Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is tamy Baki and this
time we're going to be going over how
you can use mongod DB with Parson more
specifically how pars is able to use
mongod DB as a database backend and keep
a really nice and simple to use
interface for developers and database
owners so let's take a look at how this
works now one of my subscribers actually
originally sent in this question so now
I'm creating this video so I'd like to
say a big thank you to him who actually
sent in the question all right so let's
begin now what I'm going to do here is
um in case you didn't already know now
I'm I'm assuming that you are already
familiar with the parse server uh and
you used it before uh but now I'm going
to show you how it actually works in the
back end uh and what happened is the
person who's actually sent in this
question uh he was actually uh wondering
exactly how parse is able to use mongod
DB as a backend and how that comes into
play when we're hosting a custom parse
server so let's take a look at how that
works it actually all begins begins with
the actual par server itself uh and
there are actually two pieces of
software that pars has made available to
the public
uh and I don't want you to get confused
between these uh because there are two
really distinct types of software first
of all the parse dashboard and the parse
server now let's take a look at this
first of all let's just say that we've
got a mongod DB back end okay so this is
our back end and this is what's actually
storing our data and it's called mongodb
okay it's a nosql setup basically uh
it's based off of the nosql
environment uh now part from mongodb of
course we've got part and under parse
we've got two categories as I said we've
got the parse server uh and so I'm going
to say
server okay uh and apart from that of
course we've also got our parse
dashboard so we can just write that here
so we've got our
dashboard okay
now let me explain exactly how all of
this comes into play now the par server
uh is basically this uh interface okay
and basically what we're doing what our
Point our goal is is to make mongod DB
accessible and easy to use for everybody
whether that's someone who's going to be
taking a look at the database internals
uh and see how everything's going on
inside the database the the actual data
in the database they want to simple to
use interface like I mean just for
example PHP my admin uh to actually see
what's in the database and do stuff with
it uh and also for developers who are
actually incorporating into their
applications we want a simple to use and
easy interface for all of those people
and so that's why we have two separate
pieces of software the par server is is
basically going to make it easy for
developers to have their own uh sort of
interface for mongod DB through things
like iOS Android Java c node.js a
variety of different languages lots of
different languages even go uh and the
parts dashboard is going to be this uh
web interface where you can take a look
at what's inside of your database uh and
actually uh work accordingly now let me
explain how this actually works but
let's also just say that we've got your
application or the code that's using
your mongod
now okay so this is your application
now let's just say we've got application
number two as well this is really going
to help me drive across the
point Okay so we've got application and
to now the first thing I'm going to take
a look at here is par server mongodb now
the point of parse server is to be able
to have this little communication
protocol to and from mongod D oh sorry
uh so basically we're GNA have this
little communication protocol between
par server and mongod DB and the way
this is going to work is through a
regular mongod DB connection just like
how you would implement it in your
applications and so of course the mongod
DB can communicate back to pars as
well now the parse server will provide a
rest API and that rest API can then
really easily be used with mongod DB and
this will also uh this will also sorry
with with mongod DB and the rest of your
applications here and this rest API has
a few credentials as well such as the
API key and the master key oh sorry the
app key and the master key but I won't
be getting into how those work just yet
that's a topic for a different video uh
but let's just say the par server has
this really neat rest API that you can
use to contact mongod DB however what
happens is let's say this is an iOS
application this is a node.js
application what's going to happen is
let's just say for example um you don't
want to use the rest API which uh
sometimes you don't want to uh you want
to have a really simple interface uh and
the way you can do this is by using the
language sdks that pars actually
provides by default for many different
languages including node.js and Swift
for iOS uh and so what can happen is
let's just say you've got your iOS
application what happens is instead of
using a really
difficult connection from IOS to mongodb
it becomes a lot more simple if you were
to just have one
connection and this is in this case your
sorry language SDK uh and this language
SDK will then in turn communicate with
your par server which will communicate
with your mongod DB instance uh get
retrieve delete update data do anything
you'd like to and of course we'll keep
returning the results back to you it's
basically as if the application doesn't
care about what this is doing it just
imagines that there's this big database
here but par server isn't actually your
database it's your communication
basically okay so once you've got that
done then let's take a look at parse
dashboard and then I'll get into
application number two now the parse
dashboard is this really simple to use
interface just like PHP my admin to
basically uh administer your database uh
and to take a look at what's inside of
your database to update rows to add
tables uh to add rows do a lot of
different type of stuff uh and so the
parse dashboard is actually basically
this UI that's built on top of the parse
server again it's built in node.js
and of course what's happening is it's
using that node.js language SDK for
parse and it's able to communicate with
a parse server of your choosing and it's
able to show you your data but now comes
in the interesting
part mongod DB in the second application
now let's just say that you've hired a
developer and that developer doesn't
have any experience of using the par
server but that developer has experience
mongodb now what can happen is your
application here application number two
which is your node.js application your
developer doesn't know how to use parse
with with node.js only knows how to use
a mongod DB connection but then you're
like oh wait what do I do now well I
can't use parse but we're using parse
what do we do hire you developer
no now since par server is basically
this this stack sitting on top of mongod
DB this little uh this uh development UI
basically I like to call it uh and
what's happens is your second
application can actually directly
communicate with mongod DB and what'll
happen is those changes will actually be
shown across whatever par server is
doing the reason I'm saying this is
because okay let's say you've got a
mongodb instance uh and you register a
new user through application number two
that data goes directly through to
mongodb it does not go through the part
server into mongod DB because if you if
you think about it this is what's
actually storing all of our data it's
not doing any processing all this is
doing is it's taking the data and
storing it the rest is all interface the
rest just makes it easy to work
with and that is exactly how this works
and that is what the actual relationship
is between the parse dashboard and
mongod DB and of course the par server
and mongod
DB one more thing I'd like to note here
though is that of course these two are
basically server software serers side
software so they have to run on ports
like for example I don't exactly know
what the default Port is uh but like for
example this could run at 4,000 and this
could run at oh I don't no maybe 3,000
really whatever it is some sort of Port
that these are going to run on and the
rest will be able to communicate through
that web uh through that web interface
and through that web
API all right so that's exactly how
Parts both the parse server and the
parse dashboard are able to use DV
to store information and make your life
working with databases much much easier
in fact if you haven't already heard
about the par shutdown for some reason
uh pars has has completely shut down now
uh at least the services that they
provide like uh hosted hosted par
servers uh but what they've done is
they've made parse server and parse
dashboard open source so that's why I
keep on emphasizing that you can
actually connect these to your own
mongodb instances and you can actually
use your own uh sort of like servers to
host these although there are other
hosting services available for pars and
there will be some links to them in the
description all right so that's going to
be it for this video thank you very much
for watching and and I really hope this
was able to solve my subscribers
question all right so thank you very
much for watching today if you like the
video please do make sure to like the
video down below and if you think you
could help anybody else you know like
your family or friends please do
consider sharing the video as well of
course though if you have any more
questions feedback or suggestions please
do feel free to leave them down in the
comment section below email them to me
at tajim Manny or tweet them
to me at tedim Manny and if you didn't
get that there will be my contact
information in the description below of
course so if you really like my content
you want to see more of it please do
make sure to subscribe to this YouTube
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release new content all right so thank
you very much for watching today that's
going to be it for this tutorial goodbye

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