Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to the
tutorial my enemy Bakshi this time we're
gonna be going over well a classic
tutorial I know it's been a long time
but I mean lots of you guys have
requested this I haven't done one in a
while it's easier for me to make it
seems to me edit so I decided I'd do it
anyway again for all of you that love my
camera tutorials there's still gonna be
lots of them left it's just that I will
also be doing a few of these classic
tutorials there's lots of you guys like
them and as I said it's easier for me uh
anyway let's get started
and so today someone called ago link I'm
very sorry for pronouncing that wrong I
don't know how proud and exactly but she
requested me to actually create a video
based off of databases which isn't
really about databases but it's about
populating the tableview because lots of
beginners have trouble with populating
tableviews so I decided that I'd make a
tutorial on creating you wanna table
view cells and stuff like that so let's
get started and I'm going to open up
Xcode 7 beta 5 and I'm going to open it
up and so right as it opens up we're
going to create a new Xcode project of
course more than left ok perfect so
let's just create a new Xcode project
first then let's create a new single
view application and let's just call
this something like UI table view cells
again source code for this will be down
in the description and so what we can do
its first of all we're going to go to
our storyboard and we're gonna also i'm
assuming what you know what a table view
is I mean case you don't simply a table
view would be could be defined as
basically a table where you can list
stuff like so first I can list like 10
may then someone else then someone else
than someone else
someone else and then someone else and
stuff like that
so as you can see now we have Xcode open
I'm going to make that full screen there
and also move my face out of the way and
make it a bit smaller yay
why why is my face anyway so now you
just move the view over here go to our
attributes inspector change it to iPhone
4.7 inch and or iPhone 6
yea iPhone 6 and then what I'm going to
do is I'm going to search up table view
up in this little area and I'm going to
drag one right on to the view in the
corner there and make it take the shape
of the entire view itself then I'm going
to right click the table view and I'm
going to connect the data source to our
view controller and the delegate to our
view controller then I'm going to go to
a view controller dot Swift file and
right as it loads up I'm going to create
a variable and an iboutlet the IB how it
will be for the table view and the
variable will be for the contents that
we're going to put inside of the table
view so let's just create the IB outlet
here and this is going to be called
table view of type UI tableview and
let's just create var foods I like is
equal to something like chicken I like
rice I like mangoes I like carrots I
like bananas
and what else do I like one more thing
apples of course apples anyway
so now what we can do is first of all
what we need to do first before we
continue over here our class declaration
for UI tableview we don't I mean view
controller we don't you just want to
inherit from uiviewcontroller we also
want to inherit from UI tableview
datasource and also UI tableview
once that's done just go over here and
in the middle of your code and type in
table then find the function that says
over here table mu number four rows and
section that returns an integer
click enter it'll type out all that code
frame and move this little placeholder
and also create a function for this one
table view cell for row at index path
enter there now basically let me explain
what these functions do this number of
rows and Section function will just
essentially tell the table view how many
rows there are in this table so in this
case there's going to be one two three
four five six but since I don't want to
hard-code that I can do return foods I
like dot count that's it anyway so then
what we do is we go to this function and
what this function will do is this will
actually return a cell that has the
information for the specific row that we
want so basically in order to get the
row that we're getting the info for we
just save our row is equal to index path
dot row now and so actually I'll change
this to a constant because whenever
we're gonna change it and so essentially
this ver this a constant will keep which
row we are currently editing and so this
function will be called multiple times
once for each row that there is in this
in the that was returned by this table
view function which is foods I like
count so we ran six times and the first
one it will give us an index path a row
of zero and one then two then three then
four and then five and so what we can do
is get the information out of the array
and put it onto the cell and put the
cell onto the table view so let's get
started by by just creating a new cell
which is equal to a new you add table
view cell and then let's sell the set
the cells text labels text to foods I
like specifically for this row and then
let's return this cell
if you couldn't tell what this is doing
is we're just creating a new cell for
our UI tableview
and then we're setting its text to the
specific food for this row and then
we're just returning this cell to the UI
tableview for it to put on to it now if
we run this app we should be able to see
it run again sorry let me just move my
face so the simulator takes a while to
turn on so I'm just going to be back in
one minute and I will meet you then yeah
so as you can see the UI tableview has
loaded whatever we wanted to it is
showing that the contents of the array
which are chicken rice mangoes carrots
bananas and apples so that's pretty
amazing anyway so now let's just code
and let's just make it actually show an
image of all these foods it's the first
thing we want to do is we want to edit
our UI to be able to use those images so
first of all we need to create a custom
cell in order to do this I'm going to
search up table view here and I'm going
to drag on a new UI tableview cell after
that I'm going to increase its height
and then I'm going to take a label and
drag it on around there and take an
image view and put it around right there
make it a bit smaller around this size
should be perfect and move it to just
about there perfect and so now what we
can do is we can go over here
right-click on this folder here and
click on new file then double-click on
cocoa touch class create the class
called table view cell or actually let's
just call this food cell make it a
subclass of uitableviewcell do not
create a nib file and so this will be
disabled and make sure the language is
objective-c then click Next click create
and then I'm just going to move it up
here so it look cleaner anyway and over
here what we can do is at typing at
VAR food label as a UI label and
iboutlet VAR food image as a UI image
