Sunday 20 October 2024

Monthly Performance Table in Pine Script

g'day Traders welcome back to the
channel in today's video I've got
something really cool for you guys now
this script took me way way longer than
it should have to complete I've been
working on this for a few weeks now and
what you see on my chart is a monthly
profit and loss breakdown based on
realized Equity so we're talking closed
trade basis only and the table is
showing our intra month p l and our Max
drawdown for the year so I'll just
quickly break this down we've got our
on the left here
we have our months up here
we have the total return for the year
and the max drawdown for that year and
then a green cell means we turned a
profit for this month
a red cell means we took a loss for that
month and then the table is adding up
the total return for each year
and each Year's corresponding Max
drawdown now the code to the script has
been made as modular as possible meaning
that you can copy and paste the code
I've written into your own strategy
scripts and it will work Straight Out of
the Box you don't need to touch anything
it'll just display on your chart as you
see here now I'm on spy so the S P 500
ETF which has data going back to the 90s
so we have quite a large table here now
the script I'm using for today's example
this strategy is the simple pullback
strategy from a few months ago recorded
a video
where I took someone else's strategy
rules and built out a pine script system
based on those rules it's completely
open source but for today's lesson I'm
not going to explain the rules of this
system because I've already done that in
its own video but just so you guys know
that's what I'm working with today a
link to that lesson and the source code
to that script will be below in the
video description in the pinned comment
so with all that out of the way this is
going to be probably a slightly longer
lesson than average because I need to
break down all of this source code now
you don't need to understand what this
code is doing you can copy from lane
from this line down
and paste all of this into your own
system and it will work straight away
but for today's video I do want to take
the time to explain to you guys what I
did here so that you can learn from the
hours and hours I put into this script
so without further Ado let me enlarge my
screen and get started breaking down the
code all right so first of all I need to
get a disclaimer out of the way if
you're going to use any of this code to
inform your own trading process or back
testing process you do so completely at
your own risk while I've done my
absolute best to ensure this code is as
accurate as possible it's possible that
I've missed something in my testing
everything seems to be working fine but
there's always a chance I've missed
something especially with complex
systems so always do your own due
diligence don't just take my word for
everything or anyone else's word for
anything always do your own testing and
confirmation that things are behaving as
advertised now first of all why did I
make the script in the first place when
we have all this information here well
first of all the strategy tester does
not give you a month or yearly breakdown
of your p l it only gives you a running
p l breakdown or performance summary at
the very end of your back test now you
can export this information into Excel
and with a bunch of complex formulas you
can get pretty much the same thing I've
done here yeah but I wanted something
that I could just throw on to the charts
and look at at a glance really easily
without screwing around with Excel and
all of that the other problem with the
performance the strategy test is
performance metrics is that this is
based on open Running P L not on a
closed trade basis so your max drawdown
for example let's say you had a script
that never had a losing trade but your
profit dipped at times and came close to
your stop-loss let's say that this is my
stop loss each line this number here
will factor in these declines even
though you didn't close a trade for a
loss because it's calculated based on a
running p l basis now that's useful for
useful information to know but for me
when I'm testing a system I only really
care about how much it lost on a
realized basis on a closed trade basis
and so that's what this table does it
breaks down your p l on a monthly basis
and a yearly basis and it's based on
closed trade Equity not open trade
Equity open p l now with that said let's
get into the source code here is the
source code to the simple pullback
strategy that I mentioned earlier I'm
not going to go into this it's a very
simple script it's just simply buying
pullbacks on the Spy ETF and it does so
when price closes between two short-term
Mas so it's a long only system just to
keep things simple
so if we scroll down this is where the
monthly table code is whereas my
grandmother would say this is where it
lives now if you copy all of this code
into your own systems
and paste it at the bottom of your
strategy code you should be getting a
table just like this without having to
modify anything so if you're not
interested in how this code works that's
fine you can just go and get the source
code and paste it into your script but
if you are interested let's get started
breaking it down so before we continue
it's important that I mention the source
code to the script is based on a
different script created by Quant Nomad
and here is a link to their original
script code I have severely or severely
I have significantly adapted this source
code or changed the source code added to
it so my script barely resembles the
original script but I need to give
credit where credit is due and Quant
Nomad laid out the core template for
this script particularly the table code
so go and check this script out if
you're curious to see the difference
between mine and this one so first of
all as always I have a bunch of user
