Sunday 20 October 2024

NEW PINE SCRIPT V4 FEATURE Group & Inline Inputs

hello my friends and fellow traders
today's lesson is covering the latest
update to the panscript language that
the trading view development team have
this new update is a great one it's a
simple one
but it does improve pine script quite
dramatically in my opinion
so this new update now allows us to
organize script inputs
in sections and lines so this is
something i've personally wanted for a
long time because i have a number of
with a huge amount of settings and it
has always been
extremely difficult to organize those
settings visually
on the user interface so that the user
of my script
can quickly and easily navigate the
settings and keep everything neat and
so this new update is just a simple user
interface visual
change to pine script and i'm going to
show you how we can use this new change
in our scripts to better organize
our settings interface but before we do
that let's read the words
so it says here our latest pine update
introduces two
improvements to inputs the new group
parameter allows programmers to define
a section header for a group of inputs
and the new inline parameter allows
multiple inputs to be joined on one line
using these new features you can
organize inputs more neatly
as we do here for our auto fib
retracement indicator so you can see
that they've
used the inline parameter to merge all
of these
fibonacci settings into two columns
instead of having these laid out all the
way down
on a single column they've also added
the option
to create section headers or titles
so you can see here that this section of
applies to the date range header so
today's lesson is going to be a really
quick and easy one i'm going to jump
into the pine editor load up one of my
existing scripts and we're just going to
play around with these new parameters
and as always i will leave a link in the
video description to
this article here and i'll also leave a
link to the plan script
reference manuals entry for input which
how you can use these new settings
in detail but i'll quickly read this out
to you the inline parameter
is a string parameter and it combines
all the input calls using the same
string or argument into one line
the string used as an argument is not
displayed it is only used to identify
inputs belonging to that same line so if
you apply the same
inline parameter string to a bunch of
inputs in your script then they will all
be merged onto the same line
where possible and the new group
parameter is also a string parameter
this creates a header above all inputs
using the same group
argument string the string is also used
as the header
text so this parameter is displayed on
your chart
inline is not it's just used to identify
which inputs you want to merge on the
one line
so let's jump into the pine editor and
play around with these new
input parameters so here i am with a
strategy script that i wrote
it has a bunch of inputs here as you can
not as many as some of my scripts do but
we're going to use this as an example
we're going to
segment some of our sections so this
section up here
is going to be our strategy settings and
this section down here is going to be my
auto view settings this is the settings
i use to
inform autoview how to auto trade my
and how to calculate my position size
for each trade that autoview takes
i'm not going to go into detail about
autoview in this lesson this is purely
for example purposes
if you want to learn how to use autoview
to automate your forex trading
i'll leave a link to that in the video
description and up
on the right side of your screen right
now will pop up a little eye
icon that will take you to that video
lesson that i did a few months ago
on how to set up auto view but anyway
today's lesson is going to cover input
parameters so let's get into it
so here i have a bunch of inputs bunch
of user inputs completely
unorganized we can now use the group
parameter to specify which inputs we
want to belong
to each group that we define so here i'm
going to just call this
strategy settings and now if i save the
and we come up to the settings menu you
can see that we now have a header here
that says strategy
settings but i've only applied it to one
input parameter so far
if i were to apply this to multiple
input parameters they would all fall
under this header
and that is one way we can separate our
script settings
using this new parameter so let me copy
this bit of code here and
paste it over all of these input
now all of these ones here are for auto
view all of these settings here
are for the strategy script so now i can
this group parameter into these other
input variables
and we can change this to say auto view
and now i copy this bit of code and
paste it over these few settings
and i save the script now when i come up
to the settings menu
you will notice that all my strategy
settings are grouped together
under one header and all of my order
settings are grouped together under one
header so on your more complicated
scripts that have
many different types of settings you
might have a bunch of candlestick
filters or candlestick patterns your
script wants to detect
like for example my ultimate
pullback indicator i need to go back and
modify the source code to the script
to include these new group parameters
and inline parameters because if i open
up the settings to this script
you'll notice that i have dozens of
settings here
and i have grouped them myself using
check boxes blank check boxes that do
but i can now use this new group
parameter to create a header
for all of these different various
script setting
sections so for example here i have a
that determines what my candle patterns
will be
so using the new group parameter i can
group all of these check boxes
under a nice neat header that isn't
as messy as using these blank check
so hopefully now you can see the power
of this new update
but let's get back to our script and
i'll show you how the inline parameter
so the group parameter is extremely
simple by combining the same group
parameter for all of my inputs
that groups them all together and the
group string is also what is displayed
in my settings menu the inline parameter
is a little bit different
it is not drawn onto your settings menu
and it can be named anything
so i could just write a one here if i
wanted to i can copy this
paste it there and now when i come to
the settings menu after i save my script
these two inputs will be merged onto
just one
line so let's save this script and i'll
show you what i mean
there we go come up here now these two
are on one line and this inline string
doesn't really matter what i call this
and that's really it it's quite a simple
update but it's very powerful
for organizing your script settings and
something that i've personally been
waiting for for many years now three
i could have used this feature and then
finally added it to
pine script and it is going to help a
lot with making your scripts look more
more organized now the inline parameter
only merge as many inputs
as it can fit into your settings
screen so if i were to add another
inline here
to the next input here and save the
script now if i come to the settings
these will not all be merged onto one
line but instead
they are just grouped together a little
bit closer however one thing you can do
is just put in a blank title for these
settings and that will group them all
onto one line so if i just backspace
all of this and save the script let me
come up to the settings menu
now all of these boxes are on one line
but they don't have a title explaining
what they do
but depending how you set up your script
maybe this would be obvious to your
script user you could use the header
title to explain what these three
boxes do and it's just a way to better
organize your script settings
one other thing i need to mention is
that if you wanted to merge
other boxes onto a single line such as
these two here
you would need to use a different inline
so here i can write inline equals
two copy that code onto the next line
save the script come up to the settings
and now these two boxes are on
a single line and these three boxes are
on their own line as well
so that's it for today's lesson i hope
you found that interesting if you want
to learn more about this new update go
and read the documentation
and go and play around with it with your
existing scripts it may seem like a
minor thing but if you've been using
panscript for any length of time
you will be just as excited as i am to
have this new feature added
anyway that's it i'll see you in the
next lesson take care guys best of luck
with your trading
and i will speak to you soon

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