Thursday 17 October 2024



hi Traders and welcome to the final
video in my auto view lesson Series in
today's video I'm going to show you the
final piece of the puzzle and that is
setting up a virtual private server to
run auto view 24 7 for those of you who
can't do that at home so strap in
there's a lot of information to cover
today let's get started
so before we begin we should probably
cover an overview of what AWS is and
what we plan to do today so first of all
what is AWS for those of you who are not
familiar with this AWS stands for Amazon
web services which is a cloud computer
hosting service which basically means
you can rent someone else's computer and
access it remotely and then use it for
whatever purposes you want the main
advantage of using AWS is that it's
reliable scalable and inexpensive or in
our case today completely free so we're
basically renting a computer from Amazon
and it's free for the first year now the
computer we plan to rent today is
extremely cheap so it's going to be slow
to use but it is definitely going to be
able to handle what we plan to do and
what we're going to do today is we're
going to rent this server set it up log
into it install Chrome on it and then
add the order view extension to that
Chrome browser and then we connect auto
view to trading view like I showed you
at the beginning of this series all the
steps are the same and then once we have
auto view connected to tradingview and
oanda all we need to do is set up our
alerts and the virtual server will run
24 7 and execute our trade orders for us
so why are we doing it this way well
this computer will run 24 7 remotely so
you don't need to leave it running in
your house which obviously saves on your
power bill and is just one less thing in
your house that you have to leave
there's minimal setup time involved in
using AWS so that is the reason why I
chose AWS and it's completely free to
use within reason so on the free tier
limit for the first 12 months you get a
quota of hard drive space and network
bandwidth so basically internet data and
for our purposes of running auto view we
are never going to be at risk of
exceeding those limits now if you go off
and do other things with this server
then it's possible that you could exceed
the limits but if you follow all the
steps in this video it shouldn't cost
you a thing for the first 12 months and
if you do decide you want to continue
using the service past 12 months it's
pretty cheap to rent I think it's around
one cent per hour or around a hundred
dollars a year to rent this same
computer we're using today so that's a
quick rundown of what to expect from
today's video let's get into the lesson
alright so the first thing we need to do
is go to AWS dot Amazon
dot com this will be the page you land
on as of recording this video this may
change in the future but the steps
should remain pretty similar even if
they change the website so the first
thing we need to do is come up here to
the top right button and create an AWS
account click on that and remember this
is completely free so click on create a
new AWS account put in your email
address password AWS account name so
this is just a screen name for your AWS
account you can change this later so
it's not really important what you put
in here but I'm going to fill this out
and click continue now you have to fill
out your contact information and tell
AWS what you're using this for for the
most part you can just tick personal
since we're retail Traders this is just
a side thing for us but I don't think it
really matters what you click here then
I'm going to fill out my full name my
phone number and country code my region
and my address then make sure to agree
to their terms read them if you want to
and then click continue now we need to
enter our billing information but don't
worry Amazon will not charge you for
usage below the AWS free tier limits but
they do temporarily hold one dollar or
Euro as a pending transaction for 3 to
five days just to verify your identity
and that you own this actual credit card
or debit card so I'm going to fill this
information out and then click continue
alright so after putting in my credit
card information I had to put in my
phone number as well to get an AWS
verification code so once you've done
that step you'll land on this page here
where we need to sign up for Amazon web
services now we definitely definitely do
not need this option and certainly not
this option either we just want a
virtual server to run Chrome a web
browser in or metatrader if that is how
you automate your trading what we're
doing today can apply to any application
you need to run 24 7 on a remote
computer so we want to select this
option here the basic free option so
this option is selected by default so we
just need to click this button complete
sign up and we're done setting up our
AWS account so now we can click this
button here to go to the Amazon web
services Management console so to log in
we want to select root user and then we
put in the email we signed up with click
next and then type out this little
anti-robot capture thing
click submit and then type in your
password and click the sign in and now
here we are in the AWS Management
console now we're ready to launch our
very first virtual machine so we want
this option here launch a virtual
machine with ec2 so click on this link
