Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is Tammy Bakshi and
this time we're going to be going over
building convolutional autoencoders with
chorus or generally neural network
auto-encoders let's begin now to start
off what in the world is an auto encoder
well before I can explain that I'm going
to assume you know the basic working of
not just neural networks in general but
convolutional neural networks in
specific although dense neural networks
will allow you to understand this video
as well so let's begin now we're going
to explain this concept let's take a
look at image classification now when
you want to classify an image with a
neural network what do you do you take
the image and you input it into a neural
network just like this so what you do is
you take say an image you've got all
right you feed it into a convolutional
neural network you'd feed that into a
bunch of dense layers that would give
you an encoding and then you'd feed this
into a bunch of dense layers which would
give you your output which is the
probability matrix
except that's what your architecture
looks like now of course you can have an
arbitrary amount of CN n layers all the
hyper parameters will be tuned but this
is a really a bird's-eye view on why
your neural network looks like now in
between this step and this step over
here are things called
n coatings and encodings basically
represent the input image in a semantic
vector and that semantic vector
basically just stores all of the useful
information of the image in a much
smaller vector than the original image
like for example we can have a really
high high resolution 4k image over here
but the output after this dense layer
could only be say on thousand one
thousand individual values one
dimensional correct and so that's an
encoding it represents everything that
was in the image when did some loss of
course because it's impossible to do
that magic compression but it represents
the meaning of everything that was in
the image including things like trees
leaves people really whatever is in the
image however you have to make sure that
the CNN has been trained on that dataset
so that it has an appropriate set of
filters to filter down and create the
correct encodings but what's an
autoencoder then well weren't we
explained that let's go ahead and take
very Cerner and let's erase these layers
we're going to remove the probability
matrix and our dense layers we're just
left with image and a trained
convolutional neural network now the
output here is an encoding all right so
you're outputting and Konan all right so
that's what your neural network has in
terms of output now this encoding as I
mentioned represents everything within
the image but one auto encoder does is
it tries to decompress the compression
that this convolutional neural or death
and so if we've got this encoding here
then we can decompress what's
represented in this encoding with an
auto encoder now what you can do is you
can use something called ad
convolutional neural network okay now D
convolutional neural network is
practically I mean as the name implies
the exact opposite of a convolutional
neural network it basically inverses
what a convolutional neural network do
and actually upscales the image and
downscaling it however there are also
leaders like pooling layers and so in
this case instead of using pooling
layers in this d convolutional neural
network will use up sampling wares which
will help us to actually of course
increase the image resolution now at the
end this D convolutional neural network
should output a very similar image to
what was given as input of course not
exactly the same because again it's
impossible to do exact and such in dense
compression you can only compress so
much that would move you to information
loss if we're going to such a small
encoding however again it is completely
possible to create a very naive I do
enjoy it in this way which compresses
your image but the reason I'm making
this video is this will serve as sort of
a it'll serve as a base because in the
next two videos I'm gonna be showing you
how to use this island color technology
to do amazing things such as neural
machine translation to convert from one
language to another English to French or
French to English and how you can train
a neural network for image
super-resolution it's gonna be really
interesting but for now let's take a
look at how you can actually take an
image super compress it with a
convolutional neural network and decode
it with a D convolutional neural network
in this case I'll be using a simple
convolutional neural network over here
as well however cross does support for
DITA does this provide support for D
convolutional neural networks and today
I'll be showing you how to actually
implement this on the M nest one zero to
ten or zero to nine digits data set but
now let's get over to the coding part
where I'll show you how exactly you guys
implement this auto-encoder with chorus
let's get to it alright so welcome back
to the Mac part now I'm going to be
showing you how you can actually
implement this auto encoder system let's
take a look now what I'm gonna do over
here is I'm going to switch over to the
code it is a little bigger for you now
as you can see this is a code that
powers the auto encoder system now as
you can see of course it starts off with
our simple imports in this case the
imports being of course side PI or do
the attained a conversion of course
we're going to be using numpy this is
just generally for our rays and
arithmetic we're going to be using the
endless data set that comes with chorus
we're going to be using the following
layers today in fact we actually do not
need batch normalization we're going to
be using the functional model type we're
