Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is tanya bakshi and
we're going to be going over the fourth
episode in the learn
deep learning from scratch series now
today is a continuation
of the previous episode right showing
you the number in the gator today
we're going to be talking about what i
like to call dimensionality reduction or
really this is a generic term really in
the industry
um but what we're going to be doing is
we're actually going to be exploring
dimensionality reduction
through what's known as gradient descent
now you've already seen an example of
gradient descent in action with a number
the gator
and today we're going to be taking a
look at how you can actually repurpose
in order to reduce the number of
dimensions in your data again
don't worry about what that means just
yet i'll be showing that to you in just
a moment so let's go ahead and dive
right into the example
all right now what you're seeing on
screen is a two-dimensional graph it's
kind of similar to the one that i had
shown you last time
except i just sort of expanded the graph
a little bit
now let's just say i would give you a
pretty challenging task
we've got the following three
dimensional coordinates
a b c and d right these are four
different points
in three dimensional space and i want
you to plot them
on this two dimensional graph how would
you do it
well you can't they're three dimensional
you fundamentally cannot just represent
three dimensions in two-dimensional
space it doesn't really make sense
now there are some ways you could do it
right like you could you know cast a
shadow of a three-dimensional object on
the two-dimensional space
there are different things you could do
um however being able to sort of
represent the same
structure of points from
three-dimensional space in the
two-dimensional space
is what's known as dimensionality
removing an entire dimension from a
certain sequence of points or some sort
of data that you have
now this might not seem extremely useful
immediately but think about it like this
let's just say you're dealing with
images of you know cats and dogs
and you use a neural network to bring
down uh the number of
aim it or the number of numbers that you
need to work with which you know
for a 4k image could be you know
thousands of different um numbers
let's just say you use a neural network
to bring that down to just 512 which is
totally reasonable
now the thing is we live in a universe
with just three spatial dimensions
and we physically cannot perceive what
512 spatial dimensions would be like
and therefore those values aren't very
important to you you can't really make
sense of them
so you've got to do what's known as
dimensionality reduction to bring them
down to
you know what we as mere mortals can
actually comprehend
which is just three or fewer spatial
in this case though i've given you
something a little bit simpler which is
we go from three dimensions to two
dimensions so we can plot it more easily
on this graph
now there's a couple of ways we could go
about doing this and here's the way that
i've decided we'll do it
what i'm going to do is i'm going to
take each pair of points so
for example a b a c a d then
b c and c d and so on and i'm going to
take all these different um
coordinate pairs and we're going to find
the distance of
every point to every other point then
we're going to try and map those
distances to a bunch of
2d coordinates where the distances are
preserved as much
as possible but how do we find
2d coordinates where the distances
between all of them
match the distances between a b c and d
well let's figure it out now of course
just with like
a lot of things in life we're gonna
start off with a pretty random
initialization so let's just say we've
got these four points
and we want these to now represent a b
c and d now these are starting off at
completely random locations right it
doesn't matter
where they are right now but what i'm
going to do is i'm going to somehow
move these dots to where i know they
represent a similar structure to what a
c and d do in three-dimensional space
the way i'm going to do this
is by drawing a line between all of them
right so
there's lines going between all the
different dots now and what i'm going to
do is i'm also going to plot out on the
bottom right corner for you
a little bit of a legend all right now
each line is color coded
and for every line you can see two
values in the bottom ray
one is y and one is y hat
now the y which is the one on the right
is the actual
distance between those two points in
three dimensional space
so this is the actual like label for
how far away we know these points are
supposed to be
so for example you know red 7.3
we know that whatever two points red is
their actual distance in
three-dimensional space is seven point
three units
and this is euclidean straight line
however y hat is what we
believe their distance is is what we
have sort of set their distance to be
in two-dimensional space so if you were
to take the actual dots
on the graph right now if you were if
you were to calculate their
uh their distance you would get 5.7 now
here's what we want to do
we want to move all these dots across
this space
such that y hat matches y as much as
meaning where those dots are their
distances to each other
match the distances uh between all of
the three dimensional dots as well
and we're going to do this with the
power of gradient descent
