Thursday 17 October 2024



so lower and welcome to the tutorial my
name is Henry Bakshi and this time we're
gonna be going over something printing
you and before I continue I'm just going
to recommend that this tutorial is
slightly based off of my postfix and
infix evaluating tutorial so I actually
created a video for that and so I'd
recommend you check that out down in the
it'll be really helpful if you just
watch that then watch this because it's
slightly based off of it and yeah that's
pretty much it anyway continuing today
I'm going to be explaining how you could
evaluate straight up in fix expressions
using Swift so let's get started and so
this method is basically instead of
converting to post tricks than solving
the postfix just solve as you go through
the equation essentially so let's get
started and I'll explain exactly how it
works while we move on so let's get
started to end so now first thing what
I'm gonna do is I'm going to take some
sort of random expression like maybe
something like 1 plus 2 2 times 4 plus 5
now this is a pretty interesting
equation the reason I didn't just put 3
here's because windows 2 is 3 anyway so
it's a really more informative if we do
this way ok let's continue so again
we're going to be using stacks for this
and so again this is going to be a
quicker way to do this since once we
reach an operator it's going to solve
whatever was behind it as long as it can
with bed mass rules again I couldn't
find this on Wikipedia online in general
so I'm assuming since I couldn't find it
no no no one has screen a tutorial on
this yet but if you can find a name for
this algorithm please do tell me in the
comments or you can even email me at Tai
Chi mini at and I email will
also be down in the description anyway
continuing let's start solving this
expression so first of all let's number
these characters so the
one is zero this plus is one actually
which right is a bit bigger zero this is
the one
and so then Oh actually that's two
erases and I'm where to where I didn't
read so you can clearly tell the
distinct difference so now is it going
to be a zero this is a 1 this is a 2 3
so this one is the zeroth character in
the expression this plus is the first
this 2 is the second this times is the
third this fourth is the fourth this
pick this plus is the fifth and this v
is the sixth and so let's get started
and so now what I'm going to be doing is
we're going to be solving if you use Dax
let's get started and so first thing
what we do is in Swift we split this
into an array it's separated by each
space so that we have each and every is
a little token then what we do is we
just loop through that entire tokens
array and start solving so let's get
started over here and so let's just say
first of all we have one stack in black
one stack good so this is one stack that
we have I'm going to make one more stack
for our operators it's already starting
to look quite a lot like my other
tutorial however this is where the twist
comes in instead of converting than
solving again this will convert and
solve at the same time and then whatever
is left it'll solve so let's get started
and first we have a 1 again whenever you
find a number in this expression just
add it to the operand stack so in order
to differentiate between these this is
the operand stack or the number stack
and this is the operator stack there's
no other really name for it stack
perfect so this is the operand stack
this is the operator stack so when we
see a 1 over here we just immediately
say that okay we're gonna take one and
push it in here now what we're gonna do
is we're gonna see a plus and since
there's nothing in here there's no
things for us to do so we just push the
plus onto our stack so we write a plus
inside here perfect then we have a 2
again this will just go straight into
our operand stack now here's where
something comes in we seen other times
now let me explain something called
priority 2 now as you can see we have
times divide add and subtract now we
split these into two parts and so
multiplication and division have the
priority of 0 addition subtraction of
the priority of 1 and so these actually
you know what it's a little bit
confusing for someone just to see it
like that so I'm gonna get spaced out so
there's going to be
times which has a priority of zero me
has the highest priority and there's
also divide which also has a priority of
zero so it also has the highest priority
addition not so much it has the least
priority and so does subtraction
perfects so now that you know that I can
explain the rule to you the rule is that
because we want to take a look at this
operator so we have a times currently
that's what we're on okay in our stack
our stacks peak which is our plus which
is the highest element in the stack is a
plus so we note down the priorities for
each four times zero for addition it's 1
now when you can see that this number
over here 1 is greater than zero so we
can say that we will not be popping out
however for example if it's priority or
zero we would be popping out the plus
and doing some more stuff however I'm
going to be explaining that in just a
minute so now we know we're not going to
be doing any popping we just add the
times to our snack perfect so now we see
a four and so we just put a four onto
our operand stack perfect then we see a
plus and now this is where the twist
comes in as you can see this is
basically just like my other tutorial
we're just building up some postfix
however now that it sees this operator
no not because it's the last however
because it's priority is greater than
the one that's in the peak of the stack
so as you can see we're currently on
this plus
and we're not on this tines we're
currently on the plus ok so we note down
the plusses priority which we know is
one and we note down the times priority
which is zero so now we know that 0 is
less than 1 so what we do is we come
over here and we and we pop the x out of
our stack then we pop out the floor and
then we pop out the two okay then we put
them to the side and we said okay what's
for the operator and then two equal to
well we know that it is eight so what we
do is we take that eight and push it
onto our operand stack perfect so now
what we can do is again we see that I'm
not going to erase this because we're
still on this because we see there's
