Thursday 17 October 2024



uh in today's video I want to show you
guys how to convert one of my um pans
script systems into real test and run
some back tests so this will be our
first um real test script on the channel
let's get started so for today's video
I'm going to use my um script that I
made for this video a simple pullback
strategy with a 75% plus win rate um it
was created by Joe marwood um this is
the original video if you want to go and
check that out my script is slly
different to his but not much so this is
what the script looks like on trading
View and what it's doing is buying dips
in the Spy ETF below a short-term moving
average while uh the uh spy is trading
above a long-term moving average so this
is a type of mean reversion system but
it does have a trend filter it's a long
only buying dip uh mean reversion type
system all we need to know is that this
system buys when price closes below this
short-term moving average but Above This
200 period And it sells when price
closes back Above This short-term moving
average or if price Falls 10% and closes
below our stop loss so we're trading one
position on spy 100% of our account
balance on this particular system and
these are the performance metrics so
it's not a fantastic system but as I'll
show you in the real test version with a
couple of tweaks we can beat Buy and
Hold with this system which is the
Benchmark that we should always be
aiming for When developing stock market
systems so with all that said let's copy
the source code if you come to my
website there'll be a link below and
copy the source code jump over to real
test and if I paste this um Pine script
at the top of my real test script we go
through each line or each section and
convert it into real test um real test
coding language and then we'll be able
to do things like this with our
um settings I can run 81 tests and you
can see how quickly this happens we just
ran 81 one tests across um 8,000 plus
days of um historical data and we've
just optimized across all these
different parameters so we've changed
our slow period moving average length
our fast period moving average length
we've used leverage this is no leverage
this is 50% leverage this is 100%
leverage we've changed our stop-loss
distance to 20% and we've tested 1% 15%
20% all of that in a matter of seconds
3.9 seconds to be exact and now we can
sort through the list
and perform some optimization we can
look for settings that produce metrics
that beat The Benchmark Buy and Hold
like this 8.69% with a 24% draw down
beats if I open up the summary report
and scroll down here's our Benchmark our
Benchmark is buying and holding spy we
get an 8% annual rate of return with a
56% Max draw down which is obviously
nasty this version of the script beats
that rate of return while harving the
draw down so yeah powerful stuff here
with real test let's get into converting
the code section by section so I've
already written out this code obviously
I'm going to delete everything and start
from scratch to walk you guys through
what each section is and how we format
this so everything under the notes um
category here or section is a comment
this whole thing is just one big comment
that is not read by the P the sorry real
test back testing system so we can
ignore all of this in our code but I'm
using this as reference material the
first thing we need to do is import our
data or data for you Americans and um we
have a couple of options here in the
past video on the channel I showed you
guys how to import Norgate data and get
that set up um that's the preferred
method that's the best method to use
because the Norgate historical data is a
lot more accurate than free data sources
but we also have Yahoo um data which we
can use so I'll show you how to do both
methods today I'm going to copy over my
code here for the import section and
I'll break it down with you guys now
something I didn't show you guys when we
set up real test was how to create your
own watch lists so for today's video I'm
going to be importing the Spy ETF and to
do that we need to create a static watch
list or this is how I'm going to do it
there there's I think there's a
different way to reference one of the
inbuilt or default watch lists here but
I'm just going to create a static watch
list so click create come up here to
stock market choose exchange traded
product uh ETF exchange traded fund and
then down here we can search for spy and
now now here are all the spy ETFs you
can select whichever one you want if
you're using Norgate data I'm going to
select this one and then I'm going to
click add and I'm going to name this spy
ETF and click save I've already created
this watch list so it says duplicate
watch list name but but yeah you would
just click save and exit and now we have
our watch list I could also add the um
Au spy if I wanted to or I could add
multiple ETFs to this watch list and we
could test this system across multiple
ETFs with multiple positions but for
today we'll stick to just spy so this is
our import section for Norgate we're
referencing Norgate we're referencing
our custom watch list if I hit full stop
this will list all of the watch lists
available to me from Norgate if I go
down to the bottom here here is my spy
ETF double click that this is the file
we're saving to doesn't matter what you
call it I'll call mine
Spygate RTD now down here we have the
Yahoo version of uh importing spy which
is the free Yahoo data source so for
this Source you don't need a
subscription Norgate does require
subscription as I went over in the
previous installation guide video Yahoo
doesn't need one so if you're on a free
