Sunday 20 October 2024

Pine Script debug PRINT LOGS are finally here!

Pine script finally has a console that
we can print stuff to I mean this is
this is a dream come true for me I've
been coding in pinescript since uh 2017
and I have dreamed of this day for years
I mean it's such a basic feature of any
programming language that is so
invaluable for debugging your scripts
and figuring out why it's not doing what
you wanted to do which is let's be
honest more often than we'd like and
oftentimes depending on the complexity
of your script it can be quite difficult
to figure out what the heck is going on
under the hood and what you have
overlooked in your code this new feature
helps us figure that out so let's go
over some of the uh the words here so we
now have a new log function I love the
Simplicity of this it's very easy this
will be a short lesson or video because
it's not rocket science this new feature
thank goodness it's really easy to use
if you've been following following the
channel for a while you'll know that I
recorded a video a few weeks ago or
months ago you're now demonstrating a
script by he who must not be named a
prominent Pines scripter who created a
table that did this functionality it
printed logs onto our chart the catch
was there was a table on our chart and
you can't copy text out of a table on a
training view chart and so you could
display the text but you couldn't do
much with it you definitely couldn't
search through the logs which you can
now so this new feature is incredibly
useful so we now have three new
functions log dot error and log
dot warning and they have a screenshot
here the gray text is a the
yellow text is a log dot warning and red
text would be a log dot error there is
no difference between these three other
than the color coding in your Pine logs
now importantly Pine logs work
everywhere they work on historical bars
they work in real time and they work in
replay mode and they can be called from
any type of script so indicators
strategies live libraries and from
anywhere in the script including local
blocks loops and from inside and similar functions
so let's copy the example code here jump
into the pine editor and I'll break down
what's happening so here is the example
script that they provide in the blog and
what we're doing here is we're just
demonstrating all three different log
types so the first log.warning function
caller here is plotting every 100th bar
index into the logs and first of all I
should probably show you how to open the
pine log console it's pretty simple all
we do is click on this little elliptical
hamburger whatever they call this thing
in the corner here and come down to Pine
logs now I need to add this to my chart
I believe before it will do anything so
let's save this script and add it to my
chart and I'll hide this script here
we'll get to what this is in a moment
just hide these two scripts and open the
pane editor come up to here and then
Pine logs and that's fantastic
thanks Elon Musk my starlink apparently
has a poor internet connection one of
the beautiful things about living in
Australia in Queensland at least is that
we have terrible internet here but
anyway first of all problems right let's
break down what's happening here so we
have every 100th bar index is being
plotted onto my Pine logs here in yellow
because it's a warning log then we have
real-time bar processing here so if I go
to a different Market that's live and we
go to let's go to a one minute bar now
you can see that these varip variables
allow us to manipulate variables on a
real-time bar so if we zoom in here
every time this bar moves or the volume
changes we're going to get a new log
print here this is obviously really
useful for seeing what your script is
doing it's like having a magnifier on
your own code and so now a new bar is
about to start which should get a new
log here now this was an error log so
it's in red
so when a new bar started we error
logged to the console and there we have
it then if the bar is not new and it's
not a historical bar that means it's a
real-time bar and our info log is
plotting uh price information now this
particular script uses a few different
methods for formatting our logs so this
is an expression we can pass in to the
log functions server hold down control
and click on this you can see that we
have the option to just pass in some
text or we have the option to pass in a
format string followed by several
different arguments or parameters so
this is telling the log function how to
format this number same with this here
so we have 0 is our first parameter one
is our second parameter or argument and
two is our third and then we pass in one
two three numbers
but you don't need to do this if you
don't want to you could just pass in
something like this
uh plus string bar index that
will do exactly the same thing but if
you are comfortable with slightly more
advanced text formatting options you
have these options here for quickly and
easily plotting lots of number
information into the log functions the
final thing to note is that this
functionality is only available in
scripts that you have the source code to
and that you have added to your own
chart so if you get a script from the
script library and you try to check the
pine logs they won't be there you need
to have added the script code to your
chart yourself and have access to the
script code in order for this to work at
least for now that's what it says on the
log blog post now next week I have
another lesson planned that is going to
show how to create a multi-time frame
Market regime filter and this script is
also using the new panscript log
function another way to get to the log
console by the way is to hover over your
script click on this and click Pine logs
and here you can see I've done some test
printing here I'm printing when the very
first bar on my chart started so this is
January of 2009 and I am printing how
many bars on this time frame past all
three regime filters so I'll explain all
of that in next week's video make sure
to hit the Subscribe button if you
haven't already the script is telling us
that on this time frame the market has
bullish momentum on 54 of 20 000 bars in
our charts so out of 20 000 bars all the
way back to 2009 this Market the S P 500
has a 54 chance to be trading above its
one week 20 EMA as one day 20 EMA and
it's 4 hour 20 EMA so in other words it
has an objective bullish bias which is
useful to know and obviously you could
display this information in other ways
using pinescript features but it's
really cool to just be able to quickly
print this sort of information to the
log console and just see it and we can
also copy and paste this out of the
console which we couldn't do before so
really powerful stuff we can also search
you can type in keywords and it will
search the logs you can filter the logs
you can set a start date to display the
logs I believe there's a 10 000 log
limit so it's useful to be able to
filter your logs so that you can see a
certain time period see what your script
was doing during certain market
conditions you can disable logging here
and you can also search using rejects or
regular expression if you know how to
use that search formatting function but
anyway I think that's all there is to
cover about this new feature we'll
obviously be using this a lot going
forward in certain scripts so we'll come
back to this in future videos but for
now that's how we use this new awesome
simple feature to debug Alpine scripts
I'll leave a link in the video
description and the pin comment below to
the two-part video series I did on
debugging Pine script code including for
loops and functions that sort of thing
obviously if you watch those older
videos just replace whatever I'm using
in there's all videos with this new log
feature these new log functions because
this is much easier than the options we
had in the past it's a lot more
efficient and a lot more powerful
actually before I go I should mention
that there was just a new blog post
released yesterday announcing yet
another new feature to Pine script which
is Maps now maps are very similar to
arrays except that you use a key instead
of an index to reference the members of
this map so I'll explain this in future
videos we'll I'll probably do a video
just on this when I get time
um it's not something I personally use
very often in my scripts but there are
reasons why you might want to use this
for example in this example code here
they put various colors into a map and
you can reference these Colors by their
names instead of um array index number
so it just makes it a little bit more
intuitive to work with certain types of
data or data for you Americans out there
but anyway we'll come back to this in a
Future video just thought I'd mention
this since it just came out hot off the
press so with that said thank you for
watching good luck with your debugging
and your coding and your trading and
I'll speak with you in the next lesson
take care have a great weekend and I'll
speak with you soon

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