Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is Tammy Bakshi and
today we're gonna be going over how you
can use class activation maps in order
to figure out where your convolutional
neural networks are looking in Karass
let's go ahead and take a look at how
this works now I'm sure you're aware of
the attention mechanism using the
attention mechanism you can find out
where it is that your neural network is
focusing is well attention now this
works great for recurrent neural
networks and multi-layer perceptrons or
also called
dense neural networks in cross terms
however they don't work very well for
convolutional networks now what am I
talking about let's go ahead and take a
look at an example of attention for a
dense Network now with a dense Network
you are essentially trying to take a
feature vector and you're trying to
classify those features into a few
different categories or maybe do a
regression but let's just take a look at
the example of classification for now
let's just say that we've got a neural
network where you've got the features
alright so you have features all right
and these features need to be fed into
your dense layer now on the way to the
dense layer you can go ahead and do some
really interesting stuff like for
example instead of sending this to
another dense right instead of sending
that to say a soft max for
classification instead what you do is
you do a little bit of a skip here you
erase these two layers for now but we'll
get back to them in just a moment then
you go ahead and right after this dense
layer you add a soft Max okay now what
you do is you keep this dense layer the
same number as the same number of units
as there are features that you're
feeding in so for example if you're
working with the iris data set and
you've got you know a three length
feature vector coming in and let's just
say you want to reduce that's where you
want to go and put attention then you
don't read
all right in that case you pretty dense
that has an output shape of three as
well so you're not producing you're just
going from three features to three
features gaming nets now you're gonna go
ahead and put in a soft max so you're
probably thinking well how would I train
this neural network what kind of output
are we gonna expect here well this isn't
where neural network ends even though
there's a sock max later now what's the
output going to be with a soft max think
about that let's just say we've got
three values this is not necessarily
what you feed into a neural network I'm
just thinking of random numbers say
three six and one okay these are three
different numbers room they put commas
between them now these three different
numbers let's just say we ran these room
you know through this dance and through
the softmax what would the end result be
well it would be a bunch of numbers from
0 to 1 the sum of which would be a 1 so
it's a probability matrix now let's go
ahead and take a look at what those
values might be maybe it's 0.15 0.25 and
0.4 or 0.6 actually and that would add
up to 1
now what's so interesting about the
attention technique is you can go ahead
and take these softmax values and
multiply them by the actual values
themselves and once you do that you've
got weighted features that you can go
ahead and feed into another view dense
layers so basically what you're gonna do
now is you're gonna have a
multiplication layer okay so let's just
say we branch out here and we have a
multiply layer all right they're going
to multiply the output of that softmax
activation by the features that you
originally fed it in then you're going
to have weighted features that you can
go ahead and feed right back into
dense Network all right and then you can
go ahead and do your final
classification so for example if you
want to have another softmax layer I
have another softmax layer and this
softmax leaders given to the final
classification so you're going to have
you know one of one of say two classes
here let's not take a look at the iris
dataset let's just say we're classifying
into two classes instead of three then
they're gonna have your final
classification down here now this is
well and good prevents neural networks
and there's a similar technique for the
current neural networks as well however
convolutional neural networks well they
don't play very well with this technique
in my experience you know whenever you
would try this kind of technique it
simply wasn't scalable enough or it
wouldn't work well enough to be worth
the extra effort however there is still
a way that you can visualize where your
neural network is paying attention
without forcing it to pay attention like
for example over here what you would do
is you would force the neural network to
pay attention and order the training the
attention layers here and here however
what happens this time of the
convolutional neural networks and class
activation mapping is you're not forcing
the neural network to pay attention
you're just figuring out where it is of
the neural network pay attention so now
how does this work let's take a look now
first of all we've got to understand how
do convolutional neural networks work in
the first place now convolutional neural
networks are interesting the reason I
say that is let's just say we feed in
one image now this image could be say
you know 224 by 224 in size that's a
pretty standard size for a neural
network now the problem with the snow
all Network it or the novice or the
problem but an interesting thing is that
you're not just gonna be
in this one image into the neural
network that's not how it works
well you're gonna be doing is you're
gonna be feeding three images into the
neural network three images that
represent this one image so for example
let's just say that you've got a regular
it's an RGB image right it's a red green