we're going to use an extremely similar
algorithm to what i've already
shown you uh with the with a number
and what i'm going to do is i'm going to
calculate all the different distance
values which
in this case there are six of them right
so i'm going to take all six distance
and i'm going to find the mean
squared error of the predicted
distance values against what we know the
distance value should be
all right now what is mean squared error
i just pulled that uh pull that
explanation out of nowhere
and what does that mean well if we go
back to our code for just a moment
you can actually see that over here what
i'm doing
is i'm technically getting an error all
right which is
the distance between the output that we
expected and the actual prediction from
the perceptron
so i'm getting the error and then i'm
squaring it so we can
call this sort of function here the
squared error function
however remember though that when we're
dealing with this more complex
graph environment we don't just have one
right it's not just we're dealing with
five point seven versus seven point
we're dealing with five point seven
seven point three and three point two
four point nine
and two point eight five point two and
so on and so forth we have six
different error values to deal with six
different squared errors
so what i'm going to do is to find the
final squared error i'm going to take
all the individual squared errors which
is just you know y hat
minus y squared we can take all of them
and get the average value so the mean
uh which is basically just gonna be
summing up all the square errors and
dividing by six because that's how many
errors there are
then when i do that that sort of adds up
to be a single function
that i can then sort of find a
derivative through with respect to
the coordinate values that are on screen
right now and i can
optimize those coordinate values to make
it so the squared and mean squared error
is lower meaning y hat matches y
better so let's actually take a look at
that in action i'm going to do this
iteration by iteration
when i go ahead and calculate the
gradient for the first time the movement
looks a little bit like
this so in this case what i did was i
went ahead and found that mean
squared error i found the gradient and i
found it with respect to all of the
different dots on screen
and i moved those dots uh to reduce
the value of the mean squared error
function again to make it so y hat
matches y
as best as possible as you can see there
are a couple of things that have started
to match up
uh the yellow line for example uh 5 is
pretty close to 5.2
the blue line is pretty much exactly
there it's 4.1 to 4.1
um the green line at the very end is 1.9
to 1.7
so it's starting to get close but
there's still a lot of error so for
example red
is 9.5 to 7.3 um and so
there is still a lot of error that means
we need to run more iterations of
gradient descent to move the value of
the function lower and lower
so let's just say we run another
iteration so we kind of went back
more closely to what the initial
starting point was
but as you can see we're starting to get
y hat to be closer to what y
is we move out again and we do more and
iterations until finally gradient the
sense says
that well it's a low enough value now
gradient descent is never the one saying
you know we should stop now
as long as you keep you know querying
the gradient function it'll keep giving
you a value
you just want to stop optimizing when
you believe you know what we're good
enough now
uh to have a satisfactory answer
in this case we ended up getting the
following distances
um so we got seven point six to seven
point three four point seven four point
nine so as you can see they're all
pretty close
um there's some that are pretty much
exact so for example a white line 5.1
you know it's pretty much there green
1.8 1.7
pretty much there and then there are
some that are a little bit more off
things like the yellow line at 4.9 to
and you're probably wondering well why
are they still so off if we just did
that whole optimization procedure
and well the answer is pretty simple
it's because we're trying to
fundamentally represent
more information in a space where we can
only represent
a lot less information now we can never
or not never i'm going to catch myself
there it's not never
but there are a lot of cases where
three-dimensional space or the
structures that we create in
three-dimensional space
cannot be perfectly represented in
two-dimensional space
and the reason for that is because
fundamentally we are chopping off a
whole dimension we are
losing a lot of space in which to in
which to store information
and therefore we can always get close
when we reduce the number of dimensions
in something
but we can almost never really get
exactly there now if you were to run
that optimized
optimization procedure for you know
hundreds more iterations
or if you were to use a slightly better
procedure which we'll talk about later
then you might be able to get this even
closer but generally the dots that
you're seeing on screen right now
are a good representation of
that 3d structure in 2d space
so while it might not be perfect it's
really close
and so if you're trying to you know for
take these three-dimensional dots and
you don't have a plotting library that
can deal with three-dimensional
graphs and you want to reduce them two
dimensions but still keep the general
theme of the dots