still something in our operator stack so
this actually has the same priority
because plus and plus both have a
priority of one so this is equal to one
that means still that we will pop out
and add so what I'm going to do is I'm
going to pop this plus out of our stack
I'm going to pop out our eight from the
stack I'm going to pop out the one from
our stack then what I want to do is I
again I'm going to put them to the side
and again we're done this I'm just going
to keep that there so you know we've
done that and then so we have 8 plus 1
which will be equal to 9 and so we put a
9 into our operand stack and then we see
ok there's a plus and so we just put in
a plus onto our operators that operator
stack because of course that needs to go
there no matter what then we see a 5 so
we're going to put it onto our operand
stack now we realize that the question
is over so a few remaining operators
that are in this
that we're going to apply here just like
we didn't postfix just no not exactly
so we see a plus right so what we do
where we pop out with plus we pop out
the 9 you pop out the 5 and you say
what's five plus nine and so it is 14
and so it'll push 14 onto our auburn
stack and then once we're done
completely there's nothing left in the
operator stack we can just pop out this
value and return it and so our answer we
know will leave 14 so it's a really
basic method of how this works and now
that you know exactly how this works I'm
going to give you one more example
before we do go to the Mac part let's do
something like yeah let's do some
subtraction this times right
let's do subtraction so something like
five plus two minus four perfect no but
I can do draw this out nicely for you
five plus four and so this is the zero
with character is the first character
the second character this is the third
character and this is the fourth
character perfect and actually since
this is actually a little bit hard to
distinguish if this is actually a number
or character number I'm gonna try it in
red so again this is the zero is the
first second third
that's the fourth the reason I'm
actually telling you these character
numbers and you'll see is in the Mac
part there's a little extra feature in
this app that I will be showing you that
requires these characters numbers anyway
let's solve this now first of all I'm
gonna draw stack so I'm just going to
say stack one stack two wrong okay so
first of all we see a five and you push
it onto our operand stack perfect
then you take a plus and we add it onto
our operators back then we see it - we
put it onto our operand stack we see a -
now we start so the minuses priority and
the pluses priority are the same since
they're the same we just do this you pop
out the plus you pop out the - they pop
out the five we do 5 minus 2 and we know
oh it's so plus 2 sorry and so we know
that this will be 7 so what we can do is
just push a 7 on to our operand stack
then again this - has to go into our
operator stack and then we see a 4 so I
can just put it onto our operand stack
now that we're done we see a - and so
since it's a - what we do we pop it out
of our operator stack we pop the 4 out
we pop the 7 out and then we see okay
what is 7 minus 4 well this is going to
be equal to 3 now that we know that we
can push it back in here and then we see
oh this is empty the operator stack is
anything so you just pop this out return
it and we have our answer which is the
correct answer which is 3
those are two really quick examples of
how that worked and so actually further
to tell you this I actually thought of
this algorithm while I actually suck
nose up punching calculators where you
can basically type five plus four plus
this plus that and it solves it why like
while you type I was really confused on
how it would just actually be able to
solve it without knowing mean to our
question without knowing that there's
something ahead that has higher bidness
but since I have I've seen many of these
I've worked with them I was able to
estimate what sort of algorithm would be
after a bit of tweaking it worked and
I'm creating this video so now we're
gonna be going to the Mac part in which
I will explain my entire code a
playground and also a slight app that
I've created again I haven't really
created a framework for yet but I will
be making one and it will be available
available for download down in the
description and it can also handle
brackets basically it'll just solve
brackets for you it'll actually know
it'll sold the bracket and instead of
having the bracket there it'll put a
dancer there and then it's maybe becomes
much easier to solve so that's how that
and yeah let's get to the Mac part so
welcome back to the Mac part now we're
going to be going over the code and as
you can see I have actually brought this
little panel closer to the codes and you
can actually see the equation and also
the answer pretty much close together so
let's get started with this specific
equation two plus four plus five minus
three times two plus seven pretty long
and the answer in this case should be
okay let's take this out so three times
two we know that's six then we can do it
in anywhere you want so six plus seven
for example 13 five minus 13 we could do
eight for that and then so four plus 80
2000 be 12 and then I'm two so this
should be around 14 for the answer so
now let's put this into
our little contraption actually you know
what that wasn't such a good idea anyway
so let's put this into our little code
and so 2 plus 4 plus 5 minus 3 2 plus 4
plus 5 minus 3 times 2 plus 7 so let's
see what this program gives us and the
answer is 12 maybe I had an error in my
calculations but this is the correct
answer because I have tested this out
and it is completely correct so let's
just test this out 6 plus 5 so that
would be around 11 11 minus 6 we know
that would be around 5 5 plus 7 would be
12 perfect so this is 12 and so I had an
error in my calculation sorry but anyway
we know that the correct answer is 12
and so our program is pretty accurate
and so again as I said in the whiteboard
parts this program does work with
brackets I have coded it to place all
brackets with their answer and so ever
to give it something like 12 plus 10
divided by 2 as you can see it will give
17 however if I put brackets around 12
plus 10 it will give us 11 and this is
