Thursday 17 October 2024



so well then welcome to another tutorial
my name is Sam actually this time we're
gonna be going over the Google or gmail
ooofff 2.0 authentication API and also
we're doing in iOS not any of the other
languages of supporting or at least this
time or such as PHP or Ruby but anyway
before we get into that this video is
going to be essentially a part two to my
chatting app so there will be a link to
in the description to that video now
let's get Kent let's continue now what
am i doing in this video essentially
what I'm doing isn't what you telling
you how you can take the old chatting
app and you can instead of having to put
in your own username and password into
the app you can log into your gmail
account which will act as authentication
for the chatting app now the way we're
going to be doing this is pretty simple
but first of all let me just get out of
the way what are some advantages of
doing this well one main advantage is
security and the next advantage is just
overall relief I wrote the developer and
the user so now security what does this
mean in our old chatting app we're just
taking the username and password of the
user putting it straight into our parse
database not encrypting it of any kind
or anything so we're limited by parses
security if someone were to get by Parsa
security then they'd easily get into our
database and hack all the chatting apps
chatting app accounts however with Gmail
we know that Gmail has one of the best
security features in the world if you
have Gmail in your account probably
won't get packed and so we're utilizing
the security of Gmail and also it's much
better for the user because they have
just one set of username and password
that works with all of their Google
stuff and all of their account stuff so
they don't have like a billion different
passwords going around but that
remember each one and so those are the
advantages out of the way now which APR
we're going to be using
it's called OAuth or open authentication
2.0 because they've deprecated one and
so we're going to be using the iOS
version of this library which can
sometimes be very hard and frustrating
and this actually took me quite a while
over maybe even a week to actually get
set up and running because sometimes I
would just get an error where the user
header search paths wouldn't work or
something like that but this video will
make it very easy for you to be able to
do that so now let's discuss how the
algorithm of our authentication will
change so let's get started with what
was our old algorithm
well what simply we would have usually a
client on this end let's just say this
is a client now client signs in or signs
up for this app with a username as
client three for two or something like
that and his password is something like
client is the best not the most secure
password but anyway now what's going to
happen is this or this is going to be
nicknamed username and this is going to
be named password by the app ok then
we're going to have our parse database
here and over here on our parse a debase
no we're going to have our users
database or a table sorry in which we
will take this username and password and
upload and to here and notice there's
nothing going on why we'll up while
uploading we're not encrypting it we're
not putting in a secure place we're not
doing anything would this username or
password which would make it secure at
all really and so this is named as an
unsecured method or actually I once I
highly unsecure because they're using
parse a parse data base not a custom
MySQL database but still this is
potentially a security threat I'm not
trying to say that parse isn't secure
it's extremely secure but I'm I don't
want to take any chances with extremely
confidential information okay
and so I would honestly label this
unsecure however let's just jump over to
a new method over here over here we see
we have Gmail
okay now gmail has a username and
password as well you still have to use a
username and password but guess what
your Gmail account works with YouTube it
with a drive it works with pretty much
everything else you have for Google and
it also works with third-party apps such
as Stack Overflow and so as you can see
it's not going to come evident that once
you have a username and password for a
gmail account you can easily have it
refer to literally every single other
one of your accounts and the best part
is let's say Stack Overflow security is
breached not to worry your Gmail
password is stored with Gmail not would
stack overflow
so if Stack Overflow security is
breached your password is not linked
your username however if Gmail
securities leaked yeah your passwords
out for pretty much everything but still
that's a very very rare occurrence so
that hasn't happened for almost two
years now maybe even three so as you can
see this is secure it's easy for the
user and it's also very easy for the
developer because instead of having to
program all of this in all that they do
is this now they have their app or let's
just name this client again now client
has all of these accounts every single
one okay and then a client also uses the
app so you know just to just so it
doesn't confuse you these apps are not
at all related with how we're going to
be using Google authentication but now
we can see that client uses this app and
so our app in general will now be taking
first of all Google authentication and
so to put this really simply all that
we're really doing this app we say to
Google hey authenticate this guy called
client now client will log into his
gmail account and if he gets the right
username and password then it'll be like
yes sure to the app the authentication
was correct you can let this guy have
access to his account but let's say he's
