Thursday 17 October 2024



in this video you're going to learn how
you can use the power ai vision toolkit
this toolkit allows you to build deep
learning systems with ease without
having to worry about any of the
architectures code or even underlying
best part is that you don't even need to
worry about getting the toolkit set up
because the nimix cloud platform allows
you to spin up an instance of power ai
vision on the hardware of your
preference instantly
so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is tanya bakshi and
this time we're going to be going over
how you can use the power ai vision
platform on nimbics in order to create a
cat dog classifier neural network now
this is very interesting essentially
what we're going to do is we're going to
train out an entire neural network
system and deploy it as a rest api it's
going to help us do image classification
in the cat dog classification task that
you may have seen by watson visual
recognition video but the best part is
that we're not going to be using any
code at all and not only are we going to
be using a watson visual recognition
kind of system rather we're going to be
using power ai vision which uses neural
network technology specifically to give
you all the raw statistics uh the
metrics of how great your neural network
system is running it gives you the
estimated time train and all that other
valuable information that you need while
you're training your model this is
actually hosted on the nimbix cloud
platform with their powerful jarvis tool
in fact there's going to be an entirely
separate video about jarvis and how it
works and how you can use its rest api
to control the nimix cloud platform spin
up jobs all that kind of stuff in a
separate tutorial but for today we're
going to be using the power ai vision
platform again because it's powered by
the power ai toolkit which is
essentially an ibm modified version of a
bunch of different open source tools
like tensorflow caf and so much more
that are optimized to run on the power
platforms that means that the neural
networks that you're trying are running
as fast as they possibly can on power
hardware they've been optimized for it
and of course you've got powerful nvidia
gpus going behind that training and of
course the powerful nv link between the
cpu and gpu allows you to have faster
memory transfer speeds as well but
that's not talking about power ai and
now what i'd like to do is get over
straight into the programming part where
i show you how you can use the nimix
cloud platform to start the power ai
vision tool and then from there train
neural network in under around five to
ten minutes all right so now let's get
to the programming part
all right so welcome back to the
programming part and now we're going to
take a look at how you can actually
implement this system let's get started
so now as i mentioned we're going to be
using the dog cat data set uh as i did
in my watson visual recognition tutorial
there will be a link to that in the
description below
however now as you can see i've already
gone ahead and downloaded the data set
i've unzipped it from its archive and as
you can see kaggle provides us with 12
500 images of cats and 12 500 images of
dogs so if i just keep scrolling down
here you'll see all the thousands of
cats and dogs that we have
now these are all to be used to train
the machine learning algorithm
however there's a small catch with the
power ai vision i don't want to upload
say twelve thousand five hundred for
each category right now because for the
videos purpose that'll take a little bit
of time to upload so what i'm going to
be doing for now is i'm going to be
uploading say
around 1500 to 2 000 images per category
and we'll take a look at what our
performance is like at the time and
depending on that we can either give
more if we're not satisfied or if we are
satisfied uh we will be good to go to
deploy with a rest api let's begin so
first thing that i'm going to do is
let's just say i want two thousand so
since we're starting at an index of zero
that's gonna be our
1999 images cats and then the same for
dogs so i'm just gonna scroll down until
we get the correct number of cats
right click new folder with selection
and i'm going to name these right as
it's done moving
all right there we go it's almost done
moving those into a separate
well folder
uh oh perfect done
it's a little bit uh intensive all right
so there we go we've got our first
folder down
let's just scroll down and
right as we reach docs we're going to do
the exact same thing for dogs we're
going to select from the zeroth dog
to the
1999th dog
somewhere here's our partition
right there perfect
all right so just scroll down
a little bit too far
perfect so just right around here we
should see
1 999 there we go right click new folder
with selection once again 2 000 images
of dogs there we go it's moving it all
into a separate folder
right as that's done we'll name both
folders accordingly as they should cat
and dog number one being cat number two
being doc
and then we'll be training the machine
learning system itself all right so cat
if we just scroll back down again
we can see over here dog perfect we've
got our two folders which if we sort by
the kind of
file we should be able to see there we
go cat and dog folders each containing 2
000 images that are entirely unique and
we are now ready to train the power ai
