Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there over there and welcome to
another tutorial my name is Tammy bakshi
and this time we're going to be going
over how you can use Cuda kudazi for
general purpose GPU Computing now this
is actually a very interesting new
series that I'm about to be working on
uh this is actually the first part of
this of the uh of this of this new
series uh very first video in the series
uh in today's video I'll be talking a
bit about generally uh how gpus work how
they compare to CPUs uh and how Cuda
itself Works uh now Cuda is actually a
programming language uh that has C
syntax that allows you to actually run
general purpose code on gpus to use
their enormous parallel compute power uh
now I will be talking about that in just
a moment but just before we begin I'd
like to tell you uh that if you have if
you've already watched my video where I
actually show you uh benchmarks of
Highly parallel random number generation
on CPUs using digitalocean servers I'd
recommend you actually go see that right
now uh there's actually going to be a
link in the description if you haven't
seen that already because cause that is
a good primer to this video to introduce
you to the concept of multi-processing
and parallel parallel Computing but
I'm going to talk about how you can
actually use Nvidia gpus in the Cuda
programming language to implement simple
Cuda applications and later we'll get
much more advanced and I'll show you how
to integrate things like neural networks
and more and even other programming
languages like Python and Swift with
Cuda to create GPU accelerated
applications uh in all of the all these
different use cases
all right but today let's talk a little
bit about the concept of this in the
first place also by the way you need to
know C for this to actually work and for
you to actually understand what's going
on in the first place uh so if you don't
already know C do not worry because in
the next few weeks I will be releasing
an entirely new series also about how
scene General Works uh beginning to end
sort of uh tutorial series on the scene
C plus specifically programming
languages and how you can use them all
right but now let's get started with
Cuda first of all GPU CPU what's the
well gpus are meant for graphics
processing quite literally as you could
probably tell uh their name is a
graphics Processing Unit uh and so the
real difference between the GPU and the
CPU is that since gpus are meant to
drive monitors with sometimes millions
of pixels uh of course it needs to be
able to do uh tens of thousands to
hundreds of thousands of things at once
to quickly uh sort of you know calculate
all the values for all these sort of
pixels uh that are on your marker right
now uh and so what happens they say that
you've got an average CPU okay
and your CPU can do a lot of things they
can do them very very quickly uh so say
of course you know the average CPU I
don't know maybe you've got you know a
Mac or you've gotten Intel i7 uh usually
these things are you know quad core uh
so some average CPU that you might use
um I have four cores uh however Intel
has a technology called hyper threading
meaning that each core can have two
threads on the chip at once uh now
theoretically you can have many more
cores than just two on a chip at once uh
however they would have to keep uh
coming into and out of the cache of the
CPU uh due to the fact that of course
the CPU can only hold two in each core
uh and so what that means is that at
maximum at one time our eight threads
can exist on the CPU so times two
because each core can hold two and of
course that turns out to be eight
threads on uh on the chip at once
uh however this is a little bit
different for gpus because of course
CPUs weren't necessarily meant to drive
displays say 5K displays with hundreds
of thousands to Millions to tens of
millions of pixels forget multi-displays
however gpus were built to do this
so gpus however
are quite different
and not only in what I'm about to tell
you but they're also different in other
ways and I'll talk about that in a
now say that you've got a GPU and say
this is an Nvidia Titan XP or say yeah a
Titan XP
a Titan XP oh yeah let's do the example
of a GTX 1070 that's a better one uh so
a GTX 1070 GeForce GTX 1070 regular GPU
buy-invideo uh has around 1900.
of course that is a lot
but the best part is that each core can
hold 12 threads
and so what this means at once 12
threads at once at least and so what
this means is that 1900 times 12 I mean
what is that uh what is 1900 times 12.
