Thursday 17 October 2024



if you want to see an explanation of the
app we're creating in this video click
over here if you want to see a
demonstration of the app we're going to
be creating in this video click over
here if you want to see an explanation
of the code of the app in this video
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I'll be forced to tell you that all of
this will just happen in the order that
I just told told you so you better click
in a few seconds and the video should
now this is
tyan he's asked me to create a video on
pars of how to create a chatting app so
I've decided to help him here's the
video answering his question I hope you
enjoy so hello there and welcome to
another tutorial my name is AI and this
time we're going to be going over the
tat app that I've created in Swift using
pars now what is the T chat app exactly
well simply put this is a chatting
application that I've created and it
doesn't use any normal database as a
back end it uses parse as a backend so
now I'm going to be teaching you exactly
how I did it it also includes a little
private chat mode and also a global chat
mode in case you were uh thinking about
chatting with hundreds of people or just
someone you know uh and you wanted to
discuss something with them like when
you're going on a trip or when you're
going on dinner or something like that
anyway continuing so now I'm going to be
telling you exactly what par even is uh
and then I'm going to explain a little
bit more in depth of how it's different
to the other swi dat basis parts that
I've done uh and then we will get into
the code after a little demonstration um
and also in case I haven't mentioned
this is Swift databases part five uh
Again part five I've done quite a few of
these uh um Swift databases Parts but
this is a very interesting tutorial uh
they seem uh to be very interesting to
you guys as well and there pretty fun
for me to make as well anyway continuing
let's get into it but what is Parts
exactly well simply put let's just say
this before I had to create my own
little custom database connect to it
using custom methods in Swift and that
was pretty nice but it was very memory
intensive and it was just very uh
extensive to build if you wanted to
start creating an application first you
had to plan it all out uh what HP files
would be there what databases would be
there how am I going to connect them
using Swift what am I going to do etc
etc uh but with parse it basically
solves all of that you can connect to a
parse database natively in Swift using
the parse API uh you don't need to have
any PHP uh in the uh in the background
uh doing stuff um uh and so now I'm just
going to explain how parse is different
from the others as switch databases
parts that I've done uh now simply put
though parse doesn't require a PHP
backend to help communicate with swift
so this is what would happen before in
older Swift
databases uh we would have Swift over
here and this is uh where you're trying
to get all your information or where
you're trying to upload from we'd have
PHP over
here and we also have our my
ql database over
here now what would happen is I would
Bridge Swift to PHP PHP would bridge
over to
mySQL uh so this is what would happen
then MySQL would give information to PHP
and then PHP would give it back to Swift
but then if I were to try to upload what
happen Swift would uh talk to
PHP oh sorry mixed the H and the
P so would talk to PHP then uh the PHP
would upload into MySQL which was also
sometimes a bit glitchy sometimes it
wouldn't upload uh and stuff like that
so that was just uh in general a really
workaround sort of way to do this I mean
this is the pretty much only way you can
do this if you don't want to use
something like parse or
something uh
but still if there's better ways you can
do it like this anyway continuing now
this is how we're going to do it with
parse just erase this and then I'll
explain what we're doing with
okay uh so now oh yeah just by the way
quickly uh parse was actually created by
a developer actually a team uh but then
eventually it was bought out by Facebook
and now it's also open source uh so uh
just in case you wanted to know that you
can actually modify the pars apis and
stuff uh and so it's pretty interesting
like that but we're just going with a
native parse apis we don't need anything
else anyway continuing now this is what
we're doing with
parse you'll see what I wrote there in
just a
that's it we're taking a parse back end
that's what be stands for a parse back
end over
here adding this API to Swift now Swift
is capable of immediately interacting
with parse and
back so we don't need PHP or
anything we don't need a custom mySQL
database okay oh you don't need to have
your own
website and it's
free at this time not sure about later
but for now it's free for all of you
that don't want to exactly pay for a