vision system now before we can actually
start using power ai vision we have to
see where we can actually host it itself
so now i'm actually using the nimbics
cloud platform to host power ai vision
on the mimic style platform if i want to
train this cat dog classifier and i want
to spin up an instance power ai vision
it's as simple as quite literally
clicking on power ai vision telling it
what kind of hardware i want to run at i
can scale from 1k80 to 4k 80s all the
way up to four p100 gpus if i want to
and again since it's powered by power8
architecture we've also got nv link that
we can use
alright so i am going to click on let's
just say one p 100 gpu as power ai
vision does not use multi gpus yet we're
also going to get 128 gigs of ram and in
total 32 threads from this power 8
processor again one of the great parts
about power is we is that we've got a
lot higher threads per core
and so now we are able to submit
and there we go now you might wonder
well we were using power 8 here isn't
power 9 out shouldn't we be using power
nine and well yes the mix cloud platform
is indeed getting support for power nine
currently in fact they're going to be
hosting the ac 922
nodes if you were to take a look at that
online those are essentially the new
power nine nodes that ibm is coming out
with those is the highest end ones or
one of the highest end ones uh they have
two power nine cpus to run really
massively parallel operations on cpu as
well and all the way from two to six v
100 gpus instead of the pascal 100 gpus
that we're using with power eight
servers right now anyway but that's
going to be released very soon for now
let's use power 8 and the p100 gpus
already provided to us and let's start
by clicking on the click here to connect
button that's all we had to do nimix has
brought up the power ai vision tool and
there we go just like that i can start
using it so what i'm going to do is i'm
going to create a new data set and now
as you can see either i can run an
object detection task or i can run an
image classification task there's going
to be another video on the object
detection task for now let's open up the
image classification task
all right so as you can see i can choose
the data sets name let's just say
cat dog i can tell it which scenario
we're running i'm just going to click on
other and not give it much information
assuming this is some kind of arbitrary
use case and of course cat dog isn't in
this list either
i click on add data set and just give it
around a minute
and it's going to process that and
create a new data set for you
once it creates a new data set you have
two options either a you can zip up both
those folders bring some json
information of the data set itself into
that and then send it over to power ai
vision or you can upload the raw images
now what i usually do is i actually
upload a new data set with the zipped
the actually zipped folders or files so
let's go ahead and do that now so as you
can see we've created a new blank data
set let's just add a category dog
and let's also add a category
all right there we go now what i'm going
to do is even though there's nothing in
this data set i'm going to click on
export as zip file now again what you
could just do is drag in uh or actually
because we haven't uploaded anything
here it won't let that what let us do
that now again as i was mentioning uh
you could just take the two thousand
cats and drag them into
uh nimbics or not mimics power ai vision
and in fact let's go ahead with that
method for now
there we go i'm just going to go over to
my downloads over to train
go over to dog
there we go
now i'm going to take all of the images
in the dog folder click on open
now it will go ahead and upload every
single one of those images to power ai
vision and this might take a little bit
of time so what i'm going to do is
instead of having you watch paint dry
here i'm going to go ahead and pause the
video while it uploads and right as it's
done uploading i will be right back
all right so as you can see we have
successfully loaded in the two thousand
dog images and now it's time to load in
the 2000 cat images so again i'm going
to click on select images go up a
directory go to the cat folder select
them all click open and then we must
wait a few more minutes and then we
should have all of our images ready in
our data set to train the deep learning
model all right so it should take
five to ten minutes and we will be good
to go
all right so as you can see the cat
images have now imported into the data
set and we are now ready to actually
train the deep learning model
so what you need to do now is just go
back as you can see i we've got the data
set ready so you can go over to my deep
learning tasks and power ai vision
once you're there click on create new
task and this is where we can actually
start training the neural net click on
classification to let it know that we're
not doing object detection and i'm going
to call this cat dog
try one
there we go i'm going to tell to use the
cat dog data set and i'm going to tell
it to use the precise first training
strategy if you want to train in a hurry
you can use speed first or you can
customize this to fit your needs let's
just say i increase the maximum number
of iterations to 2000 uh test iterations
to 100 test intervals to 20
and from there the learning rate to
0.001 and the weight decay to 0.0005
all right there we go now what i'm going
