Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is tammy bakshi and
we're going to be talking about some of
the brand new concurrency features
introduced to swift
now just yesterday at wwdc 2021 when
they announced the brand new async await
functions and actors to swift
i was really excited and i just really
wanted to delve into
these brand new features i'll be
covering actors in a future tutorial
today i want to focus
on async await functions before i get
into that though
uh if you do enjoy this kind of content
you want to see more of it please do
make sure to subscribe to the channel as
it really does help out a lot
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you'd like to be notified whenever i
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apart from that if you have any
questions suggestions or feedback feel
free to leave it down in the comment
section below
and i'd love to go ahead and hear what
you think or answer any questions you
may have
now diving right into this let's start
off by talking a little bit about
swift the swift language as you probably
know is apple's programming language and
it's most popularly known
for being the one language that you use
for basically everything
apple platforms so if you're building an
ios app your go to is probably going to
be swift
if you're building a mac os app probably
that as well at least i would hope so
um and so you know when you when you
build apple platform
applications you're usually using swift
but swift does a lot more around that
right swift is open source
it enables you to write applications for
linux and even windows now
and one of swift's main design goals has
always been safety which i will say
is criminally underrated in the
programming world
i feel like a lot of programming
beginners don't necessarily realize the
scope of just how much a safe language
can help you out and sort of speed up
your development process
right like for example optionals and
these sorts of language safety features
a lot of the times you know beginners
when they're getting into a language
will think you know this is unnecessary
ceremony right this wastes time
it makes development slower why do we
need this but really when you start to
you know boil away all that ceremony you
realize that when you're developing even
medium to you know larger scale
applications without those safety
things can take way more time than
they're supposed to
just because you will end up making
mistakes in places where you didn't need
places where the compiler could have
caught those mistakes if it had enough
about what you were trying to do really
this entire thing
is about trying to tell the compiler
what you're trying to do
so it can catch your errors for you
right so swift takes
entire classes of programming errors and
translates them to compiler errors
instead of runtime ones you know
optionals really help you out so you
never have those null pointer exceptions
right if led optional chaining guards
all these sorts of things
uh swift's unique exception handling
system enables you to have all kinds of
you know unique errors and it's really
just a more expressive way
of being able to throw errors and now
swift's safety
is coming to the world of concurrency
concurrency is traditionally
you know notoriously difficult to do
and that's just because you know the
human mind sort of thinks
serially you think doing task abcd
so having to change your mindset to
think about multiple threads doing
multiple things at once and somehow
sinking and converging and communicating
can sometimes be a really difficult
thing to do
however now with the power of these new
swift features concurrency is a lot
um issues like data races uh issues
uh like you know blocking threads these
can all be avoided
uh with these brand new features now in
particular let's start off by talking
about something
not even related to concurrency
necessarily but just related to how
computers work
so let's talk about busy weights now as
a programmer you might know what a busy
weight is already
but let me just quickly catch you up to
speed in case you don't
let's just say you're running an
application on a single core cpu so the
cpu only has
a single cpu core single thread running
so at once
the cpu can only do a single thing now
let's just say your application needs to
sleep for one second
now if you were to type into say python
time dot sleep
one imagine what would happen if python
while true continue for one second
what would happen is your cpu for an
entire second
would be continuously used doing nothing
just looping until that one second is
that's called a busy weight it uses your
to wait now there are other kinds of
for example if you were to ask your
colonel to help you do a sleep
what would happen is you would tell your
colonel hey for a second i don't need to
execute this process
and what your kernel can then do is it
won't do a busy weight
instead it'll take control from your
you won't be executing anymore for an
entire second but the kernel can still
other things running in the background
it can context switch
out of your process into something
potentially important
and then move you back into that process
after that second is complete
that's you know context switching
if you're doing a busy weight then your
colonel doesn't know that hey
wait this thread is free we can be doing
other things with it
similarly imagine you're building a
swift ui application to search through
movies on the open movie database
uh api now let's just say you submit a
new uh query for spongebob
uh and you're downloading all of the
album or sorry all of the cover art
for all these different movies all the
well then these are files and files
especially images take
time to download so before you render
your ui
or really on the same thread as your ui
rendering if you start downloading all
those images
your app has become completely
unresponsive nobody can do anything on
the application while the
poster art is downloading and there's
anybody can do about it but if you
launch a new background thread and
unblock your ui thread suddenly people
can still interact with your application
while it's downloading the background
but then you've got to write the code to
make it so the background thread can
communicate with your main thread so
you can get the posters and actually
show them on screen so how do you do
well traditionally you do it with what's
known as a completion handler so