trial with real test or you're just not
ready to buy Norgate yet um you can
follow along with the Yahoo version of
this code um if you highlight all of
this and hold control and hit forward
slash that will comment that section out
and you can highlight this section
control/ to uncomment it now we're
working with this version of the import
data and I haven't mentioned this but
the source code to this entire script
will be below in the pin comment and in
the video description if you want to
follow along so that's our data import
complete next up we just specify the
dates that we want to import from so
using the earliest and latest keywords
will just import the maximum amount of
historical data from this data source
that's fine for today's video the next
thing we need to do is specify our
script settings or system settings again
I will copy this code over paste it in
here and scroll down so if you're using
Yahoo you would uncomment this line and
comment this line um for the rest of the
video I'm going to use Norgate because
um I just think it's a better data
source because it is a better data
source and at the endend of this video
we'll um compare Norgate to Yahoo in the
test but for now let me comment that out
uncomment that so our script settings we
are saying which historical data source
file we want to reference from so when
we import from Norgate or Yahoo our
symbols will be saved to this file then
we import that file directly from our
script settings next we have the start
date un like
our import section in the settings
section this specifies when our back
test starts so we can import any date
range we want and then specify what part
of that date range we want to test over
this allows for things like walk forward
testing um just window analysis time
window analysis where we can see how our
system perform during certain periods of
time or market conditions um for today's
test I'm going to leave this as earliest
and latest we'll leave bar side is daily
that's the smallest bar size you can
have in real test it is an endof day
system it does not have tick data for
intraday testing um but that's fine for
today's video use available bars if I
click on this line and hit F1 this will
bring up the help window and explain
what this does use available bars
controls what happens when there are not
enough bars to calculate a simple
average or other indicator so for the
RSI for example if we have a 14 period
RSI and we only have seven bars on our
chart or our test is running on the
seventh bar we don't have enough bars to
accurately calculate the 14 period
RSI by setting this to false the
indicator will just not be used it will
be um Na is the equivalent in pinescript
which means it has no value and our
system should not act on any of that
indicator information if I set this to
true however a 14 period RSI on the
seventh bar of our back test we'll use a
seven period RSI to calculate its um
value so it we'll use the available bars
to calculate the moving average or
indicator value generally speaking you
you want this to be false I think it's
false by default in the if you don't
specify this I'm pretty sure it's false
but I'll leave mine as false just so
that I know that it's definitely off
currency will stay as USD since we're
trading in an American market and our
count size will stay as 100,000
that's just a good Benchmark to start
with in all of our back tests so that's
it for our script settings the next
thing is our parameters now this is
where things get a little bit
complicated I'll simplify things to
start with and then I'll show you what
all these from to step def things are so
let's get rid of all of these so in the
original script um go back and watch the
original video if you if you want to
know the details of the system
parameters but as I mentioned we're
basically buying dips below a short-term
moving average only while price is
trading above a long-term moving average
and we're using a 10% stop loss that's
what these parameters here are saying
our slow length ma is 200 bars our fast
length moving average is 10 bars our
stop- loss percent is 0.1 which is
10% and our account balance percent
allows us to use leverage so by default
this will use 100% of our account if we
set this to 150 now we're using 150% 2:
1 would be 200% of our account um I'll
leave it as 100 for now and later on
towards the end of this video we'll come
back to this setting this section of um
script or system parameters and I'll
show you guys how we can optimize or run
multiple back tests across multiple
ranges of uh parameters here so that we
can um optimize our system now it's
important to avoid curve fitting when
we're doing this curve curve fitting is
the act of massaging your system
parameters so that they perform
fantastic on the historical data you
feed it but at the cost of reducing its
resilience to Randomness in the future
so in other words um we're trying to
make robust systems now obviously the
future will always be different to the
past that's why trading is so difficult
and it's not obvious that something that
worked in the past will continue working
forever but curve fitting or over
optimization is a dangerous trap we need
to avoid um that's something we'll cover
in more detail in future videos it
probably deserves its own video entirely
but yeah I just want to footnote here
when we do get to optimizing the script
be aware that it is a dangerous thing to
do if you're not experienced and and
educated on the risks of over optimizing
or selecting the optimal parameters at
the cost of reducing robustness of your
system anyway that's a information dump