here and we're in now we have a lot of
options here we've got Linux Mac OS
Ubuntu Microsoft theoretically you
should be able to use most of these
operating systems to do what we're doing
today if you're more familiar with Mac
OS for example you might want to choose
that but for today I'm going to be using
a Microsoft Windows Virtual server just
make sure that whichever option you
select is a free tier eligible option so
in my case I'm going to scroll down
until I get to Windows Server 2019 base
and I want to select this option so
click select over here and now we have a
lot of configurations to choose from so
by default the free tier is selected
here and that will do fine and for us
today we have one gig of RAM one virtual
CPU and we only have low Network
performance which should be fine for our
purposes so this will not be a fast
computer by any stretch of the
imagination but it should do what we
need it to so now we come down to this
button down here and click review and
launch now we don't need to change any
of these settings here we can just come
all the way down to this bottom right
button launch and click on that now this
is important we need our private key in
order to access our server remotely so
it's important that you set this up
properly otherwise you won't be able to
connect to the server so we want to
click on this first drop down box here
and select create a new key pair and
then we need to give this key pair a
name you can name this whatever you want
it doesn't really matter I'm going to
call Mine The Art of trading key now we
need to click download key pair which is
this button here so click on that and
then select where you want to download
this it doesn't matter where you
download it as long as you remember
where it is so that we can access it
later I'm just going to click save here
now the file has downloaded the pem file
it's called so make sure you save this
somewhere safe because we will need this
to connect to the server if you lose it
you'll need to restart this whole
process which is no big deal because
we're not putting anything particularly
valuable on this server but I would
recommend putting this somewhere safe
and backing it up onto a USB or hard
drive external hard drive if you can or
even just upload it to a Google Drive so
once you've securely saved this file
somewhere that you'll remember where it
is we need to click this button here
launch instances wait for AWS to do its
thing and there we go our instances are
now launching we have to wait a few
minutes and and within a few minutes
we'll be able to log in and access our
remote computer and start setting up
auto view over there so now if you click
on this string of numbers here which is
a link it'll take you to the interface
where you can see how your instance is
doing so after a few minutes of waiting
your instance State should be green and
running and your status check should be
green and all the checks should have
passed if they haven't yet just wait a
little longer now everything is up and
running we can right click on the
instance and click this connect button
or link that will take us to this page
here so what we want to do here is click
on RDP client and now we want to
download our remote desktop file so
click on this and save it somewhere safe
I'm going to save it to where I save my
private key file my pem file I'm not
going to change the file name I'm just
going to click save so now I have my
remote desktop file saved I need to
click on get password so that we can
actually log into this server so click
on get password now I need to upload
your private key pair or the pem file so
click browse and navigate to where you
saved your file here's mine I'm going to
click open so now I can click decrypt
password and here is my password so let
me copy this text and go to where my RDP
file saved so I can just click show and
folder here bring that over all I need
to do now is double click on this file
click connect you can ignore all of this
you can even click don't ask me again
for connections to this computer since
we know this computer is safe we own it
essentially or we're renting it from
Amazon so click connect It'll ask you
for a password I'm just going to paste
in the text from this page I'm going to
click remember me and I'm going to click
OK again we don't need to worry about
this warning here we can click don't ask
me again for connections to this
computer and click yes
be patient while it connects and in a
moment we should get an interface that
we can start playing around with so here
we are we're on a private server hosted
over in America 2 30 am over there
and this server is running on Amazon's
Hardware so if this pops up for you I
would just click no we don't need to
worry about that and here we are we're
good to go pretty exciting stuff so the
next thing we need to do is install
Chrome since Chrome is the only web
browser that allows the auto view
extension the problem with this is that
Internet Explorer for some reason blocks
nearly every website that you go to on
this Windows Server I'm not sure why and
I don't know how to fix it so it's a
little bit inconvenient but what we need
to do in order to install Chrome is
download the installer onto our home
computer and then copy that onto our web
server and then just run the installer
here so to do that I'm just going to
