Thursday 17 October 2024



so love Aaron welcome to another
tutorial my name is Hannah Bakshi and
this time we're gonna be going over a
new sprite kick game so today I'm going
to be showing you exactly how I have
created a game in sprite kit called
apple picking and so essentially the
point of apple picking is quite
self-explanatory really it's just lots
of apples or falling from the sky and
you have to move around a little player
in the shape of a star to actually go
and collect those apples and then your
score can increase however there's a
little bit of a twist there are also bad
apples and good apples and normal apples
normal apples just add one tear score
good apples add three tear score and bad
apples move three from your score and
just before I continue if you don't know
what sprite kit is which is the
essentially game SDK or graphics SDK
that we're going to be using to develop
this project that's essentially a 2d
sort of SDK or API actually that would
be a framework in Swift and objective-c
that Apple enables us to use in order to
do stuff like simple animation if you
want sort of 3d or more complex
animation I'd either go with scene kit
or middle however sprite kit does the
job for apple picking so I'm going to be
going over to the Mac part now in which
I'll explain it but just before I go I'm
just going to explain the basic concept
of the game on the whiteboard then we'll
go over to the back part in which I'll
explain the actual apps code okay so to
begin this is essentially a little
graphic demonstration of how apple
picking works let's say your device is
in landscape which is exactly how this
game is intended to be played all right
and so basically in the center we're
going to draw a little line okay then
from there we're going to calculate
another line a few pixels off over here
and also over here and over here and
over here so in total we want five lines
all of equal height of course okay
coming down from the top to the bottom
towards the bottom ending over right
about here though okay
and so these will take up all while
sailing cut to the entire screen I mean
there'll be a home button over here and
stuff however then there's a little
player in the shape of a star but since
I can't literally draw a star we're just
gonna go with a triangle for now okay
and so basically the user will let's say
the user clicks over here we will not
move the triangle over to this point all
we're gonna do is we're going to move
the triangles X value to the touches X
value and if the user starts moving
their finger around the screen like this
whatever the current position of their
finger is which is each one of these
little pixels ignore the Y value and
we're gonna take the x value and set
that to the end then we're going to
sentence this objects x value to the x
value of your finger and so essentially
this triangle follow your route and also
there will be a timer spawning an apple
at random intervals and they're
completely random whether it's a normal
Apple a good Apple or a bad apple
and so basically apples will spawn on
either one of these columns randomly
completely and then once one sort of
spawns let's just say an apple spawn
over here
it's just going to slowly start moving
are actually quite semi fast start
moving down and then your objective is
to let this triangle touch the Apple
meaning you've picked it or star
actually and so I mean if you touch a
bad apple of course your score will be
Mun back made less by three if you go
get a good Apple plus three and the
normal Apple plus one your score also
displayed over here so let's just say
our score is thirty three right now it's
going to display thirty three in the
middle and that's exactly how this app
will work okay so that was a simple
explanation of how this app actually
works hope you enjoyed that however now
first of all I'm going to be showing you
a demo of the app itself then I'll be
showing you the actual Mac part
including the code and yeah just a code
and an explanation of it so let's get to
the demo and Mac
part now so welcome back to the Mac part
and now I'm going to be showing you
actually technically it's the demo part
so now I'm gonna be showing you these
demo of the app that we'll switch over
to the actual apps code itself let's
begin and as you can see I'm gonna click
on the apple-picking app that's on my
screen right now it doesn't exactly have
a logo but again none of my apps do that
I share on this YouTube channel when I'm
gonna click on it and as you can see we
have a little star a score indicator and
lots of apples falling around right as
an Apple touches the star which is the
player it disappears so now I'm going to
move my finger around and as you can see
I am actually moving the star and I am
touching all the apples that I get
inside my site and as you can see we
also have these sort of bars over here
that indicate these little columns of
where the apples are actually spawning
and so yeah that's going to be the demo
part as you can see these are good
apples these are golden and so that's
going to be it for the demo part I hope
you enjoyed now we're going to be moving
over to the Mac part which I will
explain the code and that's going to be
it for the demo part let's move over to