that uh will make more sense as you
learn more about real test and system
development in general which again
there's tons of info on my channel um
and there's some fantastic books out
there Trend following by Michael Koval
is a good book stocks on the Move by
Andreas kenau um anything by Nick Raj is
obviously fantastic if you know who Nick
is he's got some great podcast
interviews out there about system
development and these Concepts so go and
check them out if all of this sounded
completely alien and new to you anyway
these are our script parameters very
simple this is the equivalent in
pinescript to our user inputs um the
next thing we need to do is just like in
pinescript get our indicator values so
to get our indicator values we use the
data section so I'll copy this over here
we're getting our slow moving average
and our fast moving average this is the
equivalent in pinescript to ta. SMA
close 50 would get a 50 period simple
moving average in real test we just
simply say Ma and then we give it a
price source to calculate on and a
length ma slow length is our user input
or parameter from this section so we get
our slow ma our fast ma now to buy the
market on a dip the condition is very
simple what we need to check for long
setup is is the closing price above our
slow moving average the 200 period SMA
and is the close below our short moving
average or the 10 ma if that's true we
buy the Market on the next bars open and
then if price closes above our
short-term moving average the sell
condition is then true and that's our
takeprofit condition it could be a a
small loss if the market has trended
down and we closed above our SMA but
more often than not this is going to
close for a small profit again this is a
mean reversion system we're looking for
small bounces in the market so it has a
very simple sell condition something you
could do in your own time if you wanted
to is play around with other exit
reasons so we could say or uh close
above previous high so this is just like
pin script we use the square brackets as
historical operators so we could say is
the closing price above the previous
bars high that could be an alternative
take profit um you get the idea we'll
play around with these sorts of ideas in
future videos but for now we'll keep it
simple and this is our cell condition
now we get to the bulk of the script
this is where we Define our actual
strategy we tell real test what
conditions we want to specify um is our
buy condition our sell condition our
stoploss Etc so I'll copy this strategy
section over there we go we need to give
it a name so simple pullback strategy is
the name of my system our commission is
uh the interactive brokers standard
commission our side is long only our
quantity is account balance percent so
100 and our quantity type Ty is percent
so in real test that's the same as up
here here we have our default quantity
type which is set to percent of equity
and default quantity value is 100 so
100% of our balance invested on each
trade this does exactly the same thing
except that account balance up here is
where we specify whether we're investing
100% or 150
Etc next up we have Max positions we're
not pyramiding with this system we're
only trading one in one out so one open
position at a time and and our entry
setup this is the keyword real test uses
to determine whether or not to buy a
market or or go short if we're Trading
long end short today we're only Trading
long so our entry setup is this
condition which is this Boolean value
here which is did price close within our
pullback Zone next we have our exit rule
so the exit rule is where we specify our
takeprofit or our stop loss so sell
condition is did price close above our
short-term moving average or is the
current closing price less than our Buy
price the price that we've bought at
multiplied by our stop-loss percent
range so 1 minus stop percent range is 1
- 0.1 which gives us essentially
0.9 so is the current closing price less
than our fill price multiplied by 0.9 or
90% which gives us a 10% stop from our
entry that's our exit rule very simple
take profit or stop loss stop loss will
be hit very rarely um just by the nature
of this system and how short our fast ma
is but we need a um stop loss well I
think you should have a stop loss in all
systems just in case you never know how
far a market can fall um especially if
you're trying to buy
bounces um you probably want a fail safe
to get you out of it bad trade this is
our fail safe at the worst we will lose
approximately 10% now that's it for our
system if I save this script let's click
import make sure I haven't made any
errors there we go everything looks good
I'll come here and delete my tests and
run a quick
test there we go everything's looking
good 6.3% rate of return with a 15% Max
draw down not fantastic not going to
make us rich in a hurry but it almost
Beats Buy and Hold but how do we know
that that's where the Benchmark section
comes in so if I copy this section of
code over this is our
Benchmark that we can compare the system
to so in this particular case because
we're trading SPY we want to compare
this to spy so I can actually get rid of
this Um this can stay
as Norgate and Yahoo both use spy as the
symbol ticker so I can get rid of that
and we can just have one
um version for both data
sources now if I click test and we come
down I can right click this and click
show summary report and scroll down and
here's our
Benchmark so now we can compare our
system to what we would have had if we'd
bought and just held the Spy ETF from
its Inception as you can see the average
rate of return is about