inputs so the user inputs we're working
with today in this script are under this
label here so I've grouped them all into
rows so everything's a bit tidier we
have the on off switch which does
exactly what you think it does we have
the debug mode now debug mode
um I think I'll leave this in when I
publish the source code just because
it's there I might as well it's off by
default but if you turn this on now we
get let me turn the table off because
I've made my screen massive and it's
taking up my whole chart now
um these debug labels are showing the
profit and profit and loss as a
percentage on a closed trade basis so if
I scroll in here let's look at uh the
month of April so here's the first
trading day of April
so here's the first trading day of May
so the system closed a trade in April
for a 1.17 gain which means if I turn on
my table we should see for the month of
April 2023 a 1.17 gain and if I hover
over each cell that's a tool tip that
will tell you the max drawdown for each
month and the max favorable Excursion
for each month that's what MFE stands
for and that's just a fancy way of
saying how much profit did you make in
that month versus what you ended up with
at the end of the month so if you had a
bunch of winners at the start of the
month and then a few losers the MFE will
be higher than the actual monthly return
and this is just a useful metric to give
you an idea of how much profit your
system is potentially leaving on the
table but anyway this debug label is
just to allow you to confirm that the
information you're seeing on the table
is accurate and if you hover over the
label there's a tool tip that gives you
a bunch of information on a month by
month and year by year and total basis
so that's what the debug mode does then
we have decimal Precision this is
um the Precision of the table so if I
set that to three we we now have three
decimal places after the full stop but
that is set to two by default because I
find that having more than two makes it
a bit more difficult to analyze the
information here the script does round
these numbers so they are going to be
slightly inaccurate and that's why I
included an option to increase the
decimal Precision if you need to dive a
little deeper into certain numbers and
then all of these here are just
formatting colors so here's the year
profit color I could change that to Aqua
if I want to and that's going to change
the color scheme of the table let's set
all of this back to the default settings
turn debug off and get back to our code
so that's the user inputs after we get
our script inputs I then Define a custom
function and a few custom types data
types so this custom function is for
getting decimal precision based on a
given number I just said that you can
change the decimal Precision of the
chart itself to three or more decimal
places but you'll notice that some of
these cells actually override that
setting and have three decimal places
even though I've set it to two the
reason for this is so that any number
that falls between greater than zero and
less than 0.5 or less than zero and
greater than negative 0.05 then we set
the decimal Precision to three that's
because if we don't do that the script
will round some of these numbers down to
zero and so you'll see on this for
example this is the cell that I first
noticed doing this because it's 0.004
this was rounding down to zero and so I
had a green cell with a zero in it and
it didn't really make any sense to the
eye just looking at the chart the table
so I made an override that if the number
is very very small it is automatically
set to three decimal places that way you
can actually see what happened in this
month so this month was basically a
break-even month but the table would
show a zero in a green cell if I didn't
do this so that's what this functions
if the number Falls outside this range
it just returns whatever setting you've
put in here
next up we have our custom data types
now these weren't really necessary I
just did it to keep the script tidy keep
everything organized so the first type
data type here is defining an open
trades cost which is used to calculate
commission costs on a trade by trade
basis so we have the entry time of the
trade the entry price and the commission
cost I'll explain how we use this later
on but next we have the strategies
monthly return type so this stores a
running monthly profit drawdown the Peak
return for that month and the time stamp
of that month and then we have the exact
same data type
structure except this is for yearly
returns now so monthly and yearly
returns have their own data type but
they all keep the same information the
total profit the worst drawdown the peak
profit and the time stamp of that a
month or year so we use these later on
in the script we'll get to that soon
alright so next up we have a whole bunch
of data types here now they're all
pretty self-explanatory we have our
cumulated monthly p l our accumulate
accumulated yearly p l
our accumulated total p l
we have our best monthly p l and our
best yearly p l these numbers get stored
into these data types at the end of each
month or the end of each year and then
these data types are put into an array
which we'll get to soon this is storing
the accumulated p l value so the running
tally for the current month and current
year next up we have our drawdown values
so there's quite a few variables here we
have our Equity Peak this is a total
Equity Peak for the entire back test we
have our current yearly Equity high and
our current yearly drawdown and our
Year's Max drawdown for the current year
then we have our worst drawdown for the
entire back test period then we have our
monthly Equity High same as yearly
Equity high but for the month same with
current monthly drawdown and monthly Max
drawdown so some of these variables are
identical to each other but on a monthly
and yearly basis next up we store our
long and short trade count that's just
so that we can see