um you know or whatever that is but
you're holding tens of thousands of
things uh of of threads on the chip at
once and what that means is that of
course you can do tens of thousands of
things at once
uh and so there are a few limitations
though because then you're probably
wondering and you might even have seen
the static overflow question uh well
then why don't we just replace all these
CPUs or gpus then if these GPS are so
great then why don't we just create
these sort of GPU CPU hybrids or just
use the GPU for the CPU well there are a
number of drawbacks uh from the GPU side
first drawback is of course operating
systems just can't run on them there are
some basic core features of a CPU that
the GPU just doesn't have and that's the
reason that the GPU can do so
so uh and in fact here so
this would be around 22
um 800
threads on the chip at once
uh and so what's uh that's a round
though because it doesn't exactly have
1900 cores it's actually a few more uh
plus or minus like two or three uh but
still you get a pretty good idea of how
many tens of thousands of things you can
actually run at once on a GPU
uh but the second limitation however is
that gpus can do a lot of things at once
but each thing that it does it does with
less precision and it does it slower
than a CPU let me explain the reason the
GPU is able to fit so many cores into
such a tight space is because it it
removes some of those is checks that the
CPU makes to make sure that it's very
very precise in its calculations for
example if you were to do a calculation
on the GPU you might be ever so slightly
off with your floating Point Precision
uh due to the fact that of course it
doesn't have those checks that CPUs have
which is why it's able to do so many
things at once
and also second each individual thing
that it does it does slower than a CPU
meaning that if you're only running one
task on a GPU and one task on a CPU
you'd be way better off running it on a
CPU because it can do that one task much
faster than a GPU ever could
in fact the gpus each core can only
really be used when you're using almost
all of them at once or at least a
considerable amount of these threads to
make sure that you're using the GPU to
its full potential
oh but that's just new radically what
they're capable of and why we don't just
replace all these CPUs with gpus in fact
a sort of good analogy here uh would be
a CPU is a collection of say four uh
extremely intelligent people who can do
things very quickly and they can do a
wide variety of tasks and in fact
they're so good it's to the point that
each person can do two things at once
meaning of course hybrid setting so you
can do eight things at once with this
group of four people and each thing is
going on very fast however when you load
these four people with a billion tasks
or even just say 10 million they will
get stressed however imagine that you've
got a group of 22 800 slightly less
intelligent people uh what's going to
happen is you might have a few errors in
the calculations that these people make
uh these people might be slower running
the calculations themselves but you're
doing it in parallel everybody's doing a
task uh and that means that of course
you're going to get to 10 million or
even a billion much much quicker than
you ever would with the CPU and this
really explains the concept of how one
task is fast on the CPU and slower on
the GPU because one intelligent person
doing a task uh is of course going to be
faster than one slightly less
intelligent person doing a task and of
course much more precise
overview of the GPU versus CPU sort of
but one thing I would like to tell you
to tell you here is that gpus of course
are meant for graphics processing the
entire concept running general purpose
code on a GPU is very very new or at
least relatively very very new
uh this has actually not been around for
too long uh it's a very New Concept
which is why the community is still sort
of building around this although it has
a very big sort of following the Deep
learning and machine Learning Community
which is in fact why I'm not interested
in this topic and why I'm creating this
series today or you know the series on
my YouTube channel because I want to
show you how to incorporate deep
learning Technologies with gpus in order
to accelerate your deep learning
workloads uh and also one more thing I'd
like to mention here imagine and I mean
if you're familiar with the concept of a
neural network you'll probably get this
I imagine you've got a very deep
convolutional neural network with
recurrent layers etc etc or you know
just imagine a convolutional neural
network say Inception V3 okay by Google
now this is a huge convolutional neural
network layer after layer after layer it
is just absolutely huge
but it's also huge in the in terms of
individual trainable weights
imagine this you're doing a feed forward
pass through this neural network so
you're giving input into the neural
network and expecting output from it now
say that you've got of course uh a few
hundred million uh trainable parameters
now these few hundred million trainable
parameters if you were to run that on
CPU that would be very very slow however
if you were to run that on a GPU that
would be much much faster faster than
the point that deep learning becomes
practical in fact that's the only reason
why deep learning is used today and why
why it wasn't used in the past because
now we have this computing power to
actually run deep learning networks and
have it practically run uh in terms of
time because you don't want to have to
wait for a month uh training your neural
network model just to bound up just to
