Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is Hannah Bakshi and
this time I'm going to be going over
another question that someone from India
called prove Anya sent me so this is one
of my viewers and again I'm going to be
solving this question and here's a clip
of their question hi I'm Kevin and I'm
from India I want to know that what is
mass and what is weight and what are the
differences between the two of them I'll
be easily waiting for your video thank
you so now I'm going to try my best to
answer the question and also explain the
difference between mass and weight let's
get started and so these are the things
on which we explaining in this video see
all of them at once right now and so
alright now you'll be able to click on
any one of these and you'll be able to
skip to much every part you like so I'll
give you a moment to do that anyway
let's get started
first of all this video I'm going to
define what mass and weight are telling
you the units that you use for both tell
you about the constancy of mass tell you
the instruments that you use to measure
them and also what the difference is
between scalars and vectors and how
they're actually related in helping us
see the difference between mass and
weight let's get started
so first I'm going to define mass and
weight so now the definition of mass
would be the amount of matter or the
quantity of matter that some object
contains for example this eraser or I
could even say this marker or I could
even say an atom or I could even say the
Earth or the Sun or the moon or Mars or
Jupiter or Neptune all those planets
everything has maths everything even the
air you're breathing right now has mass
you would have laughs I have enough your
shirt as mass is microphone as mass
everything does however weight that's
come that's very very subjective to
where you are at the time because if
you're over here on earth you'll have
weight this marker will have weight
because we're on earth but on in space
it won't because weight
the amount of force that gravity is
exerting on an object because on earth
Earth's gravity is actually trying its
best to pull the marker towards the
center however in space there's no force
space doesn't care where this thing goes
however the earth does and that means
this marker has weight on earth next
units so let's get started and now let's
actually see what units you can use in
mass and what units you can use in white
so first of all in mass you can use the
standard for the metric system kilogram
or the gram so that isn't my usual is
just a second
so the kilogram is around 1,000 grams so
that's pretty interesting
and then for weight you can use Newton's
and also diamonds and of course you have
to spell these completely lowercase or
because if you don't you're referring to
a person so as you know if you have the
n capital but if it's nice and small
than you're referring to the unit same
thing with dimes however it's not just
di n es I
diamond it's actually dy n es that's how
you do that oh yeah and also Newton's
are equal to 100,000 Dimes or you could
say one Newton is equal to 10 to the
power 5 dimes pretty big next topic
constancy uh yeah and also um yeah so
let's get to the next topic and so the
next thing is of course going to be
constancy and so before we continue
though um I'm going to just tell you
yeah remember what I was I remember dr
forgetting yep just like
I told you about the powering over here
same thing over here one kilogram is
actually equal to 10 to the power 3
grams so that's also pretty interesting
it's just another way to warm it so
instead of writing all those three zeros
we'll say 10 to the power 3 which is 10
times 10 times 10 which is 1,000 anyway
now let's actually start constancy so
what is constancy constancy means that
whatever we're talking about will not
change from place to place to place
for example mass calculate the mass over
here it will not change if you go to the
pole it will not change if you go to the
equator won't change your code in the
moon will change your kill to the Sun
won't change if you'll in space the mass
is always the same no matter what that's
it this is it there's all the contents
inside of this in one little package of
the Barker I can't do anything to this
this is the entire mass of the marker
not going to change or at least not from
place to place
however wait and I'm just going to know
that down so you remember does not
change from place to place because mass
will not change from place to place it's
that simple
however weight pretty different weight
changes from place to place
and mark my words this may change not
necessarily for example
this marker and also since it weight is
just the force though the amount of
force that gravity is exerting on this
marker that means if there's less
gravity over there this will have less
weight if there's more gravity on the
Sun obviously this will weigh more on
the Sun and so this marker if you were
to take this to the pole measure it it
would be a little bit heavier then if
you were to go to the pole and then
measure or actually the equator and then
measure the weight due to the fact that
the pool is it's closer to the core of
the earth which is where all the gap
gravity comes from meaning there's more
gravity however the equators bulged out
not so close to the core and stuff like
that I don't want to go into details
right now anyway so now that you know
that weight well sometimes may change
from place to place let's talk about our
next topic which is the instruments used
to measure both mass and weight let's
get started here so first of all the
instrument for mass it's actually
something called a balance scale but
even before I tell you about that I have
to tell you that at the SI which is
located in France there's actually a
little cylinder sorry if I can draw this
too nicely here there's a little
cylinder of metal which is exactly one
kilogram and this represents one
kilogram for all countries there's some
replicas of this thing this is just
exactly one kilogram
it's actually really safely guarded
there's no air that's going to touch it
that's completely put into two glass
towers and everything so this is exactly
one kilogram and so if you had a balance
scale which looks like this by the way
so for example there's a little floor
there's a triangle or something like
there's a little plank here or you can
call it there's two pans on these sides
and so you can put in like a wake like
one kilogram in here and then over here
you could put lots of metals I mean yeah
so lots of metals like a split you could
even put plastic wood whatever you
wanted here and the second that this
balance is completely balanced whatever
you put here is actually equal to one
I might be thinking how does it
calculate mass we know that mass never
changes but if we were to calculate this
on the moon it will change well you're
this due to the fact that gravity is
equal on both sides and because of its
equalness it just cancels each other out