um where does it say if I hover over
one of these values here we go the total
return if I hover my mouse over there we
get a tool tip that pops up telling me
my win rate on a long and short trade
basis so different groups now this
system I have on my chart is a long only
pullback system so it only ever took
long trades and so the win rate for long
trades is identical to the overall win
rate but if I had a script that was
taking long and short trades we'd be
able to see here how the two different
directional biases play out in our
system and that is only possible because
we tracked these values here so we track
our total break even trades total long
trades total one long trades
total short trades and total one short
trades and this is all the variables we
need in order to generate this entire
table so let's move on to where we start
doing the actual calculations so first
we need to store the open trades
commission cost in an array I'll explain
why in a moment it's a little bit
complex it took me a while to figure out
a solution to the problem that this
solves but we'll get to that in a moment
so the first thing we do in the script
is detect an opened trade and save the
cost of that trade so to detect a newly
opened trade a fresh open trade we check
if the current open trades count on the
current bar is not equal to the open
trades count on the previous bar and our
closed trades is equal our current
closed trades account is equal to the
closed trades count on the previous bar
because open trades will not match the
previous Buzz open trades if a trade is
opened or a trade is closed but we only
want to detect opened trades so we need
to make sure that we didn't just close
the trade we actually opened a trade
once we detect this condition this code
gets executed and this code calculates
the cost of the current trade by
subtracting the current bars gross loss
sorry subtracting the previous Bar's
gross loss from the current bars gross
loss because the trades just been opened
we haven't actually lost any money yet
but this gross loss will actually factor
in the commission cost of the trade so
when we open our trade gross loss will
increase by the commission cost and so
this is how we can detect the cost of
the open trade then once we have the
cost of the open trade we push a new
trade cost type so that's this type I
explained already we need an entry time
and entry price and the cost so we push
this new trade cost type into our array
using the push function and we create a
new trade cost type with the entry time
so we get the trades list
and we get the entry time of our current
open trades count minus one now I know
this this gets a bit confusing but
basically we're getting the most recent
open trades entry time that's what this
line of code is doing it's saying get me
the entry time of an open trade with the
open trade index of the last one in the
list which will be the most recently
open trade um then we do that same thing
for the entry price exactly the same
code but for the entry price and then we
pass in our cost of trade as well and
that adds the current trades cost to our
array so that later on when this trade
gets closed we can factor in the
commission cost of that closed trade
accurately because remember each
position that gets open is going to have
a different commission cost based on how
many contracts were traded so this is
the best way I could come up with to
track the commission costs accurately
there could be a better way in fact
there probably is a better way but this
was the best solution I could come up
with and it works so I'm sticking with
it until I can think of a better
solution so now this script it only
takes one trade at a time but
theoretically this code should work with
scripts the pyramid that open multiple
positions that's why I did it this way I
could have made this a lot simpler but I
wanted to make it as robust as possible
so that it works with all kinds of
different systems not just this system I
added to my chart this simple pullback
strategy so now that we're tracking our
commission costs the next thing we need
to do is detect when a trade is closed
this is where the core the heart of the
script is all of this code under this if
statement is where we add up our profit
our loss our all of the data we need in
order to populate this table so to
detect a closed trade it's a lot easier
than detecting an open trade we just
need to check if the current bars closed
trade count is not equal to the previous
bars closed trade Cal and then what we
need to do is track the cumulative
profit percent server open strategy
tester and go to list of Trades that's
this see this 0.62 0.3 nine percent one
point one seven percent Etc this is the
cumulative profit on a closed trade
basis so when the trade is closed this
is how much of a percentage return we
made on our account balance I need to
simulate that in this table
and in order to do that unfortunately
there's no simple way to do this there's
no strategy dot um cumulative profit
list in the
strategy Library there's no like closed
trades dot cumulative profit I can't do
something like this unfortunately I
really wish they had this this function
implemented it would make this script so
much easier to code but unfortunately we
don't have that option and so I need to
replicate this formula myself so I went
into the trading view documentation and
this is how they explain this is their
explanation for how cumulative profit
percent is calculated it's calculated by
dividing the trade profit or loss by
your initial Capital plus the cumulative
profit of all the previous trades that
your script has taken multiplied by 100
to turn it into a percentage so the
first thing we need to do in order to
execute this mathematical formula is
calculate our trade profit to do that we
also need to factor in the commission
cost so that's why we have all this code
up here and so when a trade is closed
