thing if you
have any questions suggestions or
feedback you can leave it down in the
comments tweet to me at tajim Manny or
email me at tajim Manny in the
next video you'll be seeing the source
code and in the description of the next
video there will be a link to the source
code on GitHub anyway then goodbye I'll
see you in part two

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