8.77% per year with a 46 47% Max draw
down so we nearly lose half of our
Capital when we buy and hold spy versus
only losing 15% and making 2% less per
year on average so that's it for our
script the last thing I want to do is
show you guys how to draw things onto
the chart in real test so if I paste
this over here this is the charts
section the way we format our code to be
drawn on the chart is very different to
um so I'm not going to go over that in
today's video that probably needs its
own video to go over the different
various examples how to draw into your
own indicator box that sort of thing
this uh symbol here means draw directly
onto the chart these two values so we're
drawing our ma slow and Ma fast so now
if I save my code click test again and
click show trade list if I double click
let's let's scroll down to a trade that
was recently taken um here let's double
click on this
trade I can highlight this this
section now you can see our long-term
moving average this blue line and the
shortterm is this green line this is um
volume down the bottom here you can see
this bar closed below our short-term
moving average but above our long-term
moving average so on the next bars open
we bought this Market this same bar
closed above our short-term moving
average so on the next bar we took
profit that is the gist of this system
if we'd had a dip below this short-term
moving average we would have waited till
price closed back above it to sell or we
would have waited for price to come all
the way down and hit our 10% stop loss
to draw our 10% stop loss let's see if
we can do that
here I can call this stop loss copy this
code here paste that in click save hit
test again um show trade list let's view
that same
trade here it is you can see our red
line is our 10% stop loss so price would
have had to fall all the way down here
before we closed for a loss so the odds
of it closing back above this green
moving average obviously a lot higher
than it coming all the way down to the
stop loss and yeah that is it for this
script basically that's um I know it's a
bit overwhelming at first it's very
different to pinescript for those of you
who have been following me for a long
time and learning my pinescript um
methods and techniques this is very
different to pin script but it is still
very simple it does take time to learn
like anything but I think it's pretty
intuitive it's pretty simple and in
future videos we'll expand on this
framework this template we'll make more
complicated systems with um systems that
trade multiple positions we can look at
long and short trades um we can even
look at other markets like Forex and um
things like that for now let's wrap up
this video with a quick example of how
to run optimizations so I'll paste this
code over here and break this down this
is exactly the same code as before so
undo 100% of our account balance 200
slow moving average 10 period fast
moving average and a 10% stop plusus
paste this over
here DF stands for default this is the
default parameter that we should use if
we're just running a normal test but if
I click on this optimize tab here now we
we can select these parameters and run
various optimization tests on them so
with the default settings here if I
click run test right now what's going to
happen is real test is going to run um
81 you see down here it's going to take
81 tests 81 different tests to analyze
all of these parameters and what we're
doing is for account balance we're going
to test the system with 100% of our
Equity invested all the way up to 200%
in steps of 50 so we'll test 150 and
then we'll test 200 the next parameter
here is our slow period moving average
length this is going to test from 100 up
to 200 in steps of 50 so just like
account balance that will go 150 and
then 200 fast moving average length will
test from 5 up to 50 in steps of 25 with
the default value of 10 so I might
change this to five so now we're
stepping up in periods of five so we'll
go 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 and then up to
50 and we can compare what um each of
those parameters do to our system and
then we have stop range where we're
testing from 10% up to 20% in steps of
5% so we'll test 1% 15% 20% so now if I
save my code and come up to optimize
you'll see that our test has increased
quite a bit now we're running 270 tests
that's because I changed my step on the
fast moving length from 25 steps to five
steps and what we can now do is I can
click optimize make sure all these
parameters are selected click run tests
and we can watch real tests spit out 270
different tests across all of those
different parameter types they're over
here there we go and now I can sort this
list by Max draw down so this one's
pretty nasty 60% Max Max draw down um we
can look at what caused that our stop
loss at 20% is probably a bit too far
we're using maximum leverage so that's
obviously recipe for trouble and our
slow period is 150 fast is 50 if I sort
by um best rate of return now things are
getting interesting ideally what we're
looking for here is not the best
performance that's counterintuitive
intuitively as humans we just want to
pick what's what what parameters produce
the best return with the lowest draw
down that's how most Traders think when
they're new to system
development but that's not necessarily
what we should be looking for what we
should be looking for is systems that
generate robust returns um in other
words what we're looking for is what
parameters do we need to set so that we
can reliably and confidently trust that
the system performance isn't going to
deviate too too much from what we expect