and so it doesn't make a difference if
we're calculating on the moon or the Sun
or the earth or Mars or some other super
earth or whatever doesn't matter now for
weight of course you could just use a
weighing machine but what's behind that
nothing so I'm going to tell you the
real classic way that you could do this
thing so essentially we have a little
ceiling here there's a little string and
then there's a spring right and then
there's a little string again there's a
it's full of whatever you put in it
metal this that etc etc plastic rubber
whatever and then there is going to be a
little scale here actually a little
scale here and so you will be putting
there's a little arrow here and it'll
tell you that oh depending on how much
this thing will stretch it will tell you
how big the more it stretches the more
down it'll go and that means the more
weight it has however if it doesn't
stretch as much it'll go up and that
means that there's less weight that is
exactly how that works
and then of course there will actually
be lines it will tell you how many
Newtons are dying stuff yeah and just in
case you were wondering what a weighing
machine does the weighing machine
actually still gets your weight however
what's going to happen is it will
actually convert from Nunes or dines to
kilograms or grains or something like
that because of course you wouldn't want
to know that your these many Newtons you
want to know that your these many
kilograms instead because of course
Newton's aren't that much practical to
be measuring with in a day to day basis
so yeah actually what should be shown
so why not right so here
I'll be asking me where's the spring in
the spring balance well apparently the
spring is inside of the actual scale in
a coiled fashion instead of a verb so if
I pull down on this
so for example I can take something like
a mango
no just
I have to
1.5 kilos
all together kill ups so let's get
started there now with the explanation
so what's happening is that the mangoes
are actually pulled down by graphing and
so it's happening
in turn this is connected to lots of
little chains chemically spring since
the spring is being pulled down on its
it's tension increases and the scales
winter goes ahead
you might be thinking wait wait how is
it giving us killer - well actually it's
going it's getting wait but converting
to mask by dividing point by nine eight
so it's actually weight but in a mass
unit so again they're just why binary
held at the max it's that simple and
yeah now you can continue the video to
learn all about how this works
and essentially okay let's get started
so that was the instrument that you use
to measure it now scalars and vectors it
started so first of all I'm going to
erase these instruments because I'm
almost 100% sure that you've learnt the
binary we also need the space for scaler
and vectors now if you don't even know
what the scalar vector is I'm going to
be explaining that to you right now with
some examples so an example of a scalar
could be oh why don't all speed distance
there's a few more which I'll talk about
later actually one more that we'll talk
about later for a vector there could be
something like velocity and displacement
not this placement
I'm actually want to rewrite that so you
can actually see it D yeah so there's
velocity and also displacement for a
now I want you to find out what's common
between velocity and displacement and
what's common in speed and distance and
also what's the difference what's like
different from all these scalar options
and all these vector options if you
didn't find it already scalars have no
direction vectors however have a
direction speed 24 miles per hour in
this direction actually no direction
sorry just 24 miles per hour
you're not specifying if you're going
north northwest Ethos out you're just
saying okay I want 24 miles per hour
that's it distance you're saying that is
five meters away or five kilometers away
or five these many whatever the units
you choose away but you do not say what
direction they are however velocity it's
the same thing as speed it's like okay
24 miles per hour but you're specifying
that I'm either going north west east or
south and in this case let's just say
you're going north used to the fact that
velocity is for small speed and also the
direction so in ly 24 miles per hour
going north displacement if you don't
know what displacement is an awkward
speaks later than that right now
I actually why not right okay so first
of all let's just say there's a little
runner here and then the track this is
ten meters this is 30 meters and this is
another 10 meters the distance that Iran
would be 50 meters however the
displacement would only be 30 meters and
that to East because he started off here
he ended here and in order a straight
okay ordered all straight line this is
exactly 30 meters and that means his
displacement was exactly 30 meters and
also going in East
so his displacement was also east was 30
meters east
that's how displacement works now you
might be asking how does this actually
help us with mass weight well of course
speed distance velocity and displacement
doesn't really help us with speed a mass
and weight but there is one thing that
does in fact that mass is a scalar and
weight is a vector so now how is mass a
scalar take this marker find its mass
where does the mass come from the marker
it didn't come from that chair from me
from my shirt from the moon from the
Earth from the Sun it's just its mass is
nothing it if you were to take this into
space not in one change it's not coming
from north west east or south that's it
that's how simple it is
however weight is a vector due to the
fact that the force since white is
always the force of ingred amount the
amount of force that gravity is putting
on an object so we could successfully
say the gravity's come from down there
in the Earth's core meaning that the
force is coming from downwards
meaning that weight has to be a vector
due to the fact as that is getting all
of its force from down there sorry so
now just to go over really quickly
before we end I taught you today about
the definition of both mass and weight
the units of both mass and weight the
constancy of mass the instruments that
you used to measure and also the
difference between scalars and vectors
and how they help us in determining the
differences between mass and weight hope
that answers your question pramanya and
it's going to be it for this video if
you enjoyed please make sure to leave a
like also leave a comment if you have
any questions suggestions app ideas or
video ideas you can always even email me
a question at tad magnet you
can also email me a video of you asking
a question I might just feature it in
one of my new videos and also if you
like my content you want to see more of
it please subscribe to my channel and
that's going to be it goodbye
oh yeah just cry end please do also
follow me on Twitter a link will be down
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