Thursday 17 October 2024



hey what's up Traders I'm Johnny
Knoxville and today we're going to be
installing Pine connector on metat
Trader 5 so that we can automate our
trading view
scripts but first let's read the words
the words of the developers automate
your trading view strategies on
metatrader 4 and 5 Pine connector
provides retail Traders with a
userfriendly toolkit to automate their
trading view strategies on metatrader
with a typical latency of under one
second now I've covered Pine connector
in the past on my channel probably over
a year ago now and a lot has changed
since then both on trading View and in
Pine connector there's a lot of new
features So today we're starting from
scratch I'm going to begin with metat
trador 5 but I'll also do a video on how
to install this on metatrader 4 and then
once we have this installed on both
platforms so that whichever broker
you're using whatever metat trador
platform you're more comfortable with we
can then move on to using the syntax for
Pine connector to automate our
indicators and our strategy scripts but
before we begin for disclaimer this is
not trading advice this is extremely
experimental stuff A lot can go wrong
with this if you're not careful um It's
relatively safe if you're an experienced
Trader and you're experienced with metat
Trader and pin script but if you're not
make sure to start with a demo account
uh and get very familiar with pine
connector before you start risking real
money there are a lot of settings to go
through but the settings are mostly the
same on metatrader 4 and 5 so let's
start by installing this on met Trader 5
then in a separate video I'll do metat
Trader 4 and then we'll move on to the
settings for the uh expert advisor and
the Syntax for sending alerts to Pine
connector so Pine connector is
essentially a bridge between trading
View and your broker and how it works is
you set alerts on your script and the
alert sends a text message to Pine
connector's servers which then relay
that command to metatrader so that you
can manage trades as we all know trading
view does not offer any way to automate
our trading directly through the
platform so this is the next best thing
now a pie connector is most suited for
Forex Traders but it will work on any
instrument that can be loaded into your
metatrader platform so we can use it on
cfds on stocks and crypto and some
Commodities but to begin with we're
going to focus on Forex because that is
definitely its strongest application but
again if you're familiar with other
markets you should be able to take this
information and apply it to any Market
that you can load and trade into your
broker's metatrader charting platform so
now I've uninstalled all of my
metatrader platforms so that we can
start from scratch and I can walk you
guys through it step by step so first of
all I'm going to download the windows
version of metatrader 5 once that's
downloaded we can come up to our
downloads folder and run the installer
that's finished click finish close this
browser window that opens and in a
moment the platform should load there we
go so now I'm going to close all of
these windows except for for one of them
I'll load up Euro doll onto this chart
I'm also going to change
the colors to uh but before it will let
me do that we need to log in um I'm
going to use a demo account to begin
with and then we'll go to a live money
account um in future videos but because
we're testing and we want to open trades
to see if this uh is set up properly
let's start with a demo account so that
we're not wasting money while testing
now in this video I'm not going to blur
my account numbers because I'm going to
change these um after I publish these
videos so uh but if you're doing this
yourself you should really keep these
login numbers and your license ID for
Pine connector private but for me that
doesn't matter cuz I'm going to change
these numbers after publishing these
videos so enter my
finish incoming mail Jesus blew my
eardrums out okay so the first thing
we're going to do is turn off that
really annoying and obnoxious sound
effect so if we go to tools options
events turn this stuff off um you'll
thank me later if you're new to
metatrader uh let's get rid of all these
pop-ups and stuff let's go to properties
um this is a matter of preference but
I'm going to change my color scheme to
color on white all right so now we're
ready to install Pine connector so Pine
connector is an expert advisor so it's
like a third-party script we need to
download a file and install it in the
metatrader to do that let's go to the
Pine connector platform now there'll be
a link below in the video description to
uh the pine connector website it is an
affiliate link so if you do use it I get
a small cut of your payment at no extra
cost to you so if you want to support
the channel that's one way to do it and
I obviously really appreciate it but of
course you don't need to use that link
if you don't like me you can just uh
come to the website and um start your
free trial 7-Day free trial no strings
attached you can um use the expert
advisor for free but I've already paid
