Thursday 17 October 2024



hi what's up Traders welcome back to the
channel in today's video I'm going to be
going over some changes I made to the
previous video script which was a pine
connector template so Pine connector is
a tool we can use to automate our
trading view scripts and in the previous
video on the channel I showed you guys a
advanced template script that comes with
a lot of inbuilt options some example
strategy settings but also a whole bunch
of pine connector settings for relaying
trade management commands to our
metatrader accounts however that script
had a couple of problems it had a few
bugs in it um as with most complex first
drafts of any script there are a couple
of things I missed and overlooked but
now I've fixed them so if you go to our
website pinescript uh you
can find the updated source code there
for today's lesson now before we start
today's video I just want to go over
some of my personal trading metrics
through Pine connector um since starting
this new series I've been running my
ultimate pullback indicator through Pine
connector and metatrader um so it's been
running for about 2 months now I think
I'll double check in a moment um but
here are my metrics so you can see we
have a 12% gain which is pretty solid
for a couple of months that's you know
don't let the uh charlatans out there
fool you a 12% gain in a couple of
months is actually pretty impressive if
we could keep this up for the whole year
I could potentially double my count over
the course of 12 months but I don't
expect that to happen but it's just goes
to show that it is possible to
profitably trade a pine connector script
through trading View and uh Pine
connector through metatrader so we only
have $373 profit which isn't you know
I'm not going to quit my day job for
that but 12% if I had 100 Grand in this
account uh this would be a $122,000
profit so well not quite it' be a
different commission structure so I'd
probably be paying a lot more in
commission but it would still be a
decent sum of money here over the past
couple of months so that's pretty
impressive let's click on this uh system
so this is a real money account through
pepperstone um through metatrader using
pine connector This Is My Equity curve
so I've been pretty lucky the past
couple of months uh we haven't really
encountered a losing streak a
significant losing streak so that's pure
luck this in timing there's nothing I
could have done to um avoid a draw down
if it had happened but it just so
happens that I've started trading the
system at a good time um in the markets
good market conditions um we scroll down
here it's taken 50 trades so that's a
half decent sample size there and yeah
it's doing pretty well so I started
trading at the end of October it took I
think one trade in October and then the
past two months have been pretty solid
this month's obviously only just begun
but uh yeah really cool stuff here just
goes to show that it is possible to
trade a trading view script through Pine
connector profitably if you have a good
system if you're curious about the
ultimate pullback indicator you can get
the source code on my uh website it's
not cheap because it comes in a course
including the source code and lessons to
every script I've ever created for
pinescript um so go check out my
indicators and strategies of course if
you're interested in that um otherwise
you can get access to this script itself
which comes with pine connector
functionality inbuilt and you can just
slap it onto your chart and start auto
trading pretty quickly um but again not
trading advice this is just a tool that
I use in my own trading if you're
curious about it go and check that out
this is what it's capable of this is
using the default settings too
um so we're just using a default UPI
settings on about six or seven markets
let's have a quick look at the pine
connected dashboard here here's my uh
dashboard here so I'll zoom in on this
for a second just to show you guys the
numbers so we've taken $400 in profit
but we've also taking a um hit on
commission so yeah not a bad um little
test here I'm actually really stoked
that this is profitable I didn't expect
it to be profitable to be honest because
it's such a short time window um there's
no you know there's there's a lot of
luck involved in a short period of time
like a month or two so just really lucky
that this played out profitably it's
paid for my Pine connector subscription
which is really nice to see anyway just
thought I'd mention this to excite you
guys get you guys motivated about Pine
connect to show you what's possible show
you that it is possible to make a profit
out of this uh tool obviously you need a
good system to do that the system is the
important part but if you have a good
system why not automate It Anyway let's
get on with today's video let's take an
example script and apply it to our
template code so to start with you'll
need to go to our website at pinescript if you come up to free
resources and come down to YouTube
scripts there will be a list of all of
the scripts I've published on the
channel for pin script version 5 if we
scroll all the way to the bottom here is
the advanced Pine connector template
click on this I haven't updated this
page yet with the new script but I will
by the time this video is released um
you want to click copy code
jump back over into the pine editor and
create a new script there we go paste
that code in here there's our template
code this isn't the updated version but
it will be by the time I publish this
video I'm going to call this delete
because I'm going to delete this later
but you call this whatever you want now
that we have the template code for this
Pine connector script um the next thing
I'm going to do is jump into the Mastery
course so for those of you with access
to the Mastery course there are a whole
bunch of strategy uh scripts here that
are not on YouTube um on my channel
pretty much any of these would work for
today's example if you um want to follow
along with a different script but for
today I'm going to work with the pin bar
strategy so if I click on this video
scroll down here's the source code to
this script so I'm going to copy this
code for now I'll paste it into um
notepad++ and let's rip out everything
we don't need cuz we're going to copy
the bulk of the logic of the script into
our template script so let's take out
what I don't need so I don't need this I
will use my zen library for detecting
Candlestick patterns the latest version
of this library is five so I'll change
that to five we're going to need our
strategy settings but we don't need our
stoploss multiplier since that's built