website it's free for now
and so as you can see the advantages are
literally just stacking up over here
compared to our older method of using
databases anyway so now how does this
chatting app work exactly well let's
just take this example or let me just
wipe this right
off so this chatting app does use a
parse database of course as I've said uh
it uses AB absolutely no PHP you do not
need a website in order to be able to do
this and you just need pure Swift
knowledge so let's get started let's
just say we have three clients over here
one iPhone another iPhone another iPhone
these all have my T chat app running on
them so this is uh client number one two
three so now this is our pars
now first of all we have a timer in this
app so for
Tat we have a
timer that updates every 1
second and so what this timer is
doing is every 1
these uh clients are going to the pars
database and then they're retrieving
every single message that's in the
database now we're not just playing
blank putting it on the screen because
we have to do a bit processing and
first now in parse we have a few
databases uh such as
user sorry forgot you and user
okay we have
users which we'll talk about later this
is just the uh users that are uh that uh
have been registered and can log in but
there's one more thing chat so now this
is one table sorry this is a table not a
database this is a table now this has uh
The Columns
message and
two now what's happening right as we
receive uh right as we download all this
chat information from our po database
what's happening
is we're
checking is the two field
blank if it's blank this is
Global if yes it's Global if no it's
private and so if it's private we want
check uh
chatting is this person currently
chatting with the person with this
username are we chatting with this this
username if
display if
no then uh nothing do nothing with this
message and also if it's Global just
display it's that
simple and so effectively this creates
both a method to privately chat with
people and publicly chat with people
instantly so now what's next see when
you send a message what's happening well
what's happening just really simply
chatting if
yes then
and so then we upload with the
self or whatever that user's username is
the message as of course the
message and two as
who if we're not chatting
then we just uh write two as blank um
message as of course
message and
username as
username sorry that U and M are capital
so I'm just going to change
and that is quite
simple uh sorry I guess I can do this so
you understand this is just syntax not
the actual parameter
okay okay and so this is just a
really really just getting our toes wet
simple explanation of what's happening
when you see the code it's going to be a
bit complicated but I'm going to try my
best to make it as simple as possible
for you and of course the code will be
in the description so if you have any
questions uh or uh any concerns about
the code you can look at it in the
description and you will see uh the code
and you can modify T tier will uh and
you can just do whatever you want with
the code anyway so now that I'm done
explaining exactly how this app works I
can actually go to my Mac now and I'm
just going to show you a quick
demonstration of the app uh and so if
you like uh the demonstration you can
continue see the code uh and then we'll
be done and that's going to be it let's
go to the demonstration
now so now we're getting to the
demonstration of the app and as you can
see I have three devices open a
simulator my iPhone and one of my
friends iPhones so now we're all going
to register um and then we're going to
log in and actually start chatting as a
little demonstration of this app so my
friend over here is going to start
registering uh
and I'm also going to start
registering as you can
see uh just a second I need to
see yeah uh so let's continue now we're
going to be logging into the Glo chat
mode uh you can't log into a mode uh but
we're actually logging in and by default
it's Global if you want to private chat
there's an option to do that uh inside
of the app so as you can see my username
is going to be
333 just so you can see numbers
work uh then I'm going to type in my
password something as like um T
May tan May's
random okay now I'm going to click on
the register button this will register
me and log me in now as you can see we
get to this sort of
screen uh where we have a enter message
here send this will send out a message
users's name chat this will allow you to
enter users's name click on chat and
then you'll be private chatting with
user uh and then apart from that this is
just a UI table view where people's
messages are so I'm going to keep back
my iPhone for a second and I'm going to
register this so um
simulator can I not like
uh use the keyboard on that
thing what's wrong here okay the
simulator uh let's just give it password