going to be using the image from pillow
and of course we're going to be using
the two categorical function from the
utilities inside of chorus now of course
this image is going to be 28 by 20 in
terms of size and then we have some
generic code that loads up the Emnes
data converts it to categorical
categorical output and then of course
reshapes it to work with Tiano and then
we just do divide by equals 255 fine
order to make it from a zero to one
scale instead of 1 to 255 scale so that
the neural network can understand the
data properly after that what happens is
we declare our input layer the input
layer takes in the input shape and then
we connect to it the encoding functions
now the encoding layers will actually
take the image and convert them to a
small encoded vector and this vector
will represent the actual image however
this vector is not actually an well
image it just represents what the image
contains in fewer pixels than the actual
image itself it's basically trying to do
lossy compression by taking an image
really scaling it down and scaling it
back up while preserving quality of
course though X over here is now equal
to the monitor actually encodes the
input image and then we set it to
another model and this model will
decode that image back to its full-sized
representation now luckily with m-miss
we're only working with grayscale images
and so we don't need to worry about
three different channels in our code or
anything of that sort we only have this
one channel at the end here remember if
you are working with a RGB image at the
end you would have a three here because
of course you have our G and B channels
however we only have one image channel
here next now we actually set the model
to the new model we create a model and
we give the input layer and the output
layer output layer being X in this case
we print out a summary and then we
compile it with a binary cross-entropy
loss and an atom optimizer after that I
run the fit function with X train and X
train as the white rain now why is this
because the thing is we do not need
these Y train and y test variables now
the reason we don't need them is because
Y training Y tests contain the actual
outputs of whether this image contained
a seven or six or a five or three or any
other number however this is useless
information because all we want to do is
learn how to compress and decompress
images via neural networks so we can
practically discard extra Y train and
wide test we only need extra and X train
and X text X test and the next test for
validation data we're going to be using
a thirty-two batch size and running one
epoch only we're going to save the model
as normal dot H five since this is a
normal auto encoder and after that if I
had already created a model I would be
loading weights instead of saving
weights however I do not currently have
a model which is why this is commented
out after that what I do is I take the
first element in the X test array
remember this will give us a sampled the
neural network has never seen it has
only been tested on before and so what
I'm going to do from there is actually
run that test sample through the neural
network model I'll then do some
post-processing on the prediction of the
model and the original sample that was
given into the model and I'll see both
out to my disk now the input that we
gave to the model will be saved as input
normal PNG and the output that came from
the model will be save as
output level dot PNG and so in theory
what should happen is we should be able
to give an image and this image is of a
digit from zero to nine and so that will
be saved to input normal dot PNG this is
the image that we give it then what
happens the neural network model will
take it compress it decompress it
stretch it back over and then once it's
done and once it has a full sized image
it should save it back to the disk at
output normal dot PNG that is how the
model works let's test it out now of
course though I don't have a pre trained
model however what I can do now is I can
actually go ahead and run Python auto
encoder docking why I'm going to run the
script as you can see it prints out that
it's using a Tiano back-end and it
should also print out the model summary
here it has given me the model summary
give it just a moment and as you can see
it's now training the model this will
take around 100 seconds so in such me
boring you watching this model train I
think it would be better if we speed up
this clip let's beat it up alright so as
you can see our model is now done
training now in fact what has happened
is it's taken the training data it's
actually trained for 112 seconds and
after that what it did is it gave us a
loss value that's zero point one zero
one seven which is relatively low you
can also see that it worked on the
validation data that we gave it and gave
us a validation loss and this is 0.075
three again very very low however we can
do better but instead of me training for
more epochs let's take a look at the
results we've already gotten now what
I'm going to do with Adam is I'm
actually going to open up the input
image and I'm going to scale it up now
there's no surprise here this is just a
regular seven right so as you can see we
just happen this seven right it's a
little bit crooked over here there's
some extra pixels down here but for the
most part of me it's a perfect sense
hand-drawn seven by regular human
however what is really really
fascinating is when I open up the output
image look
the similarity in the image that seven
is located almost exactly where the
seven in the input images again this is
the output this is the input this is the
input image this is the output image it
is that similar in fact you can actually
see that the quality of the seven has
increased in the output image why is
