Thursday 17 October 2024



hi traders in this video i'm excited to
introduce you to the pine scriptures
the pine scriptures network is a new
online forum i've set up and it's
intended to be a community
where pine scriptures such as yourself
can communicate with each other
share your scripts share your code and
help each other with your own scripts
and today i just want to introduce you
to the website show you how to sign up
and give you an idea of what to expect
if you go to that will
bring you to this page here
and there's not a lot happening here yet
because i'm the only user
of this website but hopefully soon we'll
have a bunch of
active members here helping each other
out with their scripts
so the first thing you want to do is get
rid of this cookies notification
you want to come up here and click on
and here is the agreement registration
agreement there's nothing hidden here
this is just a disclaimer about trading
and the just generic forum rules nothing
too complicated
i don't want your firstborn child or
anything crazy like that
you want to agree to these terms and
then fill out this information
with whatever relevant information you
want to
include so you need to input a username
an email address password and down here
this is optional this is your trading
view profile
you don't have to put this in if you
don't want to and then finally
this is the important part this is the
registration code
box so depending what code you put into
this box
will determine what group you added to
when you sign up to the forum
so at the moment there are three groups
there's the
pinescript mastery students group
there's the pinescript mastery course
graduates group
and there is the pinescript mastery
mentorship group so anyone can sign up
to this website it's completely free to
but there are a handful of private
forums that are only accessible by
certain groups of people
so anyone who signs up to the basics
or finds this website over google or
my youtube channel they can sign up for
free and they get access to their own
and this will be easier if i just show
you what i'm talking about so everyone
has access
to these forums here you need to be
registered in order to post in these
but these forms are accessible by anyone
same with these ones here
and the feedback and support section but
there are a handful of private forums so
first there's the pine script scholars
forum this is only for people
who are enrolled in the pine script
mastery course this is for you guys to
talk among each other
and you won't get any random trolls or
anyone that's um that's not on your
of pine script expertise coming in to
contribute to your conversations
the next one is the pinescript masters
forum now this forum is restricted only
to people who have graduated
the pinescript mastery course finished
all the lessons in the course
so this is for people who want to have a
little bit more of a
sophisticated conversation about pine
script with each other
and they know that the only other people
who can comment on their discussions are
people who
are at the same level as them in their
pine script education
or even more educated and then finally
there's another form here that you can't
see unless you're signed in as a
mentorship student but there's a pine
mentorship section as well so anyway
let's go back to the register page
and i'll explain what you do down here
so because this is on youtube and it's
open to everyone
unless you're enrolled in the mastery
course in which case you'll get an email
with a code to sign up with
then you can only sign up as a free user
and you can just ignore this box here
and don't put anything into it you just
create a free account
and you can communicate with other free
users on the network
if you want to access any of those
restricted forms that i just mentioned
you'll need to upgrade to the mastery
or graduate the mastery course if you
want to talk to other mastery course
so if you have access to a code once you
put it in here and you click submit
you'll be automatically enrolled in the
relevant group and once you confirm your
email you can come in and access the
and start sharing your thoughts with the
now if you've already created an account
on this forum
and then you receive a new code so for
example let's say you
purchased a mastery course and you sign
as a mastery course student and then
eventually you graduate the course and
you complete all the lessons
and you want to change your membership
type to the graduate group you need to
come up here
to your user control panel so click on
your profile picture
click on user control panel and come up
to user groups
and then in here you can type in the
registration code
that you receive and the codes here are
exactly the same as they are
on the other registration page other
than that
it just operates as a normal forum so
there's a few
guidelines and information here so i
encourage you to read
through this when you first sign up but
there's nothing really fancy here it's
you know don't spam be kind to each
other keep all topics relevant to pine
script coding
and don't advertise anything on the
forum without asking
me first so that i can verify that it's
not something malicious or
or low quality of course you are
absolutely welcome
to advertise your own scripts your own
projects even your own websites
but if you're going to advertise
anything external to this platform
other than a trading view script please
let me know first so that i can
just ok it and vet anything that goes
through here because i don't want any
scammy stuff happening or any spamming
to occur
i want to keep this as clean as possible
and as useful as possible to everyone
who signs up
other than that there is also this forum
the show-and-tell slash request so you
can share your scripts here with the
community everyone has access to this
and same with request scripts you can
request scripts from other people in the
and so if you're a student say you're a
pine script mastery core student and you
want to test your skills
i'd encourage you to come and check out
if anyone requests a script in here
maybe you can help them out and maybe
you can test yourself
and see what you're capable of there's
also a forum for
general trading discussions so i prefer
if everyone can keep their trading
related discussions that don't involve
panscript in this forum
and then there's a feedback and support
section as well so i
definitely want to hear your feedback if
there's something you feel is missing
from the site or
something that's not working as you
would like it to just let me know
and this is supposed to be community
effort and i really hope you guys will
get involved and help me make this
community as useful and engaging as
this is for your benefit not for my
benefit i created this
for the pine scripting community so that
when you guys have questions
if you shoot them to me and i don't have
time to answer them maybe you can
throw them up in this form as well we
can all benefit from the answers and
maybe you guys can help each other solve
each other's problems
i plan to expand this in the future i'd
like to have like
some sort of store for people to sell
their own scripts on here or
just some sort of script library would
be great so that you guys
can get the most out of this but for now
this is just a community for you to talk
amongst each other help each other out
and i hope you like it i hope you find
it valuable that's it for this video
i hope to see you over there if not
that's fine there's no pressure to join
this community
this is just for fun and it's purely
optional if you guys want to join up and
help each other out
so that's it for this video i'll see you
in the next one take care guys

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