the first thing we need to do is
retrieve the trade cost for this close
trade from our commission array so to do
that I create a new float variable
called trade cost it's set to zero now
when this trade is closed and we
calculate the trade cost we also need to
remove the commission cost from our
array because we've already taken it
into consideration we don't need it in
the array anymore so I also keep a
remove index variable here to tell the
script which array index to remove from
our commission cost list after we have
retrieved the cost so to retrieve the
cost we use just a simple for Loop here
starting from zero looping up to the
cost of our open trades array size my
minus one you always need to subtract
one from an array size because it starts
counting at zero but the size so if
you've got one array element size will
be one because you've got one array
element but if you go to reference that
array element using the get function you
start from zero so if an array contains
any elements its size is always going to
be one index larger than we can actually
reference so we need to subtract one
from the array size When We're looping
through an array so that's what we're
doing here then we're creating a trade
cost type data type called TC
and this trade cost TC is equal to our
cost of open trades array dot get this
current Loop index so We're looping
through all of the open trades in our
commission cost array list and getting
them all one by one and then we're
checking if that entry time is equal to
the closed trades entry time of the
trade we literally just closed so if
this trade we just detected has closed
the last closed trade in our closed
trades list or array if the entry time
of that closed trade is equal to the
entry time of our commission cost when
that trade was opened and the entry
price of that open trade where we saved
the commission cost if that open trades
entry price is equal to this closed
trades entry price then we've found a
match for this closed trades commission
cost and so we saved the trade cost we
save the remove index the current Loop
index and we break out of the loop and
the rest of our code here is executed so
the first thing we do is we check if
remove index is not equal to negative 1
that means we actually found a relevant
trade in our closed trade list and we
need to remove the commission cost from
our array because we no longer need that
information we've already got the trade
cost so that we can calculate our
cumulative profit percent so the next
thing we need to do is calculate our
Equity before the trade was closed now
I've got a note here that
strategy.equity will not do for this
because Equity strategy.equity changes
on a bar by bar based on open profit and
loss not realized profit and loss so
what that means is if I can pair the p l
of um let's look this trade here closed
here actually that's a bad example
because it opened here and closed here
let me find a trade that was open for a
few bars here we go so this trade was
opened here and on each bar that prints
my strategy dot Equity so this variable
will change on each bar even though the
trade hasn't closed yet so that will not
give what we need here we need to
calculate the equity the current
realized Equity before the trade close
so in other words our account balance
before the trade closed regardless of
what open profit we have on that trade
so to do that I need to add our net
profit on the previous bar remember net
profit will only update when a trade is
so we can add the net profit on the bar
before our trade closed to our initial
Capital the capital we started with and
that will give us our pre-trade Equity
our account balance before the trade was
closed now once we have this we can now
calculate the profit and loss plus the
cost of this trade now this is where
things get a little bit confusing and
this is something that took me a way too
long to figure out but for whatever
reason gross profit takes into account
the commission cost over trade but gross
loss does not I can't I don't know why I
couldn't figure this out but the numbers
just did not add up until I did this and
I included the trade cost in the gross
loss so that's why I went to all this
trouble of tracking the open trades
commission cost so that when it comes to
calculating the actual p l for losing
trades we need to add in the trade cost
in order to get an accurate number here
so what I'm doing here is I'm checking
if our losing trade count is greater
than the losing trade count on the pre
previous bar that means the trade we
just closed was a losing trade and so we
need to set profit loss to the current
bars gross loss minus the previous Bar's
gross loss minus the commission cost of
that trade and then we multiply it by
negative one to get a negative number
because gross loss is always going to be
a positive number we need to turn it
into a negative number in order to get a
negative profit loss number here and
otherwise if this condition is not met
then that means that we just had a
winning trade or a break-even trade and
we can simply set profit loss to our
gross profit on the current bar minus
the previous Bar's gross profit now we
have our profit and loss later on we'll
get to it in a moment we use this number
to calculate our cumulative profit
percentage which is this number here so
all of this code so far is just to get
this freaking number here and now you
can see why this script took so long and
why I get a little bit frustrated when I
talk about how long it took so far we
have all the numbers we need in order to
calculate our cumulative cumulative
profit and loss for each trade as it's
closed not on a running open p l basis
but on a closed trade basis so now that
we have an accurate profit and loss
value to work with the next thing I do
here is just simply check if this trade
was a long or short trade and if it won
or lost so if our position size was
positive on the previous bar that means