and blue image you've got three
different channels there so you're
actually going to be taking three
different images right your red your
green your blue and you're gonna be
feeding those as channels into your
convolutional layer let's just say you
know in kernofs that would be a comm 2d
layer and that's what you're going to be
doing now let's just ignore this input
part for now let's get back to the
convolutional neural network this time
we're not gonna be taking a look at the
beginning of the neural network we're
going to be taking a look at the very
end of the neural network so not towards
the end of course let's just say we draw
a whole neural network right you've got
you've got convolutional layers you go
down and you have more convolutional
laters okay we'll see it more and more
and more and usually your filters will
get more and more of a time the number
of channels will increase right this is
not what an actual neural network
architecture would look like it's
probably going to be very well optimized
but let's just say that you've got two
to two layers with there two builders
then 164 and then one with 128 filters
now that means there are 128 channels in
the final in the final convolutional
Network you've got 128 images that your
neural network is working with I say
images in a loose sense because it's
actually just 120 different channels
that your neural network is working with
you could of course reduce or increase
that based on your neural network but
that's not a problem for now now over
time unless you're doing things like
zero padding your neural
or reduce the dimensions of the image
that's just how these convolutional
torques work of course you could put
zeros on the outside of the image and
that's how you would usually keep the
image size the same for example in
ResNet for skip connections you kind of
need to do that however for this were
let's just assume that the size is going
down over time so if we start off with
say of 224 5 224 here this is going to
go down to 222 by 222 then it's going to
go down to 220 by 220 and then it's
going to go down to 218 by two hundred
and eighteen assuming that it is a 3x3
filter size all the way down now the
interesting part here again is that
towards the end let's just say you know
for the sake of simplicity for now that
we're working with a smaller set of
images let's see we're working with 28
by 28 all right and the 28 by 28 becomes
26 by 26 which becomes 24 by 24 which
becomes 22 by 22 all right now what
happens at the end is we've got 22 by 22
by 128 set of data all right this is
basically an umpire layer with this
shape okay now what if there were way to
visualize the weights that the neural
network gives for each of these
individual filters at the end okay
towards the final classification okay
that's what we're doing here with class
activation mapping there's a special
kind of pooling you've probably heard of
maximum cooling right you actually take
say let's just say you've got a six by
six set of data all right so you have
six different or let's just say you've
got a four by four agree all right now
let's just say
that this 4x4 grid or this four by three
grid here so we might 4x4 grid let's
just say that you want a max pool with a
window size of two by two so what you're
doing is you're taking the values from
this window you're taking the values
from this window you're taking the
values from this window and you're
taking the values from this window and
you're getting the average of those
groups and then you're putting them into
a new image this new image is simply
saying let's see here two by two in size
and this is the result all right you
know how to do this this is simple
convolutional neural network stuff and
it's stuff that you've been doing for a
long time if you work with convolutional
neural networks the global average
pooling is another really interesting
kind of ruling and what it lets you do
is take this whole 4x4 grid alright and
bring that down to not four different
data points but instead just one
individual data point so what you're
gonna be doing is not getting the
maximum value from any individual group
you're gonna be getting the whole
average value of this whole filter and
you're going to be getting that down
into one individual value that consists
of the average of all the values that
you just collected now what you can do
with the possibilities that this opens
up is that well let's just say the enemy
here right by 22 by 22 by 128 gauge with
global average pooling using no weights
just a slight averaging method for each
of those 128 channels you get down to a
1 by 1 by 128 set of data now with this
one by one by 128 set of data you can go
ahead and assume that of course each
individual data point right let's just
say there are 128 there are 3
here so let's just say there are 125 of
these you know data points going forward
and let's just say you have two
classifications right your two classes
that you're trying to classify into over
here and over here these are your dense
units you can connect directly from this
global average pooling and flattening
layer to those not to those units now
I'm sure you're starting to see what I'm
pointing towards if the final activation
here is softmax or really anything else
what you've just done is you have
provided a weight okay you've provided a
weight value for each individual filter
because remember each of these
individual data points came from one
bigger filter in the actual
convolutional neural network so all of
these came from different filters that
found different shapes or edges in the
image and these represent those filters
so if you could somehow exploit the way
that you're actually capturing those
weights or individual filters to the
actual units that have different
meanings to you or your classification