signing up how do we do something then
well Google will give us the email
so that we can use that as his username
so we don't need to store his password
anywhere we just store his email address
as his username and let Google do the
rest of the authentication if he's able
to get into Google with this email
we know that it's him and we can
continue and give him access to chat and
this is what makes him happy so that's
what our final goal should be to get him
to chat using Google authentication so
as you can see there's a big jump from
uploading an unencrypted username and
password to a database or using one of
the most secure forms of authentication
in the world with your app and so that's
going to be it for the whiteboard part
next I'm going to be showing you how
exactly you can use the api's on an iOS
app so without further ado let's get
straight to the Mac part so yeah I just
started editing this video I was just
stitching up the clips and stuff and I
just found out the original subscribers
I asked me the question irshad just sent
in a picture of himself ah to feature in
the video so yeah I'm gonna be showing
his picture on screen now it's I believe
it's already up but his question was how
can I use instead of custom
authentication something like Gmail
authentication and that's at chatting up
he also had a few more things to do with
the chatting app but there will be later
videos for those so yeah for now I'm
gonna be telling you how you can use
Gmail authentication or OS to log into
apps so let's get straight into the Mac
part now so welcome back to the Mac part
and now we're going to be actually
implementing this insolate so now let's
just move my face smaller move it to the
corner now I've opened up the Google
QuickStart guide and there will be a
link to this in the description so you
can actually use
now I'm not exactly going to be going
going through step 1
because that's just turning on the Gmail
API there is a set of instructions that
are extremely straightforward just a few
button clicks for you to setup the Gmail
API and then we'll be done
so I'm just going to assume that you've
already set the app up and so once
you've set it up
you should have credentials here and
when you click on it it should show your
real credentials so now what we're going
to do is we're going to skip straight to
step 2 now step 2 will include
downloading the actual Gmail api's and
using and setting them up etc etc so
what you're going to do is go to step 2
you see this little code block here
hover your mouse over it and in the
corner you'll see this little window
over here that looks like two clipboards
so just click on it and it shall copy
all this code here all of this and now
all you need to do is go to a terminal
window type and I just like to do this
mkdir let's say just Google App then I'm
going to CD into Google App if you don't
know what I'm doing I'm just creating a
directory called Google app in my home
directory and then I'm going into it
then I just I mean we copied all that
code so just click command V and it'll
execute them all one by one by itself
you don't need to do anything and once
it's done perfect it's done so now we
have if I go into my home folder we have
this Google App over here and we have
all the Google API s inside of this
folder so now if I move my face up go
into Xcode now if I type if I say ctrl
command n it will create a new
work space for me and I'm just going to
put this inside of my home directory
google app and I'm just going to name
this app workspace because this is
really a workspace if you don't know
what a workspace is again it's actually
just a collection of projects or
multiple files which are for Xcode now
let's just create this and that's going
to be it so now let's continue with what
the kik QuickStart says there are going
to be some modifications at the end but
now we really just need to follow what
the QuickStart says so I'm going to
actually no not scroll down I'm going to
go into Mission Control really quickly
and move Google Chrome beside my Xcode
window so that it's a bit easier and
then new finder beside it that's already
there okay so now let's start with step
prepare the workspace first of all we've
already created a workspace it's not
named QuickStart but that doesn't matter
then what it says is what I'm going to
do is I'm going to go into the directory
that we were in for the google app then
double-click on GTM session fetcher go
into that directory go into source and
you'll see this little Xcode project
here yet take this and drag it keep it
on the edge of your screen and drag it
into your xcode's
file manager on the side then go back to
directories and double-click on Google
API objective-c client go into source
and take this Xcode project GTL dot
Xcode project again move it into your
Xcode workspace note this this Xcode
project should not be under GTM session
petrichor no it should be above it
meaning it shouldn't go inside of that
Xcode project it should be separate now
let's see what it tells us to do ok so
now it says select the GTM session
fetcher project
I'm assuming it's this one the core and
then it's say
add a new target of iOS framework and
library cocoa touch static library so
iOS framework and library code of cocoa
touch static library and it says to name
it GTM session fetcher Lib I'm just
going to copy this and paste it into
Xcode click finish and it has created
the target now what we need to do is go
into build phases compile sources click
on the plus button and you see this
folder GTM session fetcher click command
and select every single dot M file
inside of this folder click enter or add
and it has added these into the compile
sources build phase then select the GTL
