Thursday 17 October 2024



all right so just before I start the
actual tutorial today I just like to say
that an early access copy of my book
hello Swift has been released for the
first eight chapters you can find it on
many bookstores online such as Amazon
chapters and indigo as well as the
publishers website I really do hope that
this helps you throughout your journey
of learning the Swift programming
language alright so let's get into the
tutorial now so closer and welcome to
another tutorial
my name is Ken Lee battery and this time
we're going to be going over how you can
use the SS speech recognizer in swiftly
in a Mac OS application in order to
transcribe the Metro phonetic alphabet
or the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization phonetic alphabet numbers
call this is because the natural
organization is actually adopted this
phonetic alphabet but before I go any
further about this application I like to
say a big thank you to Ryan for sending
in this video request and idea so
beginning today though basically the
point of this application is let's just
say that you wanted to write out cat CA
T on your computer instead of saying C
18 or cat you would say Charlie alpha
tango which is the meta and SRC natural
phonetic alphabet form of cat and
basically this application will write
out cat free and this is based
completely off of my older and a speech
recognizer videos code so if you like to
learn a bit more about how the NFC's
recognizer actually works you can find a
link of that video down in the
description below and so cool so today
I'm going to be showing you how I was
able to implement the Semitic alphabet
into this speech recognizer so without
any further ado let's get straight to
the code part where I can show you how I
was able to implement this phonetic
alphabet with my
Mac OS application using the NS speech
recognizer let's get to it
alright so welcome back to the color
part and now I'm going to be showing you
the actual implementation of this
application so if you already seen my
older in a speech recognizer video you
actually find this you probably find
this code very very familiar example
facts this is a very this are a flicked
3 version of that same code and so
basically the point on this code is that
we are I mean I'm not going to be
explaining into too much depth basically
we are declining or we're Kotori
declaring our speech recognizer with
setting the delegates itself we're
setting the commands clean china
phonetic alphabet plus them and I'll
talk about that in a second and we're
telling the speech recognizer to start
listening for commands once that's done
we implement the speech recognizer did
recognize command function and in this
function we basically set the break
state which you probably understand from
my older video I'll be playing in too
much detail here though but we said in
blank state to either true or false
depending on what the user said and we
set the output text view to of what they
said and usually before what I did in my
video is we would set this that we look
at this texting a user could say text
not to basically just a command but this
time what we're doing is we're setting
up the commands first character so for
example to use just this alpha for a we
only want the a from the beginning of
alpha we don't want the entirety of
alpha to be printed out onto the
textview in fact let me show you a quick
example of this in action
so as you can see it's going to take a
second here
now let's actually try something else
like maybe YouTube so Yankee after
uniform tango uniform
Bravo echo take a break alright so
basically what I've done here is I
actually recited out YouTube in the NAT
hell phonetic alphabet form and what the
NSE truck is nigel has gone ahead and
done is actually understood that and
roll out YouTube in this text you over
here and the text fusing tire I guess
you could say window here I don't you
can see in this array that I'm defining
here I'm actually defining the entire in
NATO phonetic alphabet something alpha
Bravo Charlie Delta echo Foxtrot Golf
Hotel India Juliet kilo Lima Mike
November Oscar papa Quebec Romeo Sierra
tango uniform Victor whiskey x-ray
Yankee Yankee sorry
Zulu space take a break and get to work
now apart from the phonetic alphabet I
have three commands as well those would
be space take a break and get back to
work now if you've already watched my
older tutorial you'll you already know
what take a break and get back to work
means basically take a break tells E and
a sweet recognizer to stop listening and
get back to work tails at the start
listening again however space work that
what that's going to do is that's a new
command that I just put in and so what
that will do is it'll put a space
between what the characters that you say
so we actually give you a quick sample
of that as well like just for example if
I were to say maybe Oh get back to work
get back to work and if it doesn't
realize that I just said that let's just
rerun the application and it should all
Hotel echo Lima Lima
Oscar space Sierra whiskey India Foxtrot
tango take a break as you can see it
wrote out hello Swift the title of my
book and so basically this proves that
it is able to understand commands like
space and so that's basically how this
application functions and of course as I
said I have not gone into the code to
very much detail basically what I'm
saying here is that taking the exact
same one out oh 10 15 Marco Daria around
30 ish lines of code that were from my
older tutorial I basically converted
them to Swift 3 and instead of channel
foods my favorite foods like chicken
lemon mangoes bananas etcetera etcetera
I'm actually just putting in the Nano
phonetic alphabet and instead of taking
the entire command what the user just
said to the NS speech recognizer and
putting that onto a text field I'm
actually just taking the first letter of
those commands and putting them onto the
text view but if those commands aren't
actually you know the parts of the Nano
phonetic alphabet and they're open
they're just real commands like space or
get back to work or take a break what's
going to happen is I won't
I just won't put them on screen at all
and I'll actually execute the actions
that that command has linked to it and
that's basically all we have for this
tutorial today thank you very much for
joining in I hope you learned a lot if
you did learn a lot and you really liked
the video please do consider leaving a
like down below and if you believe this
could help anyone else you know please
do consider sharing the video as well
but if you have any questions
suggestions or ideas or feedback really
you can stick you leave that down in the
comments below
tweet that to me at caddie mani or you
can even email it to me at panda mani at of course if you really like
my content and you want to see more of
it you can of course subscribe to my
youtube channel and it really does help
out a lot and of course thank you very
much for watching this tutorial today
that's going to be all good bye

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