Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is Tam Baki and this
time we're going to be going over well
the impact of overfitting your neural
networks but just before I get into the
actual topic of this video today I'd
actually like to say that just a few
days ago in fact I was actually in
Arkansas at the David Glass Technology
Center of course Walmarts I guess you
could say Walmart technology
headquarters and I was actually giving a
keynote to a few hundred maybe even
around 300 400 uh developers at Walmart
uh and so of course I was going to a
keynote showing around three demos of my
neural network projects uh when I
actually went through the last demo my
tic-tac-toe demo uh where I showed them
how I created to Tic Tac Toe aai using a
neural network which that video will be
out soon as well but basically what
happened is while I was demoing that
application I talked about how this
neural network achieves just around the
99% accuracy and will hardly ever lose
and will almost never ever lose uh and
so one of basically one of the people
that was one of the developers that was
watching online uh on my for the in
internal Walmart web x uh they asked me
a question on slack and they said why
doesn't it reach 100% accuracy why is
that not possible uh like does it
inherit the human tradeit of making
mistakes and that's what I'm here to
answer today and that's why I'm here to
tell you that no it doesn't necessarily
implement the human trait of making
mistakes you could technically hardcode
a neural network to do pretty much
anything you could get it so close like
it get the error rate so little that
there would be pretty much no point in
thinking that it's not EX exactly the
same as let's say a function uh however
what I'm here to tell you about today is
why overfitting neural networks is never
a good idea so let's actually begin with
a little bit of terminology now let's
just say that we've got our tic TCT tone
neural network uh and so we've got a
little graph here uh and so let's just
say that this is our training iterations
graph okay so as we go along on this y
sorry this x axis over here what's going
to happen
is we're going to say that this is an
Epoch Epoch sorry so what's going to
happen is every single time our graph
progresses in the X direction from left
to right we're increasing an Epoch but
every time it increases from bottom to
top on the Y AIS we are increasing
accuracy now with most neural network
training graphs uh you don't put
accuracy on this uh axis you put error
rate uh and so the down the more you
know down this gets over time the better
because the less of the error rate but
I'm basically inversing that I'm saying
the higher this goes the better because
the higher the accuracy uh and so that's
basically what this graph contains it
contains the accuracy of this neural
network over many epochs and so let's
just say this is our Tic Tac Toe neural
network I'm taking my red marker over
here uh let's just say we were to start
from here okay so very very low accuracy
but over time over a few epochs what
is see that the training set accuracy
goes higher and higher and higher over
time and so basically we're and then we
start to know stall over here a little
bit where we're not really seeing much
of an increase over here uh and so
basically it's not it's basically reach
that limit where it's it's hard to
increase the accuracy over here uh and
so this is at one of our last epochs
that we recorded uh and so now another
thing I'd like to say here is that this
signifies the training set of this
network okay our training
set but now what I'm going to tell you
is let's just say we were also to plot
out the accuracy of not just our
set but our test set as
well as it's very commonly said in the
neural networks world you should always
have a test set and so let's just say we
would to graph out our test set accuracy
as well so we've got this as our train
set accuracy but now let's take a look
as our at our test set which is
something the neural network has not
been trained on now again these are just
theoretical values but this is usually
how stuff goes on with neural networks
so we start off exactly almost at the
training set accuracy sometimes it's a
little different and we of course start
to go up it with this and then we slowly
to sink so it's happening here now this
might seem a little weird but let me
explain what's happening is just like a
human if you were to tell a human over
and over again to do the same thing what
happens is this neural network after
this point
here after this very point the neuron
network will stop generalizing the data
it'll stop understanding the patterns in
this data and what it'll do is it'll
hard code itself it'll memorize not
generalize this training data so what's
happening is while the training data
accuracy is just shooting up
the tested accuracy is just Sky
absolutely failing just jumping right
out of the sky and so what's happening
here is just completely crashing and so
what happens is that's an that's an
entire separate Topic in neural networks
generalization versus memorization which
is in fact why deep neural networks
exist they are extremely good at
generalizing data and not memorizing
them whereas shallow neural networks
might be better at memorizing your data
rather than generalizing them like this
in fact that's why deep neural networks
are so much harder to train than shallow
neural networks uh and so another thing
I'd like to say here is that if you were
to take a look after this point and
because of this as well after this I
guess you could say line here we start
to do something called
overfitting okay so overfitting
basically means that we are fitting this
neural network model too much to our
training data to the point where it's
memorizing the training data there is
absolutely no point for us to actually
train our neural network if it's after
this point and so basically that's
actually where the early stopping
algorithm comes in and the early
stopping algorithm is basically this
extension to back propagation where you
actually plot out these lines and you
see okay
which point did we see our
peak in the test set accuracy because if
you think about it the test set accuracy
is the only thing that matters to us if
the training set accuracy high is is
high that's great that might be really
good that might be a good sign maybe the
tested accuracy is up but the thing is
your neural network could technically
theoretically also be memorizing that
training data but the test set data it
has not been trained on and in fact has
never been exposed to in terms of back
propagation so we know that it's not
just memorizing this test data so as
long as this test data is accuracy is
just going up and up and its error rate
is going down and down we know that our
neural network is not memorizing it's
generalizing because it's still finding
the patterns in that data so right as
we're done training our neural network
and we find that peak in the test set
data that's the only place we can stop
our neural network from training uh in
order to actually get a good result
which is something that we desire
in fact another thing uh that's that uh
can also be called overfitting in in a
neural network isn't just when you have
this peak and then it slightly go
slightly goes down it's basically like
this mountain over here uh like a little
wave here but there's another I guess
you could say part of uh I guess the
overfitting and so this other uh I guess
you could say bubble of overfitting is
when your tested accuracy never gets off
the ground you're giving your neur
neural network either too little or too
much data or data that doesn't really
have patterns at all and so what's
happening is your neural network is not
finding patterns at all what's happening
is it's just memorizing those inputs and
outputs and your tested accuracy is
either staying the same dist stalling or
it's falling down uh or it's just not
going high uh and so those uh two
explanations would really be what
overfitting is in neural networks and
that's exactly what the early stopping
algorithm will help you to a aeve uh and
of course help you to prevent uh by
finding that peak in the neural network
tested accuracy and chopping your
training there stopping it and of course
just using that neural network and if
you don't receive your desired accuracy
like we did here then you can of course
train your neural network with a
different set of neurons or different
types of neurons uh really whatever you
can in order to increase the
accuracy now that was a pretty short
video but I really do want to of course
explain this in a bit more depth as to
how you can prevent this type of I guess
you could say stalling in terms of
accuracy and so in just a little while
maybe a few weeks uh soon though I will
release another video as to how you can
actually implement this maybe with some
apis in Java or maybe a custom imple
implementation we'll see about that but
that's going to be it for this video
today so of course I really hope you
enjoyed and if you did please leave a
like down below if you think this could
help anybody else maybe if it even
helped you uh you can share the video as
well uh that would really help me out uh
of course if you have any questions
suggestions or feedback please do feel
free to leave them down in the comments
below email them to me at tagim Manny or tweet them to me at tajim
Manny of course if you really like my
content though and you want to see a lot
more of it please do consider
subscribing to my channel as well as it
really does help out a lot all right
then thank you very much that's going to
be it for this tutorial today goodbye

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