Thursday 17 October 2024



so welcome to the tutorial my name is
Tammy Bakshi and this time we're gonna
be going over a second revision or
second part of my ex coat IPA tutorial
now the reason I've been doing this is
because there were a few issues with the
last one and I also just want to make
this better because you think about it
the last one wasn't very practical it
every time you wanted to build you would
have to create a new deal we linked you
would have to create a new tiny URL link
it was just really annoying but if but
this method will require you to setup
once but then you can keep building and
you will be able to run on your iOS
device so now this was actually made for
one of my really good subscribers if you
go to the Xcode
IPA tutorial the original one you will
see that in the comments we've been
having a little conversation then he
also emailed me his name is Wade sellers
he actually asked me to create this
video not this video will this app
because he was having issues with the
code signing with the older version so
what I decided to do is why not just
make a video and share it with all you
guys too and while I was at it while I
was fixing issues why not just make it
better too right so yeah let's get
started as you can see I have a little
diagram here on how this one we built
how this will work the last one was
quite a bit more complicated what you
would do in the last one is you would
convert to IPA with the tool that I
created okay then you would send this to
Diaw we okay that seems simple enough
but that's very manual and then this
will go further down into tiny URL then
this would go onto your device
now how can we go through this entire
thing every time you were to build this
was like around 90% in manual work 10%
automated well I created a method that's
basically the reverse this is around 10%
manual and 90% automated and the O and
5% of this is just the setup so it's
pretty easy now now as you can see this
method does look much longer but that's
because the setting up does take some
time now when we're done setting up
however it's really easy to use and it
still isn't that practical if you're
changing a little bit of code then
building on your device again changing a
little bit of code than building on a
device again it's more for those
developers that are creating a game and
they want to build and then do another
code modification for another hour so
maybe 30 minutes then build again then
make another modification then build
again so it's more for that sort of
thing because again you can never really
achieve a 100% automated build unless
Apple actually includes the feature that
they did in Expo 4.2 but then they
removed it so again let's just go over
how this method works now essentially we
use someone I forgot what his name is
but you'll see in a minute you go to
github and you download a person
software his I don't know his name yet
but I'll show it to you in just a second
you have to download a software called
Shenzhen or at least I think that's how
it's pronounced and then basically this
software will help us convert our Xcode
project to an IPA from the command-line
really easily you just need to type an
IPA build that's it no file names
nothing then you basically send this IPA
to Dropbox which will basically use a
drop pages Dropbox app to create a
simple web hosting service and this and
this will go to your iDevice which will
then install the app on itself
and yeah that's really how it works so
let's get to the Mac and I'll show you
exactly how it's done
so hello there and welcome to the Mac
part of the video so now I'm going to be
describing to you exactly how to go
through this and how to actually upload
your apps wirelessly to your device
step-by-step from the beginning
using the example code that I will give
you in the description so let's get
started as you can see I'm on my desktop
here I'm just going to one second I'm
going to move over to Google Chrome here
then I'm going to go to github and
actually not even get hub I'm just going
to type in Shin Zen and Google and as
you can see nope we don't want this we
don't want the city we want github so if
you go to nomads shenzhen get hub
repository as you can see there are some
already files and stuff but you just
want to come down here and you see this
little command just copy this and go to
now don't worry this command will be in
the description as well if you're too
lazy to go to the github website so then
in terminal you want to type in sudo and
then paste in the command type enter and
then type in your password now I've
already done this this will take a
little bit of time so I'm just gonna go
ctrl C and it'll interrupt it now you
want to copy in this long command from
here and also install now again I've
already done this so I'm just going to
ctrl C out of it now there is a slight
problem with these though the problem is
that it doesn't install IPA to the
correct folder error to solve that I've
created a little package for you
so if you go to the description and
download from my site or actually from
my github then you will get this entire
package that has all the files that have
to do with Xcode type a2 and also
Jensen's current version of I
and so if you go into Shenzhen first
you'll see these files and if you go
into the bin folder you'll see this
little executable for Linux if you just
click on this and click command C or if
you can go down here and click copy
where is it copy then you want to click
you want to go up here and click on the
actual go button then go down here and
click on go to folder or you can type in
shift command G then what you want to do
type in slash USR slash bin go and then
you'll get here now you want to paste in
IPA and since I've already done this I'm
going to stop but as you can see just
want to paste it in here now don't worry
if you don't already have all these some
people might have a million things in
here some people might have nothing so
it's completely ok no matter how many
things you have in here just paste it in
ok so now that we have that out of the
