Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is tammy bakshi and
today we're going to be going over how
you can build your own llvm function
passes to modify your code at compile
time using the llvm compiler
infrastructure tooling uh now this is a
follow up video to my existing video on
the llvm compiler infrastructure once
again if you'd like to learn more about
what llvm is why it exists what it
enables you to do please do check out
that first video but if you're already
familiar with what llvm is and you want
to get started actually building your
own function passes and your own
extensions to the compiler then this
video is for you now before i do get
into this i do want to start off by
saying that if you enjoy this kind of
content you want to see more of it
please do make sure to subscribe to the
channel as it really does help out a lot
and turn on notifications you're
notified whenever i release videos like
this one today apart from that like the
video if you enjoyed it and if you have
any questions suggestions for feedback
leave it down in the comment section
below and i'd love uh to get in touch
now diving right into what we have to
show today once again llvm just as a
quick recap is as i've said before
compiler infrastructure so say for
example you're developing a swift
compiler or a rust compiler a c compiler
pretty much any language instead of
building the entire compiler yourself
taking all the way from your high level
code creating an abstract syntax tree
creating an intermediate representation
then finally exporting machine code
instead of having to go through that
entire pipeline you can actually skip
the entire backend portion by using llvm
what it enables you to do is take your
language effectively translate it into
one sort of universal yet very low level
representation which they call llvmir
intermediate representation and then
pass that over to the llvm compiler the
llvm compiler
will then go ahead and take your
intermediate representation run a bunch
of industry standard optimizations on it
and then go ahead and export for you
machine code to a variety of different
architectures all the way from x86 and
arm to power and ibm z and so much more
now llvm is super useful because it
enables things like for example code
reuse right so one language like swift
for example thinks of an incredible
optimization for code well them
implementing that optimization into the
llvmir stack suddenly benefits a lot of
other languages as well and because of
this code is a lot more portable too
like for example rust right rust has two
other intermediate representations
before it goes to llvm that are rust
specific enabling it to do rough
specific optimizations but it still
lowers down to an llvm layer where it
can then be compiled to any of the
target architectures that llvm already
supports this makes it so it's a lot
easier for developers on the compiler
team to support tons of architectures
without a ton more work
now what's uh the way that llvm works
right the way this sort of architecture
is there are individual what they call
passes that llvm will run on your ir
during the compilation phase so for
example if you wrote c code you're
compiling with clang and you use dash o
fast it'll use pretty much every
optimization it can right so you're
telling clang hey use the highest
optimization level possible what that's
doing is it's telling llvm hey of all
the different function passes and module
passes that you have there's even more
like loop passes run them all on this
code not necessarily all of them but a
lot of them on this code
to modify it in such a way that we
believe would make it faster right so
for example some passes could be
responsible for uh taking a function
call to a very small function and
inlining the function content right that
would be a function pass you're looking
at functions that are being called
seeing if you have the available code
for it and if you do in lining that call
another thing might be for example a
loop pass to be able to fuse together
multiple different loops in order to
avoid extra branching and instructions
right so these passes are responsible
for taking your ir analyzing them trying
to find patterns that they believe would
be slow and optimizing them by
introducing different sets of code that
should have the exact same behavior and
but should be able to do it in a more
efficient manner that's the point of
these passes
now not all passes have to be
optimization passes some passes for
example can be for analytics or for you
to insert instrumentation into your code
and as an example today i want to show
you how you can build a function pass
that will enable you to insert
effectively arbitrary code into any
function except this specific function
pass will take every function and every
single time a function enters it'll
insert a print statement printing out
the name of the function that just
entered and it'll also print a number of
how many times that function has been
called in this specific invocation of
the program so let's go ahead and take a
look at how you would do that um as you
can see over here
i've got my terminal window open um and
we we i've just opened up a simple
docker container i've already installed
llvm it's a reasonably straightforward
procedure to do so especially on linux
so there will be a link to the
description link in the description down
below um to the llvm compiler tooling
and how you can get started
by installing it
and sort of getting a development
environment ready and set up
i built it from source personally since
i found it easier to install that way
but there are other ways to install
pre-built versions as well
now in this directory i've got a pretty
simple c plus plus file open up here
and the c plus file is what's going to
enable us um to run our function pass
this is the source code for the llvm
function pass that i was talking about
um it's actually not too bad um and it
sort of split up into a couple of main
sections the first one is our
initialization so literally just you
know simple includes and using
namespaces um then of course is the
actual function pass sort of you know
what you really need to worry about is
lines 20 through 45
and then after those lines
are the lines that we use to register
the function pass with llvm to tell it
how to invoke this function pass
i'll get into sort of the structure of
this code in just a moment