minimize this virtual server and then
I'm just going to click up here and type
in Google Chrome download hit enter then
I'm going to click on this download Now
link it doesn't really matter if you
leave this on or off but I'm just going
to turn it off today because the less
data our virtual server sends out the
better since we're on the free tier and
it will be a slow computer so let's
click on download Chrome now if your
download doesn't start like mine just
didn't just click on this little link
here and that should start the download
click save once that's done I can bring
up my AWS folder click on Chrome setup
right click it and hit copy or control C
then we need to bring back up our
virtual server here our remote desktop
connection and we can right click on the
desktop here and just click paste wait
for the file to copy over it needs to
upload to the server and then the server
needs to download it which will take a
minute but once it's done we can now
double click on this file and begin the
installation process just wait for the
installer to finish doing what it needs
to do and then we can move on to the
next step which is installing auto view
alright so Chrome has successfully
installed onto our web server I can now
move this window to the side and delete
our installer off the desktop because we
no longer need it so the first thing we
should do is go to the website
now this will be very slow because we
are on the free tier so don't be
surprised if this takes a little while
now that we're on the trading view
website I'm going to log in to my
account make sure you log into your
account you may need to upgrade your
plan if you're on a free plan or a low
tier plan because unless you're just
going to leave one account signed in on
this virtual server if you want to use
your home account at the same time as
the web server account is signed in you
may need to upgrade your plan because
that does count as two sessions and
tradingview does have limitations on how
many charts you can have open on
multiple computers so I'm going to click
sign in and now just sign in with your
username or email I'm going to sign in
with my username
make sure to click remember me we want
to stay signed in on this server and
then click sign in
you may also want to click save up here
to save the password in Chrome so that
if you do happen to log out it's easier
to log back in so I'm going to maximize
this window here and let's load up a
market and make sure that this server
can handle trading views charts because
quite frankly this is the first time I'm
doing this and I'm not even sure if the
computer can handle this but I'm hoping
it can so that this entire video isn't a
waste of time so I'm going to click on
euro dollar and see what happens so now
we need to click on full featured chart
and I can close this tab and here we go
seems to be working fine so now if you
want to you can log into your oanda
trading account here but that's
completely optional remember that auto
view runs through trading views alerts
so we really only need to be logged in
to trading view we don't need to log
into our trading account because auto
view connects to our trading account for
us and then when our alerts are
triggered in trading View Auto view
relays that information to oanda on our
behalf so we don't need to log into our
account here so I'm just going to close
this window and move on so now that we
have this working the next step is to
install auto view so let's open up a new
tab here and I'm just going to Google
auto view and this first link here
should be the one we want this is the
Chrome web store extension I'm just
going to click on this first link now
here is the auto view extension browser
extension all we need to do now is click
on add to Chrome click on that click ADD
extension and we're done auto view has
been added to Chrome so we can close
this browser tab now go back to trading
view now remember because this is a new
setup it's essentially a new computer we
need to log into auto view and
reconfigure everything so I'm going to
pin order view to my extension list and
then click on the auto view icon now
because order view needs to authenticate
that you have access to it especially if
you're a paying user we need to connect
our Chrome account so click on this
Chrome account link and then click on
sign in up here now you need to sign in
to whichever account you've bought auto
view under or whichever account you want
to use the free demo Services of auto
view with now you may have to go through
the two-factor authentication if you've
turned that on in your account since we
are logging into a server in another
country or potentially another state if
you do live in the US and that will
trigger Google's security Flags now the
next step we need to do is turn on sync
we need to sync our extensions and
profile on Google Chrome and Now to turn
on sync all we need to do is click on
our profile icon up here in the top
right the top one not the bottom one
here and then we need to click on turn
on sync click on this button here and
now just click yes I'm in now give
Google Chrome a few moments to sync all
of your bookmarks and extensions this
could take up to a minute or two
depending on how much information or
data you need to sync and it looks like
everything is done so now if I click on
auto view