the correct answer because 12 plus 10
that's 22 divided by 2 that should be 11
however if we do it this way it's going
to be 12 plus 10 divided by 2 and 10
divided by 2 is 5
so 12 plus 5 which is 17 which is the
correct answer as well so the brackets
in this case do make a difference and
that's how they work in case you don't
understand what I mean by replace the
brackets well this is what I mean if we
go up here as you can see my bracket
logic this is the original little
expression here with the brackets and
stuff after my simplification process it
is this 22 divided by 2 and that's how
that works
anyway now continuing let's take a look
at the code now now again as I said it
would be extremely helpful if you would
just go
watch the original postfix tutorial
because there I always explain stacks I
explain most that sort of stuff and so
it would be really helpful if you would
just check that out and then so you will
also find out how I calculate the
precedents and stuff like that anyway
and also one more thing before we
continue first of all what I'm gonna do
is I'm going to expand this variable
once I type something in like what was
the original question two plus four plus
five plus four plus five minus actually
minus three minus three times two plus
seven perfect and so now as you can see
it gives us the correct answer and this
is all the stuff behind it so I just do
this and so I can also show this so as
you can see here this is actually
showing us first of all what character
are what index in our array and then
second it's actually showing us okay so
um basically the third character which
is this plus modified this two plus four
to be turned into six and as you can see
these red numbers here are all our
indexes now anyway continuing and I set
this third this third character which is
the plus actually modified to plus four
to become 6 then this fifth minus
modified six plus five to become eleven
as you can see here also here we have
the five here it modified this to become
eleven anyway now at nine we can see
this plus has turned this 3 times 2 into
6 over here and then this Plus also
solved for essentially 11 minus 6 which
would be 5 as you can see and then it
was just left with 5 plus
seven and so it got the answer 12 and so
that's how that works anyway now we can
continue who is looking at our code
let's continue now and as you can see I
am going to be skipping a little bit of
this because uh first of all this is you
don't need to know this right now and
also this is completely I needed I was
just experimenting with something before
but now it's not needed as you can see I
have my stack class I have an extensions
in the string class which will easily
allow me to get the precedents the
operator or number of any sort of
essentially string another extension is
the string class which was created by I
think Alec Lars not start on them so but
anyway the link to it will be down in
the description and so that completely
works this string extension will allow
us to get a subscript of a string and
then finally this extension to the array
class which will allow us to get
something from an array and make sure
that it actually exists by either
returning an optional or it will return
the actual value if it exists and so
what it's going to do it actually this
was created by someone on Stack Overflow
as well and I will be putting their name
and the link to their answer down in
description so you can look in the
description for that anyway continuing
let's look at our in fix parser now so
anyway this is our and fixed parser and
first of all as you can see I have a
function here what this function is
going to do is it's going to allow me to
replace all the brackets with the actual
final answer it does this by taking each
and every section of brackets and it
will basically and also in case you are
wondering these are the only two things
that I've taken from Stack Overflow the
rest is all mine completely is the only
two things that were from stag envelope
anyway so that's the this is the bracket
engine it has
some nested functions which will allow
us first of all to power to parse out
all the brackets and so from all of them
from the entire expression convert all
the brackets into an array of strings so
if there's like five sets of brackets
you want to put five sets of brackets
into that string array and then after
that this bracket solving function will
actually return a string which is the
final expression completely ready to be
essentially returned so it will take all
the brackets values and it will solve
them using this solve function that I've
created and then it will replace the the
places where that bracket is occurring
inside of the expression with the answer
that it got from the sole function so
that's a pretty simple way to explain
how it works and if you want a more
detailed explanation on this again you
can always download the source code from
github and this will be completely
available on github I will be releasing
an app version soon of this but the
playground version will be available
immediately and it will also be soon
releasing an app version of the postfix
and index conversion just check out my
Twitter and I'll I'll tweet you one I am
done uploading that anyway let's
continue so now as you can see our solve
function finally so now this is our salt
function and we're taking the expression
over here as a variable and so this
expression variable is a string and
we're returning an int I due to the fact
that I just wanted to English and then
to turn on a double because it gives you
for me to test anyway so now the
expression so basically when we are
going to be removing all the brackets in
this one line because we have an
expression handler function so what's
gonna happen is we're going to say the
expression is equal to expression dot
characters dot contains a bracket if it
does then use a bracket engine on this
expression or else just
equal to the expression which is itself
and so that's how it will simplify a
very complicated bracket filled equate
expression with normal expert with a
normal expression that it's nice at
sewing anyway after that we are creating
our operator stack and our operand stack
next after that we are creating our
tokens which are essentially just the
expression separated by each space and
that's so that we have all the different