find out that it has you know it
overfitted to your data uh you do not
want that to happen you want to do
things very quickly so you can of course
do the you can sort of you know deploy
these models very very quickly
oh but that's the first concept I wanted
to explain
second let's talk a little bit about
memory shall we uh now there are a lot
of different uh a lot of different
terminology that I'm going to be using
as I as I explained memory so let's talk
about terminology first and even before
we get to terminology I have to explain
how you can actually run code on a GPU
in the first place
now theoretically this should be very
very hard however thank like I mean
thank you Nvidia and the great people
who are developing uh Frameworks like
opencl uh because now thanks to
Frameworks like opencl and Cuda it's
very very or at least much more easy uh
to create these GPU enabled applications
let me explain there are two sort of uh
mainstream GPU acceleration options
available in the market today uh the
first one is of course opencl it's an
open source uh platform that allows you
to do GPU development general purpose
GPU Computing uh on our wide variety of
different processors now this can
actually be uh your your CPU opencl runs
on CPU as well by the way it also runs
on the integrated Graphics of your CPU
it also runs on AMD gpus it also runs on
Nvidia gpus although it's not very
performance efficient
however Cuda is basically a replacement
uh to opencl the Nvidia has developed uh
and so basically the difference between
this is that it's proprietary it's not
open source code has not open source
it's developed and maintained by Nvidia
uh and it is specifically optimized down
to the core to work on Nvidia processors
and Nvidia gpus and Nvidia code is not
compatible with AMD gpus or any other
GPU only Nvidia gpus
however Cuda is a lot simpler program
for which is why I'm explaining that
right now I might have another another
Series in the future about opencl and
its development and of course if you'd
like a tutorial about that please do let
me know and of course I will be glad uh
to create those sorts of tutorials uh
Bucky team for now let's talk a little
bit about terminology now that you know
a little bit about Kudo open CL there
are a few more like metal uh there
there's stuff like Vulcan but I won't
talk about that right now uh for now
let's talk about the terminology that
goes behind this development
and now there is actually quite a bit of
terminology that goes behind this
but one that you there too that you'll
hear very very often the first one is
the second one is device
let me explain
now in essence host and vice are just
fancier terms for CPU and GPU
respectively the host is the CPU because
it's hosting the entire code uh the
device is the GPU it's the device that
all this code is running on uh and
that's why it's called host and device
there is a little bit more terminology
though one main one without being kernel
now at first uh this might scare you uh
that you know we're doing kernel
development now
uh all this is is
um when you develop the uh the the
actual function or the code that will be
run on the GPU it's called a kernel uh
just like for example your operating
system has a kernel uh it's the same
thing it's just a code that's going to
run on the GPU nothing more about that
uh however now let's talk a little bit
about the steps you have to take towards
GPU development to actually incorporate
Technologies like GPU acceleration into
your applications
now of course it has begin with creating
a CPU version of your parallel
application now what I recommend is
actually creating a CPU version of your
application before you try porting it
over to Cuda however there are a few
challenges with that which I'll tell you
in just a moment but let's just imagine
that I want to do something like oh I
don't know matrix multiplication which
is something that of course deep neural
networks require or even if I'm going to
create a simple function that can take
an array of you know millions of values
and run sigmoid on each value that is a
huge help to deep neural networks and
even even if it's not sigmoid it can be
you know rectified linear unit
hyperbolic tangent it's a soft Max
whatever it might be basically just find
a specific activation for all the values
in this array gpus can do that very very
efficiently but again depending on how
many of these elements you have which
I'll talk about in a moment as well
uh so imagine you wanted to build a CPU
version of this application the first
step you would take
uh is you would of course initialize
your variables uh by initialize I mean
you would declare or you would Define
and allocate memory for your variables
because again this is C you're going to
have to do this sort of manual memory
management sometimes
uh but what you do is you would
your variables
uh I will fix that uh but once I've done
initializing your variables
there's still quite a bit left
however again you're probably used to
CPU development so this shouldn't be too
what you do as you would initialize your
uh you would fill
uh the variables or I'll just call them
vars with the actual values
then once you're done filling it up with
values uh you would go ahead and then
run sigmoid on the entire thing using
something like a for Loop so you use a
for Loop
to run sigmoid
on all the values
sigmoid the values
now once you've run sigmoid on the on
all the values you're almost done all
you need to do now is actually use those
values in your application
you're ready to continue to the next
layer or do whatever else you need to
however with GPU development up there is