way we have IPA successfully installed
in order to test this you can go to
terminal and type in IPA as you can see
it basically prints out all this stuff
to the screen and so now we can just
close the terminal window to exit now
that we're done with that part let's go
back to my xcode to IPA folder and as
you can see we have three files here now
what i want you to do is you want i want
to create a project a very simple app
and we're going to drag it into that
folder so let's just go to xcode here
and let's click on click on create a new
Xcode project let's just create an iOS
single view application and called this
Wireless hello world okay
now let's just go next and let's just
save this inside of that little package
that I'm going to give you or actually
let's just save it to my apps folder and
I'll tell you why in just a second so
I'm just going to create this and I'm
going to go to my main not storyboard
and let's just create a quick label that
hello world on screen and so that'll
really be it so we see the UI here which
I can edit to be iPhone 4.7 inch I'm
going to hide that part now I can get a
little label drag it to the center of
the screen and just name it hello world
actually drag it to the center of the
screen this time and as you can see we
want to run this app on iOS device now
I'm going to close this down actually
first I'm going to open this in finder
then I'm going to close this down then
as you can see we have all these project
files now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna
make a little copy of my a package
really quickly and I'm going to go into
our package open up the second folder
here Xcode type a2 then you'll see these
three files as I've already shown you
and you just want to take all these
files or project files
and copy it into here okay now that
we're done with that let's do some more
work so now what you want to do is you
want to head over to google chrome again
and download Dropbox for Mac now you'll
see this you don't want to click on this
you want to click on this so as you can
see it'll go here and then it will allow
you to install Dropbox then you just
want to go through the installation
process for Dropbox which I will not do
because that'll take a long time and
then once you're done in your favorites
under finder and you should also have
another Dropbox folder then you want to
head over to Google Chrome one last time
and you want to type in drop pages in
Google then if you go to this one drop
pages calm and you click on sign in and
you will be able to sign in to your
Dropbox account and so I've already
created a drop pages account by linking
it to my Dropbox well that's a fairly
simple process you just sign in with
your Dropbox it'll ask you if you want
to give this app permission to view your
Dropbox and you just click on yes so
then you create a simple site I just
called my aunt Angie Manny dot draw
pages calm because that was
email and I just wanted to keep it
simple and so that's really it
now if I go to Dropbox I could also go
in here but I don't want to destroy this
for you so then if you go into your apps
folder my dot drop pages and then you go
to your website and then you've got a
public there will just be a main dot CSS
when you create this but I want you to
create a new file or a folder sorry and
let's just name this hello world or
actually 8uw for symbol this okay let's
create this folder and let's go into it
now what I want you to do and go back
here take all of this stuff that was
inside of the package including your
project copy it go to your Dropbox go to
your apps my doc drop pages go to your
website public and go to this folder
that you just created now paste it in
and go over here and make sure that it
uploads everything to your Dropbox form
a files remaining and in just a second
it should be done syncing okay now it's
done it's all up to date and we've
uploaded everything now you're ready to
change the links and as I said this is
quite a big setup process but it all
works out in the long run and it's much
better to set it up once and have it
work for the rest of the life of your
project okay so now let's continue as
you can see we're in this folder and so
now we have installed HTML we're going
to modify this to be able to basically
install our app onto our iOS device in
order to do that we have to go to this
wireless app disk plist file by
right-clicking open with and I just
recommend Xcode for this because that's
the simplest thing you could possibly
use and by default you can go to items
item 0 if you go into assets then I am 0
and you'll see kind software package do
not shake
change this and you'll see URL and then
something called link goes here I put
this in for you and what do you what
this means is you have to go to your
Dropbox and just before you do anything
else go to your terminal and type in CD
space then go to this folder that you
created in your Dropbox and you're sorry
drag it into your terminal ok remove the
extra space and click enter now you are
inside of that folder now if you click
LS you'll see all the contents of the
directory in Dropbox and so what you
want to do type an Sh update ipas H this
will create a new IPA file using a
predominance name was just check
well his link will be down in the
description he was I used his little API
for the last X coat IPA and so we are
also using it here so as you can see it
says successfully built and then the
location to the IPA file now what we can
do is we can go back into Dropbox and
you see that in just a second
after Dropbox is done syncing it on
which it says it'll take four seconds 30
seconds and it's almost done ok there it
now what you want to do as you can see
there's a little share button here just
click on it and you'll get this little
link now copy this link and head back to
your Xcode now in your url instead of
link goes here paste in the link now let
me tell you how to modify this link to
remove this question DL is equal to zero
just take that out now replace just remove this part and
replace it with DL Dropbox user content
dot-com and then keep everything else
