Thursday 17 October 2024



solo there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is Senator vaccine this
time we're gonna be going over parsed
push notifications in iOS 9 using Swift
too now I haven't really found many
resources on this online and I've mostly
only found a resources for partial push
notifications for Swift 1 and iOS 7 and
8 which is not very convenient
considering the fact that all these
videos are also really really long and
they're very hard to understand in fact
this took me quite a while to make and
so since this took me quite a while to
make I'm creating a video on it now I
wasn't orig
I didn't come up with the idea for this
app it was actually sent to me by one of
my subscribers so his name is Ali echoey
and I want to show a picture of him now
this is ali Ocoee he's asked me to make
a video of how you can actually use
parse to display push notifications on
iOS and other platforms I'm only
covering iOS in this video but I may
cover other operating systems as well in
the future anyway let's get to the
actual video so we can explain the
question so now that you've seen Ali's
question let's actually get to the video
now essentially what I'm going to do in
this app we're going to have two
separate I devices these AI devices will
be able to send push notifications to
each other but wait a minute they don't
send them to each other they're going to
send them to all iOS devices connected
to this app however in the next part I'm
going to be showing you how you can send
to specific people so now let me just
really quickly explain how the push
notifications will work then we'll get
to the coding part okay so let me just
open up here so let's say we have a few
clients like iPhone number one
okay so this is iPhone number one then
we also have number two who has a bit
bigger iPhone I guess and this is number
two okay now let's say over here we have
the parse database which I guess I'll
just draw like this and this is the
parse database now my instance of this
let's just say it's this this is my
instance of parse okay
now this has a little section for push
so essentially what we're doing is these
two AI devices in their app delegate
we're setting them to keep on looking
for push notifications over here but
wait just a minute this can't be too
there's also Apple coming in the way
here what we're just going to do apples
just going to act as like a little
bridge in between us well it's going to
happen is let's say I create a new push
notification over here with text like
let's say you push notification hello
use my app okay so now it's going to
happen this push notification will make
its way over to Apple Apple will make
its way over to these two devices and
that on here will either see a little
notification here or if you're on the
it'll open up say the time and stuff and
then show the notification on the
lockscreen so that is really simple
actually even though it seems very
complicated and so what we're going to
be doing first in this video we're going
to be handling the Apple part which is
the most complicated part out of all of
then we'll handle the actual coding of
the app this is the second part this is
the first part and then we'll actually
handle the parse database which will be
our third part
so let's get to the Mack part now and so
we can code this up so let's get to it
so welcome back to the Mac part and now
I'm going to be showing you the actual
implementation of this in Swift so to
get started we're going to do a bit of
preparation so first of all what we're
going to do is I'm just going to make my
face smaller can't have a youtube video
without one of those drills then I'm
going to come over here into Xcode and
I've I have a little template actually
for this app which you're going to have
to just open up in your own version of
Xcode and a link to it will be in the
description along with source code and
so what you're going to do inside of
this little template is you're going to
see first of all this is very very
crucial you have to change bundle ID
enter from comm dot fill got me up to
comm dot so whatever your usual bundle
identifier would be for this sort of
thing for me it would be TBS s dot parse
tester something like that make sure you
choose your correct team and then yeah
you have to go into capabilities make
sure push notifications is on and if you
see this little error here click on the
fix issue button and then in a second it
should give you a check mark perfect
you have successfully set up the
template next what you're going to do is
you're going to go into your Apple
developers member Center and they're
going to sign in to your developer page
and go into your certificates
identifiers and profiles page open up
identifiers and then just our actually
I'm going to search for parse and as you
can see I see parse tester I'm going to
click on it and click on the edit button
we're going to scroll down until we see
push notifications
and where it says development SSL
certificate click on create certificate
now all you need to do is open up
keychain access then we're going to
click on this keychain access button
over here certificate assistant and then
request a certificate from a certificate
authority then it already feels
everything in form but I believe you're
going to have to fill in stuff for
yourself so your user email just can be
anything really your name then the CA
email address make sure that is blank
and then click on the you're saved to
disk option and do not check this box
continue and then it'll ask you where to
store it so I'm just going to call it
I'd say just a second push certificate
request okay
then I'm going to just save this to my
desktop because we're going to delete
this anyway and click on the Save button
you don't need to show in finder so you
can just click on the done button come
over here and click on the continue
button then click on choose file and
choose the file that you've just created
ok perfect click on the generate button
and then you don't need to download this
certificate just yet or actually
nevermind yes you do ok once you've