the Mac part now so welcome back to the
Mac cards and now I'm gonna be showing
you the code in depth so let's begin but
not first with the code first I'm going
to be showing using assets that we are
using in this app so to begin as you can
see oh by the way all these graphics
will be available for download in the
description below ok so as you can see
this is the Apple graphic it's just a
normal red apple next we have the bad
apple graphic would you say black gray
is actually Apple actually have a good
Apple which is just the normal Apple
with instead of red golden that's nice
and then we also have the player which
is just a star and also a v-line
which appears like nothing but if you
really zoom in I don't know how I would
do that I don't think it allows you to
know but it's a really thin like one
pixel line that we do use to create the
columns ok can
enuine now now let's get into the code
and since spray-can apps don't really
have a UI that you can develop with a
storyboard file I'm just going to be
explaining the cone to you
luckily there's no user interface to do
you just dive right into okay
let's start with the code this is weird
because I haven't done actually encode
just code like a playground in quite
some time because usually the apps have
a UI again I'm gonna stress this every
single object that you put onto the
screen with sprite kit you have to do
programmatically continuing though okay
so as you can see this our main class
called class game scene which inherits
from SK scene which I do believe is yes
if this is a class I remember what it's
it's not a protocol to class okay and so
basically this is sort of where all of
your game logic and all of your graphics
are just going to be shoved into and so
this is essentially the hub of where all
your other classes will connect if you
have a Apple class or if you have a
another class basically where all of the
other classes that you've combined will
merge into and then will be able to
create one functioning app okay
continuing now as you can see well I
just have some variable declarations
over here and now I'm going to explain
these to you so first of all player is
the actual SK sprite node for the star
okay and so that's the star next we have
the node which is an SK sprite node for
the actual you know middle column if I
run this on a simulator really quick on
iPhone 6s plus I assume window I'm just
gonna move this right to make this
landscape alright and as you can see
this is note this middle column here and
so I explain more about that later okay
as you can see we also have known right
and so this is one node to the right of
node itself which is this over here then
we have node right B which is
one right to note rights over here again
we're just actually creating the middle
middle little column sorry middle column
and then the the the other ones are just
being calculated from there then we have
node left which is the left column and
then node left B which is the column to
the left of the left column okay so now
I'm going to close this down because
we're done with those explanations cells
are all the nodes that are actually
those little columns on screen the
reason I have this here was mainly for a
debugging purpose to see exactly where
the what you call them apples are going
to be spawning but you know I just kept
them in because why not and so
continuing now then we actually have an
apples array which is all the apples
currently on screen which is an array of
class Apple which if you were wondering
is literally just as case right note in
the hit inherits from the S case right
now the class over here however it has
one variable called type which is equal
to zero the reason I have to create an
entire new class for this is because
congrats Apple there are no you cannot
add variables to extensions just great
and so continuing though you can't add
variables to extensions and so I just
added a variable to a class called Apple
which inherits from s case right now
great that's a perfect work around I
guess but continuing then we have a
variable called spawn timer which is
just a normal NS timer and sort of this
will take care of when we need to spawn
another Apple then we have our player
score which is just the score of the
player which can be
I think the bounds of a normal int in
Swift are negative eight million
something and positive eight million
something so anywhere in between that
but I doubt you're even gonna get to a
to a thousand but continuing then we
also have a score label which is just a
constant and this is equal to a new SK
label node with a fun named Ariel okay
so then what we're doing is it'll be
getting up setting the scenes background
color to white color from UI color and
then what I'm doing is I'm taking the
score label and I'm setting its font
size to 100 over here okay so this will
make the score label really big then I'm
setting its font color to black and I'm
setting its position to self not freeing
up mid X and mid Y so essentially that
really centers it to the middle and then
I'm just uh calling self dot add child
on score label and so essentially this
will allow us to actually put score
label on the scene next what I'm doing
is I'm saying spawn timer is equal to a