987 okay so let's register the simulator
as well and now as you can see we are
all uh on this uh little chat I'm just
going to wait for my friend to be able
to register uh then I'm going to come
here uh yes now you can
register perfect so now let me just
start it off and so let's just say uh
um hey uh
guys did
you here
about the
news from
n okay that I'm going to send as you can
see this pops up on everybody's
screen uh and so now my friend can reply
to me and
say whatever he likes
to sort of ruins the surprise you can
actually see him typing in the message
so you don't know what he's going to
send you so just ruins the suspense of
it okay so as you can see that pop up on
everybody's screen now I can
uh it
was forgot
um it
Mars I'm purposely making it this long
so you can see how it wraps
text so I'm going to send and it pops up
on everybody's
anyway now we're going to continue
chatting we're just going to finish this
up then I'll show you that even the
simulator can
chat right after my friend's typing in
his message uh be able to
so's see what he
wrote that's great so maybe we could go
up there etc etc now I'm just going to
scroll down on the simulator so now
okay so the
message okay so actually and this is
this is pretty much like a fact video
for you now but I'm just trying to
um finish up this message for some
reason it won't let me bring up the
keyboard it's actually Frozen Okay much
better so
sometimes it freezes up a
bit so okay there we go much
actually the
there is
toxic so no
so as you can see it
sends then in a second I can also show
you but you can actually scroll
yeah and
so send my friend sends that but now the
simulator joins in and says hey they've
been talking about this this this Etc
ETA so basically
uh he can write a message saying uh well
oh hey
guys that
sounds cool any more
news and as you can see it pops up on
all of our
devices and so
I can just type
in really
sorry none
yet will keep
you informed
though there we
go uh and so that is a really simple
demonst rtion of how this Global chat
really works uh but then there's also
supposed to be private chat so let's say
only me and Thomas wanted to discuss uh
something like a Tripper going on so I'm
just going to type in uh into mine and I
don't want you to do it just yet but I'm
just going to type in
Thomas the
great 56 into my chat box and I'm going
to click on the chat button and it
clears out my table view well that's
actually supposed to
happen uh and you'll see why in just a
so next uh my friend Thomas over here
can click on the second text field
called users's
name over there and he can type in t
capital T May
bshi 3 three
three uh you put a two k
maybe you can fix
that wrong button okay good it's no
333 uh now click on the chat
button and we are in private chat mode
together so as you can see the simulator
still has all these messages but let's
just say I'm uh feeling in the mood for
hiking hiking hiking of course hiking uh
maybe something
like okay
what time are we
leaving for the
hiking now as you can
see uh Thomas has received my message
but the simulator can't see our messages
this is because it's in private chat
mode of
course now um my friend can reply here
uh he'll tell me what time we're
click on the send button not the chat
okay so now he says Saturday 6: a.m.
good make sure not to forget
anything send and now as you can see
these three messages that we've sent
back and forth with each other uh uh
Thomas can see I can see but the
simulator cannot see because he's not
part of our private chat and it is that
simple to do a private chat in this app
anyway now we're going to go to the
coding part since we're done a
demonstration and I hope you all like
this app anyway now we're going to go to
the code part to explain how the code of
this app actually works so let's get
there around
now welcome back to the Mac part now as
you can see I have pars open up uh and
so this is the table we were putting all
of our chat messages into so we have
username meaning the username that sent
these messages the text or the text of
the message itself the two which is a
string which is who it was directed to
if if it was not directed to anyone it
was Global then it'll just be nothing uh
and that was actually quite
simple uh but anyway then we also have
the user uh table uh which has username
and password uh which is where we store
all our usernames and passwords uh so I
know this isn't the most secure way to
do this but uh this is just a simple
chatting app we're not really uh
encrypting or anything because we don't
need to this is just a simple barebones
thing if you want to make a real apps WP
out of this I mean you could do some
security uh with the passwords but I
don't need to right now anyway
continuing now that we know the parse
end let's look at the xcode end now
before I continue I have two storyboards
main. storyboard and Main iPhone 6.