for a subscription so I'm going to go to
the members portal and now here is the
latest version of of uh the pine
connector EA for metatrader 5 I'm going
to click that to download it so now that
I've downloaded the expert advisor we
can click on the EA guide here now here
are the installation instructions for
Pine connector now if we come over here
to EA setup and click on meta Trader 5
here are the instructions for installing
Pine connector on meta Trader 5 now
that's nice of the pine connected team
they will extend your trial if you need
it so if you're going through these
videos let them know that you are
following my Channel I'm in contact with
Alex the creator of pine connector and
so if you let his team know that uh
you're following my guide and you need
more time to play around with it I'm
sure they will extend your trial uh but
anyway we've downloaded the expert
advisor the next step is to access the
expert folder so to do that open up
metatrader go to file open data folder
and then we need to go into
mql5 that's the metatrader 5 programming
languages name all we need to do is go
into the mql 5 folder and then the
experts folder and this is where we
paste the expert advisor file so if we
go to my downloads folder I can cut this
um Pine connector expert advisor and
paste it into here can close that window
now and now if we come over to expert
advisors and extend this you'll see that
the pine connector file is not here we
need to right click this and click
refresh and there she is now before we
attach this to our chart there are a
couple things we need to do let's go
back to the
instructions um so we've installed the
expert advisor the next thing we need to
do is go to tools then options and set
up some of these settings so if we go to
tools options uh the first thing we need
to do is go over to expert advisors
click to allow algorithmic trading we
also need to allow dll Imports it says
here potentially dangerous enable only
for trusted applications that's because
this allows expert advisors to do things
um like connect to the internet and
stuff like that outside of the
metatrader platform uh but don't worry
Pine connector is completely safe it's
been around for years and I believe over
18,000 Traders use it now and if we go
to their homepage um over 18,000 Traders
have used Pine connector without any
issues so you can trust this expert
advisor so you can trust this expert
advisor but don't take my word for it do
your own research and reach out to the
support team if you have any um
apprehensions about using this expert
advisor but in order to use it we need
to enable these settings so now I can
click okay um and you'll see up here
this algo trading button if this is red
um then it means that any alerts you
send to Pine connector will not be
triggered so we need to enable this
option here this button here to turn on
algo trading so now we can add or attach
the expert advisor to our chart you only
need to attach this once to a single
chart it doesn't matter if you're
Trading multip multiple currencies or
multiple markets as long as you have
this expert advisor attached to a single
Market that will give it access to your
um account and allow it to open and
close trades automatically um I actually
have a trade open here from earlier
testing I'm going to close that so let's
attach this to our chart um make sure
this is selected when we add it to our
chart go to Common make sure allow algo
trading is turned on so we have this
enabled this enabled go to inputs and
now this is where you insert your Pine
connector license ID again if you want
to try this for free you can start a
free trial and you'll be given a license
ID to get your license ID you need to go
to the Pine connector dashboard so click
on members portal here and this will be
your license ID now I've subscribed
multiple times so I'm going to copy this
license ID paste it in here and I need
to add a one on the end um but again you
can't use my license ID because it's
linked to my metatrader account number
number so don't even try to use my
account you need to create your own
account in order to use pine connector
so now we can click okay and this little
dashboard will pop up um I'm using a 4k
monitor so my text is a bit funky here
um we'll come back to this in future
videos and play around with it it's
quite an interesting little dashboard
here that gives us a lot of information
about how our script is operating uh but
anyway here is the information we need
to see in order to use pine connector we
need to see this message successfully
connected to Pine connector's server if
you've imported the correct license ID
and you're using this on the correct
metatrader account number then you
should be able to connect to the servers
successfully and now we can trigger our
very first test command to open a trade
on metatrader directly from Trading view
so here I am on euro dollar now I'm on
the same data feed on metatrader as my
broker pepperstone now this isn't a
broker recommendation I use multiple
brokers for multiple reasons uh Brokers
have different commission structures uh
different spreads access to different
