Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is Tammy bakshi and
today we're going to be talking about
what makes track GPT just so good and
how you can build your own micro version
of chat GPT and deploy it to your own
Discord server as a bot uh now in my
last video I talked about if chat GPT
could replace me and talked about some
of the fundamental limitations with its
architecture and why it works well for
certain things and what those tasks
actually are but also why it doesn't
work well for certain tasks and in this
video I want to dive a little bit deeper
into the why aspect specifically talking
about what the evolution was of gbt over
the past couple of years to get to where
it is today and then in the next video
you're going to get to see how you can
actually build your own version and then
deploy it as a Discord bot
specifically a micro version of chat gbt
that doesn't of course reach the levels
of quality that openai does because we
don't have infinite money to throw but
for relatively cheap you can get a model
that forms surprisingly well especially
considering how well these models would
have performed just a couple of months
ago and it'll all be permissively
licensed something that you could
theoretically use for your own
applications without having any
proprietary data or any data that comes
from a legal gray area like the data
sets that come from gbt itself let's
dive into it let's start off by taking a
look at a small example of some of the
content that your Bot will be able to
generate by the end of these two videos
once you've actually gone through the
process and spent the thirty dollars to
actually train this model you'll be able
to ask it questions like what is TLS and
get answers like this super detailed and
written out very well potentially even
be able to ask questions like to write
simple Python scripts that do things or
explain the concept of ownership in Rust
and so as you can tell the bot is
powerful and it's only a three billion
parameter model
saying that feels wrong because it's
three billion parameters up until once
again relatively recently that was a lot
of parameters for something that I'd be
running locally as a Discord bot but
these days that's actually not that much
that is just a micro version of gbt yet
it is a large language model
now GPT itself stands for generative
pre-trained Transformer I've already
talked about the Transformer
architecture and what makes it special
compared to previous iterations of the
kinds of networks we used to use for uh
different tasks like natural language
understanding and processing and things
like this in a previous video that will
be linked in the description below but
the primary goal of the GPT architecture
was to train transformer models that are
good at just modeling language and
generating language and the way that
they would do it is the traditional Auto
regressive approach so effectively take
a bunch of content from the internet uh
take it tokenize it into words create
word embeddings out of these words feed
them into a neural network one token at
a time and for every token attempt to
predict the next token that is the
objective that all of these models have
been trained with and we sort of then
abuse this objective by then taking that
final next token prediction and to just
take sampling a token from it and
feeding it back into the network as if
that was actually the next token in the
sequence and by using the architecture
this way we're able to sort of I guess
misuse it to generate language the
reason I say misuse is because
fundamentally the architecture and its
training objective was never really
meant for text generation it was really
meant to try and model the output
distribution of the kind of text that is
seen on the internet so given a series
of tokens predicting the distribution of
probabilities of what the next possible
you know token would be is something
that these models do very well they are
surprisingly accurate at it and the
thing is theoretically if they are
literally perfect at it then the output
distribution would be the same as the
input distribution and you'd just be
able to sample those tokens feed it back
into the model and actually generate
text and you know this would be
perfectly fine but the problem is that
the output distribution is never perfect
so that's why through gpt1 and gpt2 and
even the beginning of gbt3 you know they
progressively got more and more
impressive you might remember you know
like the Unicorn generation from gpt2
and the arguments against recycling from
gbd2 and then eventually gpt3 generating
even higher quality versions more
reliably right and this is the reason
they got better and better is because we
made the models bigger and bigger gbt2
was even bigger gpt3 was bigger still
reaching even 175 billion parameters at
its peak right for context a lot of
other natural language models are in the
hundreds of millions to maybe a billion
or two before this and then gpt3 just
blows them all out of the water right
and so because the models are really big
big and trained on lots of data it's
possible for us to train them to have
really good output distributions but
these really good output distributions
are still imperfect and that imperfect
nature of the distribution makes it so
that when we use them for generating
text we end up sampling tokens and then
feeding them back into a network that's
not used to seeing tokens that are
generated that way that is a major
problem right so we end up now with two
issues one of them is that we are now
misusing the architecture by feeding
data sampling data from the architecture
feeding it back into itself but
fundamentally during training the
network has never seen that output data
and on the other hand we're really just
training it on arbitrary internet data
and the reason that's a problem is
because we want to use this for language
generation at a scale where it's easy to
do right so for example traditionally
with GPT two and three if you were to
prompt the model with something like
write me a story about
um about a man who uh who who loved the
code right random random story or if you
for example gave it an article and you
