Thursday 17 October 2024



hello there um ten-eye back with another
youtube tutorial this time we're gonna
be covering a topic that's uh again is
very hard to find on the Internet
no I mean I have not seen many videos
for this topic and everything all I
could find were a few articles saying
Stack Overflow questions which to be
honest I don't really help you if you
really want to create an actual app so
let's get started as you can see I mean
open up Xcode and I'm going to open up
my touch ID app so basically what the
concept here is is it's an app that
allows you to enter in your fingerprint
and you can put in any text or
information and lock it up with your
fingerprint so for example let me just
connect it you will be able to see
just a second so basically I called tid
vault since I keep the tea and then
touch ID vault so yeah this is the icon
here I'm going to be submitting this to
the app store soon so um as you can see
this is the main screen we have a
picture of the vault we have the title
an about page that's when you submit it
soon and you could pause the video right
now to see it or you could just down the
app I can click back to the vault and I
can also finally click the unlock button
and it shows this a screen so now let's
say I wanted to I click enter password
it's not going to let me sense your
passcode it can eventually be hacked a
much more easier than touch ID you could
be hacked because of brute force attacks
and stuff like that so I only allow you
to use touch ID on this and that's why
it's only compatible with I with the
iPhone 5s 6 and 6-plus running iOS 8 or
greater because iOS 8 gives developers
access to the local to be local
authentication framework which allows
them to actually create apps for touch
ID so if I enter in my wrong finger here
it's gonna ask me to try again and now
if I entered my correct finger just a
there now if I should enough I enjoy
correct fingering it should bring me to
the vault page now here I can enter in
whatever info I'd like I can load some
old info I can save this info I can even
lock the vault again so basically what
we do is let's say you wanted to store
my other devices passcode in this what I
do is I go here and I type in the
passcode so let's say randomly this is
the passcode of my other device what I
do is I do ID and Durden and click Save
now this window was saying that I saved
the info in the vault and I can exit
so if I click OK and lock it brings me
back to the main screen now however if i
unlock it again as you can see
immediately loads up right as the other
screen loads up now if I click load
there is nothing to load since the old
safe and the new save actually still
match so what I can do is I can click ok
and I can also click save but that
doesn't work because there is nothing to
be saved since I didn't change anything
but let's say I change something and I
label this passcode and let's say I want
to lock it it realizes that ok you've
changed something in this fault
and basically you haven't saved it so it
asks you would you like to discard or
save the current changes if you click
discard and I and I go back in then as
you can see just a second sometimes it
says on the Apple so I put the touch ID
sensor needs to be dry so it's really
not my fault here sweaty hands as you
can see I click discard and the changes
are star not here anymore
however if I type in
as change and then I click lock and I
save and then I am knock again and it
will show exactly what I asked it to
save and if I make another change for
example then what its gonna do
oh sorry I hate on crack sometimes then
if I click save and it's gonna ask me if
you if I want to overwrite the last
saved info and if I click yes and I lock
unlock go in as you can see isn't saved
now let's say I want to change something
okay now I don't like the new version of
this so I want to load my old save back
I just click load and it asked me that
the over that the text in the vault will
be over the last save info so if I click
yes it'll show the old save now again if
I just erase everything and I click save
then it asks me if I would like to clear
the vault and if I click yes and then I
lock come on finally go in again it's
not the programs fault it's not working
ha Chinese censors we John unlock it's
as you can see it's completely cleared
so I'm going to be teaching you to
create this app and see how it works I
won't really be teaching you how to
creat the app I'm going to be walking
you through the code of this and you
might want to look at the inscription
from time to time because I won't be
uploading the full code for this app I
just went to be putting us bare-bones so
no one finds any glitches now if I I'm
100 cent its Bob free I might just
post all all the code in so just keep an
eye on the description if you're really
interested in the full code for this app
so you can see this is the storyboard
for the app first we have the main
screen with a label here and an image an
unlock button and a develop button the
about button to see
you to this view and then the bachelor
vault just seats back here next the
unlock button perfor doesn't really
perform a scene here what it does is it
actually runs an IV action called um
test touch ID just touch ID data so if I
go to the test touch ID I reaction what
we're basically doing here is recruiting
a new touch context new and as user
defaults with the standard use of
defaults and then what we're doing is
we're checking if they actually can
evaluate the policy which is the device
owner authentication with biometrics
basically if they have touch ID and then
I'm just not taking their which could
actually be dangerous if you don't have
touch ID and then what we're doing is
we're actually if they do have a touch
ID then we're evaluating the policy or
touch ID and so basically what we're
doing is we're asking them for the
fingerprint and the reason is to unlock
the vault tap the touch I need home
button and then we're executing all of
this code so what this code is doing is
it's checking if it was a success
as you can see then we are unlocking
ourselves else it's checking for the
error code if it's user cancel then just
say that the user is cancelled if they
fall back to the passcode option then I
just print telling the user would like
to enter pass a costume passcode but
then show the message that we that
doesn't is not supported and then
default just print nothing and else if
they cannot then just do nothing and I'm