markets um so honestly I can't really
recommend a broker pepperstone are a
good broker if you're in Australia they
have pretty good spreads and a really
good support team I've also used oanda
in the past they're great as well and
I've used Global Prime in the past um
the global Prime Founders have moved
onto a different broker so I've stopped
using Global Prime for those of you who
are wondering I know I get some emails
sometimes about that um at the moment
I'm using pepperstone as my main broker
um but anyway it shouldn't matter what
broker you're using as long as you trust
them and you like them and you're
familiar with them and you are
comfortable with their commission
structure and spreads and all of that
information if you do need help finding
a good broker I will leave a link in the
video description to a video by Jason
Greystone who is a very prominent Forex
Trading coach with a fantastic
reputation in the trading Community um
he has a very in-depth video where he
demonstrates his process for going going
through Brokers to find a good broker
and what he looks for in a good broker
um so I'll leave a link to that in the
video description so it doesn't matter
what data feed you use necessarily
obviously if you use your broker's data
feed it's going to be a lot closer to
the same data that gets sent through to
metatrader the data feeds will be
slightly different from each other if
you look up here the price of euro
dollar right now is 1.0
624 and here it is 1.0 624 so it's
pretty close to metat Traders um data
feed but sometimes there are slight
discrepancies between these numbers this
looks really good this is what you want
to see the closer these numbers are
together the better because it means
that any alerts you send from Trading
view to metatrader should be executed
very close to the same price that your
script is analyzing on trading view but
I know that some Brokers have a totally
different data feed you can see here
there's a slight delay between the price
movements that can affect the execution
of your trades especially on Lower time
frames like the one minute chart 15 or 5
minute chart which I don't really
recommend you guys trade because the
commissions are incredibly High and the
spread and slippage are big issues which
we'll cover in future videos but anyway
the point here is that if you can find a
broker that has very close price data
feeds to trading View and metatrader
that will significantly help um the
accuracy of your script trade execution
so anyway this is it let's wrap up the
video by sending a test alert to Pine
connector so if we come back over to the
instructions for Pine connector we
scroll all the way down we've attached
the pine connector to our chart we've
enabled all the relevant settings we've
put our license ID in the connection is
successful all that's left to do is send
a test alert so let's click on this
button here and here is the instructions
for sending a test alert so again we'll
go into more detail about sending alerts
to specific markets in future videos but
for today let's just open a trade on
euro dollar as the instructions show
here the first thing we need to do is
open up our symbols list so if you press
control U on a Windows computer or you
come to uh view symbols you need to make
sure that the symbol is enabled for
trading here okay so on this window
you'll notice that all of my symbols are
green and all of these dollar symbols
are brightly colored that means they are
enabled for trading if I double click on
one of these symbols
it goes gray that means that trading is
disabled for that symbol and any alerts
I send from Trading view to to Pine
connector will not be executed so we
need to make sure that any markets you
want to trade are enabled here and then
also notice that my symbols have a
suffix after them so depending on your
broker you may have a prefix or a suffix
in my case I have a a full stop and then
an a after the symbol name when I send
my alerts from Trading view to Pine
connector I need to make sure I include
that a on the symbol that I send so
anyway let's click okay go back to the
instructions here if we scroll down we
now need to create a trading view alert
which I'll show you how in a moment most
of you should be familiar with how to do
that and then we need to configure the
alert to send a specific set of
instructions to Pine connector and those
instructions are our license ID a trade
command in this case we're going to buy
and then a symbol which will be euro
dollar in this example and then our risk
so using the default settings of pine
connector again in future videos we'll
tweak these settings and I'll explain
what they all do but using the default
settings this command when formatted
correctly will buy one standard lot of
the symbol we specify at Market so let's
open up trading view now we can just
click this alert button here and then
for our condition we simply select
greater than zero so when price moves or
a trade is executed and volume changes
if you if you're not aware trading view
scripts and Alerts get triggered or
analyzed whenever price changes or
volume changes so when we set this alert