now Chrome account should be connected
there we go enabled and our trading view
account is connected as well if yours
does not stay connected your trading
view section here make sure to just
click on the link and then log into your
training view account and that should
connect auto view to trading view so
we're good to go now we just need to set
up our oanda API keys and enable oanda
under the exchanges list and we should
be good to start automating our trading
so let me click on change settings here
close this tab we no longer need that so
the next thing we need to do is come to
the permissions tab over here on the
left so click on permissions and then we
need to scroll down to whichever
exchange you want to use this plugin
with I'm using it with oanda today so
I'm going to click on awanda and today I
want to connect oh and to practice so
I'm going to come over to the right here
and click on the switch corresponding to
away under practice that turns it on and
now we need to click allow and then we
need to click the Switch again and for
some reason now for some reason mine is
not working right now I'm going to try
exiting Chrome and then reopening
everything so let me click the x button
wait for a moment and then double click
on the Chrome shortcut I want to set
Chrome as my default browser so I'm
going to click on that little pop-up
there I'm going to wait for this page to
load this computer is painfully slow but
you get what you pay for and it is free
all right now we need to click on web
browser here or I'm going to click on
web browser and choose Chrome as my
default web browser and then we can
close this window come back up to auto
view and click on change settings I'm
going to go back to permissions scroll
down to oanda and it's now turned on I'm
not sure why it wasn't before but it is
now now let's come back over here to
oanda practice and scroll up so now if
you remember from the previous videos
where we configured auto view on our
home computers we need to do the same
thing here so we need to click on add
and this is the same for oanda practice
and oanda live or your real money
account you need to enter your account
ID and your account API token now if
you're not sure what these are I'll have
a link popping up in the top right hand
corner here that will take you to that
video where we configured auto view for
the first time all of the steps are the
same there it's just that we're doing
this on a remote computer to save time
I'm not going to go over that again in
this video I happen to have my account
ID and account token or access token
written down in a file so I'm just going
to copy and paste them over into these
two text boxes here so I'm going to copy
over my first account ID and then my
oanda demo API key remember the demo API
key or access token and your live money
token are two different tokens so make
sure you copy the right one over I'm
going to paste that access token in
there and click test account so my
credentials were successfully tested I
can now click add account and we have
now connected auto view to trading View
and connected our oanda account to auto
view so we are now set up for automated
trading all we need to do now is set up
our script alerts and remember we're
logged in to our main trading view
account so you could do that on your
home computer if you want to because
your alerts will trigger on any browser
you have open whether that be a second
computer at home or this virtual server
right here but before we do that I'm
going to do one last step to ensure that
our server is always auto trading our
alerts now there's one final thing I'd
like to do before we consider this
virtual server setup completely it's not
a common occurrence but sometimes the
Chrome browser can crash or your server
could restart for an update or something
like that if that happens then obviously
our order view plugin is not going to be
able to detect our trades and our entire
operation is basically going to stop so
there's a few ways to achieve a solution
for this I'm going to show you my
personal favorite way and that is to
create a batch file that constantly
checks to see if Chrome is running and
if it's not it opens it back up and if
it is running it just Waits 60 seconds
and checks again this batch file runs on
Windows startup so as soon as you boot
up your server it will begin monitoring
your Chrome browser and ensure that it
is always running so long as your server
is on so we need to do a little bit of
batch file programming for this one if
you've never done this before it
shouldn't be anything more difficult
than writing out Pine code so let's jump
into it alright so to create this batch
file monitor script come down and click
on the Windows start button and just
type in Notepad
once this loads up click on notepad
launch the program and now we're going
to write a short batch file script which
is going to constantly monitor our
Chrome process make sure it's running on
this server and if it's not running
we're going to launch it so the first
thing I'm going to type here is at Echo
off now you don't need to know what all
these commands are just copy me note for
note I'll leave a link in the video
description to a text file so you can
just copy and paste this code if you
want to this is not in any way related
to Pine script so if you don't
understand what's happening here it's