storyboard the main. storyboard was
meant to work with iPhone 6 and 6 plus
the iPhone 6 storyboard was meant to
work with the iPhone 6 and the
6s or sorry
uh the main not storyboard was made to
work with the 6 Plus and
6s+ and the iPhone 6 was made for uh the
iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6s because those
have smaller screen sizes than the plus
versions and order to decide which
storyboard is uh opened on uh on launch
what we're doing is first of all in our
application did finish launching with
options we are checking if the UI
devices current device
is model name is equal to iPhone 6 or 6s
then switch over to the main iPhone 6.
storyboard so that uh it fits on the
screen uh and if you were wondering what
this line of code is doing it's
basically setting the parses application
ID to this and the client key to
continuing now the chat View and in case
you were wondering uh if you can
actually use this no I'm actually going
to be changing this so doesn't matter
even if you find out I don't need to
blur It Anyway
continuing next in our we have three
files chat cell which is a UI table view
cell login View and chat
view now the chat cell is our custom UI
table view cell which will allow us to
store a message on the screen now this
is a chat cell uh subass of UI table
view cell uh with an IB Outlet chat text
and IB Outlet chat
user chat text is the
actual uh message that the user sent and
the chat user is who sent this the chat
text is a UI text view in case it's long
and the chat user is just a label why
would you have a really long
name then the login view this is really
simple all we're doing is we are
creating an IB Outlet username and
password both UI text fields we have an
IB action called login which
basically uh
sorry yeah yeah uh just really quickly
uh this code over here uh this UI device
code that gets the model name uh is was
actually taken by I forgot his name I
will definitely put a link to his stack
Overflow uh Link in the description
below uh so you can check that out many
thanks to that person who made it
because he is allowing me to actually
see what type of device we're actually
or else I can't do this anyway
continuing now in the login view in our
ibaction function called login we are
collecting all logins as a PF query to
the class name called user to get all
the data from the user
table we are setting the objects to try
exclamation mark meaning Force try uh
this logins doind objects uh method then
We're looping through the object
we're saying current
username is equal to I doob for key
username as a string and then same thing
password then we're checking if the
current username that we're on in the
loop is equal to the username that you
entered and the password is equal to the
password you entered then set the
current session username to the current
uh username set the current session's
password to the current password perform
a SE to segue sorry to chat uh with a
sender self uh and then break this Loop
because why continue right then when we
register we do something uh quite
actually sorry we're still getting the
logins as a PF query to class user we're
still getting the objects we're still
looping through the objects but we're
only getting the username this
time if the username in the loop is
equal to the username entered then just
return because we do not want to create
a duplicate
username but if that doesn't happen it
won't return meaning we will create a
new query called of a PF object uh
called of class name user we're going to
set the value username in this query to
the usernames text username text field
then we're going to set the password
value of this query to password.
text we're going to try exclamation mark
meaning for try to save this query onto
the parse database then we're going to
just call the login function in the uh
for the username and password that was
entered uh because it's in the database
now it can automatically log Us in uh
because why should we have to relog in
if the register function can do it for
us finally the chat view then I'll
explain the UI in the chat view we have
a UI view controller uh uh sorry subass
of UI View controller UI table view
delegate UI table view data source and
UI text field
delegate and so we have three IB Outlets
table view message and chat with the
table view is subass of UI table view
the message is CL subass of UI text
field and chat with this subass of UI
text field again then we have a Boolean
called chatting with is equal to false
because of course uh this is just
storing if we're privately chatting with
someone and by default it's no we're in
global chat then we have the update
timer which is equal to a new NS timer
then the update delay which is 1.0
meaning every one second then we have
the current data which is an array of
dictionaries of string string type which
is blank by
default then what we're doing is we're
setting the update timer to a new NS
timer with a scheduled timer with time
interval the update delay meaning 1
second we're targeting ourself we're
calling the update function every 1
second we're giving it no user info and
we're telling it to repeat so every 1
second we are calling the update
function next we're saying in the text
field should return function we first of
all are returning true of course and
then we're just telling oursel self.