tokens and then using that we can look
through them check a third operator
check number do some logic with them etc
etc so as you can see it's converting
two plus four plus five minus three
times two plus seven into a big array
full of all this two plus four plus five
minus three and then there's more so
that you can't see them here anyway and
then so after that we are looping
through our tokens so we are enumerated
our tokens and so we are taking the
index and the token in our tokens array
and looping through them after that
we're just printing out token at index
so it's a little bit easier for me to
know what is where just in case I went
to the bug sorry about that
and so now we can see that I'm checking
if the tokens a number no logic required
put it onto the operand stack that's it
apart from that if it's an operator
however this is where stuff gets
complicated we're checking if the
operator stack speaks precedence is
lower than or equal to our current
tokens precedence then we want to check
if not the operator operator stacks
empty meaning that this stack is not
empty then create a new variable called
result and then do a switch case on the
operator stack and then you want
to check if it's a plus set the result
to the two values right fresh out of the
stack add them together and that's the
value in resolution
result however if it's a - you want to
take the the number that's one down from
the first number so what you do is you
say okay this number I'm not going to
explain how I actually get this number
but this number is the second highest in
V stack so if five were the highest and
two were after a five and then there was
many other numbers there were many other
not many other numbers actually then you
would take the two because that's second
highest in this stack and then you can -
out operand stack top pop because that's
going to be the first number anyway and
so since that one's gone but the second
the second highest element is now the
first highest element man it's still
there we have to pop that out of our
operand stack but multiplication however
we don't do that that's because addition
and multiplication can be done in any
order order gets you do the numbers but
actually in most cases it can in some
cases it can't but yeah it doesn't
really matter for this sort of a
conversation sort of a calculator and
yeah so sorry multiply multiply in
addition you can do in any order like
you can put the number the first number
on the other side or the second number
on the other side and it'll still give
you the same result but if you were the
if for a multiplication or actually
division and subtraction you have you
would put the numbers in a different
order it would give you a completely
different result maybe even negative
numbers sometimes and you don't really
want that so that's why we are not doing
it for addition for multiplication and
addition but we are for division and
subtraction so in division we're doing
the same thing that we did for
subtraction however we are not basically
mining or subtracting we're dividing and
so that's basically how that works
anyway but I if there's nothing like
that if there's not a plus minus times
or divide meaning our algorithm has gone
wrong for some reason
the result is zero that's the best thing
we can do after that just print out the
index week but we don't need that
anymore because we have result at index
meaning if there's something that's
modifying something tell me where it's
being modified from and what its answers
going to be so it's easy for me to debug
and also I can show it to you and then
I'm just printing out operand stack not
self value which I do not need anymore
but then I'm popping one out of the
operator stack because now we've
actually done that we've essentially
dealt with that operator and then we are
pushing this result on to the operand
stack and then once everything is done
we are pushing this specific token on to
the operator stack sorry operator stack
and then once we're done there might be
a few opera operators left in the
operator stack so what I'm doing is I'm
saying while not operator stack dot
empty what we're doing is we are again
just setting the result to zero
switching on the operator stack speak
doing all that logic then popping one
out of the operator stack and then
pushing this result on to the operand
stack once we're completely done with
that the only value left inside of the
operand stack will be the final answer
and so we can just return the int
typecasted force unwrapped version of
operand stack pop that's how that works
and so then it will return our answer
and then we will be able to see our
answer so for example if I were to do
something really complicated maybe
something like random numbers and random
operators at the same time plus four
times nine
four times right just some random thing
81 and let's see what spotlight gives us
81 so as you can see our answer is
correct because of course I don't think
spotlight Apple's own little calculator
thing would be wrong okay so that's
essentially how this infix parser works
again this entire source code will be
down in the description for you to
download I will eventually be making a
framework for both this and my other
postfix one if you want to take a look
at that and again this is very simple
kind of operators just put its
precedents and it's a string extension
and handle it in both of these while
loops and so I will also be making app
versions for both the postfix
version and this version again if you
want to look at all that news you can
just go to my Twitter for me follow me
and you'll always get notified whenever
I release a tweet and that tweet will
probably tell you that I'm releasing
something new and so yeah that was
pretty much it and again if you like my
content you want to see more of it
please subscribe to my channel if you'd
like this video please make sure to
click the like button and if you have
any questions dressen's app ideas quite
general and general education ideas
please comment down below you can even
email me a question at tangi mani at you can also email me the
video of you asking a question at
Tazmanian my email will be
down in the description and again I
might just feature a video on one of my
next videos and that's gonna be it good

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