thinking about putting
basically message that shows that you
don't have touch ID on your phone and
then as I was saying we have the unlock
function here right there and so what
this does is it sex sets the locked
value to false and then what it's doing
is it's changing its making from it's
making my timer from validated to
invalidated and what my timer is doing
is um I can show you a demo of the app
again what it does is it
okay so basically what it's doing is its
flashing this locked label red and black
and red and black over and over again so
what we're doing is in the treated load
function we are saying if the vault is
locked only if it's in the main screen
then set the my timer to a new NS timer
for the time interval of four and target
itself and the selector which is a
function it runs every time I called is
the make red function no user info and
it repeats and then we're adding it to
the NS running the NS remove common
modes and then else or just invalidating
that timer so really we didn't even need
that invalidate statement but and so
here we're declaring all the IB outlets
and the my timer function
I mean variable yeah so that's basically
what we're doing there and then we are
performing the sig to vault which is
where you internal your confidential
info so that's basically with the unlock
and test touch ID functions are about
and so next I'm going to be discussing
the lock function so basically what the
lock function does is its setting a
locked variable to true it's creating
new defaults and then we're checking if
the current info is not equal to the old
saved info then show them a message and
ask them if they would like to save or
discard the current changes and then go
back to the old view if they would then
save then go back to the other view if
they don't then just go back and else if
they're the exact same then what you'll
and then just go back and leave you did
appear function that I'm overriding from
uiviewcontroller all it's doing is it's
checking if the new text is if the vault
is not locked then we create new
defaults and then we set the vault
text two of the old saved info so that's
so that when you actually go into the
vault let me just show you why unlock
yes yeah that's a little problem here
yeah so if I was to unlock this and it
should read my fingerprint any second
now then it just because I had put in
that command it will automatically load
the info or else before you would have
to click load and then that isn't very
convenient so that's just an extra
feature I guess that automatically loads
it every time and then what would we
I'll discuss the load function and so
what we're doing here is we are creating
new defaults again and then we're
checking if the current info is not is
something basically not equal to nothing
if it is something and the old save is
not equal to what you already have then
what we're saying is the info will be
overwritten the current info in the
vault will be over it in the last saved
info and then it asks if you want to
continue if yes then it will overwrite
or else no and then we're also checking
here it basically does the exact same
thing here it's just a different
condition so the condition here is if if
you have something in the current info
and oh wait sorry if the current info is
not equal to the old save and the
current info is something and the old
save is not equal to the text inside of
the whatever you typed it typed it which
actually we then we won't need because
we already have this then so I'm going
to say again and fold the over and
and then what we're doing and we're
checking if the old save is equal to
what what is already ah in a fault then
we're saying there's nothing to load
since the old save and the new save of
the exact same thing and then we're
saying else if all conditions fail then
just just load the old safe and so
basically then what we're doing is we're
checking if the old save is nothing
which I guess we could put as an else if
then just saying that there's no saved
info yet and I guess I can't load
anything and so finally after so long
the same function but just before that
I'm overriding these touches began
function so that we can hide the
keyboard as you can see I'm going to
click right here in the text view and
then I can click anywhere else on screen
and the keyboard will be hidden
since I'm telling it that if it's not
locked then the vault X dot and editing
false so we're not forcing it to me to
any all editing but we're telling it to
and then finally the safe function so
we're creating defaults then we're
saying if the old save is not is
something and the current text is
something and the old save is not equal
to the current info then what we're
doing is we're saying what the last save
info will be overwritten and if they say
yes it'll all right the last save if I
say no
then I guess
it will not overwrite the old safe and
so next what we're doing is we are
checking a condition for if the old save
is not equal to nothing so basically it
has something in it and the current
information in the vault is nothing then
the the last saved info the last save
default will be here meaning that
there's going to be nothing inside of
the safe if yes then it's going to clear
all the all the text and the last save
and no then it's just going to be a
darling and then uh there's three more
conditions and so the first one is is um
if the old save is equal to something as
is equal to nothing so basically there's
nothing in the old save and there's
nothing in the new basically yeah a lot
then what you want to do is say that
there's nothing to be saved so I can't
save anything and then we're just
checking if the old save and then you
save of the exact same thing then
there's nothing to be saved since you
didn't change anything and then we're
doing the last condition which is an
else which will execute all of these
fail so we're just saving it and telling
them that it's been saved so it's
basically how this off works
I haven't said this already just keep an
eye on the description I may or may not
put the entire code of SAP in the
description since I don't want anyone
finding glitches in the code and stuff
like that just keep your eye on the
description if you really are interested
in the actual full code of this app and
maybe if I reach a certain number of
I might just upload the full code yeah
so good bye just keep an eye on the
description yeah good bye

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