Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is tany Baki and this
time we're going to be going over how
you can actually self-host the parse
server that parse has released now uh if
you've seen my previous tutorials you
know that unfortunately parse is
shutting down and as of January 28th I
believe 2017 uh it's going to be
completely shutting down however they
are going to keep some Services up such
as the dashboard uh and so essentially
what they allow you to do uh is that
they have open source the par server
sort of uh the server side of pars uh
and so basically you can put that onto
your own machine uh and host your own
mongod DB database uh and have your own
little version of pars running uh and of
course uh have your own little uh what
do you call it basically you can tell
your application not to go to the par
servers by default but go but go to your
server and that's really neat so I'm
going to be showing you exactly how you
can do that uh let me just show you
something really quickly though uh
originally when pars announced it's
going to be shutting down uh there was
this there was your
application that was what that would run
on let's say some sort of
phone all
right all right so this is your
application running on a phone
however there was also a par
server uh and this was I don't exactly
know what the parse server logo is but
this is sort of like the par server over
here uh and so basically right now what
happens uh is by default your
application communicates with the par
server without you having to direct it
there it just automatic I mean the
framework is coded in to know where the
par servers are located however what par
said is hey we're going to open Source
this so we're going to open source
this we're going to open source this the
par server uh and so essentially what
this will allow you to do is have your
own sort of machine like uh let's say
some sort of Mac um let's just say this
is your uh machine uh this is your
server uh and essentially what you can
do with this uh is Host this par server
on here so you can say
parse is running on your
server all right and so what you what
they allow you to do is first of all
they say the step one of your migration
essentially they gave us exactly one
year to migrate uh and so in within that
one year uh you spend a little bit of
your time uh doing step one step one is
getting par server uh to run on your
server uh and once that's done really
simply all you need to do uh is connect
this iPhone end with this server and
tell it to stop communicating with the
par servers by default uh and then just
sort of release an update to your
application which uh will essentially
allow users to communicate uh with this
other server rather than this par server
that they host for you now there's just
a few disadvantages to this why well
first of all uh parse had a really good
free tier which is actually mainly why
lots of people used parse because the
free tier of parse was amazing it gave
you a lot of stuff however I mean that
won't be available now uh because now
you have to host it on your own server
so whatever specs you get with your
server let's say an AWS server uh maybe
you selfhosted it all depends on the
specs of your own server uh as to how
many your quests per second you can do
uh how how much you can store and stuff
which might be a bit more expensive but
then again uh I mean there's nothing we
can really do about that and if you can
find affordable hosting great uh then
you can run parse on pretty much
anything actually uh that also reminds
me bringing me to my next Point parse
will run on crossplatform Mac OSX or
Linux and now that bash runs on Windows
10 anniversary update you can even run
it on windows so now that concludes my
little uh Speech session I guess uh
let's move over right to the Mac part
now where I'm going to be showing you
exactly how you can host your par server
on a Macintosh machine even though the
steps are almost the exact same for a
Linux and Windows machine Let's get to
it so welcome back to Mac part and now
I'm going to be showing you how exactly
you can run par server on your Mac or
Linux machine or even Windows machine uh
so let's begin shall we so to begin uh
there's going to be a link in the
description uh to actually a website uh
that describes how you can run par
server uh on auntu
14.04 now first of all I'd like to say
that I'm running the new Mac OS uh 10.12
CR beta so some things may differ a
little bit but not really uh nothing
much has changed uh and so first of all
to begin why am I opening up an auntu
tutorial if we have mac running well aun
2 uses bash Mac uses bash they're very
similar I guess and if you have the X
code command line tools installed uh
lots of things become much easier uh and
so you know you're going to need to
install the xcode commandline tools for
this you're going to need to install
Homebrew and after that everything is
pretty much the same as a bu to all
right so let's begin first of all I'm
going to open up a terminal window uh
and of course this little uh page over
here uh which describes how you can run
the par server on a buntu
14.04 then what you're going to want to
do uh is uh just going just go down and
first of all we going to use uh home
brew to say Brew install
nodejs uh I'm going to click enter
now uh now this is going to say hey
you're using a pre pre-release version
uh so you might encounter build failures
uh just ignore that uh and in just a
second this should be
done all right so this is going to take
around 5 to 10ish minutes uh so I'm
going to be pausing the recording now uh
and right as it is done installing or
almost done installing uh I will resume
the recording uh and then we can see the
result okay so I'm going to pause the
recording now all right so as you can
see it is now done installing nodejs
onto my machine uh and so now all we
need to do is basically you know in this
guide the entirety of step one you can
basically just skip all you need to do
is install no JS uh using uh home brew
uh now if you don't install the xcode