the same and yeah that's it now if you
go to your metadata tab in the P list
you'll see the bundle identifier bundle
version the kind which you should not
change and the title let's just do these
quickly Wireless hello world
and then the bundle version which is 1.0
now just to make sure that these are all
right I'm going to open up my Xcode
projects in from Dropbox I'm going to go
over here
TBS s dot wireless hello world and if I
go here just a sec sometimes it does do
this because I mean it's from Dropbox
and it'll take some time for it to load
up okay there so TBS s dot wireless
hello world and then so if we go here as
you can see it's correct so then we can
save this and close out of it now as you
can see it will instantly almost sync it
because I mean it is a pretty small file
then we want to edit this the installed
HTML file you want to open this up with
well I recommend sublime text to because
that's just the best text editor I've
seen yet for Mac specifically but I mean
you could use any other text editor but
do not use TextEdit for my experience it
just messes up the HTML and it just
doesn't work okay
okay so as you can see we have a little
link here called install and I have this
thing called link goes here remove that
again and go back to your Dropbox
there's nothing else you need to do this
time just look at your wireless app
tostop plist and do the same thing that
we just did click on the share button
find this link copy it go here sublime
text paste it in then modify it to the
exact same way I told you to so DL
Dropbox User Content comm and you also
want to change this DL equals 0 to
nothing there that's it now if I were to
save this and close out of it as you can
see in our Dropbox it says that we've
just modified this now what I'm gonna do
is I'm going to stream my iphone to my
Mac so that you can see what I'm doing
chin and so then I guess what we can do
stream my iPhone not my face
and I can just quit out of these okay so
as you can see I'm streaming my iPhone
to my Mac now so if I open up my iPhone
so as you can see it all works it's
perfect however now if I go to Safari
you can see that's what I can do let's
just head over to the website that we
created which is tangi mani not drop
pages comm and specifically we want to
go to /hw which is what we just created
slash installed on HTML okay now we
click on go as you can see just I'm
gonna zoom in so that you can see this
it gives us an install link now what we
want to do is we're gonna click on this
and it should theoretically install the
hello world app to our eye device so if
I click on install as you can see we
would like to install a wireless hello
world let's just click on install shall
we now as you can see it's going to wait
for a while wait for a while wait for a
while and it will successfully put the
hello world app on to our iPhone and we
will be able to use it now just while
that's installing I'm gonna tell you a
really good trick as you can see if I'm
gonna go back to Safari it's a pain to
keep going back to this website just to
install your app so what you want to do
click on the sender little share button
here at the bottom then you want to
click on add to homescreen and rename
this to instant basically anything you
want I'm just gonna name this install HW
yeah I'm gonna add this and as you can
see well it's also done installing so if
I go into this app as you can see it's
the correct app completely works in the
label spine and just quickly yeah so you
see we've also added install HW so we
can use that whenever we want and so we
also have the app now let's just do a
quick lot of
Asian and time how long it takes for us
to get it onto our I advice just roughly
so I'm going to go into Xcode and we're
going to open up the wireless hello
world from the Dropbox and so what I'm
gonna do I'm gonna go to the lane not
storyboard and I want to make a little
change okay that works now that that's
done let's close out of it
and once it is done syncing to Dropbox
all you do is you go over here and go
and delete these two files okay now
let's start timing again a rough time so
if I go to well I guess isn't there a
pro oh yeah clock sorry and then if I go
to timer stopwatch so then I can
basically just go to terminal again I'm
going to update the IPA again
okay so that's done now we can exit out
of this and let's just go to install HW
or actually before that we have to
delete this app okay now it's going to
install HW and install install retry
sometimes the reason that happens is
because it's not done syncing to Dropbox
but then when you click on retry it will
sync to Dropbox and then it'll work so
just give it a minute or two I guess
will successfully install so till now I
say it's been around 50 seconds maybe a
minute now but if we just wait a little
bit longer the only reason it takes this
long the installing process is perfectly
fine it's just that it's getting it from
my server and not just any App Store
server which is much faster than mine so
yeah again this also does vary your
Wi-Fi connection your Wi-Fi speed and
another benefit about this I mean it
this was also benefit in the last Xcode
type EA but a really good benefit for
this is that you don't need to be on the
same Wi-Fi network as if you would with
Xcode 4.2 when you and wirelessly deploy
so as you can see it is done and now if
we were to go into the clock so yeah I'd
say it takes around one minute 40
seconds maybe two minutes for each build
to go on your device so again as I said
it isn't for that developer that's
building and running every 20 seconds
it's for that developer that needs to
build and run around every 30 seconds
and so yeah that was basically how it
worked I subscribe to my channel if
you're new I hope you liked it all my
viewers and also specially wide seller
because this was made for you also if
you have any questions leave it down in
the comments like the video if you liked
it and yeah
that'll be it you can also mail me at
tanjung mini the source code
will be in description and yeah that's
it good bye

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