really quickly though to begin i do want
to sort of prime you to what you're
about to read before we actually dig
into it
now as i've taught uh different people
how to work with llvm and honestly even
other compilers or even interpreters
like the python interpreters python
interpreter i've noticed that one sort
of common thread that is kind of
confusing when you're starting to work
with this technology
is that you have to really keep in mind
that you are not necessarily just
writing code here you are writing code
that is responsible for writing code
that's a very important distinction to
keep in mind right like for example as i
was explaining the global interpreter
lock to um to to someone who had a
question uh in in in python which by the
way is effectively a mutex that makes it
so the python interpreter can only ever
run one thread at a time so in python
multi-threading is technically i mean
multi-threading but you're only ever
running a single thread at once anyway
that's a different discussion you know
it's sort of hard to understand um from
a high level at least why these things
are necessary before you really think
about the fact that you're talking about
programs that are responsible for
executing or writing other programs
right so
as you're looking at this llvm function
pass here really keep in mind that what
we're doing here is we are writing code
to write code right so for example if i
say we are inserting a function call i
don't mean we're actually calling a
function we are writing instructions we
are calling llvm api functions that are
responsible for inserting an actual
function called instruction into code
that we'll be compiling later on that
uses this plugin right
that's really important to keep in mind
now heading back over to the actual uh
function pass here
as i mentioned we start off with some
simple initializations so we have some
simple includes um and also by the way
this is c plus code but you can write
llvm code in other languages as well
there are bindings for languages like
swift and i believe also safe bindings
for languages like rust in case you're
into that um if you'd like
i can also work on a youtube sort of
video series on building some more of
these uh
more of these like llvm passes in
languages like rust that i think would
be a lot more fun so let me know if
you'd like to see those tutorials
now moving a forward from here again
simple c plus plus stuff using the two
namespaces lvm and std that we're going
to need
and this is where the fun part starts
now we get to actually create the
function pass
now what we're doing here is creating a
simple structure called runtime print
function call count pass
rules right at the tongue um and it's it
it's it's right it's derived from uh the
function pass uh that comes from the
llvm api so function pass comes from
llvm we're saying that this uh structure
sort of inherits from function pass
we create a super simple initializer
that literally just takes an id
this initializer is never called by you
right you never initialize this
structure yourself
that's done by llvm when it's invoking
your function pass which is why we're
just sort of following boilerplate here
next is a function that you're supposed
to sort of like overload here it's
called a run on function now the run on
function function
again kind of difficult to keep track of
uh you know
what exactly here is code that we're
writing versus code that's being invoked
but the run on function function is a
function that will be run on every
function in your llvm module
what this means is when you're compiling
for example a c file with clang
and you tell clang to use your function
it will internally take every
llvmir function
pass that as an object to
run on function within your pass right
so this takes a function this is not
like an actual function pointer you
can't actually call this this is not
fully compiled it is
an object that contains the llvmir for
what you are currently compiling right
this is not an actual function loaded
into executable memory this is a
sequence of llvmir instructions in an
object that you can now mutate or
analyze however you wish
um now what this function does to start
off with is we simply get the llvm
context that we're dealing with and this
gives us like compile information and
then we go ahead and um take a look at
what module we're in right so we want to
figure out you know this llvm function
that would that we've been passed what
is the larger module that it's a part of
which effectively you could think of as
the file of code that you're compiling
um using llvm
the next thing that we do is we start
initializing a couple of variables that
are necessary for what we actually want
to insert remember we want to insert
into the beginning of every function a
call to printf to make it print what
function has just been called and also
how many times it's been called in order
to do so we need to know the signature
of the printf function
to get that signature is kind of
complicated so like in an actual c file
what you would do is you would
you would probably just include stdio.h
but if you didn't want to use that
header you would actually write
a function signature uh something like
uh int um printf
const car
str like so
um and then it takes like variatic
arguments like so right so you would
write something like this
um in your uh in in like a header file
somewhere in order to tell see that hey
somewhere there's going to be a function
called printf and you know your linker
can deal with it later um but the
problem is that we're not actually
writing that c code right now we are
writing llvm code um that needs to or
rather we are using the llvm api to
write llvm ir code
so what we have to do is we have to
formally create a function type object
from the llvm api tell it that the
return type is an integer 32 type also
coming from the llvm api and the only
argument is an 8 bit integer pointer
um this means the character pointer
because characters are eight bit
integers um and of course true here
means that this is a variation function
it takes you know an arbitrary number of
arguments after the ones that have
already been specified in this set
once we've got that function type we
actually go ahead and sort of create
that signature with a name right so this
over here
is telling the module to either get or
insert a function named printf of this