said summarize this article into a
paragraph the language model wouldn't
actually do it very well in fact it
would generate something relatively
nonsensical compared to what you asked
but considering the training objective
it would make complete sense because on
the internet you never just see tokens
of here's an article and then an article
please summarize the article and then a
great summary you never see that on the
internet that's not part of its training
distribution and therefore it's not
something that it's good at if you asked
it to summarize the article it might
just you know continue on generating
content as if it were a web page where
it saw that sentence and that wouldn't
necessarily be a summary and so the way
to get around this and the way to make
it so the model's better at actually
following instructions is to then
further tune the model now that it has a
baseline understanding of what language
is to be good at instruction following
and that's exactly what openai does they
then perform what's called supervised
fine-tuning on an instruction following
data set they don't fundamentally change
the nature of the architecture at all
it's still next token prediction but
they then fine-tune the model on a data
set of instruction response Pairs and
these pairs enable a model to understand
you know given a prompt of a certain
instruction the completion is supposed
to contain tokens that quote unquote
follow that instruction this supervised
fine tuning brings the model into a
really good State and this plus one
other trick enables the instruct series
of models from open AI these are the
models that you are probably most
familiar with since before chat gbt
right before chat gbt was a thing the
instruct models were incredible you can
provide them instructions in natural
language and they respond by attempting
to complete said instruction or complete
said task
and these instruct models uh were
insanely powerful not just because of
that instruction tuning making it
infinitely easier to actually use the
models but also because of one other
piece of secret sauce and that secret
sauce is reinforcement learning from
Human feedback
rlhf as it's as it's uh short form is
called now this is something that there
is a lot of hype for right around and
lots of people give a lot of different
descriptions as to what rlhf is and I
think that there's actually a pretty
succinct way of trying to summarize what
rlhf does and I haven't seen uh
reinforcement learning from Human
feedback summarized in exactly this way
before but it's sort of my intuitive
model as to why it works so well you see
rlhf brings instruct models from G from
openai and Chachi BT to the next level
it makes them truly valuable and the way
it does so is by training the model not
just on next token prediction from an
existing data set but also on human
feedback of the model's own Generations
this does introduce a bit of a challenge
though and the challenge is that well
the models are trained currently end to
end right we have a data set we have
tokens so we feed them in and we make
them predict the next token and because
it's a relatively simple objective the
models can be trained with gradient
descent this gradient descent has a
super simple error function classic
classification across time steps
the problem now though is that we are
trying to introduce human feedback into
the equation the way we're training with
reinforcement learning with human
feedback or or through human feedback
the way we train is by quite literally
giving humans Generations from the model
say an instruction and what the model
did and asking humans to either rate the
quality of the output or choose between
two different outputs to determine which
one is better and humans if you if you
didn't already know aren't
differentiable we can't calculate the
derivative of a function or a gradient
through a human and so this introduces a
challenge how do we now tune GPT how do
we train GPT the model the machine
learning model that's meant to have
gradients if we introduce a human into
the error function or into the reward in
this case where we can't actually
calculate the gradient through the
function anymore well the solution is
twofold on one hand we don't really want
to use gradients the entire Point here
is that we want to learn from overall
feedback the other point is that well
how do we even scale the function then
right because we want to train on tons
of data we want to train on tons of
rewards but there is a limited amount of
humans that we can throw into a room in
a limited amount of money we can provide
to them and time they can spend to
continuously rate the output of these
models so this introduces those two
challenges right we don't want to use
gradients we want to learn off of
feedback but on the other hand we can't
scale humans infinitely and apply them
to keep rating model outputs as it
learns so
the solution
what what do you do when you can't scale
a bunch of humans and they need to do
something that traditionally only humans
can do well you throw machine learning
at the problem and so open AI through
machine learning at the problem of how
to train a machine learning algorithm
and what they do is they train what's
called a reward model so they will take
a bunch of output completions from chat
gbt and even just human written data as
well just regardless of what it is
and to take these ratings take these
preference values this data set of
people saying hey this output was better
than this output or this one was worse
than this other one all right take all
of this data and train a reward model to
predict human preferences right so take
whatever open AI generates whatever gbt
generates and train a model to take that
generation and predict a quality score
for that output
so think about what we've just done
we've removed the human from the
equation we no longer need to
necessarily use a human to determine
which of two outputs is better and if
you train a very strong reward model
which itself could be based on
theoretically the same language model or
a similar language model as gbt then you
end up in a scenario where you now have
a super strong model that can do that