not important but what we need to write
here is colon check we're writing a
little function here basically and what
this check function is going to do is
first we're going to list the current
running tasks and then we need to put in
um shift backslash character I'm not
sure what this thing's called to be
honest with you it's just the kind of
separator character and then we need to
write find forward slash capital I and
then Chrome in quotation marks next up
we want to say if error level is one
open brace and then I'm going to start a
new line and tab to indent we're going
to write here start
chrome.exe so if error level returns one
that means that the task list find
function could not find the Chrome
process so we want to start the Chrome
process but we don't want to just start
Chrome and go to our home page we want
to open up the trading view charts so
I'm going to bring up Chrome here
um it doesn't matter which chart layout
that you load because auto view detects
the alerts regardless of what layout
you're on so I'm just going to copy the
one that I'm using right now to test
this script which is my Hammers and
stars layout as long as it's a chart
this will work perfectly fine so just
make sure to copy the URL of a chart
layout and then minimize Chrome and
paste that in here so this line of code
here will start Google Chrome and load
up this web page the next line of code
we want to write here is CLS that just
clears the screen of any text in the
command prompt and then we want to write
here Echo and you could write anything
here this is just for feedback to you to
know that the monitor just relaunched
Chrome I'm just going to write here
danger Will Robinson
starting Chrome
uh just a quick shout out to any of you
who recognize this obscure sci-fi
reference then I'm going to close this
brace here and then we need to write
else with a capital E then open a new
bracket or brace parentheses whatever
you want to call it and then we're going
to write CLS to clear the screen and
then a new line and then we're going to
write Echo and then we're going to Echo
or print to the command prompt
everything is fine and then I'm going to
close off that parentheses or bracket
start a new line and just write timeout
60. so this will wait 60 seconds before
running this entire script again but to
make sure that we Loop this check
function all of this code we just wrote
here we need to write at the very end of
the batch file go to check whoops
misspelled it go to check so every time
this file runs it will get to the end of
the file and then go back to the start
of the file and it will just continue
looping over and over and over again
indefinitely and so this will ensure
that we always have Chrome open if we
detect that it's not open so now we need
to save this file so just go file save
as as
we'll just save this to the desktop and
before we save this file make sure to
come down to save as file type click on
that drop down box and click all files
and now we want to save this text file
as a batch file or a bat dot bat file it
doesn't matter what you call it I'm
going to call mine monitor Dot bat
and then click save you'll see the file
pop up here on the desktop we can now
close this notepad open up the Windows
button again and type in run r-u-n hit
and then we want to write in here I've
already written it out because I've
accessed this before but we want to
write shell colon common space startup
and this will open up the startup folder
for this Windows server and whatever
files we put into this folder will
always run when the server boots up so
hit enter or click OK we want to drag
our monitor file over to this folder
drop the file in there and then if you
want to test to make sure it's working
open up Chrome and close the window
and then just double click on this file
and we'll see what happens
and there we go it's working perfectly
fine just said danger Will Robinson
starting Chrome now we'll wait 60
seconds it will check if Chrome is still
open if it's not it will attempt to open
it again if it is then nothing will
happen so I'll leave this open for a
moment and I'll skip ahead to show you
what that looks like
there we go you can see it says
everything is fine so detected that
Chrome is still running and it didn't
have to do anything so now to confirm it
works let's close Chrome again and just
wait for this timer to run out we can
close this folder now as well here we go
and it's detected that Chrome wasn't
open and it's open to back up so
everything's working perfectly the final
test to make sure this is working how we
wanted to is to just restart your server
so click on the Windows button click the
power button when it loads and just hit
restart and it'll prompt you for a
reason to restart the server just click
and you'll be logged out and when it
boots up just log back in and check if
the batch file is doing its thing so I'm
reconnecting now to see if this worked
now after restarting your server you
need to log back in in order for
everything to run the server will not
automatically log itself back in so keep
that in mind
there's our monitor batch file starting
up with Windows it has detected Chrome
isn't running and it's launching it
perfect everything is working how we
want it to you can now leave this
hit the x button on your remote desktop
connection to your virtual private