then you know this is this is a good
solution to to go about doing that
now of course this is um invariant to
where the dots actually are on the grid
you know it really just matters about
the distances between the individual
dots themselves
and so you don't need to worry about you
know that specific detail
but really what this means is that this
technique that i'm showing you over here
is going to help you reduce the number
of dimensions in your data and we do
that by using the power of rating
once again let me make this completely
clear if we take a look at the graph for
a moment once more
the general idea of what we're doing is
we're taking
all of the coordinates we're finding
their distances
to each other then we're finding the
distances between all the actual
coordinates in 3d space
right so that's y hat and y respectively
y hat being our dots and y being the
actual dots in 3d space
we are finding the mean squared error
between those two
sets of distances and then we're finding
the derivative of that whole error
with respect to the actual coordinates
in 2d space
and by finding that gradient we can
optimize those coordinates
to put them in places where the
distances match up
best and so that is dimensionality
and of course though today is all about
so i'm going to show you how you can
actually implement this technique as
using google colab let's take a look
this one is a little bit more code heavy
but it's not that
bad and i'll show you what i mean now to
start off of course we're doing a couple
pretty standard imports um and so i'm
just importing the matplotlib library so
we can actually plot out
the data that we end up getting i'm
importing tensorflow which is you know
that new library that we're using um and
i'm also importing a
framework called sk learn or scikit
uh specifically i'm gonna be using their
data sets module because
using the data sets module i can load in
a data set known as the iris data set
the iris data set is incredibly popular
um it's a data set that contains 150
attributes uh or not 150 attributes um
150 instances of flowers
and each instance contains four
of the flowers themselves right so
things like the petal
um things like petal length and and
width uh same thing for the
uh sepal and what the what the data set
it really aims to do
is it aims to sort of provide
researchers with this data set
um where they can build algorithms that
take those four
attributes and try to predict is this
or or which one of the three species
does this flower come from right so
each individual sample represents
one species of a flower there are three
different species in the data set 50
samples for each 150 samples total
uh and so basically the idea is can we
build some kind of machine learning
to take those four attributes in and
spit out a prediction of
which species the flowers the flower in
this case
belongs to now it's a little bit more
difficult than you might initially think
um because it's very easy to tell one of
the species against two of the others
but then those other two species are
really difficult to
tell between each other and i'll be
showing you what i mean by that today
and then in the next episode we'll take
a look at how we can fix that issue
but for now let's actually take a look
at working with the iris data set
now the first thing that i go ahead and
do uh is i go ahead and load in what's
known as the iris dataset so we've
already talked about what iris is
and i load that into a variable called
um then what i do is i take the data
element of the iris dataset so the
actual like you know
150 instances of four features each
and load them into a variable called x
and i convert that to a list
um now we're doing something called a
target as well but don't worry about
that just yet
we'll come back to that code eventually
for now all you need to care about is x
now just to sort of give you an idea of
what the state is like
the shape of the x array is currently
that means that we have 150 arrays
where each array is another or is
actually another array
of four values each um and so
again 150 instances of different flowers
and for each instance there are
four different four different attributes
now here's the thing about this data set
it's really pushing
us as humans to the limits of what we
can physically perceive
as i mentioned we live in three spatial
dimensions not four
and so we can never really just plot out
this iris data set because it doesn't
make sense to
um instead what we have to do is we have
to run the same dimensionality reduction
technique that i talked about in order
to reduce those dimensions down to two
or three
but in this case we're doing two and the
way i do that is i start off by defining
something called a batching function
what i do in the batching function is
pretty simple i create three new lists a
and c then what i do is 64
times i actually choose two completely
random elements
from the actual data sets of two
different flowers at complete random
then i take the first flower put it in a
i take the second flower i put it in b
and then i take the
euclidean distance between the two
flowers and put it in c
and so this euclidean distance is found
by getting the square root
of the sum of the squared differences
in the actual coordinate values so each
coordinate value you get the difference
you square those differences you get the
sum of those whole differences and get
the square root of that sum