human annotation of which generation is
better and because it's scalable you can
now train your base model to attempt to
optimize it to produce higher and higher
Rewards or quality scores against this
reward model and we do it specifically
using reinforcement learning and the
reason reinforcement learning is used is
because even though we have now turned
this into a machine learning task where
the human is removed from the equation
the problem is there is still a break in
differentiability you still cannot fully
at least truly optimize this end to end
and the reason you cannot do that is
because the output of GPT is still a
language model and this brings me to the
final real problem you see gbt being a
language model fundamentally is
optimized for next token prediction even
after instruct tuning even after rlhf it
was it's only really tuned for that sort
of next token prediction
outputting a distribution of
probabilities that way you see the thing
about this output distribution is that
not only is the model not used to having
input where the distribution is its own
output because it's only ever seeing a
real text as input the other issue with
it is that because the outputs are
probabilities when you try and distill
those probabilities down into an actual
token you've broken differentiability
right so if gbt were to see the sentence
my name is right and if let's just say
for some reason you know the next
highest probability token from gbt was
tan May that doesn't mean gpt's
generating the token tan may all that's
saying is that the highest probability
token to come next should be tanning we
then abuse that output to then say okay
we're going to choose tanway as the next
most uh as the next token in the
and because we have to choose a token
and turn it from a continuous
probability space into a discrete chosen
token differentiability is broken
meaning that when we feed this these
series of tokens the sentence my name is
tanmay into the reward model for it to
give us a reward there is no way for us
to go gradients of the reward back to
how to update the underlying gbt model
this is a problem but it's solved using
reinforcement learning reinforcement
learning you may know is what we use to
train agents in an environment in an
environment where we may not have a
clearly differentiable just end-to-end
optimization you know solution
and so reinforcement learning being used
in all sorts of different techniques to
for example play Atari games and so on
is super advantageous here because now
what we can do is we can train GPT using
rewards predicted by a reward model but
we don't actually need to Output at the
individual token probability level gbt
is no longer being optimized at the
individual just what should the next
token be level GPT is being optimized to
really just improve its probabilities
across time steps such that the discrete
tokens we end up choosing result in
higher outputs at the reward model level
and because we've now very subtly
shifted the objective away from next
token prediction and into a space where
a we're optimizing across all
probabilities across all time steps
right we're no longer just optimizing
for an individual step at a time and
because of the fact that during the
generation it was seeing its own output
distribution because of those two
factors we end up with a model that
learns a lot better both how to be used
for text generation but also how to
align to the preferences of a reward
model which themselves elves are derived
from preferences from humans things like
safety concerns making sure that the
model doesn't generate toxic content
making sure that the model generates
accurate content or that it follows the
instructions that it was told to follow
and doesn't repeat itself and so on and
so forth those two factors make it so
that instruct GPT was already so good
and Chachi BT just brings that to the
next level chat gbt is quite literally
just another round of supervised
fine-tuning on top of a chat data set
and then reinforcement learning from
Human feedback to make it that the model
is both used to its own input
distribution being its output
distribution as well as optimizing
against something that is not just a
next token prediction objective that's
why rlhf works so well that's why I've
been interested in it for quite
literally years even before instruct gbt
came out if you remember my project for
say generating music lyrics you might
know that I've been a subscribe fiber of
the TRL GitHub repo which which aims to
do reinforcement learning for
Transformers and so I've been I've been
looking into these sorts of techniques
for multiple years now
since around like end of 2019 and it's
so exciting to finally get to see
reinforcement learning used at this
scale to enable such incredible
applications rlhf is traditionally
expensive and difficult to do it's
getting more accessible but for the sake
of this video we're going to see how you
can do the first stage of what openai
did the supervised fine-tuning on top of
a chat data set to build a model that is
capable of conversing with you but
clearly doesn't necessarily have that
reward based feedback to help it be sort
of at that next level of quality so
let's go ahead and in the next video
take a look at how you can actually
download the both open assistant and
Dolly data set from databricks both of
these data sets are going to be used to
train the Replay code model so replit
released a 3 billion parameter language
model trained on top of something like
half a trillion tokens of code for three
epochs it is a really good code model
for its size and we are going to take
both the um
open assistant and Dolly data sets we're
going to reformat them to fit what we
need and train this model to be really
good at next token prediction on top of
those two data sets and in a future
video we will also take a look at how
you can potentially reinforcement
learning based tune these models to be
good at following human preferences and
so now without any further Ado let's go
ahead and take a look at how you can
train those models in the next video I
will see you there

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