server and you should need to check back
on it very frequently it's probably
worth checking on it every couple of
days just in case something's gone wrong
or it's turned itself off or restarted
and you need to log back in but for the
most part you should get away with only
having to check on this every weekend or
if you notice that it's not placing
trades that it should be obviously so
I'm going to close out of this session
now and just leave it running for the
next week or two so that's the end of
today's demonstration we're pretty much
set up if you followed all the steps
note for note then you should be ready
to start auto trading through auto view
all you need to do is set up your alerts
you can do this on this virtual server
or you can minimize this virtual server
load up your charts on your home
computer and if you've got a script
that's automatically trading for example
this Hammers and shooting stars script
that we wrote in a previous lesson all
you need to do now is come up to the
alert button select the script that
contains your auto view automation code
select alert function calls only and
then create your alert and now whenever
an alert is triggered so long as your
web server is running and you've logged
into your trading view account and
you've connected auto view to oanda then
your trades will automatically execute
and to prove that is the case I'm going
to log in to My Demo account here I'm
going to choose the correct account ID
here in my case it's 005 is the account
ID that I connected auto view to I'm
going to click allow and now here we are
logged in now I'm going to swap over to
my virtual server so for this I'm going
to load up a different chart
and let's just initialize a trade on New
Zealand Yen here so to do that I'm just
going to right click
just slightly above price action here
I'm going to click ADD alert
and then I'm going to type out an alert
syntax that should enter a market order
on this pair if the conditions are met
and the conditions are going to be if
price is less than where we're setting
our alert which is guaranteed to happen
if price stays where it is right now by
the time I'm done setting this alert I
might set it even a little bit higher if
this condition is met then we want to
trigger an alert to auto view I'm going
to turn off all of these because I don't
need them and then I'm going to change
this to say E equals oh and practice B
or book is going to be long
the symbol is going to be nzd JPY
the order type is going to be a market
my fixed stop loss price is going to be
78.9 let's keep it simple
and our fixed take profit is going to be
79.1 so now when I click create on this
alert because price action is below 79.1
or less than this alert should
automatically trigger immediately
whenever price moves and we should enter
a trade on our demo account on this web
server so to prove that is the case I'm
going to minimize this I'm going to
close this browser so that this auto
view extension isn't running and then
I'm going to go back to my virtual
server and click create let's wait and
see what happens there we go we've
entered long at Market based on our auto
view alert over here on our virtual
server so hopefully you found this video
interesting I know it was a slower paced
video that didn't include any coding but
now that we've got this set up you can
run this Amazon web server for free for
up to a year I believe and it will run
24 7. now in a future lesson I will
cover how to run metatrader metatrader
expert advisors on this virtual server
but I'll leave today's video here
because that will add at least another
20 minutes or half hour onto this video
and this video is already long enough so
we'll leave it there thanks for watching
everyone I hope you found this
interesting I hope those of you who need
this service can successfully get it set
up and running remember that it's
completely free at least for the first
year so you have nothing to lose by
playing around with this if you're
interested before we wrap up this video
I want to just cover a couple of
housekeeping things in relation to AWS
such as what pricing looks like if you
do exceed your 12 month free trial and
what your options are if you want to
continue using the service and pay for
it so here is my current billion cost
management dashboard you can see down
here what my usage has been over the
past three days I've used 3.3 percent of
my storage I've used 3.3 percent of my
hours for this month and I've used 0.78
of my data bandwidth or available
internet usage so there are
approximately 730 hours in a month and
we have 750 50 hours for free per month
and according to this table there are no
months that have more than 744 hours so
unless something radical changes without
time space reality I think will be safe
for our hourly quota each month unless
you're copying a lot of files over to
your private server we are never going
to exceed 15 gig per month by just
running our charts if however you're
worried about hidden costs if something
goes horribly wrong with your virtual
server and it downloads a massive file
or something like that you scroll up
here to budgets and click on that then
click on create a budget up here leave
it set on cost budget and click set your
budget name this budget whatever you
want I'm going to call mine auto view
leave it on monthly leave it on