type so what that's going to do is if a
signature for this already exists within
the module you'll be returned this
function kali object that allows you to
insert like for example function calls
to this function callee
or if it doesn't exist it will be
inserted into the module and then passed
back to you
and that is what enables you to figure
out what printf is and how to call it
next thing we got to do is actually
inserting code um
now once again the entire point of this
is that we want to print out the name of
the functions
now the way we're going to do this is by
starting out
by actually getting the name of the
function so we get the llvm function's
name using get name this gives us a
special type called called an llvm twine
which we then convert to an actual c
plus plus string just to make it easier
to deal with
and then i also create a new string
which is a function name with underscore
call count appended to it the reason
we're doing this is because another
thing we want this pass to do is keep
track of how many times each function's
been called the way i do this is by
using a global variable called function
name underscore call count by default we
set it to zero and every single time a
function is called it's incremented
before being printed
and so what we then go ahead and do is
tell the module to get a global variable
with the name function name plus
function call variable name
here's the thing
unlike this line over here if the global
variable doesn't already exist it's not
going to be inserted and so if this is a
null pointer if this doesn't return to
us an actual global variable we need to
go ahead and create this global variable
and then
use it from there so what we do
is if this is a null pointer we create a
new global variable class instance we
pass it the module that we're a part of
so it knows where to insert the global
variable we tell it that it needs to be
a 32-bit integer type
we go ahead and give it common linkage
we give it a default static initializer
value of zero and we give it the correct
now that i think about it technically
since we're already appending call count
we don't need to be doing it here once
we also then go ahead and once again set
the initializer of function call count
uh to a constant integer of zero right
so we're just making sure that this
value is set to zero by default
now after we've gone ahead and created
that global variable we can go ahead and
actually start inserting some code this
is the fun part so the first thing we do
is i mean functions being effectively
collections of instructions are
iterators in c plus and so what we can
do is go ahead and take a reference to
the function that we've been passed and
get the front which is the first you
know thing in the iterator so get the
first thing in the iterator and get the
first thing from that because what it
returns to us is also an iterator why is
that well once again it's because llvm
code is built up of basic blocks so
you've got functions that consist of
effectively an iterator of basic blocks
each basic block is an iterator of
instructions so what this is doing is
it's getting the first basic block from
the function and from the first basic
block we get the first instruction this
is the first instruction that is
executed on the entry point to the
function we then go ahead and create an
ir builder instance on top of this first
instruction enabling us to insert code
just before this first instruction
now what code do we want to insert you
may ask well
pretty simple we got to do a load add
store operation what we have to do is we
have to load the global variable that we
created in the llvm module because if
you think about it global variables kind
of need to be pointers it doesn't really
make all that much sense for there to be
a global variable here that isn't a
pointer so we have to load that pointer
from the global variable
once we've loaded it
we can go ahead and add one to that sort
of local register value within the
function right so we've loaded that
memory address into the function to a
local register we can add one to um that
loaded value locally and then we can go
ahead and store that new register value
into the global variables memory address
so once again llvmir is in ssa single
static assignment form so we can't just
say you know set the previous register
to itself plus one we have to create a
new ad instruction um that will run the
ad and give us a new value register um
that we will then go ahead and store in
the memory in the existing memory
address that we have for the global
variable now
even though llvm obviously has this
infinite register architecture cpus
don't and so llvm code is heavily
optimized away when being translated to
actual machine code
values aren't just kept around for no
reason they're you know gotten rid of
when you don't need them anymore that's
sort of the advantage of the ssa format
is it's very easy to determine these
uh then all we got to do uh is is sort
of figure out what string it is that we
want printf to actually print and in
this case what i wanted to print is the
function name plus uh or plus a space um
and then the percent d which is the
format specifier for a 32-bit integer
and then a new line character the reason
we want to do that is because the way
we're going to invoke printf is with the
number of calls as a separate argument
so that we only need one string um for
to invoke printf with and then from
there we can just pass different
arguments to printf in order to get it
to print the different strings based off
of the call count
so i then go ahead and take this string
of the function name plus the format
specifier create another global variable
out of that string and then we create a
call instruction to the printf function
that we created up here on line 24
and we pass it two parameters we pass it
the pointer to the string that contains
you know what it is that we want printf
to print of course and then the added
call count which is this register over
here that we're reusing after we used it
for a store operation um in order to
get it to
print the call count after it's been
incremented so we don't need to do
another load we can just use the added
value that we had then stored into the
global variables memory
address now from there of course there's
just some pretty simple registration
code effectively what this is doing is
it's telling llvm
how to call the function pass and the