project then what you'll want to do is
go into build phases link binary with
libraries it already has security and
system configuration so all you need to
do is add let's see right here
Lib Lib GTM session fetcher Lib ok live
GTM in this one now click Add and as you
can see it's added it in now this is
where I actually first got an error what
you have to do is come over here and to
build settings and say what was it
called a user header a user header
search paths in this little place double
click and click the Add button and also
just let me check to make sure yeah I
made a really small mistake what you're
supposed to do just remove this library
just ignore that before you start doing
any of this stuff you have to actually
click over here
and go into GTL touch state ecstatically
then you need to ad-lib GTM session
fetcher lib and then you need to add go
into the build settings and go user
header search paths double click on here
click the Add button now what you need
to do this is quite important so listen
go over finder go back to directories
again and go into your GTM session
fetcher folder take the source folder
don't go into it take it and drag it
into this text field that xcode is
giving you now Colet select this
text box or selector and change it to
recursive so it gets all the header
files and then you're done then all you
need to do is copy this little flag here
and go into other linker flags and add
that in right there or sorry not there
that's a little thing I get confused on
it's actually supposed to go under a
preprocessor macros over here as you can
see Apple LLVM 7.0 pre-processing and
under pre-processing macro macros double
click over here add paste it in go
perfect so now that you've done that go
into GTL again and we're already here
click on this little tab if it isn't
already open if it's blue don't click it
then as you can see you see this little
GTL framework target remove it and click
delete then in the project navigator
open up GTL go to GTL source go to
common and delete HTTP fetcher
that's not required okay because I think
that was deprecated in iOS 9 anyway okay
so now what we're going to do is click
on this little plus button over here
click a new project iOS application
single View application then make this
project name something like main app ok
make it four Swift make sure it's the
iPhone you don't have to it could also
be the iPad but I prefer iPhone in this
case and then click Next again I'm just
going to create inside of this directory
then we have to go into main app build
phases link binary with libraries add
system configuration add security and
also add what is it called live GTL
touch let's just paste that in Lilly GTL
touch static lib day that's a mouthful
okay so now we're done that now what we
should be able to do is copy this little
link or flag now this time I'm actually
correct this is a linker flags
so go into build settings type in other
linker flags and so double click over
here then add in Objective C all load
next we need to again listen carefully
go into user header search pads click
the Add button over here then go back
into your main Google Apps directory
then go back into GTM session fetcher
and again take the source and drag it in
to the little text box then make this
from non-recursive
to recursive add another one this time
do it for Google API objective-c client
yes take the source drag it in and make
sure it's recursive there we go
now that should be good and also one
thing I've noted I usually get an error
if always search user paths is no so I
always make it yes even though the
Google documentation does not tell me to
do that I don't know why anyway
now let's go into preprocessor macros
macros then what I'm going to do is
under debug I'm going to add the linker
the preprocessor preprocessor macro and
also under a release so that it works in
both ways then what we're going to do is
we're going to go into the Google API
objective-c client source o auth to
touch and then take this nib file and
just drag it right in make sure it's
copy and then finish then what we're
going to do is we're going to go in back
over here
and then go into these services
directory go into Gmail generated then
get the GTL gmail dot H and GTL Gmail
sources dot M files and drag them into
our the app make sure it's copy finish
make sure you create a bridging header
make sure copy this code over here and
paste it into your bridging header and I
just like to move it up here okay so now
what we're going to do is they have a
step four in which you type in code or
you copy this code and put it in and
then it does something I'm not using
their code I've modified out a bit
and now if I just open up my other app
where is it now specifically this file
that I'm about to show you this one will
be available for download in the
description from github no other file
because actually this file is special
and the other files are very how do I
say restricted to your setup for example
I have to put in the absolute path like
over here in user like this is the
directory in my Mac to this file so I
cannot give you this specific Xcode
project or else you won't be able to
build but if you follow all the steps
that I'm doing in this video or I'm
using in this video and you copy in the
code that I do give you in the
description this should work just fine
for you
now I've already gone ahead and done
this but you need to fill in your client
ID and your client secret if you don't
know how to get that but you should at
this point but it's okay go into your
Google developers console go into
credentials click on the credential name
and get the client ID in the secret so
now that you have these two just put
them into these strings you can change
this if you'd like to but I wouldn't