downloaded the certificate just click on
the done button and now you're done on
your Apple Developer page now click on
the certificate you just downloaded and
it should open it up into peach ain't
access make sure you click on the button
my certificates if you do not do this it
usually will not work unless you select
the correct entry so click on my
certificates then search for the one
where it says your app ID which is this
one parse tester for iOS push services
and make sure it hasn't expired or
anything I just created mine so it of
course won't expire just yet but just in
case you're using an older one make sure
it isn't expired or else it's no use
okay then right-click on it and click
export then make sure you're using the
person personal information exchange
file format and if you aren't if you
don't have this option if it's grayed
out like these two then you're probably
using it from all items you're using a
different version of the certificate so
just make sure you use the one in my
certificates so then I'm going to just
name this something like parse push
yeah that's it click on the Save button
now do not give this a password so just
click OK then type in your computer's
admin password and click on always allow
or just allow okay now you're done
keychain access now you have to do stuff
in parse go over to parse and click on
go to your apps after signing in create
a new app and I'm just going to call
this parse tester click on the create
button and then click on push and then
go to settings then click on push again
but this time from over here then what
you want to do now listen to this very
carefully you're going to have to enable
client push this will allow your I
devices to push to parse then over here
where it says Apple Post certificates
wherever it says certificate file dot
p12 click on select your certificate and
open up your certificate file ok perfect
now it has uploaded this certificate on
to parts now that you're done this step
you just want to go into Doc's and click
on launch the QuickStart then yeah
there's a little thing I found in the
parse website it resets the app over
here so make sure you click on the app
scroll down until you find the app that
you were just working on yet the poster
okay then click on push or actually just
give me a second
you won't need to do this I'm just
checking yeah for myself so I know yeah
so if I just go over to my apps yeah I
selected the wrong one I'm supposed to
click on parse tester okay so if I click
on parse tester which is my real app
then currently working on and then I go
over to iOS because I'm using iOS you
can really just skip through these just
randomly select something and then all I
really need are these application keys
so double-click your application ID go
over to your app delegate and paste it
in for a by D select your client key and
paste that in for your client ID perfect
now what we're going to do is actually
you know what
currently our push message is this push
notification was sent that's AB or I
will spice it up a bit because you know
what we're learning is programming so
let's just do this hello iOS programming
ok so now I'm going to run this app on
both on both of my iPhone so first of
all this one then this one so put it on
to both okay now right as they start up
I'm just going to show you over here as
you can see now they are both asking me
if they'd like to send me notifications
and so I'm just going to click OK so
that they can send me notifications and
as you can see they work perfectly now
how do I send push notifications to
these well it's quite simple really
let's just take our Google Chrome window
make it really small actually a little
small that's in small bring it over to
our view with the iPhones a bit smaller
so it fits in between them then what I'm
going to do is if I come over to so not
right now we're in the parse page now
I'm going to click on push see this
little here push then we're going to
scroll over here and click on send a
push now actually I'm just going to make
this big again so you can see what we're
doing and since there are no oh yeah so
forgot the main rule that I've been
teaching you this app gets reset select
parse tester again and now what we can
do click on send a push I'm just going
to choose every one so that it sends to
all my devices I'm going to go down down
down and over here where it says what
message let's just say this is from
parse hello iOS programming so that we
can distinguish between the message sent
by our iOS device and the one sent from
the parse dashboard okay let's continue
so let's send this now immediately if I
come over here both my iPhone just
vibrated on my table and it shows us big
notification over here parse push this
is from parse hollow iOS programming ok
sure that works but there's nothing
really too big in that I could show a
message from a database whenever I
wanted to I just need to use the code
that I use in Swift databases well let's
see what happens if I click ok and let's
see what happens when I exit the app
once I actually exit the app and then I
send a push notification guess what I
think you've already guessed
but if I go down here choose something
like hello
iOS programming from the NC I you can
guess what NC means and so if I send
this now that standard stood for
Notification Center because as you can
see it has actually put these on to
Notification Center and it has showed me
the actual notification using push so
now if I go into the Notification Center
it shows me the notification over here
and here so if I click on it it actually
brings me into the app and that works ok
so now what happens if I click on the
send text button on one of my iPhones
well then it does exactly what you would
expect it actually sends the text that
we put in to our code now let's see what
happens when I do that on my other
iPhone as you can see it pushes on to
both now let's close the app on one and
send it as you can see it pushes now
let's close the app on this one and open
it up on this and as you can G see just
to prove to you one last time
it pushes okay so that was actually