uh you call a function which is
responsible for taking say the url to
the poster art
and it will launch a thread in the
background it'll download it
and then you would have also passed that
function another function
and when that function is done
downloading the poster
it will call that function pointer that
you passed and tell that function hey
we finished um getting this this this
and effectively effectively what that
does is it enables that background
thread to communicate
back to you uh that hey we finished
downloading and here's the image
the issue with this architecture is that
just passing a closure to a function in
doesn't tell the swift compiler anything
about what you're trying to do
you as the programmer understand that
passing that function
closure is an abstraction and that
uh is effectively to make it so you can
communicate back from that background
thread when it's done
to your state to update you your ui for
but the swift compiler doesn't know that
as far as it knows you're just passing
another closure
it doesn't know why and so because of
that it can't enforce a bunch of safety
features for example
if you have a regular function that just
returns an integer then swift will make
sure that
all code paths through the function
return an integer
there is no way that this function can
complete execution without having
returned an integer to its caller
swift can ensure that safety but with
that architecture of
passing closures swift can't ensure that
call that closure and pass it something
that is valid
there's no way for swift to know to do
that because it doesn't know that you're
trying to use the closure as a
kind of return almost right so these are
the kinds of safety features that you
miss out on
however with this latest version of
swift all of these problems can be
forgotten because now you can use async
await functions to replace this whole
completion handler architecture
effectively what you can do is let's
just say you have a
simple function and what it does is you
know like the one on screen right now
it loads a movie's plot through a json
response from the open movie database
api uh now effectively what this code is
uh is it's taking uh a movie structure
which is also on screen right now
and from that movie structure it's
extracting the imdb id
it's passing it to the omdb api and it's
serializing uh rather deserializing uh
uh the json response from um from omdb
into a structure and then extracts the
plot from it and returns the plot so
this is a simple function that gets the
plot of a movie
now in this specific example what i've
done is i've marked this function
async what does async mean well it means
that this function is being called in an
asynchronous context
meaning that it's possible for this
function to
out of nowhere suspend its execution and
tell the system that hey
i'm waiting for something to happen you
can do something else right now
so for example let's just say we're
making our actual url
session a request to get data from a url
now that's something that takes time to
go to a url
fetch something come back so we mark it
we mark that function call
with a weight because data for and then
some url
is an asynchronous function it's also
defined as async
so within this async function we mark
our function call
as a weight so we're waiting for that
function to give us something
now when we say a wait what we're
telling swift is hey
load plot is now for at least for now
done executing
suspend this function we're not going to
continue until we get a response
from url uh session but then once we do
get a response
resume execution of this function so now
the system
mac os knows that hey we're not
executing this function anymore clear up
some system resources go to some other
maybe render the ui or do whatever you
need to do
on this thread but then when url session
does end up returning a response or
maybe a little bit after that when the
kernel thinks it's time
then continue running this specific
function and then as if it were a
synchronous request
you have the result of the actual
request as well as the response from the
stored in your variables no need for a
completion handler
no need for a closure it really is
now here's the thing functions that are
asynchronous can suspend their execution
if you don't
mark a function with async it can't just
suspend out of nowhere
that means that only async functions can
call async functions so for example if i
didn't mark this function as async
i would not be able to call url session
shared data for
url and the reason for that is because
that would be a regular function which
is not allowed to just suspend out of
and if you're awaiting for that function
then you might end up suspending
and so you're probably wondering if only
async functions can call it functions
how do you start that call stack like
how do you make that first async call
and jump the bridge from the synchronous
world to the asynchronous world
well you can use what's known as an
async task
so within your synchronous function what
you can do is
effectively just write async and then a
curly bracket
and then within that async block you're
allowed to make those
calls uh to asynchronous functions
you're allowed to await for them
that asynchronous block launches a new
thread effectively
and so your original function will
continue execution after that async
it will not wait for it to be complete
the async block
just goes ahead and starts a new
asynchronous sort of thread
in the background so that is how these
new async await features
work i have built a little application
that i'd love to show you
uh and it effectively enables you to
search through omdb
uh using um the uh using
this new async await feature in swift
and then i'd love to go ahead and walk
you through the code
and how this is possible so let's go
ahead and take a look at it
let's start off by taking a look at a
demo of the application that i've built
now if you go ahead and launch this
application as you can see it's built in
swift ui so it's able to automatically
adapt to for example light and dark mode
i'm currently in dark mode and if i go
ahead and search for
let's just say spongebob and i hit the
enter character
on the keyboard then it instantly goes
ahead runs that search against omdb
and it does this again entirely
asynchronously in the background the ui
is still responsive as it does this
in the first pass of the api request all