we had a long trade open because a long
trade has a positive contract number and
a short trade has a negative contract
number and if it's equal to zero then we
have no trade open
so if the previous bars position size
was greater than zero then we had a open
long trade so we can add one to our long
trade total long trade counter
and if profit loss
a p l for this trade was positive then
we had a winning trade so we can add one
to Our Winning trade counter for long
trades then we do exactly the same thing
for short trades but the opposite
direction and we can use this
information later to analyze our win
rate for long trades and short trades
and then here we also check if the trade
broke even so this is going to be very
rare with this particular system based
on the way it exits trades but there is
a chance that we could have a flat p l
on the trade and if our profit loss is
equal to zero then we increase our total
break even trades counter and then
finally we get to calculate our
cumulative profit percent this number
finally uh the relief cumulative profit
percent is equal to the profit and loss
on this trade as a dollar value divided
by the equity of our account balance the
close trade Equity the
non-running p l of our account on the
previous bar before this trade closed
and we multiply that by 100 and this
number here
is equal to this number here regardless
of position size and commission cost and
now we can finally break all of this
information down into a monthly and
yearly format but before we do that we
need to track some other values such as
our Equity Peak this is for calculating
our Max drawdown and Max favorable
Etc so here we store the highest peak
value of our Equity our account balance
and we can now use strategy.equity since
Equity is updated to realize p l on this
bar so I just explained earlier how
strategies.equity updates on a bar by
bar basis so if you've got an open trade
for several bars your Equity will change
based on where price action is in
relation to your stop loss and take
profit but since this code in this if
is executed after a trade is closed we
can now use strategy.equity so anyway we
store our highest peak value of equity
and then we also calculate the total Max
drawdown for this system
which will be slightly different to this
number because as I mentioned this
number takes into account our open p l
whereas my Max drawdown worst drawdown
only factors in losing trades so it adds
up our losing trades cumulative profit
or in this case cumulative losses and
that gives us our Max drawdown the worst
drawdown for this total system back test
so to calculate the drawdown we need to
subtract the current bars Max Equity
from our Peak Equity the highest Equity
value we ever reached and we divide that
number by our Equity Peak and multiply
it by 100 to get a percentage and this
will give us our Max drawdown as a
percentage or the current drawdown is a
percentage and if the current drawdown
is worth less than or less than our
worst drawdown then we want to save the
current drawdown into our worst drawdown
and override whatever the previous baby
drawdown was as Nick Raj likes to say
your worst drawdown is always ahead of
you and so this will be updated forever
and ever into the future there will
always be a worse drawdown than the
previous worst drawdown and this code
will make sure that we track that
information anyway moving on we then
store our accumulated monthly and yearly
profit and loss into these three values
or variables so our accumulated monthly
p l is going to be the cumulative profit
percent this value here which is
this number here we are adding this
number onto the accumulative accumulated
monthly p l on the previous bar and then
later on when a new month starts this
gets reset to zero and we store whatever
the value this variable was at the end
of that month and this is how how we
track the accumulated monthly p l to
display on the table then we do the same
thing for our yearly profit and loss out
accumulated yearly p l and our
accumulated total p l and then when a
new year starts we reset this to zero
and when a new month starts we reset
this to zero and save whatever those
values were at that end of month or end
of year period now there's a few more if
statements here where we just save some
various data performance metrics so here
we save the max favorable Excursion for
this month which is our Peak return as a
percentage so if our accumulated p l is
greater than our best accumulated
monthly p l this is the opposite of Max
drawdown so max drawdown for the month
will track how low our Equity got during
that month before we ended the month
this tracks how high our Equity got
before the end of the month and so this
will track our Max favorable Excursion
which is a fancy
way in this context of tracking the
opposite of Max drawdown Max adverse
Excursion would be the opposite it would
be how close did price get to our stop
loss without actually touching it
because if it touched it then that
becomes a drawdown metric if it didn't
touch it that's the max adverse
Excursion now I don't track the max
adverse Excursion in this script because
I don't think it's really necessary we
probably don't even need to track them
Max favorable Excursion to be honest but
I did it because I was curious and it
wasn't very difficult to add it to the
script and it just makes it a little bit
uh you know there's just a little bit
more information to work with so why not
so anyway we tracked the MFE for this
month and the MFE for this year then we
tracked the max Equity high for our
total drawdown calculation the worst
drawdown the system has encountered then
we tracked the max Equity high for the
current year so that we can track the
max yearly drawdown
for this current year so this is the
total worst drawdown this is the current
Year's worst drawdown and then the next
thing we do is check if our yearly
realized Equity High minus the current