command line tools or not command line
tools the DX code developer tools then
uh you're going to need to install uh
Brew uh git using brew as well
however I do have xcode and the tools
installed and so I do not need to
install git as xcode already installs
that for me however next we can continue
okay so now as you can see this uh guide
gives us a get clone command which
clones the par server example uh so
essentially you can just uh copy and
that and as you can see it clones the
repository uh and you can essentially
just CD into that change directory into
it uh and as you can see if I uh list uh
these sort of what all is available just
one second let me make this a better for
you um
no okay so now as you can see if I were
to list what's in this par server
example directory uh as you can see you
see a lot of uh folders and files now
this is a node.js uh application uh and
essentially if I were to yes so
basically all you need to do is run npm
install on this application on this
node.js application actually and
essentially this is going to uh sort of
get the
dependencies uh set up some of the
project stuff uh and stuff like that
till then what you're going to want to
do is go over to
all right you need to log
in with your uh you know email and
stuff h
uh and my
password all right now that you're in
parse what you're going to want to do uh
is first of all it's just telling me
it's going to be shutting down and I'm
going to create a new application after
creating the new application just create
uh just put in a name for example
selfhosted parse app or I can't write
anything else or actually I can that was
just lag all right so selfhosted Parts
is what I'm going going for let's create
application uh and once that's done what
you want to do is go over to the uh the
um let's see if it's actually done
installing okay so it's done installing
so that means you're going to want to go
to the
core all right once you're in the core
go over to settings then go over to keys
and then what you want to do is copy
your application
ID once that's copied which might take a
second or actually I'm just going to
copy that manually uh then you're going
to go to your terminal uh and in that
par server example directory say Nano
index.js this will run the Nano editor
or you could use Vim or whatever you
like best uh and edit the index.js file
now I'm going to change
this so that uh the app ID over here
changes from my app
ID to whatever you paste p in then
you're going to copy your master
key over here uh and paste that into
your master key parameter in your
terminal once that's done that's
actually all you need to do uh so click
control X make sure you click on y to
save uh click enter uh and there we go
it should save the file now all you need
to do uh is actually I believe nope
that's it so now uh just run or actually
one more thing we need to do oh up a new
tab and write Brew install mongod
DB all right so now this is going to
install the database uh now let's
see if this can finish within the next
10 seconds I guess I'll keep it in the
video or else let's just uh pause the
video again uh and then we will continue
right after that so let's check it out
shall we so I'm going to give this round
six more
seconds all right so I will be back
right after this is done installing uh
and so yeah let's pause the recording so
now as you can see uh home brew is done
installing here uh I mean not home brew
itself sorry uh home brew is done
installing the mongod DB database uh to
our system now one thing I'd like to do
is just type in Brew
services start mongod DB what this will
do is it will start the mongod DB
Service uh and as you can see it runs
mongodb so now uh mongod DB is running
on our computer uh Parts is completely
installed onto our the pars server is
completely installed on onto the
computer uh now it's time to run the par
server uh then it's time to create and
test an a simple iOS application uh that
will be able to insert stuff into the
parse database uh and retrieve stuff
from the parse database let's do it all
right so let's begin uh and to be
actually in order to run the par server
all you need to do is say npm
start and as you can see the par server
runs uh and as you can see uh it says
database URI not specified fing back to
Local Host which is completely okay uh
and Par server example running on Port
1337 perfect so next what you're going
to want to do is say parse migration
there we go finally there we go so now
as you can see this is Swift Code now
I'm going to be writing this in Swift so
if you just copy this all right uh open
up your xcode I'm again running xcode 8
uh the first beta uh and so once xcode 8
starts up I'm going to paste in this
code or actually one more thing is you
actually have to go back to parse and go
to the the um documentation uh launch
the Quick Start and then from this
little space over here go to your um
self-hosted Parts application then go
data mobile iOS Swift uh
and let's go new project so now what
you're going to do is download this
blank xcode project as a template to
begin uh
then uh we're going to allow this to
connect to the par server right as it's
downloading so I'm just going
to open that up open go into the xcode
project right as that loads that is
click on
open and in just a second it should open
up an X
code now again this is xcode8 so I'm
going to allow this to convert to the
latest Swift syntax and I'm going to use
3 uh and right as it is done creating a
preview um then I'm just going to accept
it uh and hope for the best and see um
if part server can automatically be
migrated all right so again this is uh
not too small of a project so this might
take a second or two uh to actually
begin so just give it a second all right
now I'm going to click on
Save go over to this file manager here
go to to the source code uh now in the
app delegate first of all uh I'm
actually going to remove all of this
code every single line uh from here
except for the return true that's
something that has to stay from here as