view. and editing true meaning force it
meaning always hide the keyboard like no
what then the main juice of this class
the update function the update function
will take a query as a p F query to the
class name called chat in our pars
database it'll set the limit to a th
it'll find the objects by doing VAR
objects is equal to force TR query. find
objects it'll set the current data to a
blank array it'll Loop through the
objects it'll create a final dictionary
of string string
type it'll set the username of that
final dictionary to the username of the
current object that we're on as a string
same thing for the text of the actual uh
chat itself then we're checking if we're
chatting with someone then we want to
check if the username it was from is
equal to the person we're chatting with
and the person it's to is equal to
or the uh username that it was from is
equal to the current username and the
one that it's to is equal to the one
that we're chatting
with and so effectively all messages
from you to them and from them to you
are being displayed on
screen if this conditional were true
it'll append the final dictionary which
is the username and text into our
current data else it'll just check
meaning if we're not chatting with
someone if the two uh is equal to
nothing in that message meaning it
wasn't directed towards someone or else
we're looking at people's private
chats if that's true we set the current
data uh we append uh the final
dictionary to the current data then we
just reload our table view it's that
simple then our table view number of
rows in section function we just return
the current data as count and in our
self aroa index path function we're
creating a new cell which is a uh table
view. DQ reusable cell with identifier
custom chat cell as a new chat cell
we're setting the cells chat text text
to the current data's index path. row
text so that we're setting the the
actual message then we're setting the
username in the same
way then what we're doing finally is we
are actually returning this cell and so
this gets put onto our table
view next in our send IB action we're
creating an object or a PF object of
class name chat we're setting the object
username to the current session's
username we're setting the text to
message. text we're setting the object
to to first of all we're chatting
checking chatting with if we are
chatting with someone then set the chat
withs text meaning whoever we're
chatting with uh is the two value or
else just make it
blank then you have to try to you have
have to force try to save this object
onto the par
database then we're setting messages
text to nothing so once you send it
should clear out of your uh text field
or else it's an annoyance of you having
to actually um like erase it every time
and then we're just ending edited ending
editing uh uh force uh so that all the
keyboard just gets
hidden and then finally we have an
initiate private chat function uh which
will just start a private chat with
anybody you like so we're just setting
chatting with to not chatting with
meaning if it's true it'll become false
if it's false it'll become true so if
you were not chatting with somebody you
now are if you were chatting with
somebody now you're
not then we're setting chat with text to
we're checking if you're chatting with
someone if you're chatting with someone
keep it the same or else make it blank
again it is that simple and that is all
the code you need to create a working
chatting app in Swift now I'm just going
to go over to my iPhone really quick you
won't be able to see what I'm doing
right now uh but it'll be worth it
because what I'm going to
do is I'm going to
delete all of this data from
pars now if I go into this uh app I log
in really
okay log
again okay I've logged in now if I enter
a message here hi now if I reload my
parse as you can see it has actually
inserted this text into the database so
it's really interesting how that works
as well I can even Brute Force more
users in delete some users I can delete
some chats put some more chats in uh and
it's just really simple like that and
that's actually going to be all for this
tutorial I hope you enjoyed and if you
did please leave a like down below the
source code will be uploaded right as
the video is uploaded this time because
now I'm not forgetting to upload the
source code uh last time for Swip VI
controllers you actually have to remind
me uh thanks to the person that reminded
me I forgot his name uh but anyway
that's going to be it for this time
again leave a like if you like this
video comment or email me at tajim Manny if you have any questions
suggestions app ideas improvements
concerns or anything else it can range
from math to science to pretty much
anything uh and yeah you can even email
me video questions of you saying a
question and I might just feature it in
one of my next videos that's going to be
it and again subscribe to my channel if
you're new to my content and you want to
see more of it or you're just pling new
to my C Channel or you like my channel
just please subscribe to my channel you
will get all the latest videos that I
released and it will be amazing I'm
telling you that anyway you can also
follow me on Twitter if you'd like to
tajim Manny again my email the source
code and my Twitter handle will be in
the description in case you couldn't get
that and that's going to be it

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