Sunday 20 October 2024

How to FIX transp WARNING in Pine Script V4

How to FIX transp WARNING in Pine Script V4

hi traders and welcome back to another
pine script lesson
today's lesson is going to be a short
one as i'm extremely busy this week but
i wanted to put
something out because it's been a few
weeks since my last video i'm working on
a new series that will show you how to
auto trade
using trading view alerts through
metatrader using an expert advisor
which behaves very similar to autoview
but i'll start releasing the lessons for
that series next week as i'm still
getting familiar with it myself
so today's lesson is focusing on a bit
code refactoring now that's just coding
jargon for rewriting my older code
and the reason i'm doing this is because
the trading view team have changed how a
particular feature in pinescript works
specifically they have made the transp
or transparency parameter in our plots
a deprecated feature of pine script now
deprecated is another coding jargon word
basically just means unsupported they
don't want us to use it anymore
so if i open up the tradingview blog
here you can see
i'll leave a link to this in the video
description but you can see that they
have added
a new color function a couple of new
color functions to pine
and now instead of using the trans
to specify transparency or opacity
in our visual plots we now need to use
new color.rgb or
function which i'll be explaining in
today's video
so basically what i have to do is i need
to go back
through every public script that i've
ever released
and change the trans parameter the use
of the trans parameter to use this new
color function
i've been meaning to get around to doing
this for a couple of weeks now and given
that i wanted to release a video today
that doesn't require hours of editing
and coding
i thought this was a perfect opportunity
to show you guys
how this works while i go through this
process in my own scripts
so let's jump into the pine editor and
get started so if i open up the pine
editor and i paste in one of my scripts
you can see all of these trance
parameters here in these plots
when i save this script you'll see that
the compiler
pops up with all of these warnings this
yellow writing which says the trans
argument or parameter will be deprecated
or unsupported removed
we recommend using or
color.rgb functions to specify
the transparency of the plots instead
so what does that mean i will show you
first of all what this script is doing
is just plotting the zones between
two different moving averages and you
can see that i've set the
transparency to 50 on the lines and
75 on the zones between the lines
what i need to do in order to fix this
error is get rid of this
trans line of code change this line of
to say open bracket
color.lime comma
50. so now this is telling
pinescript that i want to plot this zone
or this value
in the color of lime with 50
and if i do this for all of the plots in
the script
all these yellow warnings will go away
so that's the easiest way to do this if
are using the inbuilt color constants
one other way to achieve this is to use
the color.rgb
function so the easiest way to
demonstrate this would be to
change this so let me get rid
of i'll do it to the bottom one so it's
easier to
read i'm going to get rid of red and i'm
going to write color dot rgb
now this stands for red green blue and
so each
series of numbers we give this function
or each
parameter we pass into this function
will correspond to red
green blue and then there's an optional
transparency parameter at the end
so the rgb method of generating colors
in coding is different to the
version so if you're not familiar with
coloring let me just quickly show you
what that looks like
that would look like this you'd start
with a hashtag and then
there's six characters corresponding to
red green blue
so in the hexadecimal format ff is
the maximum color so ff means
full red zero zero zero zero means
no green no blue if i save that you can
see that this
upper line is still red so that's a
red color if we want to use this new rgb
function to change the color of our
it's a little bit different instead of
using letters and numbers
we just use a integer a whole number
0 and 255 0 being
no red or no green no blue and 255 being
maximum red
maximum green maximum blue so to achieve
same thing here i would just write 255
zero comma zero so full red
no green no blue save the script and we
should get a red line
on the bottom here there you go but
notice that it does not have any
transparency applied to it
it's full opacity or zero percent
if i wanted to add transparency using
this rgb function
all i need to do is add a another
parameter here
comma 50 would set this color
to 50 percent transparent so now if i
save the script
we will go back to how it originally
looked now obviously
when you're using a plain color like red
green or blue
this is not a very efficient way to do
this we could just use the
like i did up here but this is more for
when you want to use
more complex colors so for example we
could set these to
random numbers save that script and
this line will now be some random colors
sort of pink or purple now so the rgb
function gives you a little bit more
over your colors and perhaps in a
slightly more intuitive way than
hexadecimal code
or hexadecimal syntax but anyway let me
get rid of this line of code because
this plot is just a simple red color so
again i just need to write here
open bracket comma 50.
and this will generate a new rgb color
of red with 50 transparency
and so now i need to basically go
through all of my scripts and do this
go through this process get rid of the
trans parameter
and change everything to look like this
so i can just get rid of
the trans argument
and close off these parentheses
now if i go through my entire script and
do this we will get rid of
all of those annoying orange warnings
so i'll do that now and i'll come back
in a second
all right that should be all of my plots
uh fixed or refactored to
account for this new change in the
password language if i save the script
we should get no
warnings there we go fixed so now i need
to publish this update to the training
view platform
and then go through every single script
i've ever written
and there's over 20 or 30 or so
so this will be my next hour or so just
updating my old
script source code this is the new way
we need to specify transparency going
forward in our scripts
so it's important to get into a habit of
doing this now and if you have any old
scripts that use this trans parameter or
in your plots or shapes this is how you
fix it
make sure you go back and do that
because i'm not sure what will happen
when the trading view team finally
officially deprecate
the trans argument so that'll do it
thanks for watching
and i'll see you in the next lesson
which will be out next week
where we will learn how to automate
trading scripts through metatrader
which unlike autoview unlocks the whole
world of possibility
insofar as the different brokers
that support metatrader autoview only
supports oanda
where metatrader obviously is supported
by most brokers
anyway that will do it for today's
lesson thanks for your time thanks for
take care best of luck with your trading
and coding and i'll speak to you
next week

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