up with price being greater than zero it
will trigger as soon as price moves or
volume changes now to send our alert to
Pine connector we need to come to the
notifications Tab and turn on web hook
URL and then we need to paste in this
link here so pinec web hook
none of these other settings matter you
can turn them on or off depending on
your preference you can be notified when
Pine connector executes a trade um but
I'm going to leave all of these off and
just send this alert to this web hook
URL now in our settings um you can name
this alert whatever you want I'll call
this Pine connector test and then for
our message we need to get rid of all
this text and this is where we input our
Pine connector commands and alert syntax
so if we come back to this page if I
copy this line of code and paste it in
here now I need to go to the members
portal copy my ID paste it over license
ID we can leave buy as it is but we need
to change symbol to match what our
symbol is over on metatrader so in this
case for Euro doll that's going to be
Euro do.a so let's change this to
eus sd. a we can leave our risk as one
to buy one standard lot click create and
now if we jump over to Pine connector
and I go to experts we should get some
sort of feedback here as soon as our
alert triggers there we go now I got an
error message here I saw this before
when I was setting this up so this is on
purpose because now I want to show you
what happens if you set all of this up
and your first test alert generates an
error so here we have an error code
4756 if we go to Pine connect uh docs.
error there'll be a list of error codes
and what they mean so let's do that
now/ error now let's see what our error
code was it was 4756 so if I just search
4756 here is the relevant um
documentation for this alert so the
error is that our trade request sending
has failed and here are some
recommendations to fix it so the first
thing to try is to change our broker set
in the expert advisor so different
Brokers have different ways that they
format expert advisor um commands and
how they relay them to the broker so in
my case it looks like my default
settings for my broker are not um the
correct settings so I need to come here
I need to right click on my chart click
expert list click on Pine connector if
you have more than one of these added to
your metatrader platform you need to
remove all of them and just leave one on
here uh if I click properties and scroll
down here again we'll go over all of
these settings in future videos but if I
come down to the bottom here you can see
broker set by double click on this
setting and click on the drop- down box
the instructions say to try set B first
and then if you're Brazilian um I guess
you use set C but for me I need to try
this setting first so let's select that
and click okay close now I need to reset
my alert so I can just click on this
little Cog icon here and click save to
reset the alert now it's active if we go
back to Pine connector and click on the
experts tab there we go our trade has
executed our signal has come through our
risk is one standard lot um it tells us
what our settings are tells us the
required margin the opening price and
our stop loss and takeprofit information
which we did not specify in the alert if
I come to trade the trade tab we have an
open trade on euro dollar triggered by
trading view directly to our metatrader
platform and our broker so now in future
videos we can expand on the syntax for
Pine connector and then later on we can
start writing scripts that will send
commands automatically to Pine connector
using alerts so that we can actually set
up alerts on trading view close our
browser and so long as we have metat
Trader open on our computer or on a
private server a virtual private server
or dedicated machine um again which I'll
show you guys how to set up later in
this series so make sure to hit the
Subscribe button if you haven't already
because there is a lot more content to
come on Pine connector um we will go
into detail on automating scripts I'll
run you through an example script and
give you some templates to work with so
that we can start building on the pine
connector syntax and eventually fully
automate our trading view strategies now
full disclaimer this is not trading
advice this is Advanced trading
techniques um you should only play
around with this if you feel comfortable
don't risk real money on this um use a
demo account and then it's up to you to
decide when you're ready to move forward
with um actually Auto ating systems but
I'll give my advice and general tips
going forward um on how I go about
automating my systems make sure to sign
up to our mailing list to get a free
newsletter each week with um tips and
advice and resources to help you with
your trading and to be notified when I
release the next YouTube video good luck
with your trading take care and I'll
speak with you then

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PineConnector TradingView Automation MetaTrader 4 Setup Guide

what's up Traders I'm Kevin Hart and in today's video I'm going to be showing you how to install Pine connecto...