you can go ahead and assume that the
filters these represent contain
meaningful information asks of a
relationship between a certain class so
basically what I'm trying to say is that
you were safe all right this is a dog
unit and this is a cat unit in terms of
dog versus cap classification if you go
ahead and take a look at the weights
from the dog unit took all of the
different filters that you've fed into
that one individual unit whichever ones
are higher have a good representation of
where the doggies in the image or what
the dog looks like the ones that are
lower are capturing information that is
related to anything but the dog and that
is what I'm going to be showing you how
to use in cross
sounds really complex but it's not
nearly as complex as you may imagine now
what I may be doing is showing you how
exactly you can get a good class
activation mapping designing neural
network architectures that are
specifically built toward great with
clouds activation mapping so you can do
object detection directly within your
object recognition or object
classification workflows this could be
expanded to a lot of other places as
well but we're gonna be covering
convolutional neural networks for image
classification in specific today all
right so now without any further ado
let's go ahead and get into the code
part where I'm going to show you how you
can implement this system and take a
look at where your neural network is
actually looking all right so welcome
back and now let's take a look at the
actual code that goes behind this now
first of all let's take a look at the
neural network architecture so let's go
ahead and open up first of all before we
get you into the neural network
architecture the data loading sprint now
of course in order to do this CatDog
classification we're going to need data
this data has been downloaded from
cackled and you can do so as well now
this is a bunch of really simple code
that I've put together that essentially
uses multi processing as well as numpy
glob and pillow in order to load a bunch
of images and then save them to the disk
as dogs are n py and cats n py it loads
them in at 224 by 224 resolution and it
does the necessary pre-processing like
for example dividing the RGB values by
255 to make sure they're good ranges for
the neural networks to capture now if I
were to go ahead from here as you can
see basically it's just using a multi
processing pool in order to import
images very very quickly of course multi
processing multi-threading these kinds
of things in Python don't usually work
very well together but in this case it
gave enough of a performance improvement
to be worth in the extra hassle now if I
go ahead and exit out of this here we
can get to the real main part which is
the actual neural network training that
I do now the neural network training
since I had
eight different GPUs on the dgx one I
can actually go ahead and build the
model on my CPU and that go ahead and
train it on the GPU or specifically
eight GPUs and because of that I take my
batch size which is 64 multiply it by 8
so that of course I mean that 6 + 4
times 8 that's 512 being done in a
single batch of course 5 12/8 still 64
so 64 image is being done per batch per
GPU basically now I'm doing 150 epochs
but I won't necessarily wait for 150 of
them to be done I actually have this
callback that'll actually force the
model is safe at every single epoch and
also log down what epoch it was and the
valid agent accuracy and so basically I
can go ahead and take whichever epoch
had the highest validation accuracy into
my into my experiment now of course in
terms of test size I'm keeping 20% of
the data for testing and only 80% of the
data for training and I'm glad to say
that I was able to get tore down 91%
accuracy using this neural network that
is barely optimized for this kind of for
this kind of classification of course I
can get much higher if I did something
like transfer learning or using larger
datasets however for now I'm using just
a plain old new neural network using
this global Albert puling 2d layer at
the end and then directly a dense
connection now though let's go ahead and
get into how we can actually use this
with can now the beauty of this
technique lies in its simplicity so if I
were to go ahead and quit out of this I
go ahead and take the train model save
it to my disk and this is where it's
located in the cam folder or class
activation so we've got a few main files
here we've got the cam file of course
we've got a katfoe we've got a captive
picture and we've got a dog picture over
here now we've also got this model this
is actually what I downloaded from from
me from my limbic server but there's
just one
little problem with these models let me
show you
tensa flow cross models in for load
model so I'm gonna go ahead and load the
model that I actually downloaded from
from my from my name big server here now
what you'll notice is that when I go
ahead and load the model and also just
one more thing you should notice though
is that this model check point which is
what I download it from I told it to not
just save the weights but also to save
the neural network architecture in the
same file so that's why I can just do
load model without defining the model
and then loading the weights now if I
were to print out a sari you see it's
not saved in the same format that I
saved that I wanted it in right so we've
got all these input layers you know
these lambda layers we've got the
sequential and we've got this weird
concatenate stuff however if you take a
look at the layers right in the model
you take a look at this array the
second-last is this sequential layer
which is actually technically a model
now if I were to take a look at that
that is indeed sequential and because
that model is a layer I can go ahead and