new NS timer which is a schedule timer
for interval with time interval actually
I think they change that with 0.7 so
it's going to actually spawn an apple
and reserve my flat is seven seconds
it's going to call self the function
it's going to call is spawn Apple which
I'll explain to you in just a moment and
then it's going to give no parameters to
the function meaning no user info and
I'm going to make sure it repeats now
it's telling me that there it's
deprecated the quote sort of Objective C
selector so let's just try out the hash
tag or I mean crash selector method okay
so let's see if this works on Apple does
this work okay I'm assuming we could
just call this then okay great let's
just run that really quick and see what
we have great so it's working so that
was that okay so I've just updated code
a bit and so I have fixed the warning
that it was giving anyway continuing
then we'll just setting our apples a
rake to a blank array instead of a nil
array so we can actually append objects
to it and then this is where we do sort
of like the meat or juice of the actual
calculation so basically first of all
I'm taking the node and saying it's
sending it to a new S case
right now with imagening v-line meaning
vertical line which you just saw on the
assets then I'm setting its size to five
width meaning five pixels width and 300
pixels height and I'm setting its
position to self dot framed up mid X so
it gets centered in the x-axis and then
what I'm doing is I am 17 Y parameter to
self dot frame dot max Y meaning the
extreme top
- no dot friend height / - and so
essentially this will bring the entire
frame on I mean the entire node down and
so the beginning of the node just
touches the top of the scene then I'm
just adding node as a child to the scene
then I am setting node right - pretty
much the same as case right now it's
something the same size and this time
I'm sitting I'm sitting it's the same
white parameter instead what I'm just
doing is I'm saying self dot framed up
mid X plus 200 and so that's where we're
saying mid X plus 200 and then for node
left I'm saying - 200 and then basically
for node right B plus 400 and then they
left B minus 400 for the X parameter
that's that and then of course we add
those as child's to the actual scene
then I declare player as a new ask a
sprite node with the image named player
that I created then I'm setting player
size to 50/50 and default I guess and
then we're setting its position to self
offering the mid X so the middle x axis
and then 1:25 meaning 125 in the
y-direction I guess that works
that's that continuing then we're
actually adding that as a child to the
scene next as you can see I have this
little function over here called random
number from now this is not mine it's
actually from this just over here made
by Indra ghek I I'm sorry if I'm not
pronouncing that correctly but this
person this person actually his github
page has a read of numbers
swift yes and it's really helpful and so
I'm using the random numbers random
number sorry
not random number from function from the
just in order to be able to generate
random numbers continuing though next
what I'm doing is I have a spawn Apple
function which we've already talked
about this is what the timer
continuously calls now in the spawn
Apple function essentially what I'm
doing is first form declaring something
called random position which is equal to
a new CG point then I'm going to say let
pipe which is a which of those little
columns I guess and I'm gonna say random
number from one to five there are five
columns 1 2 3 4 5 it'll choose any
random number between them and so what's
gonna happen is if pipe is equal to 1
then we want to choose the pipe in the
exact center because that's the default
node and so I'm going to set the random
position to note that position if it's
to the node rights position if it's 3
then no less position if it's for the
node right B's position and if it's 5
then no left B's position okay so now
we've decided where exactly our Apple
will spawn then we're going to set to
the type of Y Apple to a random number
from 1 to 6 now I know there are only 3
types of apples but I need to make it
really rare for it good or bad Apple to
come I want mainly normal apples to come
and so if it's one if is if the random
number generated is 1 then we'll do
something however if it's 2 3 4 5 or
even 6 then we're going to execute
something so there's a 1 on a 6 chance
that something will happen but there's a
5 out of 6 chance that this will happen
and I'm gonna tell you what these are in
just a second but the 5 out of 6 chance
1 is essentially we're going to create
something called an apple node which is
a new Apple image named apple ok so
basically we're using the Apple class
that I mentioned over here on the bottom
over here well and so since this
inherits from s case bright node
inherits those initializers as well and
so I can just use the image name
initializer from s case bright node and
we're using the normal Apple graphic
the assets been what I'm doing is I'm
selling the Apple loads position to in
random position that we have already
chosen in the beginning of the function
then I'm setting its size to a new CG
size make 50/50 I am then setting the
