Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is Tam Baki and this
time I'm going to be going over how you
can create a system that I like to call
T pronounce using a sequen to sequence
lstm model built in tensorflow let's
begin now what will this application do
well put it put simply this application
will allow you to enter a word any word
even a non-dictionary English word uh
into a an lstm and the lstm will tell
you how to pronounce this word uh based
off of pronunciations of other words and
so what I do is there's actually a
database online called the CMU
pronouncing Set uh and so essentially
this is created by the Carnegie melon
University uh and it is a data set which
contains uh the actual uh American
English words uh and then their
pronunciation in American English accent
uh and so this pronunciation uh of
course uses uh uses uh specific uses the
specific sort of syntax which I'll be
talking about in just a moment uh and
let me explain exactly how the system
works of course we begin with a data set
and this data set contains hundreds of
thousands of individual English words
and their pronunciations attached to
them uh and so this is called
pronouncing data
set okay so we've got the data
set now after you've got the data set it
has to go through some processing and
I'll tell you about this processing in
just a moment in the Mac
part after your data goes through some
processing you're ready for it to
actually go into something called
translate but what is translate well put
simply translate is an example that
tensorflow already has for you uh how to
build sequence to sequence lstm models
this is the way it works by default what
this model will do is it will I mean if
I actually just uh create a little
boundary here which will
contain uh the translate system so this
is the regular vanilla tensorflow
translate system that they already have
for you what this does is it takes a
bunch of text in
English and it takes that exact same
text but in
French and it'll feed it into a
sequence to
model now the sequence to sequence model
will then train on that data and then
you can actually pass it some input like
hello and it'll output something like
sure like that
in fact okay but the thing is there are
a few limitations with this system
because the thing is this was built for
language translation but what we want to
do is have the system learn how to
pronounce English words and not actually
translate from English to French and so
I've actually gone ahead and made a few
modifications to the system I basically
used almost the same code and what it'll
do is the new translate
system will actually
take so the translate that was made for
pronounce now this will actually go
ahead uh and take some
words and it'll actually take the
pronunciations for those
words it'll feed them into that same
type of sequence to sequence
model and then you can actually input
something like uh tme which again is
actually not an actual English word it's
a non-dictionary English
word and then it'll output the
pronunciation for t which in this case
it outputs T a e n n m e
y I'll talk about exactly how this type
of uh this type of uh pronunciation is
structured in just a moment inside of
the Mac part but this is a simplified
explanation of the system we're going to
be building uh if you'd like to find out
more about sequence to sequence models
I'll have an entirely separate video
about that coming out soon uh but
essentially there're basically two lstms
stacked on top of each other with an
encoder and a decoder uh in order to
actually take in a sequence and instead
of classifying that sequence it'll
actually output another sequence based
off of the sequence that you gave as
input but now let's get over to the Mac
part where I'll show you how you can use
tensorflow in order to build the system
behind me and has quite a few different
use cases like for example if you're
unsure how to pronounce someone's name
you can actually feed it into the system
or a specific word or a specific word
that's not in the dictionary U so now
though let's get to the Mac part where
I'll show you how to build this system
all right so welcome back to the Mac
part and now I'm going to show you how
you can actually build this lstm system
all right so now if I actually go over
to this uh Ubuntu machine I've got
running over here uh as you can see I
actually seated into a directory uh
inside of my home directory called
models tutorials RNN translate uh so if
you actually go ahead and get over to uh Slash uh
tensorflow Slash models you can see
they've got an GitHub repository
dedicated to tensorflow models that
they've pre-built for you uh and so if
you go inside of here you can see that
there is a folder uh call or a file
called translate. py inside of tutorials
RNN translate and so this is the file
you're going to be using in order to
create your sequence to sequence lstm
model of course you could build your own
sequence to sequence model either in
tensorflow or another language like or
another SDK like uh carass uh but for
now I will be going with this and maybe
I'll show you how to actually build one
from scratch in another
video but as you can see getting back to
the point over here as I mentioned
before this script was actually
originally created to actually convert
English to French and so it's an English
to French translation system however I
have modified this code to actually work
so it it can tell me how to pronounce
things in fact here is a demo if I were
to actually go up over here take this
command and run a decode with the script
I'll tell you exactly what that means in
just a moment but as you can see it
actually starts
initializing uh the the
script uh and then once it initializes
and once it loads the pre-trained uh
pronunciation model uh we should be good
to go and ask it how to pronounce some
stuff all right so give that just one
moment uh okay there you go it's
starting to read the model parameters
and in just a moment as you can see it
gives us a prompt now from here I should
be good to go and ask it to ask it how
to pronounce something like for example
tme is not an English dictionary word
however it is written in English so
technically I should be able to uh say
tme inside of this prompt click enter
and as you can see it returns exactly
what I told you tan May uh now if I were
to actually go over to the CMU
pronouncing dictionary
website uh you can see uh if I were to
or not the Wikipedia page the official
CMU pronounce ing dictionary page uh you
can see there are a few different types
of the CMU pronouncing dictionary some
with the lexical stress some without Etc
however it uses this specific phon name
set in order to uh in order to uh
convert uh from from words to
pronunciations you can actually see all
the 39 phones uh and how they're used
and a translation uh and so for example
AA uh is used in odd uh and the
translation is AA a d for odd to the
phon and so a is a a sound and then of
course you've got those examples for all
of the other phones in the
set now if we were to go back over here
to this data set I'll show you one more
demo in just a moment but let's exit out
of the demo by doing control D now that
we're out of the demo let me show you a
