Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is tanmay bakshi and
we're going to be diving into the world
of k-means clustering and a little bit
of unsupervised learning
now before we get deeper into this i do
want to start off by saying that if you
do enjoy this kind of content and you
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now diving right into the world of
k-means clustering this is a really
interesting algorithm
effectively it's a family uh it's within
the family of unsupervised learning
which are algorithms that don't require
labeled data to learn
so you may have experience training deep
neural networks for example and these
deep neural networks require
mappings of data so for example you
could say here's an image of a cat
and here's an image of a dog you can't
just give it the images you need to also
provide it with labels
that's called supervised learning
unsupervised learning
is when you get to feed the model with
your data and have it extract the
insights for you
you don't manually give it some sort of
information about that data
now within this world of unsupervised
learning k-means clustering is one of
i guess most classic algorithms the one
that a lot of people implement
and it's one of those where i've used it
before actually a lot of times
but i've never had to implement it from
scratch myself
a couple of days ago i had the excuse to
implement it myself
and i must say i am surprised by just
how simple the algorithm is
in the back end effectively the way that
k-means clustering works
is you start off with your data this can
be in practically any dimensional space
uh in this simple example we're going to
be using two dimensional uh points
however you could have n-dimensional
points so if you have output from a
neural network that's
10-24-dimensional say from burt large
you can absolutely still use k-means
but let's just say you have
two-dimensional data effectively all you
need to do
is come up with some random points for
your centroids which are the centers
of the clusters that k-means clustering
once you have random points for them you
identify which
points within your actual data belong to
which centroids
which means which ones are they closest
to you'll usually use something like
euclidean distance for this
and then all you do is you now figure
out which points are actually associated
with which centroids
and then you calculate the average of
those points
and you move the centroid towards the
average that's all there is to it
and suddenly you'll be able to group
your data into
n different clusters where n is however
clusters you're looking for now
determining how many clusters to use
is another issue altogether in some
cases you may already know the count
so for example if we're using mnist
digits we know that we want
10 clusters because there's 10 different
digits but because this is unsupervised
learning in a lot of cases you wouldn't
know how many clusters you need you can
do things like elbow analysis here
however what we're going to be doing is
simply focusing on the k-means algorithm
how it works and how you can implement
it from scratch in python
and so now let's go ahead and take a
look at actually implementing k-means
from scratch it's only a couple of lines
of code and it'll give you a bit more of
an intuition
for how it works maybe a great way to
start off
is to actually begin by discussing what
a cluster even is
well cluster as you probably know is
essentially a lot of points within your
that are close to each other that you
want to specify as a single sort of
group of points they belong to a
category because they are close together
they're one specific cloud of your data
also known as a cluster
but how do you define where that cluster
well the way that you do with k-means
clustering is by defining what's known
as a centroid
a centroid is the point at the center of
that cluster
such that all the points that have the
distance to that centroid are part of
that cluster if they're closer to a
different centroid
they're part of that centroid cluster
and so the way that k-means works
is that you start off by putting these
centroids in random locations
the way that i'm initializing it is by
taking the average point of the entire
data space and just creating a couple of
different sort of variations around that
general center
area what that gives me is then a bunch
of points that can move into their own
cluster spaces
uh now in order to achieve this goal i
have two functions on screen right now
the update assignments function and then
the update centroids function
now these two functions do two different
things first of all
the update assignments function will
take a bunch of data as well as the
locations for centroids
and it's going to tell you which
centroids which data points belong to
so for example the first data point is
closest to the second centroid and so on
and so forth
now using that information we can do two
first of all we can make it so that
given data and a bunch of centroids we
can figure out which data points belong
to which clusters
so we can for example color them
accordingly now second we also then have
the ability to run what's known as the
k-means iteration now what that's going
to do is it's going to move our initial
of where exactly those centroids should
be in what we think is the correct
the way these iterations work is quite
simple and you can see that
in the update centroids function inside
of the update centroids function what
i'm doing
is essentially saying all right let's
take a look at all of the different
cluster assignments at the moment say we
only have two centroids and we have 10
data points
take the data points that are part of
the first cluster
and the data points that are part of the
second cluster and find
the middle of both of those current
guesses of clusters
and those two middles are now the new
locations of the centroids
then recalculate which points are
closest to which centroids
and then again find the average and
keep looping until you think you've
reached good performance
there are many ways of calculating this
performance for example
you could calculate what's known as the
sum of squared errors
the sum of the squared distance from
your centroid to all of its individual
when you reach a low enough value then
you know you fit your data well
now in this case if we were to go
through the data that i've prepared here
or rather the code
as you can see i'm starting off with
some very classic simple imports
importing numpy and matplotlib
then after the imports first order of
business is to define the functions i
was talking about so as i mentioned
update assignments and there's update
centroids assignments will tell us
which clusters or which centroids
certain data points belong to
and update centroids will take those
assignments as well as the data
and figure out where the centroids
should actually be now
and of course multiple iterations of
both those functions back to back and
you should get pretty good centroids
now in order to actually do those
iterations i've actually gone ahead and
taken just
some sample data i'll actually show you
this data in a moment
and using that sample data we can go
ahead and experiment with some
i load that in through this data file
over here and i transpose it
so that we have a shape of 52
so the shape is going to be 50 comma 2.