quite simple for the demo of this app
now let's get into the actual code and
how that works okay so now let's get
over to the actual code part of this so
I'm just going to move myself over here
over these and stop the apps okay
so now let's start from the app delegate
which is the simplest part again I just
took these parsed our project and I made
it much better so that you can use this
with ease because the power starter
project still wasn't good enough it had
lots of extra code I just clean that all
out for you added some more stuff in
okay so interact delegates did finish
launching with options function we are
just setting the application ID and the
client key to well the application
client ID you get from parse we are
setting the UI user notification type to
alert badge and sound that means that in
the notification settings if you are to
your Settings app and click on
notifications these are the three things
that we are going to use for the you
know notification types then settings is
just going to be really simply what
types can we use and what categories
categories can be nil meaning default
but the types will be the types that we
just created then what we do is
application which is a Cy application
that we're getting in this function
we're just going to register user
notification settings and then those
settings that we gave it so it were
registering those notification settings
so we can actually give notifications
and then it shows up that little pop up
this so-and-so app would like to show
you notifications and so these are
clicks okay or no and then we have
permission to show notifications then
next we're doing application dot
register for remote notifications this
means that we can receive notifications
from a remote source like the parse
database then we're just returning true
then this function is not required at
the moment so I can just remove it
however day to register for remote
notifications with device token again
that's just a default function that
parse requires I'm not going to go into
it and so is dead fail to register for
remote notifications with error again
that comes inside of the templates and I
wouldn't really recommend touching them
you don't need to then in application
did receive remote notification again
this is just par stuff where we're
handling the push and if the application
is inactive we are calling the track app
open through the remote notification
payload which is just something to do
with personal attacks you don't need to
get into that
anyway now let's get back to our
viewcontroller in our viewcontroller
right as we open up the view like just
as we're loading our view we are
immediately connecting to a channel
which I like to call
well test channel let's just say test
name but basically what this is is you
know there are multiple different
channels of post notifications that you
can have on parts like for example let's
say we have different Facebook users
different Facebook users would have
their own channels the channels would be
named their own name and let's say
someone else post something to their
timeline that will be sent to that
person's channel and then it'll show a
push notification on their channel only
or on their devices only or else just
imagine this you would be getting
notifications on Facebook for pretty
much everybody else that's using
Facebook which wouldn't make sense so
that's why we use channels so basically
these three lines of code are just
connecting us to test Channel and also
one last thing I'd recommend just in
case their Wi-Fi is a bit slow freeze
the app until it saves the channel or
else there will be glitches then once
the view does appear however we are
checking is the height of our frame
greater than or equal to 736 if no
perform a segue to 6 that's the actual
identifier so what this will do is if
we're running an iPhone 6s plus or an
iPhone 6 plus or something of that size
then great good job stay or else what's
going to happen is we're going to make a
segue towards a different view that'll
work on 6 and 6s and also we're checking
if the views tag is 0 this is so that
once we open the second view for the
iPhone 6 that's going to call this
function as well and then we
want to go into an endless loop a loop
of just calling just going to its own
view over and over again so we don't do
that next what we have is the IP action
function for sending messages here we
are forcibly trying because I know this
won't give an exception in my case you
can put in the full do catch statement
but I don't need to at this point and so
what we're trying to do or at least
forcing Swift to do is we're going to
take a PF push I don't know what the
stands for a parse push basically dot
send person push message to channel then
the channel name and then the message
that we want to send so the channel in
this case is test channel and the
message as well as you know hello
iOS programming and that is all the code
I'm just going to show you the UI really
quickly really simple nothing you
haven't seen before this is the this is
the six view this is the two six segue
this is the view and then these are the
two buttons these are the same class so
these are the exact same view just
different sizes so this is also a few
controller this is also view controller
and that was it for this video if you
have any questions concerns or comments
really leave them in the comments you
can also email me at Taji mani at if you'd like to with any more
questions concerns you can also email me
a video question if you'd like to that
has that where you talk just a second
yeah oh yes quickly before I go I would
say in part 2 I'm going to tell you how
you can target specific devices anyway
continuing you can also send me a video
question of you saying a question and I
might just feature it in one of my next
videos you can also subscribe to my
channel if you'd like to contact me on
Twitter at tad you many all the links
will be in the description source code
will be in the description on my github
page and that's going to be for this
video good

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