bit about the data that goes behind this
if I were to go into the data folder as
you can see I able to actually Nano the
actual word data set now I've actually
made few modifications to the CMU
pronouncing dictionary uh which allows a
sequen to sequence lstm model to
actually understand the data so if I
were to actually go ahead and open up
the words file over here as you can see
we've got a lot of individual words and
these words are of course from the CMU
pronouncing dictionary I can actually
search up tan here in fact and
theoretically I shouldn't get
anything as you can see tan was not
found which means that is truly not in
the CMU pronouncing dictionary but
moving on as you can see let's just say
we were to take a random word here say
uh we had uh if I were to just go down
here maybe
hello okay you can see that there is a
word hello here now by default the CMU
pronouncing dictionary gives me this
word hello however I've tried training a
sequence to sequence lstm like this and
sequence to sequence lstm never learns
how to pronounce uh these words if you
do not put spaces in between the letters
but why is that well it's actually
because of the way that the sequence to
sequence lstm model is coded what
happens is when you have spaces in
between the characters the entire
sequence is equal to H then an e then an
L then an L then an O but if you do not
have spaces in between then the then the
entire sequence is just one element of
ago and that means that it's not able to
learn meaning that of course it's not
able to give us the correct output uh in
the sequence to sequence model however
when you put spaces again these are all
different elements of a sequence which
allow it to train
properly but after that of course I'm
not going to save the changes there but
I'm going to go into the pronunciations
file and that was not the correct file
this is the correct file as you can see
this just contains a bunch of
pronunciations and of course the reason
you don't need to put spaces in between
every single letter here is because
you're actually just putting spaces in
between each individual phon name for it
to actually learn what types of
characters get translated into what
types of phon names and so as you can
see this is actually I mean one one more
plus point about having a system like
this is it's so much more versatile uh
meaning that if you've got
non-dictionary word you're not just
putting a bunch of IFL statements for
every single little rule that a
pronunciation could have what you're
doing is you're taking a bunch of
examples of how words are pronounced and
you're training a neural network to
understand how these words are
pronounced all right so now that you've
taken a look at that data and also by
the way just so you know uh the way that
this data is structured makes the
translate files think that it's actually
still converting English to French but
the English is actually just a bunch of
words in the French is actually just a
bunch of phon names or pronunciations uh
and so that conversion uh is done uh
just as if it's being converted from
English to French because it's almost
the exact same algorithm uh to go for
each all right but once you've got your
data ready and of course all this data
and code will be available in the
description then you're ready to
actually train the model in fact this is
actually quite a long command so I
already have this ready here and so this
is the command what it'll do is it'll
call the translate. py file it'll pass
it the data directory the training
directory it'll give it the English
vocabulary size which is 40,000 in this
case and the French vocabulary size
which is 40,000 once more and again
these are just default values you can of
course play around with these and see
what gives you the best result uh but
then of course once you click enter it
should actually start loading up tensor
flow uh creating these layers and
actually starting to train now I'm going
to immediately stop this though because
I've already got it trained and I don't
want it to overwrite my trained model
however once you are ready to go ahead
uh and actually test out your model then
just remove those vocabulary size
arguments and change this to decode so
Das Das decode at the endend click enter
and it should actually go into something
called decode mode now decode mode will
actually tell the script that instead of
encoding input and actually training the
lstm or sequence to sequence model you
want to actually decode output from it
uh and so just give that one moment and
we should be ready to go and test out
and do one more demo of the system as
you can see I trained this for 8,800
iterations it uh it uh and so what
happens is over time you're there's a
there's a variable called the perplexity
or I guess if if you're already familiar
with something like loss uh it's it's
similar to that it's basically how good
your model is uh at uh at doing these
sorts of pronunciation conversions uh
and so uh I was able to reach a
perplexity of
1.19 which is actually quite low but you
can get much much lower if you were to
train it for many more iterations uh in
fact I have gotten lower before it's
just that I wanted to train this uh
fresh for you uh and so now
as you can see I should be able to pass
it in something else like for example my
last name uh so back sheet and then hope
it it is able to give us the correct
pronunciation as you can see it does
back she and it gives us the correct uh
pronunciation if you're not sure if this
is correct and you want to know if your
model is doing nicely or if it's not
doing nicely you can actually go over to
the CMU pronouncing dictionary and take
each phon for example AE over here and
what does AE sound like well AE is used
in the word at uh and so as you can see
this is the translation from at to phon
which is AE and then a t and so AE we
can you know successfully derive that AE
would mean an A sound so
B and so as you can see that is correct
uh and it was able to give us the
correct pronunciation for the words that
we gave it even though again these are
not dictionary words uh these are
completely these are words that it's
never heard before and yet it was able
to correctly classify them and correctly
tell us exactly what the pronunciation
should be using a sequence to sequence
model built on top of
lstms all right so that's all I had to
share with you in this video today thank
you very much for joining I really do
hope you're able to learn from this
video and of course enjoy the video as
well if you believe that this could help
anybody else youd know please do
consider sharing the video and liking it
as well if it did help you out
of course so if you've got any more
questions suggestions or feedback leave
them down in the comment section below
and I'd be glad to get back to you uh
and of course you can also email them to
me at tagim man or tweet it to
me at tagim Manny of course though if
you really like my content and you want
to see more of it please do continue
please do subscribe to the channel as it
really does help out a lot uh and of
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as well thank you very much for joining
in today that's going to be it goodbye

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