recurring budget and specify your
monthly budget so I'm just going to put
one dollar in here we can leave
everything else here as it is and click
configure thresholds I'm going to set my
alert threshold to one percent of our
budgeted amount so as soon as we start
incurring even a single Cent worth of a
fee for this service will be notified
and then put in your email address here
I'm just going to put in the email for
my company and then click confirm budget
and then click done and now you'll be
alerted by email as soon as this virtual
private service starts racking up any
fee whatsoever which should never happen
if you followed the steps in today's
video and you use your virtual private
server only for what I showed you today
now if something does go wrong with your
server and it starts racking up a cost
or you simply just want to shut the
thing down or modify something or
re-download the remote desktop
connection application just go to like we did at the start
of the video click on my account make
sure you've logged in and click on AWS
Management console once you're here just
click on this recently visited service
if it's showing up on your AWS Services
home page or come up here to Services
click on that and just click ec2 under
compute once you're here come and click
on the instances link over here on the
left click on that here is your instance
your virtual private server if you need
to disable it and stop it from running
just right click on it and click stop
instance now if you do stop this
instance and you start it again you will
need to re-download the remote desktop
application to connect to it because
your instance could potentially be
booted up on a different server with a
different address all your files and
stuff will still be there but just keep
that in mind your IP address can change
when you restart the instance and if
something goes wrong while you're
setting up your instance and you just
want to wipe the whole thing and start
again you can also terminate the
instance and then just create a new one
follow the steps from earlier in the
video and just create a whole new
instance alright so it's important to
mention that if you do use your free
tier AWS service for the full 12 months
and you still want to keep your private
server going you can purchase access to
a private server for an entire year for
around 100 US dollars which when you
consider the cost of buying your own
dedicated computer your electricity cost
your internet usage all of that
potential issues that could happen with
the computer having to replace Parts Etc
it's a pretty cheap way to run a
dedicated virtual server or essentially
rent a computer to rent the equivalent
computer we're using today in today's
video which is one of their more basic
computers but as you can see today even
though it's slow it gets the job done if
you want to rent one of these for a year
simply look over here at the instances
drop down menu and we want to click on
reserved instances so click on that and
then we want to click on purchase
reserved instances don't worry we're not
buying anything today I'm just going to
show you what this costs so the platform
we want to select is Windows the
instance type we want to select is T2
micro which is what we were using in
today's video the tenancy we want to
leave as default if you set this to
Dedicated you get your own dedicated
Hardware that isn't shared with other
people's virtual service it really
doesn't matter for what we're doing and
it's cheaper to select default term is
up to you you could do one to 12 months
I'm going to show you what it would cost
to rent one for a full year offering
class I would recommend setting to
standard because it's a lot cheaper our
payment option is up to you if you
select no upfront and you pay an hourly
rate so if I click search now here are
our options if we rent one for 12 months
then we pay a hourly rate of 1.2 cents
and you can basically pay your bill as
you go it is slightly cheaper however to
select all upfront or you could do
partial up front I'm just going to show
you no upfront and all up front if we
select all up front and search you can
see that our upfront cost is 99 US
Dollars and our effective rate is 1.1
cents per hour or if we get a three-year
deal it's 234 dollars I would probably
recommend going with a one-year deal
because you never know what might happen
with your trading you may find a better
way to Auto Trade by the time your first
year is up or your second year in this
case since we'll be able to use this for
a full year for free up front anyway I
just thought I'd better mention that in
this video for those of you who do end
up using this service for over 12 months
and that'll pretty much do it for the
housekeeping part of today's video I
think that's all you really need to know
in order to get started with this and of
course if you run into any issues just
contact the Amazon support don't send me
an email because I won't have time to
help you with this sort of thing but the
Amazon support team should be there for
you if you run into any technical
difficulties thanks for watching
everyone I'm going to go and manage my
crypto positions now since we're having
a volatile day and I'll see you in the
next lesson take care and best of luck
with your Trading

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