quite a bit more so get ready
um because with GPU development it's not
that easy because with GPU development
you've got all this sort of memory
copying allocation uh and you know
transfer issues which let me talk about
when you're doing GPU development you've
got two entirely separate memory spaces
you've got something called device
number and you've got something called
host memory the host memory is your
system memory you're familiar with this
you use it every day when you're
programming this is the memory that all
of your you know applications or code
for the CPU run on then you've got your
graphics Ram or your you know the the
graphics vram now this is the actual Ram
stored on your graphics card in the case
of a GTX 1070 you've got around 12
gigabytes of this DDR ddr5x I believe
uh and so that again this is very fast
memory but you have to understand though
that the GPU cannot necessarily quickly
access uh the variables stored on CPU
memory and CPU memory cannot quickly
access uh what's on the GPU memory
because again you're linking this via
PCI or pcie uh and so what happens uh is
there is a there's quite a bottleneck of
that PCI uh from the GPU to the CPU it's
not as instant as RAM in those dim slots
and so you have to uh you have to
account for that sort of bottleneck
because Imagine This
what you've got is you've got this thing
called a device and of course the device
is your GPU
and inside of your device you've got
this thing called you know DVR
or or dram you've got this
dram in your GPU
and this is where you're storing of
course all the variables that will be
used in your kernel in your kernel of
course being the function that is
actually called on the GPU
uh however of course you've also got
your hopes and you have to account for
the host
and the host will actually do all the
data generation
uh and so you have to have some sort of
to copy the variables from the host over
to the device
now of course you've also got memory
inside the host but there are two
separate types of memory
there's pageable memory
and there's pain management
these are two separate types of memory
the pageable memory is actually I guess
you could say uh not it's not very
performance efficient uh it does this
thing called paging which I won't talk
about right now that'll get very you
know low level and Technical uh well
we'll have to get too deep into that
maybe for another time maybe in the C
tutorials however what this means is
that sometimes you could be using real
Ram sometimes you could be you know I
mean you will be paging uh you might be
using swap rang you might be using you
know your hard disk as virtual Ram sort
of thing is what swap means
uh however with pin memory there's
actually a dedicated block of system
memory dedicated towards this this these
objects or this specific object that you
that you have
uh and so the pin memory is the only
type of memory that can actually
communicate uh with the dram on the
device and so somehow you have to use
pin memory to send data up to the dram
and down back from the dram
uh however in order for this to happen
uh if you store your variables in
pageable memory which by default sees
malloc function from the standard
uh and generally whenever you allocate
you are allocating on pageable memory
because of course the operating system
doesn't want you to take up a lot of
memory they're the operating system will
automatically give you this pageable
uh and so you got two bottlenecks uh in
this case you got the bottleneck of
pageable depend and then the bottleneck
of the of pinned to dram now the reason
this becomes a problem uh is because
Cuda has to do a lot more work uh to
actually copy from pageable to pins to
dram and from dram to things to pageable
it's not good it's not efficient
you have to have a more efficient way of
doing this memory transfer and that's
actually the hardest part of GPU
Computing uh while each core might be
ever so slightly slower than a GPU core
what happens is an even bigger
bottleneck is actually introduced by the
fact that you have to copy variables
from CPU to GPU you have to do
processing on the GPU and then copy them
back to the CPU it's not efficient which
is why you need to be doing a lot of
tasks in parallel for GPU Computing to
even be worth the extra time that you're
however there is a way you can make this
quite a bit more efficient from say 12
to 13 gigabytes per second
the way you do that is by quite simply
erasing the pageable memory you're just
not going to use pageable memory only is
pin memory and it will create a
performance difference of positive
performance difference you will get
performance gains
now the reason this is is because kuna
is able to do a direct transfer without
another bottleneck in the way uh and so
you're just doing direct dramed pendant
dram converter transfers uh it should be
theoretically much faster and cuda's mem
copy or memory copy function becomes a
lot lot faster this way now if you've
already used C and standard Library you
know about all these functions that I'm
mentioning I'm mentioning malloc I'm
mentioning mem copy uh I
and it's a great internal functions uh
but Cuda has their own version uh of of
all these functions so for example when
you need to copy a variable from say you
know the host to the device there's
actually a function called cuda mem copy
which will allow you to copy from the
host to the device
uh however theoretically
of course if you were to just use a
native C function uh to to allocate your
memory it would as I mentioned allocate
and pageable memory however there is
actually a Cuda function called cuda