it gets are the movie's titles
and years as well as their imdb ids it
stores that internally and then it goes
ahead and launches
uh per each uh per each cell in the list
it then launches two new threads
essentially or asynchronous sort of
uh streams of execution and within these
streams of execution one of them is
responsible for downloading the poster
and the other one is responsible for
making another api call to get the plot
of that movie
so again there's three sort of i guess
stages to this asynchronous operation
there's number one
which is do the initial search and
create the actual movie cells
then there's actually you know display
those the cells on the um
on the screen and then for each cell
two new asynchronous streams of
execution one of which is to get the
one of which is to get the plot now as
you can see sometimes you'll see like a
little loading icon instead of the
poster and then you'll see the poster
uh that's that's what happens if at
first the cell doesn't have a poster
but then the asynchronous task is like
oh hey here's your poster and then we
display it on screen
but if the asynchronous task throws an
exception or an error saying
wait no we couldn't get the poster for
some reason uh maybe it didn't exist
maybe it was an incorrect image
or something on those lines then in that
we remove the loading little progress or
um and instead we just show blank
transparent rectangle effectively
uh and the plot downloads pretty much
instantly because it's just text
but i do uh do that as an asynchronous
stream of execution so that that's not
blocking anything either
and of course as you scroll down in the
what happens is when the last cell in
the list
appears then that triggers a bit of code
that's like oh you're at the end of the
and so then it loads in a bunch more
uh next search results and you can sort
of keep scrolling it'll detect that
you're at the end it'll keep
um it'll keep downloading more data and
again for every
you know individual cell that it
downloads each cell gets those two
streams of execution that then go ahead
merge back when they're done so let's go
ahead and take a look at the code now
all right let's dive right into the code
uh now the real magic of this
application starts off with the omdb api
class now this code is actually pretty
straightforward because
once again that's the entire point of
this the point
of the new async await function features
is to make code a lot more
you know intuitive it's to make it a lot
more straight line
so we start off of course by defining
our omdb api class this is what's
responsible for actually interacting
with the api
i start off by defining an enumeration
of the different possible errors that
we can encounter by calling the
different functions within the api
and then we define the movie structure
that you've seen earlier this has a
little bit more detail to it though
for example it conforms to the codable
and in order to do so i need to define
another enumeration within it called
coding keys
because this needs to define decodable
or rather
conformed codable because when i
actually get responses from omdb
i want to immediately take that json and
serialize it into this structure
and these coding keys help me translate
the keys that we get from the json
from from from omdb and translate them
over to the actual structure over here
i also do have a possible error for
getting posters for a movie
which is that we could get an invalid
image and then of course we have our
four fields the imdb id
the title of the movie the year it was
released as well as the poster url
and then of course we've got our very
first async function
now if an asynchronous function also
throws errors
the async keyword needs to come before
the throws keyword in the function
this function takes no parameters and
all it does is it returns a ui
image it starts off by trying to convert
the poster url from within its field
into an actual url as a swift type
if it's able to do so then it continues
as normal
if it's unable to do so then it throws a
specific error specifically the invalid
url error
now assuming everything did go right
then we go ahead and convert that url to
a url request
then i go ahead and call another
asynchronous function from within this
this asynchronous function is url
session shared data for request
now what i'm doing here is i'm awaiting
the response from this function
but it can also throw its own error so
the try
comes before the await this time so i'm
trying to await a response
from this function over here if this of
course throws an exception just like
normal swift
that will recurse up the call stack
as as as this function throws itself as
uh now we will get a result which is of
type data and a response which is of
type url response
uh and then what i can do is attempt to
convert that response to an http url
response and attempt to get the status
from that response once i do that i can
check if it's equal to 200 which as we
all know is okay
and if it's not then we throw an invalid
error and then finally i can go ahead
and take that data which is the response
of our url request
convert that to an image and if it
doesn't work
then we just throw an invalid image
error otherwise we can go ahead and
return the image
that's all there is to it again the
entire point of this is to make writing
asynchronous code easy uh now
from there we've of course got two
structures the search api response and
id api response
this is so that i can take the different
api responses from omdb
and immediately serialize them to json
because once again
um like for example um with with the
field uh omdb will return to me json
which is a dictionary containing a key
and the value of that key is the array
of movies
and so this helps me deserialize that
from omdb then of course within the
actual omdb api class i go ahead and
define the api key that the user uses to
communicate with the api
as well as the last search that was made
through the class and the last
page that was accessed for a specific
all i need in the initializer is the api
key because we already have default
values for these two variables
then of course there's my next
asynchronous function
called search what this does is it takes
an optional query string like a normal
which by default i'm setting to nil now
what this means is
that if there is no query defined which
is the second case
for this if-let statement then i go
ahead and take the last query the user