realized Equity exceeds our Max drawdown
for the year in other words this
statement here checks if we have just
lost some money and if so then we update
our current yearly drawdown and if our
current yearly drawdown is worse than
our Max drawdown for this year then we
save that to our yearly Max drawdown and
then when a new year begins we store our
Max drawdown for the year our profit for
the year our Max favorable Excursion for
the year Etc into a data type that gets
displayed in our table later now I have
some unfinished comments here this uh
this tracks the max Equity High over
current month for Max monthly drawdown
and I can pretty much copy this comment
this does the same thing as that code
but for monthly so check if our monthly
realize Equity High minus current
realize Equity exceeds our stored Max
down for the month and update if
necessary and save worst drawdown
doesn't need to be worst rundown ever
it's the worst drawdown for that month
all right so sorry if I lost you there
all of this code here is identical it's
copy and pasted
this here is tracking the yearly Max
drawdown and this here is tracking the
monthly Max drawdown and then that's it
for our closed trade information we
calculate everything we need to know in
order to display our performance table
at the very end of our if statement here
we have the debug label so if I turn
this on these blue labels here that show
our p l our cumulative p l as a
and this tool tip that gives information
on what the script is currently doing is
all done here by this label so if debug
is turned on
we create this giant string where we add
up all of these different variables
values debug information
and then we display a label with this
very long string as a tool tip so that
we can use a somewhat of a magnifying
glass and see what the script is doing
on a trade by trade basis I used these
labels to confirm that the performance
table was showing accurate information
but this is turned off by default so
unless you run into an issue with the
script or you just want to verify that
the information is correct you don't
need to turn this on you don't need to
worry about this label so now moving on
I need to get rid of this test code
that's not needed the next thing we do
here is prepare a raise to store our
yearly and monthly P L's so we have two
persistent arrays here VAR arrays one is
storing our monthly returns one is
storing our yearly returns and the table
code at the end of the script will Loop
through these arrays and display that
information as a table but before we do
that we need to detect one a new month
and a new year begins so new month will
be true when the current month time
stamp is not equal to the previous
month's timestamp that means we've begun
done a new month and same for New Year
so now that we have a new month and New
Year detected all that is left to do is
detect a new month I need to get rid of
this so we're detecting a new month and
storing its return profile so by profile
I mean it's accumulated p l for the
month it's drawdown for the month and
it's Max favorable Excursion for the
month and the time stamp of the month
the start of the month so to do this I
create a new strategy monthly return
data type which remember is this guy
here and this data type takes a profit a
drawdown a peak equity and a time stamp
so that's what I pass in here our
accumulated monthly p l for this month
the worst drawdown for this month and
the best Equity high for this month
as a percentage of our account balance
then we pass in the timestamp we push
this data type into our monthly returns
array and we reset all of the monthly
performance metric variables
to zero so we're starting a new month
everything goes back to zero and we
start the whole process again of
calculating our monthly p l drawdown
Equity High Etc and because we've
started a new month if this month is
January then we have started a new year
as well so within this new month if
statement we also check
if we have a new year and if we have a
new year we do exactly the same thing as
we do here we store this year's this
past Year's performance metrics into the
yearly returns array this code is
identical to the monthly code but
instead of tracking the monthly p l
metrics is tracking the yearly p l so
the past 12 months worth of information
and that's it all that's left to do is
to display this onto a table so here are
some more debug code if we have debug
turn on and we turn these on
these two BG color functions will light
up when we have a new month or a new
year so red means New Year green means
new month and this just makes it easier
for you to dial in
see what happened within a month a given
month so this is February 2023 so for
this month February 2023 we should have
in our table a return of 1.32 because we
only had one trade in that month and it
was a winning trade we did open a second
trade in that month but that trade did
not close until March for a small loss
so this doesn't get counted in the
February p l because we didn't know this
was going to lose until the next month
so so this month should show 1.32 in the
table let's turn the table on
look for February 2023 1.32
so that's why I include this uh debug
code to make it easier to verify that
the script is doing what it should be
doing now let's go over the table code
briefly to wrap up this script uh lesson
I don't think I need to go into too much
information about this table I've got
lessons on tables already it's not
exactly rocket science there's just a
lot of copy and pasted code to format
the whole thing so the first thing we do
is Define our table data type as
performance table and then if this is
the last bar in our chart then we
display our performance table so if the
table is turned on
in the settings menu and this is the
last confirmed historical bar on our
then performance table
is created
with 100 rows
which equals 100 Years of data which
should be plenty for all markets you can
barely fit 30.