host alloc uh or there's also cool
malloc host but I won't talk about that
right now and the Cuda host analog uh
will actually allow you to to on the
uh basically create or allocate uh this
direct this ping memory that can
communicate directly with the GPU for
much faster transfer speeds whenever
you're using this variable to copy to
and for the GPU
and so that's exactly how all the memory
memory logic works and that sounds a
little confusing and you probably don't
get it entirely right now however in the
next part when you actually see the code
which is coming out very soon uh you
will understand this in much greater
detail it's actually quite simple it's
not as complicated as I'm making it seem
it's really just one-liners for example
when you need to allocate you do Cuda
host analog you'd point you pass in a
pointer to your variable you tell it how
big your variable will be and there you
go you've done it you've got variable in
pin memory on your host
that when it needs a copy all you need
to do is pass it the desk a pointer to
the destination variable in your device
a pointer to the uh tar the you know the
source variable on your host you pass it
the size and where you want it to go to
the host or to the device
and that's really all there is to it uh
they're really just a lot of one-liners
in terms of code but getting back to the
point from this memory sort of tension
now this is how you would code in a
batch sigmoid on the CPU you can
initialize your variables you'd fill the
variables with values you would use a
for Loop to run sigmoid on all values
and then you would use your values
and support that's four steps and of
course there's no real complete
bottleneck with sort of you know memory
copies from from one piece of Rand to
another to another no it's it's all
mostly at least mostly clean except for
step number three step number three
becomes a huge bottleneck now because
now you've got say 10 million values and
you're individually running each one of
those 10 million values and trying to
run sigmoid on them not efficient at all
this is where the GPU comes in if you
were to implement the same application
on a GPU there would be a few
differences let's take a look the first
two steps would remain the same you
would first of all initialize
I'm going to call them vars now
initializer bars or variables
then what you do all right I'm just
going to space it out so you can
actually take a look at the all these
uh second what you do uh easy to
actually fill up those variables with
now once your variables have values it's
time to get to GPU Computing because
what you have to do now is actually
and remember initialize
defined clear uh and of course allocate
memory four your variables
on the GPU so you need to initialize
variables on the GPU
on its dram
once that's done
step number four is to actually copy
the variables
from host
to device memory
so as you can see basically what this
will do is it will take the variables
that actually have values in them that
you create in Step number two
uh and it will copy them onto device
memory into the variables you initialize
on the GPU this will allow the kernel to
access these variables very very quickly
after that of course will copy those
variables onto the device from The Host
after that you have to run your kernel
so you run the kernel
which will do sigmoid operation on all
of the arrays elements
and then number six is you copy the
result back onto the host from the
so from device of course to
and then once that's done you are ready
to use
the values that you get back in your
application that's an entire three extra
steps uh now of course this might not
see that's a lot uh however think about
this there are a lot of bottlenecks and
if you're not doing nothings in parallel
you will run into performance issues and
you will find that the CPU is way faster
than the GPU in some operations
for example if I'm only running say 10
sigmoid values then initializing the
variables in the GPU copying variables
from a hosted device running the kernel
itself and then copying those variables
back onto the host from the device will
actually take more time than just step
three or really the entire program
itself is just not worth the extra time
unless you're running highly parallel
applications that require a highly
parallel power of the GPU
okay now I do know that that sounded
like a lot and you probably are starting
to understand a little bit of the
concept and the sort of you know uh
these these sort of beginner aspects or
the the starting aspect of Cuda and how
you should begin queer development now
of course there will be a part two where
I'll show you some actual code I think
this video is long enough for now you
might just want to you know go ahead and
want to see some more Cuda blogs just
want to digest all this all this Con all
this content uh that I just gave you uh
but that's going to be all for this
video thank you very much for joining it
today I really do hope you enjoyed
today's video if you did please do make
sure to leave a like down below and
share the video with your family and
friends if you think it could help that
help them out too of course if you have
any more questions suggestions or
feedback please leave it down in the
comment section below email it to me at
teddymania or to read it to me
at tajimani of course if you really like
my content you want to see more please
do consider subscribing to my YouTube
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so thank you very much for joining me
today that's going to be all for the
video uh of course do do make sure to
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