to do is click on build model
and there we go so now what it's going
to do is it's going to give us an
estimated time which is currently 21
minutes but it's usually a lot less than
the estimated time so i'm going to click
on create new task
and there we go all right so now as you
can see the model is truly training it's
currently starting up the task which is
why you can't see much
however usually when you use tools like
for example ibm watson visual
recognition you're kind of left in the
dark as to what exactly the accuracy is
and all those other metrics that you
really want to know like the loss
however in just a moment when the power
ai vision neural net actually starts
you'll be able to see that power
elevation actually shows us all the
different stats about this model if you
want you can actually go ahead and
and it should show the graphs again in
around uh a minute or so writers
actually initializes everything and
imports the data it will be showing us
those graphs and i'll be back right as
those graphs appear after that we'll
wait for the model to train we'll take a
look at it we'll deploy the rest api and
implement that rest api in python
alright so let's take a look at the
model and how it trains
all right so as you can see the model is
currently training our graphs have
appeared and on the left you can see the
training loss this is the last value on
the training data set as expected this
is indeed going down
on the right you can take a look at the
testing loss and again thankfully this
is indeed going down meaning that the
neural network is starting to generalize
to the data meet because the test data
is indeed um is indeed showing a low
loss and we can also take a look at our
accuracy as you can see over time this
is going up it has a little you know
kind of plateaued here but then again
though if we give this a little bit of a
little bit of time uh this should
increase and even right now it is
extremely accurate we've already reached
accuracy and we can only expect it to
get higher from here
of course this is only 820 ish training
iterations in this is increasing every
single second so let's take a look at
what actually happens when we reach
around 1500 and then 2 000. however
power a vision also does show us an
estimated time left which is currently
around 140 seconds uh so around say like
two minutes
a little bit more than two minutes so we
will be back in uh just a few minutes uh
i'm going to speed up the footage and
let's take a look at how the neural
network trains and generalizes
all right so as you can see the model is
now successfully done training and we
are ready to deploy the neural network
model however just before we go i'd like
to show you the final statistics as you
can see we have successfully gone
through two thousand entire training
iterations and have reached a test or
train loss of zero zero zero point zero
zero five
two so that is actually very very low
and of course as you can see we've
reached a test loss of 0.07
uh and so we have reached an accuracy of
around 98
which is considerably high actually very
high considering the fact that we had to
do absolutely no coding the architecture
development and everything else was all
handled by power ai vision you don't
need to care about any of the underlying
infrastructure the scalability or
anything else
because power ai vision takes care for a
care of that for you automatically and
you don't even need to care about
getting power ai vision set up in the
first place you just sign up for an
account with nimx spin up a server on
any hardware that you desire and power
ai vision will adapt to it it's that
all right so now as you can see the
neural network model done training again
but let's go ahead and deploy it
all right so as you can see it is indeed
creating a web api out of it just before
we do that though i'd like to show you
the my train models page as you can see
this is our cat dog model over here
we can see the accuracy that it's
reached and we can actually go ahead and
run an action on it too for example i
can even export the model as a zip file
if i want to i can mark it as a sample
model do really whatever else i want to
but anyway let's go back over to the web
apis and let's run a test on it
all right there we go so now that we are
at the run test page we are ready to go
ahead and upload new images and actually
run them against the model to see what
it gives us so i'm going to upload my
own image here
now again we don't want to give any
images that were already in the training
set that we gave the neural network
model so outside of the dog and cat
folders let's just say i choose a
different cat
i'm going to upload that into the power
ai vision software
and there we go as you can see if i were
to zoom in here for example you can see
that there is this slightly uh
not um not exactly the correct i guess
you could say aspect ratio sorry so it's
not the correct aspect ratio it was
squished down to work with the neural
network size but you can see that this
is an image of a person holding a cat
and so as you can see over here what's
this this is a heat map of where the
neural network saw specific attributes
that led it to believe that this is an
image of a cat this is something that
you don't get with most other neural
network based softwares either even if
you were to develop your own neural
network architecture it would take you