into the template and we don't need our
risk reward input since that's also
built into the template I will need this
FIB level input so let's delete these
um so there's our one unique strategy
input that I need to add to the template
then we have our filter settings I will
also need all of these so I'll leave
this whole block here and we'll go over
these in the pine editor it's a bit hard
to read right now but we're just
stripping out the stuff we don't need
from the script the date filter we will
need I'll move that down into here we'll
merge all of our filter
code into one block I will need these
indicator values so I'll leave that and
get rid of that comment and then finally
here are our entry conditions the rest
of the script can go so the rest of the
script is already included in the
template this is all just the entry code
the um stoploss calculation Target
calculation the drawing code all of
that's included in the template so I can
delete all of that and what we're left
with is the guts of our system we have
the important inputs we need we have the
indicators we require we have the
filters we we need and we also have our
entry conditions so let's cut all of
this and jump back into the charts and
let's start adding this code to our
script so I'll paste all of our code out
the top here the first thing we need is
our library so let's cut that and paste
that in here above our user inputs the
next thing we need is our FIB level user
input so I'll add that to the bottom
here and you can change this if you want
I'll change this to say pinbar system
settings and at the the end of this uh
video we'll come back and refactor all
of these names to to be more consistent
with the rest of the script but for now
let's just leave it as it is uh we need
our filter settings so let's cut all of
that we'll paste that below our system
settings then we need to get our
indicator values so let's cut that and
come down to here let's paste that in
here get indicator values we already
have the ATR value and the new template
so I can get rid of that I'll leave this
as it is we'll come back as I said and
we'll refactor all of these variable
names to better suit the style of the
script but for
now um let's cut our filter code we can
place that in right here underneath our
indicator values and right before we
detect our entry conditions so check
filters um and then finally here are our
entry conditions so we paste them over
our simple example strategy entry entry
code so I paste that in here I can cut
all of this all of these conditions and
paste them over our entry conditions
here so paste that in there now we're
detecting Hammer candles and we're
checking our system filters so this
system has an ATR filter the ATR needs
to be between two specific values it
can't be to small and it can't be too
large the um EMA filter means that price
must be trading above or below a
specific EMA and the date filter is just
um what it sounds like it stops taking
trades outside of a certain date range
and the uh close must not be equal to
its open so it can't be a dogee so for
short trades it's exactly the same
except we're detecting shooting star
candles instead of hammer candles so
let's paste that over our short entry
conditions and we're done if I save this
code here that should be it that should
we we got some errors hang on uh I've
some variables here that aren't in our
main script ATR needs to be changed to
value now we should be done but save
script it's compiling there we go so now
have this system um need some
adjustments these uh the Max draw down
of 90% is not great but if we go um uh
out a bit and have a look make sure
everything's working make sure we're
detecting the right Candlestick patterns
so here's here's a shooting star we went
short with our stop loss and take profit
very close to price so we need to adjust
some things here uh we have a zero pip
stop loss at our high or low so let's
change this to 1 ATR so now we should
have a 1 ATR now that's changed the
system completely now we are detecting a
hammer candle we're going long with a 1
ATR stop loss with a 1 ATR stop loss
below the end entry candle low I can
change this look back let's set it to a
five bar look back now it's detecting
this low and calculating a 180r stop
loss from there and that should improve
our metrics a little bit there we go yep
that's a bit better 60% draw down um
still not great but obviously this is
using a fixed um contract size of one
standard lot on a $10,000 US dollar
account so you'd want to play around
with these values to get it to
uh be giving more reasonable metrics uh
but that's outside the scope of today's
video the back testing process for for
developing a system is um obviously a
lot more complicated than than what I'm
doing today uh but this is about the
script template if you want to learn how
to back test um trading view scripts I
have a ton of videos on the channel um
and there's plenty of information out
there at some point in the future I'll
do a video series on how I go about back
testing um these days things are a bit
different for for me cuz I'm a much more
experienced Trader than I was a few
years ago when I recorded some of those
videos but the principles still apply so
go back and watch those videos if you're
curious about my process for back
testing and some of the tips and hacks I
have for for back testing especially
multiple um markets uh but anyway the
script appears to be working fine so
let's just recap what I did here I
copied in the template code directly
from the website just as it is I copied
in the extra setting input that I needed
so if you've got a complex system you
may need to go through and adjust all of
these inputs to suit that system um
let's do the refactoring as we go here
so I've copied in first we copied in my
library so I I have a library here it's
open source you can go and check it out
if you're curious it has just some
helper methods in there just some things
to help me write scripts quicker um for
example it has a whole bunch of
Candlestick detection code in there that
I use in a lot of my scripts um among
other things so we're importing my zen
Library as Zen so the Alias Zen means we
can just type zen. control space and
here is the list of functions included
in that library in this script we're
only using um Hammers and star candles
but there are other candles here if you
want to play around with them bearish ec
is bearish engulfing candle bullish
engulfing candle dogee Hammer inside bar
outside bars and shooting star candles
they're the only candles I believe that
I detect in the script
but anyway import my library add this