fact it's sort of registering the fact
that it exists right so for example
calling it to register pass with the
structure that we created uh
and some parameters here enables it to
understand how to call the function pass
in particular this argument for example
is the actual command line flag you
would need to pass to clang in order to
invoke this function pass
if you were to not pass dash rpfcc to
clang when compiling it wouldn't
actually use the function pass that you
just built so let's go ahead and take a
look at what it looks like to actually
use it
so the first thing i can do
is go ahead and compile the actual
function pass
so all this is going to do is it's going
to take the c plus code compile it
and export it to a shared library now
this shared library is something that
you want to pass to clang or technically
to llvm when it's compiling your code
alongside the dash rpfcc flag and what
that's going to do is when llvm is
compiling it's going to load this shared
library the static registration code at
the end is going to execute telling llvm
that exists and then when llvm sees your
command line flag eventually it'll go
back and realize that hey this flag is
associated with this function pass and
it will make sure that it's invoked at
the right time
and how convenient i've also got a
little piece of example code here for us
to check out
this example code is very much a classic
it's a simple factorial function uh that
enables us uh to see how many times the
and when we run this we'll be able to
see how many times factorial and main
are called all we're doing with this
code is printing the factorial of 5
recursively it's not particularly
if i were to compile this normally which
of course is possible
we'll just see 120 which is indeed 5
so as you can see that does work now
i've got a bit of a build script ready
here and the build script really just
has three steps the first one is to take
factorial.c and compile it to another
file called factorial.ll
ll is the file extension for llvm ir
code and if we take a look at it we can
actually see what llvmir the c code
translates to as you can see it's kind
of understandable and readable as to
what it's trying to do but it's very
clearly not high level right it still
does require some analysis to really
understand what's going on
but overall it's better than assembly
and it's not architecture specific so
that's a plus
now what we want to do is we somehow
want to modify this llvm ir code um
using the llvm opt utility what we're
going to do is we're going to tell the
opt utility to load this um
this shared library that we compiled our
function pass into and then we're going
to pass it the flag to actually invoke
that pass and we're going to pass it
factorial.ll and tell it to once again
output llvmir uh to a new file called
now if we take a look at this code as
you can see there have been some
modifications completely automatically
some of these modifications include the
addition of these four global variables
factorial call count which is how many
times the factorial function's been
called main call count which is the same
thing but for main as well as these two
unnamed global variables 0 and 1 that
are used as the actual format strings
for printf to know how to print the
names of factorial and main as well as
their call counts as you can see in the
sort of beginning of the factorial
function we've added four instructions
we've added a load of the global call
count variable and add to it a store
back to it and a call to printf to tell
it to actually do what we wanted to do
print the function call
from there we also see very similar
additions to the main function and that
is what our function pass just did if i
were to go ahead and quit here i can now
run this final clang command to take the
llvmir and output an actual binary from
it and
theoretically we should see the
following printed out
with the exact same c code with no code
modifications to the actual original
source we're now getting it to do
something different in this case it was
a very simple function pass that enabled
us to print out a function name and what
iteration it's on how many times it has
been called up until that point as you
can see because we're calculating the
factorial of 5 it goes up to 5 4
factorial since it's recursive
however what's beautiful about this
technique is that you can do whatever
you want right it doesn't even need to
modify the code you could do you know
static analysis of your code at compile
time and just log out stats you could
log out um information that helps you
later determine code coverage of your
tests you could insert code that helps
you instrument how long functions take
to run you could insert a code that does
quite literally anything you want it to
at compile time and because it's llvm
based it works across a variety of
different languages right one llvm
function pass has the opportunity to
work across swift rust julia c c plus
plus fortran and even more code right
i mean technically some can require a
few more tweaks like for example some
libraries will compile one of your
functions to multiple lvm functions or
they'll just make longer or more messed
up functions in a way in llvm but it is
still possible right with very little
tweaking across languages and that is
what's so beautiful about the llvm
infrastructure and is why i am so
passionate about not only compilers in
general but particularly how to use this
tooling because i believe it is the best
way to be able to build compilers for
the future in a way that is scalable and
enables sharing of resources and ideas
across so many different communities it
is honestly pretty fascinating to see
and that is how you build simple llvm
function passes in c plus once again i
do hope you enjoyed if you did please do
make sure to like the video subscribe to
the channel turn on notifications and of
course once again any questions
suggestions or feedback please do leave
it down in the comment section below i
would love to hear from you if you'd
like to see more tutorials on llvm how
to build your own passes if you have any
particular ideas of things you'd like to
see me build or if you'd like me to go
ahead and build similar things in other
languages like roster swift let me know
and i will get on that but once again
thank you very much for joining today
and goodbye

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