this it's because whatever it took a
look in this image it's all hey this is
really looking like a seven and so what
did is it called upon its earlier
knowledge of other sevens and it seen in
the world and it said usually they are
drawn like this
it is generalised so nicely but you can
actually see that it's filling in those
details and properly understands what a
setting looks like in this case it's
only really preserving the position and
the size of the set and of course some
of the more my new details are being
saved or discard it and then recreate it
into this masterpiece of a seven however
this is still something that machine
learning can do if you give it enough
time how about we do something that's
even more fascinating let's take a look
at denoising auto-encoders now this is
something I am really excited about why
it's because you can give it nosed up
data this includes anything like audio
images really anything that has noise it
and you can denoise it almost perfectly
let's take a look now as you can see I
no switch over to this Python file here
this Python file contains something
called a denoising auto-encoder I'm
gonna scroll up as you can see for
almost the same imports we've got the
same imagery pre-processing script
however after that I have some code and
I will be linking to this code down in
the description below I actually got
this from the official chorus blog and
this actually adds extra noise to the
data itself and so now we actually have
two different sets of data we have one
data which is exactly the same as the
second one however it has extra noise in
it and the next one is just regular data
that does not have
and our neural networks job is to find
out patterns in the noise and denoise
images and try and recreate or
decompress into non noisy images and so
as you can see we've got the same sort
of model here we've got the same
compiling and fitting except there's one
difference in when you actually fit the
model this time instead of doing X train
and X train we do extra noise II as the
input data and X train which is the
regular day as the output data
apart from that we want the batch size
to be 32 epochs to be 1 we don't need it
to be one verbose though because that
wouldn't print anything out and of
course we just want the same validation
data of extreme noisy and X test or X
test noisy an X test then we save this
model as noise Don h5 and then we have
very very similar code here to actually
test out the model we save the very
first image over the very first test
sample of the model as input noise dot
PNG this is the image that has a lot of
noise and then we save the output as
output noise dot PNG this is the image
that does not have noise because the
neural network model removes that noise
from the image itself now let's take a
look at how this works with a live demo
of it in action now in order to do this
though we actually have to run that
Python script again though once it
prints out the model summary we're gonna
have to wait for it to generalize and
train so let's just get that around a
hundred seconds again and I will be back
in 100 seconds let's beat up the clip
all right so as you can see the model is
now about to be done training it as apps
0 ETA it's currently doing its
validation and as you can see our loss
is a little bit higher why because we're
using the same model that's it's quite
deep it's a convolutional auto encoder
we're only running one epoch though
we're only training with 60,000 samples
and of course we have a way more
complicated task and this task is to
actually T noise a really heavily noise
image but let's take a look at the
results now let's switch back over to my
atom under here and let's take a look at
the input first this is the input noise
now even as the humans might take you a
second text and find out what's inside
this image if you squint you can see it
quite easily though I'm squinting right
now and I can see the sort of like
little I can see the sort of shadow of a
7 with tons of noise around it though so
we can I can see that set in there
that's for sure however it like for
example here if you take a look a lot of
pixels are really annoying stuff they're
really just at this point you cannot
very much tell that they're part of the
7 over here specialty however when I go
to the output look at the output of the
model that is simply stunning really
look at the deep learning capability not
only did it remove the noise it
hallucinate it realistic details into
the 7 you can tell that it's a little
bit thinner here than the rest of the
line why is that that's because this
over here was almost completely
corrupted by the noise but the deep
learning model realized that look at
this drawing signal over here and what
it did is it loosening of that detail
right back into the set just like that
and that is how convolutional
autoencoders work that was a simple
example of auto-encoders in action thank
you very much everyone for joining today
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial thank
you very much for joining part from that
if you have any more questions
suggestions or feedback please leave
them down in the comment section below
email them to me into humanity
calm or you can tweet them to me at
tanjung many leave a like down below if
you really like this video maybe share
it if you believe this could help out
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or family but apart from that though
again if you really like my content you
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thank you very much everyone for joining
today that's gonna be all for this
tutorial really hope you enjoy I believe
the results were stunning with deep
learning thank you goodbye

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