recommend it I actually know what let's
just do that 10 May testing Gmail API
so now I'll show you exactly what this
does but first we're going to have to
run this app now make sure you don't
have this iOS framework as the active
scheme make sure its main app now run it
till then just give me a minute
do you remember okay
so yeah I'm going to pause the video
really quickly get the other gmail
account that I don't really use the
credentials for that one because I don't
exactly remember them then I am going to
be back
is new tutorial we just really quickly
see though if I can get it from here
yeah so I'm going to be pausing the
video and I'll be right back with my
credentials and I won't touch the app or
anything don't worry so welcome back as
I said I have not really done anything
to the code all I've done is I've
changed my password for a gmail account
I really don't use anymore
and so as you can see this is the
simulator now I didn't do anything on
the simulator to a code or anything this
is all the exact same so as you can see
here we have this gmail account or this
Gmail login window now I have not
created this logo these labels this
image these text boxes this button
anything here this is nothing of mine
this is all created by Google
I'm not authenticating anything with
this I just say to Google hello I need
this person to enter his username and
password and I want you to return his
email address and Google's like sure and
then shows up a little new controller
asks them to login and then after that
once they log in it returns the email
address as I had requested so let me
just log in really quickly ten we've
actually demo one as you can see though
I'm just gonna come over here to my
there's nothing printed except for all
of this stuff and so if we come back and
we actually log in now password now if I
sign in and I click on the allow button
so it knows that I'm allowed to use all
of these things here then as you can see
it does absolutely nothing on the app I
might be thinking why did I do all of
this work for a blank screen but it
actually requested the Google API for
your email address and printed it out
there might not be so impressive however
think about it now you have used Google
api's to authenticate a user to get
their usernames that you can up
to a parse database that will now be
their single sign-on token basically
that's just amazing I will be
integrating this into a into the actual
chatting app in a separate video but I
hope you enjoyed that now let's just see
what happens when I rerun my app as you
can see blank screen again but it prints
out my email address now why didn't it
ask me to authenticate again this is
because once you authenticate once it's
storing that authentication the token
basically in keychain keychain then
stores that pretty much forever until
you either delete it or don't make
references to it anymore and as you can
see and touches begin I'm doing just
I'm just deleting the keychain
authentication method so if I run once
more just so you know I'm not doing any
trickery it's still a blank screen and
it gets my email address however if I
click on the screen this time and then I
rerun as you can see it'll ask me to
what through to authenticate again this
is due to the fact that it deleted the
keychain token now I'm going to login so
as you can see I'm granting privileges
right now and it gets my email address
I'm going to run once more so as you can
see it only happens once and it still
gets my email address but there's one
more thing that I can do as you can see
I'm not clicking on the simulator but if
I change the keychain item name that it
refers to to something like this
then as you can see it it doesn't find
the credentials in that keychain item
and it asks me to authenticate again or
actually no it has to be something like
three sorry this won't apply to you
it'll only apply to me two already has
credentials in it so three as you can
see asks me to authentic authentic eight
again so that's essentially how that
works now again I'm not going to be
going into any of this code just yet due
to the fact that this is all just enough
code for you to implement into your app
and so this will allow you to make
service calls now since this is
technically a Gmail API you can do tons
of stuff rather than just getting there
you the email address you can if you
want to see what you can do under French
labels go to query and under GTL query
Gmail do dot query for and you'll see
these are all the queries you can do you
can literally I think compose messages
well I'm not exactly sure if you can
compose messages but you can get the
messages you can list messages you can
modify messages you can send to trash
you can do all these sorts of things yes
you can also send so it's technically a
Gmail API but you can also get their
profile so it's quite interesting in
that sense okay so that was actually
pretty much it for this tutorial again
if you have any more questions or you
want me to elaborate on this at all
please leave it in the comments or email
me at tattoo mini at or even
contact me on twitter at add you many
they'll all be in the description the
viewcontroller will be in the this
viewcontroller sorry the this file over
here will be on github which will there
will be a link to in the description and
that was going to be it for this
tutorial if you liked the video please
like it and if you're new to my cotton
you want to or you want to see more of
it please actually subscribe to my
also quickly you can send me a video
question at @anjghie manage email calm
and I might just be certain one of my
next videos again everything will be in
the description and that's going to be
it goodbye

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