Thursday 17 October 2024



hello and welcome today I'm going to be
showing you how to install any app or
get an IPA file of your excode project
either one um without going through the
entire process so first of all I'd like
to announce that um first of all using
my technique that I'm going to show you
in this video you will be able to put
test an yours on your device or somebody
else's device wireless about connecting
it to your computer and doing all that
stuff and you'll also be able to convert
yourx code project files to an IPA very
quickly so to get started I will just
quickly show
you uh I have my
Mac and I have actually an xcode project
I know those 15 glider puzzles so I'm
just going to open that up quickly as
you can see I'm going to xcode and turn
on my 15 number G let me just take my
iPhone out of the screen for the for a
while so you can
see and so here I am in the code and
let's say I wanted to make some changes
okay so maybe in my
storyboard I want the name to be T15
slider okay then I'll Center that
25 slider
again perfect now I want to get this to
my device number one wirelessly and I do
not want to go through xcode's archiving
process so what I'm going to do is I'm
going to go to the
top and I'm going to go product
clean and then product build for
running what this is going to do is just
make sure that all the files are updated
I know it automatically does that I'm
just making sure so the program runs
well now I've made a few things first uh
the first one is actually an app and
what it basically does is it takes any
project and it will convert it to an IPA
for you uh with a GUI interface uh but
there's another method that uses a shell
script which is basically what the app
is using uh but in a GUI form but
there's the other way the terminal way
using terminal which I don't recommend
for advanced users but I'll show you
both methods let's start off with the
method of the
terminal so now I have this 15 number
game and I want to convert this to an
IPA and I don't want to go to the
through that all archive and stuff so
I'm going to right click on 50 number
game and Sh and
finder now what you have to do is you
have to make a debug folder on your
desktop for the GUI to work um and then
put the files and there will be a
download link to these in the
description um in it but if you're using
the terminal interface you don't really
need to have it in a specific folder but
this file and this file must be together
in the same
folder so what we're going to do is
we're going to search terminal in Sp
light and we're going to open up
terminal what we want to do is we want
to browse to our desktop and the debug
folder which is where I've stored all
these files and then what I'm going to
do is I'm going to run sh archive. sh
and then I'm going to drag in 15 number
game this get this gives it the path to
your xcode project if we click enter now
you'll see there's a new IPA folder on
the desktop and it's going to say it's
starting to build the IPA file for the
15 number game app so now we just wait
and see our result as you can see it
says archiving succeeded IPA created and
it says completed building IPA 415
number game which is the actual app's
name find it in the IPA folder on the
desktop so we go to our desktop and we
see an IPA folder we're going to open it
and boom that's where our IPA is but
let's say you don't know all this sh you
don't want to do all this tracking and
stuff there's another method
now there will be a download link to
this app also in the
description uh what this essentially
is is I've made another
app where all you do I'm going to delete
this other
IPA is you give it the you make sure
first of all that there's a folder on
your desktop named debug and the files
that I give you to download are inside
of that folder okay that must be on the
desktop and there so now it asks you for
the path to your xcode project file now
what you need to do is again you just
drag it in instead of writing the entire
path you convert it and then you wait
might load a little might look like it's
crashing or it's frozen but it's
actually from the inside not it's
actually doing work
inside um uh just converting it to an
IPA so as you can see gives us a result
zero and this means it succeeded in
creating it and so now we can go into
our IPA folder and you find
this and so this is I think this is much
more convenient than going through the
entire um archiving process and yeah so
now what I'm going to do is as you can
see my iPhone here is not connected Ed
to my
computer Wi-Fi sync is off nothing is
it's not able to communicate with my
computer I'm going to set this right
here so you can see this and just in
case you can't I will mirror this
on so okay what I'm going to do now is
I'm actually going to go to
Safari and I'm going to go to a website
this website is
dii what this is it's um development iOS
apps Wireless
installation what the basically you drag
in your IPA file you click Send it'll
give you a link you put this link in a
tiny URL you put that tiny URL link onto
your Safari on your actual device and
then on your actual device using Safari
you actually uh download and install the
app so this is actually pretty neat uh
as you can see I'm going to go to my
desktop I use the
gesture um and I'm going to go into the
IPA folder I'm going to take this drag
it into Safari and drag it into where it
says add files
here drag files here and then basically
this is going to upload to the the
servers and then going to click
Send now you can see that this create
gives you a link now I bet you don't
want to type that out in your iOS device
and you're too lazy to send it through
email so all you need to do is go to problem solved what you do
is you enter this URL and I'm going to
give it a good name U what's SEC here
I'm going to give it a good name 15 game
beta 5
this is the fifth bait of it and I'm
going to click make tiny
URL what it's going to do is it's going
to shorten this link here into this link
so now uh if it would give me a moment
what I'm going to do
is I'm going to show you my iPhone
screen and at the same time mirror it
onto this monitor so that you can see
what's happening
as you can
see I'm going to mirror this to my
Mac and so just as proof this is
mirroring and I'll keep this in front of
you at the same
time so what we want to do first is you
want to go to Safari inside of safari
you want to go to that tiny URL that you
created tiny
slash and then the 15
game beta 5 so I'm going to click
go and as you can see it brings up this
screen which is incredibly amazing and
it lets you install the application
straight from the website
and then you just click the install
application button it's going to say
install. would it like to
install whatever your app name is in my
case 15 number game and I'm going to
click install because I want it to
install I'm going to close
Safari as you can see it's installing it
again now I already had this so I'm
going to delete this and install it
again sorry uh remember don't do the
same mistake um make sure you delete any
old versions that you have of this app
and then install it so I've deleted the
old version it's installing I'm going to
go in and as you can see it gives me the
T15 slide with all the changes we made
and now I can actually play this game I
can go to my about page I can do
whatever I want and just this proof that
this works I'll do the first two numbers
for you boom so that's basically how you
would uh first of all convert an xcode
project to an IPA um without going
through xcodes
interface and also second how you would
distribute your apps um uh Apple would
call this uh ad hoc
development uh distribution sorry
deployment um for free and that's it
thank you and goodbye and also one more
thing I'd like to give a a little credit
to some person on GitHub his name is
squant and he made the xcode archive
script uh and if you go to his GitHub
page you can get the xcode archive uh
Ruby script of which I have built off in
another file AR archive. sh which
basically um lets the other script work
so his script is basically the Bare
Bones of which I have built off and I've
actually been able to um create this um
excode archiver for you thank you and
now officially goodbye

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