some time to implement the entire
attention mechanism to get this kind of
heat map working
luckily though this is done
automatically through power ai vision
and if you were to take a look at the
right here it correctly classifies this
as a cat with
99.149 percent confidence it is that
simple to get up and running with power
ai vision in fact let's go ahead and
feed in the dog image shall we so i'm
just gonna scroll down over to my dogs
here uh and over here as you can see
this is an image of a dog let's feed it
into the neural network software and as
you can see this is so sure that it is
actually rounded it's uh it's called
it's actually work it's confidence up
from 99 point however many nines there
were to 100
confidence as you can see this is the
dog this is the heat map this is where
the neural network saw
whatever it sought in the image that led
to believe that there is indeed a dog in
this image as you can see it has learned
to generalize to the face it's not
focusing on any of the other features in
fact if you want to take a look at some
more examples let's just say we were to
take this cat over here
this cat shows its entire sort of body
here and it's just sitting down with no
obstructions if we were to feed that in
what does the heat map look at you can
see the neural network has generalized
to find specifically faces that's what
it's really good at looking for if
there's a cat face or a dog face that's
what it looks at and recognizes you can
also see that it kind of looks over here
at the tail and the rest of the outline
of the body like the legs but the number
one thing by far is the head of the cat
itself this is very very fascinating the
heat map gives you insight into why the
neural network makes the decisions that
it makes and also how the neural network
makes the decisions as well in fact if
we were to do something similar with a
dog here as you can see for example here
the dog is not showing its face let's
see what the neural network actually
as you can see it's still thought it's a
dog because it realized there's no face
visible and it inferred based off of the
rest of the body that it is indeed a dog
and you can see that infer
or that inference that it made through
the heat map over here and then of
course you can combine the heat map and
the actual image you can uh find out how
you can actually for example crop items
or objects out of images and in fact in
my next video i'm going to be showing
you how you can run full-on object
detection with the power ai vision
platform and plus i'm going to be
showing you how you don't even need to
train full-on machine learning models uh
in the first place or manually train or
manually label that data because instead
you can actually use pre-trained neural
networks to help you label that data in
the first place that is coming up in the
next edition of my power ai vision
all right so that was a quick tutorial
as to how you can use the power ai
vision platform to recognize cat and dog
images really do hope you enjoyed that
tutorial you were able to learn how you
can actually use power ai vision
and how you can train deep learning
models that simply again we started with
the nimbic star starvis platform
what happened is you could actually spin
up an instance of power ai vision
without dealing with anything all you do
is you tell it that you want to start
powering a vision you tell it which
hardware you want to use and it does it
for you instantly after that we actually
used the power ai vision software which
allowed us to quite simply upload images
into the software and right as the
images were in all we needed to do is
set a machine learning model to trade
you can set the hyper parameters however
you want to and once it's at the hyper
parameters it'll train on your gpu
hardware it is that simple from there
though you can actually deploy that uh
train machine learning model onto a rest
api a web api and once it's on a web api
you can actually send new images over
and not only does it give you back those
images with the predictions as to what
class they are instead it also gives you
a heat map as to where the neural
network was most activated
where it actually thought that hey this
is a dog or this is a cat and that is
how the power ai vision platform works
again we had to fiddle around not at all
with the actual architectures of the
neural network the way the underlying
infrastructure works it was all handled
for us automatically and we reached an
astounding 98 accuracy on the test data
which usually takes quite a bit of work
to get done even with a simple library
like cross
alright so i hope you enjoyed that
tutorial thank you very much everyone
for joining in today that's going to sum
up what i had for this tutorial of
course if you did enjoy please do make
sure to leave a like down below and
share the video if you believe it could
be helpful for anyone that you know like
your family or friends apart from that
but if you have any more questions
suggestions or feedback leave it down in
the comment section below tweet it to me
or you can email it to me at tagmani
apart from that though uh if you do
really do if you really do like my
content you do want to see more of it
please do consider subscribing to my
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all right again thank you very much
everyone that's all for this tutorial

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