so this is a bit complicated it's a bit
Advanced it's hard to explain there's a
lot of content out there on the web
again Nick rad does some fantastic
content on this go and check out his
work if you want to learn more about um
good system development habits to get
into and Concepts to learn um but
basically we want parameters to produce
stable returns so for example if a 250
period moving average skyrockets our
return turn but a 240 period moving
average plummets that's not good we
don't want to set our moving average to
250 because that's not a robust setting
however if a 200 period moving average
produces a decent return with a decent
acceptable Max draw down and so does 190
so does 180 so does 210 so does
220 um then we don't care if 220 is
better than 200 we probably want to
select 200 because that's in the middle
it's pretty um stable on either side so
we know that that parameter setting is
not curve fitted it's not too tightly
fit to the uh data that we're working
with that's how you need to think when
you're optimizing a system with that
said let's open a random uh summary
report here we want to beat The
Benchmark otherwise what's the point but
we also want to keep our draw down in
check so we need the return to be better
than the Benchmark and the draw down to
be significantly better than the
Benchmark in this case I don't know any
Trader that would be comfortable with a
46% draw down other factors to consider
is how many trades does the system take
what does the commission drag are we
going to have issues with slippage are
we going to have issues with executing
the system if we need to take thousands
and thousands of trades in order to just
barely beat The Benchmark that's going
to be frustrating we're not going to
stick to that it's going to be annoying
in this case 250 trades over a couple of
decades that's not too bad we're talking
pretty minimal effort here to beat The
Benchmark so let's have a look through
this rate of return um list let's come
down to approximately our Benchmark
which is
8.7% here we go so this back test
matches The Benchmark
spoton and we have already shaved our
draw down almost in half so let's look
at what parameters this was using we're
using 150% leverage all of these tests
that beat The Benchmark are going to
have leverage because um of the nature
of this particular system because we're
taking such small profits we need to
magnify those profits to beat The
Benchmark but 50% Leverage is pretty
reasonable our slow period moving
average was 200 our fast was 35 so I can
already tell this is probably not going
to be a particularly robust setting just
because it's a weird number 35 5 is
weird we need to test how does 30
perform how does 40 perform if either of
those take a dive or deviate too much
from from these metrics here and and
other important metrics then we've got a
problem we also have our win rate here
you'll notice that every single test
here is above 60% win rate most of them
are in the 80 70% which is pretty uh
impressive I have to say with a simple
system like this um but it is a single
market system so we need to run more
tests to verify that this is a robust
system I would highly doubt that we'd
get this high of a win rate across 10 20
30 different Market ETF types um
definitely not if we traded a universe
of stocks like the S&P 500 or something
but anyway interesting script a good
little template to work with to to build
off um you can copy this code into your
tester play around with the conditions
um in future videos I will show you guys
how to test a universe of stocks so
we'll test over the S&P 500 maybe
something like that um 500 different
stocks also testing across historical
constituents so markets that no longer
are members of the um S&P 500 but used
to be that's important to consider in
back testing with real test and stocks
for those of you who are not using
Norgate simply uncomment this Yahoo
section and comment out this section
make sure to change your data file as
well that's all you should need to
change so now have I saved my code um
actually before we do that let's run a
quick test let's delete all of these
optimizations and just run a quick test
with the default settings there we go
now let's
Yahoo and comment out Norgate there we
go I'll need to run an import this does
take a lot longer than um Norgate
because we need to connect to Yahoo's
web service and it's just slow because
it's free all right all right that's
done let's run a quick test using Yahoo
pretty much the same metrics here so
that's good that's promising you can
clearly use Yahoo for testing ETFs if
you want to just because of the nature
of ETFs you don't need to worry about
historical constituents and all of that
stuff because that's all naturally
inherently reflected in the price of the
ETF so you can get away with um ETF
trading I think with Yahoo um there
might be some cases where you might need
more advanced um data from Norgate but
to get started with real test practicing
you can get away with this free data
source so that's good to know because
Norgate is definitely a bit pricey
especially those higher tiers that we
need to get that historical constituent
information um so in the beginning phase
of your learning there's nothing wrong
with using Yahoo until you feel
comfortable and confident in moving
forward with um investing into your
trading tools with all that said I hope
you found this video interesting and
helpful as always the source code will
be below in the video description best
of luck with your training and your
system development I love you all take
care and

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