um years worth of data on the chart when
your screen is at a normal resolution
but if you're trading a market that has
a lot of historical data I couldn't find
a way to only display a certain amount
of information so I tried to write some
code that would only show the past 10
years of data or whatever and I couldn't
get it to show accurate metrics down
here it can be done but it was just so
complicated that I just decided against
that I wanted to keep the script simpler
and to be honest to be completely honest
with you I'd spent so much time on the
script already I just wanted to be done
with it maybe I'll revisit it at a later
date when I have less coding PTSD for
this project and I can try and add a
time-based window for this performance
table but instead of doing that all I
did was add the monthly and the the
table headers at the top of the table
you can't see them here because they're
off my chart but I added those same
table headers to the bottom of the table
so no matter how big this chart gets you
can still see what each column
is representing so anyway we are
displaying a lot of data I don't think
there'll be any Market you'll find any
data source that will have more than 100
Years of data on the chart in fact I
don't think tradingview will even be
able to to display that many bars at
least not daily bars maybe monthly bars
but anyway it's not important we create
a giant table the next thing we do is
set our column headers so we set our
column headers by
using the cell function and in fact we
can actually use the new
this new
method for doing this uh like so we
might as well use it so in the past we
needed to use the table dot cell
function in order to achieve this but
now we can actually use the cell
function directly on the table type
which makes the code just that slightly
more efficient just less characters to
achieve the same thing so the first two
numbers in the cell function
are the column and the row so 0 is the
very first row on our table and then
zero is the First Column one is the
second column and so on so this sets our
table headers for each column
then we cycle through the total yearly
returns array size with the year index
we get the yearly return for this Loop
for this year
of the current Loop and we set the year
number in the first column
and then determine the color of the cell
we also populate the cell values so if I
turn on my table well the table's
already on this for Loop is looping
through each year one by one so it will
start at the very first year of our
backtest data and cycle up to the
current year through this for Loop and
so the first thing we do is set the year
title so that's this
cell here and then we determine the
of this cell which is our profit and
loss cell for that year so if the year
turned a profit so our yearly return dot
profit remember this is a custom data
type we created up here that stores
profit drawdown Peak equity and
timestamp if we turned a profit then we
set y color year color
to profit color which is
this setting here and then here's lost
color and break even color that's what
this line of code does and then we
create a tool tip for that year so the
max drawdown for the year and the mass
favorable Excursion so if you hover your
mouse over this end of year return it
will tell you the mass favorable return
so you can see here on 2011 we actually
had a return of positive 12 at one point
but we ended the year down half a
so it's interesting information to know
that means we had a pretty bad
turnaround this year you can see that
here we lost
all of our profit in one month
essentially and then we use the
performance.sell function to set our
yearly return profit we round that
number up or down based on our get
rounding Precision remember that's the
custom function we created at the very
start of the script that forces these
numbers into three decimal places if the
number is very very small so that's how
we populate the yearly values the next
thing we do is set our monthly values we
do exactly the same thing we Loop
through our monthly returns array we get
what year this month fell within we get
what month number January would be 1
December would be 12. that gives us our
column starting here so January would be
one so the column would be one
and then someone all the way to December
and then we get the month row which is
the current year minus the very first
um that we have on our table here and
that gives us which row
we are working with so we've got our
monthly columns and now we've got our
row based on the year that this month
fell within and then finally we have yet
another bit of somewhat confusing code
here because and I'll explain this
comment here it says we need to shift
all month cells back one cell
this is because our profit and loss
values are added to the array at the
start of a new month
so all of our array values are
technically off by one month so there
might be a better way to achieve what
I've done here that's less hacky I did
try to manipulate the array values
themselves but I honestly couldn't
figure out a simple way to do this and
so this seemed like a better solution
and what I mean by all of our values are
off by one month is let's use the latest
here as an example the data for February
the monthly data for February is not
known until the 1st of March
and so technically if we don't shift all
of these cells back one
then March would be showing 1.32 because
on the very first trading day of March
we get February's trading data because
the month is confirmed to be over and
it's much easier to detect a new month
than it is to detect the final day of a
month and so what we're doing here is
Shifting all of these cells back one
this is pretty easy to do except for
when you're in this cell here because
you need to shift this cell all the way
back to here so December's data for 2022