treat that as an individual model which
gives me this whole this real sort of
model which is what I wanted and so if I
were to go ahead and actually save this
as a model it would go ahead and work
because this is what I'm truly after not
this weird format of a neural network
because this has my global average
pooling and my convolution layers so I'm
going to go ahead and exit out of this
and let's go ahead and take a look at
the actual code now the class activation
map code as I mentioned is very simple
it's taking the actual weights from the
final node that made the highest
prediction of the highest confidence
value and it's trying to figure out
which filters had the highest weights
whichever ones had the highest will have
more of their map wanted to final class
activation map which everyone's had less
weights or less less important weight
will actually reduce their pixels or
their pixels importance
from the final class activation there
will be a link to where you can download
this library or this function in the
description below as well I'm going to
go ahead and quit out of this but the
really interesting part is inside of the
make prediction file because of the make
prediction file I go ahead and actually
use that class activation code now in
order to create a class activation mode
essentially what I do is I run a
prediction through the model all right
and then from there I create a new total
class activation I want all the pixels
that are supporting that evidence for
the for the for the main prediction that
the neural network make and then I
remove the pixels that are supporting
the evidence for the lower prediction so
for example if you were to put in a dog
and the neural that were predicted that
this is a dog it will go ahead and add
the dog heat map pictures of pixels and
then minus the cat heat pixels from that
from that final class activation map and
then from there it's gonna go ahead and
divide it by the maximum of the absolute
value total class activation then it'll
click the values at 0 to 1 multiplying
on my 255 convert them to au and convert
them to a real image and then save it at
a certain location and of course return
it as well now over here I've just got
some simple code to actually go ahead
and load my image put it into a numpy
array and then over here I call that
function with the image and the original
one as well so if I were to go ahead and
exit outside of this file and run Python
make pred I can go ahead and feed it a
model like for example the cat dog age
five month let's go ahead and speed it
you know your cat is a cat jpg alright
now over here it's gonna go ahead and
run it through the model and as you can
see with 99% confidence in fact over 99%
it predicts that this is a cat because
the first Club is indeed a capped now
what you do is open this directory in
and let's take a look at the cat and the
cats heat map now this is really
interesting take a look at those white
spots in the image and take a look at
the cat now what's happening is wherever
the white spots are located that's where
the convolutional neural network was
like yes this is part of a cat and one
of the black spots are are either a not
cat activations or B wherever there was
a dog activation so this is what the
neural network is seeing when it sees a
cat of course there's a lot of room for
improvement we could have a more
high-resolution class activation map we
could have a more accurate neural
network we do transfer learning from
something like from the visual geometry
group the vgg net we can do all these
little you know sets of fine tuning in
order to get a better class activation
map but let's go ahead and take a look
at the dog now so if I were to feed in
dog dog jpg as you can see it runs it
through the model and it lets me know
that with 77 percent confidence this is
indeed a dog I go ahead and open up both
those images show them side-by-side and
as you can see well I'm gonna go ahead
and slip these up into two different
windows over here so you can take a look
at them and switch them over so we're
consistent now this part of the image
over here which is of course near the
dog's head in ears is what really
activated the neural network to say yes
this is a dog and so did this lower part
over here towards the bottom and so did
the dog's tail so as you can see the
neural network is definitely basing a
lot of its predictions off of the
animals tail you saw it the cat you see
with the dog it's trying to find some
sort of patterns in the tail that say
yeah this is a dog Taylor yeah this is a
cat tail and it's also taking a look at
those feet for examples take a look
those arms
it's taking a look at all these
different things in order to make its
final prediction of course this can be
used for debugging your neural networks
this can be used to
you're out whether or not you're finding
the right features within your neural
networks as well and that was a quick
demo of class activation Maps through
Python and Karass there's many there's
much more to come when it comes to class
activation apps and object localization
using neural networks only trained for
object recognition but that was a good
tutorial on how you can use class
activation ops I do hope you enjoy thank
you very much everyone for joining in
today if you do like this tutorial make
sure to leave a like down below and
share it with your family and friends if
you think they could benefit from it as
well apart from that if you do have any
questions suggestions or feedback feel
free to leave that down in the comments
section below or if you do really like
my content you want to see more of it
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so again thank you for joining today
that's what I had for this tutorial

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