well I'm just I'm actually going to
remove these three functions as
well all right you're going to move this
comment I mean I'm I'm just doing that
you don't need to but it's better to uh
and also remove this there we go so now
you're done cleaning up cleaning out the
app delegates next you want to paste in
the code that you
copied uh
from your
little from the parse documentation so
if I just copy this once more paste that
in there so now this is going into the
view did load function of the view
controller class now again uh basically
what this is saying is it's giving us
the configuration uh it's looking for an
application ID a client key and the
server to connect to which in this case
is correct we're connecting to Local
Host because I'm actually hosting the
parse application on Local Host with the
1337 uh P Port uh and then SL parse
which is default okay uh and then uh
we're just saying par. initialize with
configuration and then the configuration
that I just
created all right so now what I'm going
to do is I'm just going to quickly go
over to the settings of this uh
um and then go to the Keys copy the
ID then paste that in there copy the
master key or the client key
sorry all right no not this not
this copy this paste it into this little
client key box build and let's see all
right okay
so now uh it's actually been changed to
initialize with apparently all right so
now if I
build um oh never mind if I
um yeah our code should work in
theory all right so now uh that's done
building that means we have no errors
but now let's actually complete the part
of the application where to actually
upload something to the server so in
order to to do that all you need to do
is say uh VAR
object is equal to PF
object and we're going to give this a
class name
hosted selfhosted
um and so I'm just going to say
object let's just
date uh the current date is
29th is equal
to 06 29
2016 all right so now in a string of
course I don't want to mess around with
uh NS data at this time uh then I'm just
going to say
object do save and I'm going to since I
know this is going to work you wouldn't
actually do this in an application uh
but I'm just going to uh forcefully try
this uh so now I'm just going to run
this on let's say an iPhone SE uh and so
now this should uh compile the
application and start running it okay so
now it's going to load up the simulator
and hopefully uh in iOS 8 and 9 I've
seen in the betas it takes a lot of time
to load the simulator let's see if they
fix that in iOS 10 if they have great or
else yeah I'm going to have to pause the
recording again uh let's
first of all the simulator okay there we
go I believe this should be much quicker
I believe I read that
somewhere so again one more thing uh is
that first of all uh this is going to be
uploading uh our simple string to the
cloud or to of course my mongod DB
database which the parse is connected to
uh once that's done uh it's going to uh
we're actually going to change the code
to retrieve something from parse uh and
see if it's able to do that if it is
great uh or else back to the drawing
um just give that a second more I'm
going to start speeding up the clip
now all right so as you can see um the
simulator is done loading and it just
ran the application uh and so in just a
second we should see a warning from par
saying hey you're running a long uh
you're actually oh let's see
here okay so now I believe there is a
small problem um due to the fact that
um yeah so essentially what's happening
is I forgot to include one thing so if
we actually go to the internet right now
and search up NSA Transport
then uh as you can see in the second app
Apple developer forums uh link uh you
can actually just copy this little code
snippet okay uh then paste it uh
actually go to your files go to um yeah
your right click on info.plist and look
at it as source code go to the very
bottom after this uh array tag just
paste that in uh and rerun the
application and essentially what this
will do is it will uh allow pars to
actually communicate uh with the server
that I have running because the thing is
it doesn't have a good SSL certificate
and stuff so iOS is really secure about
that uh however as you can see uh this
should in theory be able to
um upload to the server let's see here
it says uh get host name incorrect um
however I believe it was able to
finish so now let's just actually uh try
out and see if it was able to uh grab uh
the data by commenting this uh code
out uh and now let's type in or actually
we actually want to continue to
initialize so now we're just going to
say VAR query is equal to PF query uh
with a class name of
pars selfhosted
uh and essentially then just say um
query. find objects again I'm going to
forcefully try this uh and I'm going to
print it out as
well all right so
now let's see here all right so now this
is going
run let's see here and as you can see it
was able to upload successfully uh and
it gave us date uh from the uh sort of
class that I created uh part self-hosted
uh as the current date and that's going
to be it for this tutorial I hope you
enjoyed uh unfortunately there's going
to be no source code in the description
today uh because I mean there is no
source code to talk about uh however all
the links that I used will be in the
description uh and of course a part two
is coming out using a very special
software called Blum miix to host this
you'll find out more when that's out and
that's going to be it for my tutorial
today I hope you enjoyed thank you very
much you can contact me uh via the
comment section down below uh or you can
email me tajim Manny or follow
me on Twitter T tajim Manny again all
this contact info will be down in the
description I hope you enjoyed you can
even subscribe to me actually if you
really like my content and you want to
see more of it uh really does help out
you can even like the video and share
with uh other people that you think it
could help again thank you very much U
that's going to be it for today goodbye

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