Thursday 17 October 2024



hi there t back for another SQL Server
2012 tutorial so here we are um as I
said in the last video we're doing
insert into now um we're starting to get
a little bit more advanced into the SQL
Server commands not just there yet
though so um let's say you had this
table in your
database sorry
and there's nothing in
it and you wanted to add let's say a few
now uh let's say you had some example
information it's not very simple
actually what you can do is insert
into and then the table name so mine
would be test table
then what you're going to do is if you
just uh want to um insert into all these
rows just go
values and then start typing in what the
values are one by one so my ID let's say
13 or just
three fet first name
t last name
actuallyy um
email there we
are so we just made this little sample
and it said one row is affected now
let's select sorry U select star from
table let's execute
this what if
um now what if you just wanted to enter
let's say first name last name then the
ID and email you can update if you
didn't see my update command video
please surely do uh the link will be in
the description as a reference to that
command what you do then is you don't
just not put this in and then not put
this in what will happen then is it'll
think this will be the first one this is
uh uh first name and then it just
glitches very badly what you do then is
you'd specifically
say okay I'm just going to copy this uh
to save some
time before
this make some brackets and then go f
name and L
name so I just want to enter those two
then just
remove so let's say I want to add
in watch
select null and
null now again um watch the update video
if you didn't update to
oh wait sorry we don't need that update
um test
table set uh ID equals let's say six and
uh email
equals uh the
where F
Andals right
there I'm just going to execute the
select statement at the same time so
that um it updates and then shows us
what just
sorry um I'm a little okay so then here
are and as you
see it took backi two times so it
duplicated that's why I always say to be
careful with update and delete
uh then you can just revert that by
deleting two of
these so that was the insert into um I
tutorial uh make sure to check out the
update video if you haven't
already uh goodbye make sure you watch
my next few videos that will come

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