is not known until the 1st of January
2023 so we need to shift this value all
the way back to this cell and that's
what this code here does now I don't
need this Boolean value in here I think
that was just for testing purposes
uh but basically we are setting our
month call to the month call minus one
and if our month column equals zero so
that would be this column here then we
need to shift it back to this column
and uh so that would be column number 12
or month number 12 December and we also
need to shift the month row back
um from this road to this row so if this
cell gets shifted back to this cell then
we need to set the column to 12 to
December and we need to move it back one
row to this row
that's what this code here does then we
determine the color so this background
color for each cell is determined by
this line of code here that just checks
if there was a profit if so then we set
the profit color otherwise uh if it was
Break Even we set the Breakeven color
and otherwise it must be a loss so we
set it to the lost color now you'll
notice that these cells are brighter the
backgrounds are brighter than these
cells I found a really easy way to
achieve this just using the transparency
of whatever this value is so if I set
this to Aqua for example you'll notice
that all these yearly cells are brighter
than the monthly cells so they're easy
to differentiate between
I did this really easily by just
creating a new color for this end of
um column and adding 20 transparency to
the profit color so color.t will get the
colors transparency
and I add 20 transparency that way we
don't need a lot of different color
inputs here we can just keep one input
and at one click of the button the table
keep its uh color formatting in terms of
the end of year columns being brighter
than the monthly columns and then
finally we set the monthly tip tool tip
so that's this when you hover over it
tells you the max drawdown and Max
favorable Excursion for each month
depending on the system these numbers
could be very different or almost always
the same on this system they're almost
always the same but there will be times
we had a nice profit and then lost some
of that profit during the month because
this system doesn't take many trades
during a month there's not too much of a
fluctuation between the p l for that
month but here on the 0.002 you can see
that at one point we were up 0.57 but we
obviously had a winning trade and a
losing trade in that month that brought
us back down to
basically break even and then finally if
this is the final array element and we
haven't completed the year yet then we
need to fill the current Year's p l
so this code here detects if our monthly
index our Loop is equal to the final
element in our array and we are not in
December then we still want to display
our accumulated yearly p l for this year
and our Max drawdown for this year so
that's what this code does it just
forces the table to display this year's
p l end of year p l even though the year
hasn't finished yet and then finally we
set the yearly table titles last because
we are shifting all these cells back one
uh cell like this you know each first
month is shifted back to the December
cell at the top of our table this method
can override our table can override some
of our table headings
so at the end of all of this display
code we set the yearly table titles last
putting this last fixes my shifting of
each monthly cell back one cell which
overrides table titles if they're set
before the loop above and then we
calculate the performance metrics based
on realized p l so that is this
information here we have our compound
annual growth rate our Max drawdown for
the system overall our ma ratio which is
compound annual growth rate divided by
Max drawdown that gives you an idea of
how quickly the system can recover from
losing streaks and our total return and
we have tool tips on each value here to
explain what each value is so this is
where we calculate those performance
metrics so our percent return is very
that's just getting this number here
which is our net profit divided by our
initial Capital multiplied by 100 to get
a percent our compound annual growth
rate is a little bit more complicated
you can Google the formula for cagr if
you want to you don't need to understand
how this math works but this gives our
compound annual growth rate and then we
have our ma ratio which I just said is
our kagger divided by our worst drawdown
then finally we populate our performance
data these cells down here
and the tool tips so we have them so we
have our various tool tips as well
and then at the very end we set our
column headers at the bottom of the
table which is all these values down
here and that's it that's the end of our
performance table code as I said you can
copy all of this code into your script
and it should theoretically work with
most scripts there are going to be some
that it might not work with depending on
the complexity of your system and how
many positions it trades I definitely
encourage you to verify that the
information on the table is accurate
I can't guarantee that it will be for
every system on trading view but it
should work for most with that said the
source code will be below in the pin
comment and the video description if you
want to learn more about pinescript and
take your coding to the next level make
sure to check out the Mastery course if
you already experienced the pine then
you might find my indicators and
strategies course more interesting you
can find all of that at make sure to
subscribe if you haven't already because
I will be back very soon with a new
video thanks for watching I love you
guys and I will speak with you in the
next video good luck with your trading
and take care

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