type to zero because it's a normal Apple
I'm then adding the apple node as a
child to the scene and I'm then I am a
pending it to the apples array now let's
say that the random number generated was
one okay then we're going to generate
another random number in the type apple
two variable and so essentially this
will be a random number from 1 to 3 if
it ends on 1 if it lands on 1 not 2 or 3
just 1 then I'm going to do the exact
same thing as we did for the normal
Apple except this time the type will be
1 and the image range will be good Apple
however if it's 2 or 3 then we're going
to do the exact same thing except for
the type will be negative 1 meaning bad
and then the image will be bad apple
that's that then we have two functions
over here that do the exact same thing
and so essentially the touches begin and
touches moved functions essentially we
just say let touch is equal to touches
dot first because that's a set for some
reason I mean probably because if you
want too many fingers to touch at once
you would see the x and y coordinates of
each finger but still i i would prefer
one touch and then a separate function
whatever but continuing i went on a
different topic there so basically we
declared touch as equal to have to stop
first so basically the first finger that
you have on the screen will be put into
this variable then we're setting player
positions x value to the touches
location and node self dot x so we're
only setting the x value not the y value
then the exact same thing for touches
moved because that literally just gives
you coordinates of the person's finger
moving just i guess a bit more life and
then continuing in the update function
which in case you didn't know what this
is this function is called whenever a
frame is rendered for example if your
frame rate is 60 frames per second
FPS then this is being cold this update
function is being called 60 times every
second because 60 frames are rendered
each second and so in this function
since it's running rapidly we want
apples to disappear again extremely
rapidly right as they touch the star and
so basically what I'm doing here is I'm
doing all these sort of Apple logic if
you will and so here I'm updating the
user score label I'm checking where the
star is and where are all the other
apples have they gone off-screen should
I remove them from the array should I
say yes it's collided with the star and
now we should remove it stuff like that
and so basically in the beginning here
I'm just saying bar knew apples is equal
to a new array of apples and I'm
actually initializing it as well and
then I'm saying for I in Apple's not new
apples just normal apples but I'm saying
I dot position dot y I is the specific
Apple that we're on minus equals to plus
and then we're checking if the type is a
bad apple then plus two so make it go
for down meaning that the Apple will bad
apples will fall down faster but if it's
not a bad apple it'll go zero meaning
normal speed then we're going to create
a variable called should continue which
will be equal to true which is just
essentially a little check to make sure
that it's right the rights a polite
Apple stay at the correct times then
what I'm doing is I'm checking if the
apples position specifically the
y-coordinate is less than or equal to
the min Y of this frame the minimum
y-coordinate meaning if it's gone off
screen than should continue should be
false and also if the if basically this
apples frame intersects the player's
frame meaning they've collided or
they've touched then we should set
should continue to false however we
should also set eyes type to negative
one and we should also mine I mean sorry
we shouldn't set eyes type we should
check if eyes type is negative one and
if it is then we - equals three from the
player score and then what we do is we
check if the eyes type is zero instead
if it wasn't negative one then we'd plus
equals one to the player score because
that's a normal Apple however if it's
one this means it's a very good Apple
and so we plus equals three to the
player score that's that finally we
check if we should continue if we should
continue to keep this Apple in the array
then we say new apples on a pen this
this eye or else we just say I don't
remove from parent we don't want to keep
this as a node and we definitely don't
want it in the array cluttering it up
and filling up memory and then basically
we set apples to new apples and so
apples has gone from memory completely
and only the new apples are remaining so
we don't keep hundreds upon hundreds of
apples on in memory that doesn't make
sense why would you do that and then
finally we're setting score label sex to
the players score and that's it I hope
you enjoyed that video again if you have
any questions suggestions or feedback
please make sure to leave it down below
in the comments or email me at Tasmania you can also direct message me
on twitter at tad g many you can also
find this code on github and will also
be a link in the description i got i
hope you enjoyed if you did please leave
a like and also subscribe to my channel
it really helps out a lot that's gonna
be it for this video hope you enjoyed
good bye

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