and i re-run that query on the next page
of the results so i continue searching
for whatever the sutures
whatever the user searched for last
however if i was
passed a query then i go ahead and
actually run a brand new search
against the omdb api both of these code
will end up putting a url in this
variable which we then go ahead and
query using the same url session
shared data function so this logic is
effectively the same
as what you had seen up here for
downloading posters
after that i do of course try and decode
the result
of the api into my search api response
structure and then i only return the
field which is an array of movies as you
can see
here after that there is one more
asynchronous function within the api
and it's called plot plot takes a movie
and it returns a string the string is
the plot of the movie
it's asynchronous and can throw an error
and is effectively the same as the two
functions you've seen before
it tries to convert a string to a url
after which it tries to make a url
and after that request it goes ahead and
takes the response make sure it's
valid and then returns the json of that
response specifically it returns the
actual plot string now in order to use
this api i've gone ahead and built a
little swift ui application
and this is the ui code we start off
with our content view structure in which
i create a new api instance
and i define two state variables which
is the search query
and the array of movies that we're
currently rendering on screen as a list
after that i've got my body variable
within the body variable i simply create
a v stack and this enables me just you
know to do some ui formatting
i put a bit of a title at the top of the
application and then i put an actual
search field
now when you click enter on the search
field when you commit on that search
i go ahead and submit a new query for
the whatever movie you've
you know typed in and i go ahead and
hide the keyboard with this line of code
then i've got a very simple list and
this list goes through each of the
movies in your array
and for each movie it creates a new
movie cell view passing it the api and
the movie that it needs to render
and if this movie appears on screen if
the cell appears on screen
and if the movie it's rendering is the
last in the list then i
refresh the movies i load some new
movies in
now the movie cell view is defined up
here within the movie sel
within the movie cell view all i really
need to define
are the api and the movie that i'm
trying to render
now what i can do from within this movie
cell view is i can take a look
at the poster of course this is an
optional ui image
i can take a look at whether or not the
poster was actually loaded successfully
and i can take a look at the plot of the
of the movie now when you actually go
ahead and load in one of these movie
cell views
then the first thing i do is of course
within the body i create a horizontal
stack and that horizontal stack contains
the poster which is defined up here as
well as the
movie's title year and plot
now let's go ahead and take a look at
the poster logic since that's very
if we already have a poster and it's not
nil we go ahead and show that poster
if we don't have a poster and we know
that it hasn't
failed to load meaning the post or bad
is not true
then we show a progress view which is
that little spinning indicator
but if it's nil and the asynchronous
set post or bad true meaning it failed
to load
then we just show nothing a transparent
making it so that there's nothing there
and of course
you know showing the title year and plot
is very simple
however when this h stack appears on
screen for the first time
then we go ahead and load in the actual
poster and plot by calling
load poster and load plot both of these
functions need to make a call to an
asynchronous function but these
functions themselves
are not asynchronous as you can see over
here and over here
and so what i do is i use this
asynchronous task feature of swift
to have this brand new block of code
effectively and what this block of code
is it launches in like this new thread
in an asynchronous environment
where the entire call stack is
potentially suspendable and so you can
make calls
into asynchronous functions so for
example here
i can try and assign the poster from the
to self.poster and if i catch an error
i can set post or bad to true and here's
what's really interesting
what happens is when you run this async
block of code
load poster is actually going to return
so load poster here isn't going to wait
to load the poster
before you load the plot because async
makes it return instantly now if i were
doing something
else here like for example if i printed
async called
async wouldn't make this function return
it would rather
go do the print and then return but the
point is that async
does not wait for whatever is inside of
it to finish
before the rest of your function
continues to execute
and so once we go ahead and load in the
poster in the plot
we've already got our movie cell view
done then after that all that's left
within the actual content view
is the code for searching for movies
which is very similarly
a simple wrapper around that omdb api
all it does is it takes the query which
by default we assume to be
uh nil and if the query is not nil
meaning we're trying to do a new search
we reset the movies that are currently
being rendered on screen
and then i go into an asynchronous
context and attempt to
wait for the api to give me a result for
that query
and if i do get a result then i go ahead
and add it to my swift ui state variable
which contains the movies we're trying
to render and that
is how async await functions work and
that's a really simple sample
that helps you actually use these
features in swift
yourself now i really do hope you
enjoyed this tutorial and i really do
hope it helped you out
now if it did once again please do make
sure to subscribe to the channel really
does help out a lot
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release videos just like this one today
i can't wait to cover more of the brand
new swift features in some future
make sure you stay tuned for that once
again any questions or suggestions
feel free to leave it down in the
comment section below or reach out to me
through social media or my email i'd
love to get in touch
apart from that once again thank you
very much for joining in today and

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