view perfect so basically this food
image will store our image and this food
label will store our food name so now I
can go back to our view controller and
so in order to code this in I'm going to
first create a dictionary I like images
and so what this dictionary will contain
is actually the a link to an image for
chicken rice mangoes carrots bananas and
apples so let's get started first with
chicken and this doesn't have to be in
order because this is a dictionary and
I'm just going to give it a blank URL
for now code the rest then put in the
links ok perfect so now we've put in all
the dictionary entries their URLs well
actually they're blank right now but we
will put in their URLs but let's just
assume the URLs are in there now how
will we code the cell in order to be
able to put in the image well first of
all we don't want just any
uitableviewcell we want specifically the
one that we designed in our IB so what
I'm going to do is I'm going to go to
our main dot storyboard file and I'm
going to click in this white space first
and then click on our cell as you can
see in the attributes inspector over
here we have to set our identifier to
something like food so once you're done
we can go back to our view
controller and instead of saying sell is
equal to uitableviewcell
let's say sell is equal to table view
dot DQ reusable cell with identifier
food cell and then let's just force this
as a downcast to food cell which is the
custom cell that we just created then
what we want to do is come over here and
say cell dot food label dot text dot txt
is equal to foods I like rub and so this
will set our food labels text to the
specific food I like then I'm going to
say the food image the image is equal to
UI image for data which is NS data of
contents of URL and s URL of a string
which is going to be foods I like images
foods I like ro force this force this
and force this there we are
perfect and so now basically what this
is doing is I need to counter it camera
anyway so basically what's happening is
we're taking the specific food I like
getting its URL converting it to data
then converting that data to a UI image
then putting that image into our image
view so now that works we can just
return the cell and now what I'm going
to do is we're going to insert links to
images for each of these things so let's
do that by opening of google chrome my
web browser of choice doesn't have to be
I'm just going to quit QuickTime anyway
so now we can go to something like
rice carrots
what else do I like mangoes not Ming
mangoes bananas oh no no no no no no no
bananas and Apple
nope not apples there it's now it's gets
an image for chicken well it's just gets
fried maybe something like this
wow that loads I can just go over here
get maybe something like that like that
like that that and this or actually no
this or not this one yeah okay so let's
get started and so copy image URL and
paste go over here
copy image URL and paste copy image URL
paste again or nope that's carrots
actually let's get one that yeah sure
doesn't work copy the image URL to the
mango paste it and bananas and then
finally apples
that was a long my my wrist hurts my
wrist actually really hurts right now
so as you can see these are all the
links to the to the images which I for
the foods that I like and just as a
little precaution for you to take if I
were to run this on the simulator right
now just well I'm going to quick go home
as you can see this will actually not
work at all but I'm just going to show
you why it doesn't work
reason it doesn't work
whereas it loads I will be able to tell
you why it does not work does not work
due to the fact that yep no actually
this wasn't supposed to be the problem
but oh yeah there's actually two
problems this time there's one thing I
forgot one thing that so it doesn't let
you do so let's just take a take a look
at what I forgot which is if you go to
may not storyboard you have to actually
click on your cell go to this little one
does this call identity inspector and
send its custom class to food cell then
if you were to run it still wouldn't
work as you can see or actually it's
probably not because of this yep it's
another thing that I forgot apparently
but it's pretty easy to fix all you need
to do is right click on your image view
take the referencing outlet and drag it
to your cell and select food image then
right click on your label drag from the
referencing outlet to your to your cell
and then click on food label now it
still won't work but it's not because I
forgot something for sure this time so
as you can see yep this is not something
I forgot basically swift to will block
you from actually accessing HTTP it has
to me I think HTTP but in order to fix
that all you do is you go to google and
you type in NS app Transport Security
click on the first one from forums okay I hate my Wi-Fi
it is the world's worst Wi-Fi anyone
could possibly wish for okay if this
takes too long I'm just going to give up
and try to do it from a different one
okay let's try and stack overflow
all right nope never mind okay so when
you click on the first one for Apple
developer forums just uh school slightly
down and you'll see this correct answer
in green and just copy this code snippet
then go over here right click on your
info.plist file open as source code and
then after this array tag and before
this dict tag paste in what you just
copied from the apple developer forums
then run it on the simulator and then
wait wait and just wait because this is
actually gonna download the images from
the website which will take quite a long
time yeah not pleasant oh well that was
faster than it's ever done that in my
entire life
I have never seen it do that fast anyway
as you can see it doesn't really show
these really nicely so all I'm going to
do go to my main dot storyboard increase
the height of the cell actually not even
that much stir all this much
first of all make the image bigger
that's a must and put it around there
and then actually over here ish and then
just create make this label much bigger
now if we were to run this shouldn't
take too long because I'm in a room
where my Wi-Fi usually works fine
as you can see it has downloaded the
images from online the exact ones that
we wanted it to it's put no sorry
sometimes does this it puts the names
into the labels and that was it I hope
this answers your question the going and
so that's gonna that's gonna be it again
subscribe to my channel if you like my
content we want to see more of it like
the video if you liked it comment down
below if you have any questions the
source code will also be down down there
in the description you can even email me
at IG manage email comment you have any
questions or any app ideas suggestions
or you know video of you asking a
question which I can feature in my next
video whether it be math science or even
about computers and that's gonna be it

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