user input filters let's change these to
say filter ATR Min
size um I'll fast forward this I'm just
going to rename all of these variables
to suit the style of the script and then
I'll um continue on with explaining what
done all right there we go that took
about 5 minutes so we have um refracted
the whole script to look consistent um
so all my user inputs are in capital
letters to differentiate them from
regular variables so and they all start
with a prefix so we've added our one
unique system input we've added all of
our filter
inputs and then down here we have
retrieved our indicator values so ATR
value is included in the template NZ
just makees sure that on the first bar
on our chart the first 13 bars on our
chart um this will be na because it
needs 14 bars to calculate its value and
if we open a trade with a stop loss
that's NA um the trade will never close
because it has no stop loss or take
profit so this is just a cheap way to
prevent that issue a better way would be
to add this check um to your entry
criteria so here you could say not na a
ATR value and blah blah blah ideally
you'd probably want to check that all of
your indicator values are not Na and add
that to your entry conditions but I
won't do that for today's lesson it's
not that important because we're on a
daily chart here so the amount of Trades
it would have taken in the first 14 bars
on my price data is probably negligible
so it's not important for today's
example but that's something I feel I
should mention um if you have code that
analyzes indicator values that are na
early on in price action that can lead
to all sorts of weird bugs with your
script so just thought I'd mention that
it's worth checking that these values
are not na but anyway we're getting an
extra indicator value here which is an
EMA we're checking all of our filters um
so we're checking the date filter we're
checking the long and short EMA filter
we're checking that the current bars
size is within our ATR filter um
thresholds all and you can see here that
with this original script I actually do
have this this check in here so this
original script from the Mastery course
does check that the ATR is not na um and
then for our entry conditions we're just
combining all of these filters so this
system trades Hammers and stars so we're
checking is the current bar our Hammer
candle for long trades and are all our
filters met and do we not have a trade
open this script does not pyramid trades
if all of these conditions are met then
the rest of our template code runs as it
is and the cool thing about this
template is in the original script I did
not include exit reasons I did not
include uh trailing stops I did not
include um Break Even functionality
there was a bunch of things that the
original version of this pinbar system
did not include uh but with this
template we can actually play around
with some of these things so we could
see how using a trailing stop would
affect the system uh now when I'm using
a trailing stop the script is still
still using our fixed take profit so
I'll need to amend this um script one
more time down here use exit reason what
we need to do here is check if strategy
trailing stop is greater than zero and
add that to our exit
reasons if this is true then that counts
as an exit reason we're not exiting with
a fixed take profit we're using a
trailing stop is our exit reason so let
me save that code see what happens there
we go that's fixed it so now if I turn
off my trailing stop we're using a fixed
take profit so this trade should exit
there there we go uh but now if I turn
on our trailing stop so if price reaches
a one to one from our entry so if if
price moves the same amount of distance
as our stop loss from our entry uh then
the script will begin trailing our stop
loss in the original script that wasn't
a feature the original script did not
include a trailing stop so now we can
if that increases the profitability it
does a little bit um it does improve our
metrics a bit on this particular daily
chart system but anyway that will do it
for today's video I hope you found this
interesting I will include the source
code to this script even though it is
basically just a slightly modified
version of the original template just to
give you guys a comparison so you can
copy both of these scripts into your um
editor and see what I did for those of
you who are new at a pine script you
might want to compare the scripts to see
exactly what I did um so this is a
pretty good General template to work
with um with scripts but also obviously
Pine connector which is its um intended
purpose so let's just have a quick look
here make sure everything is right
before I sign off on this video so let's
look at our Pine connector syntax we're
using a b limit order um that's correct
if I turn that off now we'll be entering
at Market our stop loss is using a price
value so 1.04
56 that's looks right to me a risk is
one so one standard lot or 1% of our
account balance depending on our Pine
connector settings we're not sending a
fixed take profit that's correct because
we are using a trailing stop and here is
our debug label for our trailing stop so
see here that our trailing stop
flatlined um so the very last time our
stop- loss was updated was on this bar
here this red bar and this is the
command that was sent to PC connector so
we send the new stoploss takeprofit long
command for this symbol um and then we
send our updated stop-loss price if we
wanted to be uh sending pip values
instead then we would click uh this
option here and now we're sending our
stop- loss as Pips so 155 pip distance
all right so everything seems to be
working if you notice a bug with this
script please send an email to support
at the art of trade and I
will try to update the um source code
template on the website as soon as
possible but so far so good the script
looks pretty good to me um I've been
using it on my UPI for a couple weeks
now without any issues but obviously
this script comes with a whole bunch of
different setting options so um so I may
have overlooked something here make sure
to run this on a demo account before you
do anything with it uh make sure that
it's working as expected and intended
and with all that said thank you for
watching guys I love all of you please
subscribe if you haven't already uh good
luck with your trading and I'll speak
with you in the next
video take

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PineConnector TradingView Automation MetaTrader 4 Setup Guide

what's up Traders I'm Kevin Hart and in today's video I'm going to be showing you how to install Pine connecto...