effectively this means uh 50 data points
with two dimensions each
um and so once we have that i just go
ahead and print out the shape
and then i run the task i was talking
about which is that iteration of
consistently finding assignments and
then updating centroids
um we start off by guessing where the
centroids should be so once again just
in the very middle of the data with some
minor movements here and there just so
we actually get them moving in different
otherwise they would all be moving in
the same direction if all the centroids
were the same
and then i just go ahead and start
looping um
100 times i will do that sort of dance
finding the assignments and finding
where the new centroids should be based
off of those assignments
and then once that is done i go ahead
and plot out the data
so i plot all the data with one color
and then all the centroids with another
color so that we can
see where the centers of the clusters
actually are
and then from there i just go ahead and
show the plot and
in theory we should have implemented
k-means clustering from scratch
let's go ahead and take a look at if
this actually worked out
so if i go ahead and quit or rather i
guess i'd save because i commented some
code there
if i go ahead and run k-means dot py
we should be able to see there we go
we see our data over here that's all the
blue points
as well as the three clusters that we
were able to identify
in orange now these three clusters are
of course
within sort of i guess you could say
they're close to the center
of their respective regions like
visually as a human if you were to sort
of look here
you can identify that there are overall
three sort of clusters of data here
there's the one
over here to the left there's the one
over here to the right and of course
there's one
down here below as well the one towards
the top can be a little bit harder to
sort of
exactly distinguish where the clusters
begin and end
however it is still pretty easily
possible and that's what k-means is
actually doing for us
as a matter of fact i can actually
change the number of clusters
that we want to run against so for
i couldn't instead say we want to we
want to get four clusters right so this
axis over here defines how many clusters
or how many centroids we want to
and this is just how many dimensions per
centroid which is two because our
our data is two dimensional so i can
change that three to a four
and i should just be able to run my code
and there we go as you can see now we
four centroids and in this specific case
we didn't really need more than three
right there's only
really three clusters here but if you
were to force k means to use a fourth
in this specific case thanks to the
random initialization we got
this is where the next centroid goes
however it's absolutely possible that it
could go pretty much anywhere else
it could go in between the two clusters
over here but it just so happened that
based off of the random initialization
said that you know what
um over here it would make most sense
because of
um say this one outlier over here um
that approximately seven 1.4 right so
um or yeah so negative seven one point
four um
to to be exact um and so that's how k
means clustering works i mean i must say
when i actually implemented this from
i was kind of surprised as to how simple
the algorithm really is and how elegant
it can be um you take a look at
algorithms like this and you wonder you
they're probably pretty complex because
a lot of modern machine learning is
you know a lot of different things sort
of put into a single package
but k-means is one of those really basic
algorithms that is incredibly useful
right if it's if it ain't broke don't
fix it so that's exactly what uh what
k-mean sort of personifies here
and hopefully this was helpful for to
you uh sort of figuring out how the
world of unsupervised learning works
and how you can implement your own
machine learning algorithms of course
this code is down in the description
below so feel free to go ahead and check
it out
and run it for yourself uh and of course
if you did enjoy this video please do
make sure to subscribe to the channel
once again it really does help out a lot
turn on notifications so you're notified
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and of course feel free to leave any
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questions down in the comments section
below or feel free
to email me or tweet to me at tajimani
of course though
thank you very much for joining today
and goodbye everybody

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