and then you've got straight line
distance then what i do
is i go ahead and take each one of those
arrays a b and c
convert them all to tensorflow tensors
and then return those three values from
the batch function
then what i do is i create something
called a weight now this weight
is just a tensor filled with random
the shape of this tensor is four comma
two now why exactly do we have this well
it's because we're going to be running
what's known as a matrix multiplication
of the actual input iris data set
against this weight in order to get the
dimension reduced
output uh in order to get the um the
versions of those coordinates in
two-dimensional space instead of
four-dimensional space
so the input it's four the output is two
that's a very simplified representation
of a weight um
and so in case you do not know how
matrix multiplication works there will
be a website linked in the description
describing um through an animation
how exactly matrix multiplication works
but for now all you need to know is that
weight is what we multiply the iris
flower by
in order to get its two-dimensional
and if we get a better version of this
weight then we get a better
two-dimensional representation of the
four-dimensional input
then what i do is actually pretty
similar to the number negator
watch what i do is i go ahead and take
the two
inputs which would be you know first set
of coordinates and second set of
as well as the distances between them
from the batch function
earlier then i create a gradient tape
and i tell the tape to watch
the weight then what i do is i go ahead
and run the matrix multiplication of the
first set of coordinates against the
and the second set of coordinates
against the weight then what i do
is i use tensorflow functions in order
to find the euclidean distances
of all of those different um of all
those different
um individual coordinate pairs and again
i do this by getting the difference
i do it by squaring it then getting the
sum and then finally by square rooting
all right now the reason i found in a
one here was in order to get the sum
along the axis of the actual coordinates
and not just the sum of the whole array
including you know across the different
coordinate pairs
uh now then what i do is i go ahead and
take the
distance that we calculated and of
course the actual distance that we
expected from the batch
i go ahead and get the difference square
it and get the mean so this is the
mean squared error
like so all right then i find the
gradient of that loss with respect to
the weight
i modify the weight just so that it you
know moves in the better direction
so that we can actually map that
four-dimensional coordinate to a
two-dimensional coordinate
better and then i print out the loss
just so i know
how well my little uh little weight is
now i'm going to go ahead and actually
run this code for you so let's just say
go ahead and run this code from the very
beginning it's going to go ahead and
connect to a brand new collab
i'm going to go ahead and initialize my
weight run this
and as you can see slowly but surely our
loss value continues to decrease if i
scroll all the way up in the output here
you can see the loss actually starts off
at a pretty high value it starts off you
know in the
0.8 and the ones but then slowly the
loss value gets lower and lower and
meaning the weight is better and better
the individual distances between points
in two-dimensional space
is closer to the distances between the
points in four-dimensional space
and guess what what i can do is actually
a little bit of matplotlib code and i
can actually
plot out that two-dimensional data that
we just
created with the help of matplotlib
all i've got to do is take all of the
input data convert it to a tensorflow
and then multiply or do a matrix
multiplication of the all that input
data against the weight to convert it
from four dimensions to two
and then i convert that to a numpy array
use a little bit of logic to actually go
ahead and have
matplotlib plot out in a scatter plot
those two dimensions
and then show the plot now what i also
did is i made it set for every dot that
species one two or three i would have it
put that dot
in red green or blue color respectively
and you can actually see through this
plot that as you can see
the red one is very easy to distinguish
between the other two it's very far away
um but then you've got green and blue
that sort of
touch each other there's certain points
that are in this ambiguous area where
you don't really know if they're green
or if they're blue
um and that's a bit of an issue for
neural networks to deal with but we'll
be fixing it
in the next episode of learn deep
learning from scratch
now i know that this was a lot to digest
all of the code will be in the
description and of course if there are
any questions please do feel free to ask
and i may go ahead and also clarify
these examples a little bit more go into
a little bit more detail in the
of the next video as well but overall
though i do hope you enjoyed thank you
very much for joining in today
uh once again if you do enjoy this kind
of content please do make sure to
subscribe to the channel it really does
help out a lot
and also make sure to like the video if
you did enjoy it once again would love
to answer your questions down in the
below apart from that thank you very
much everyone for joining in today
and goodbye

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