Thursday 17 October 2024



hello there t back with another watch
kid tutorial well not another one this
is my first watch kit tutorial for
YouTube now basically uh this is a watch
uh an Apple Watch app and what this does
is it's a guessing game um so basically
it generates a random number and then
you have to guess that random
number and it counts how many tries you
take so it's both for the iPhone um and
the Apple watch so first I'll start off
by showing you the um uh iPhone Edition
and then I'll show you the Apple watch
Edition so if I uh try to make a number
bigger here I make my guess bigger on
the iPhone and I click submit eight is
too small and also it generates numbers
between 1 and 30 so 8's too small
meaning it's between 8 and
30 if I increase it so now it's in
between 13 and 30
18 and
30 okay I just got it
correct so that's basically how it works
and I got it corrected in for tries and
then I can also ask for a new number
that resets it and makes a new number
and then I can also use the Apple watch
Edition to do stuff and then okay five
is two
small let's try
10 two big
eight um oh sorry smaller correct so
yeah so that's basically how it works
and now I'll show you the code and yeah
the full source code for this tutorial
will be available in the description
from GitHub and uh
yeah so let's uh
start basically this is the iPhone code
and then I'll introduce you to the watch
so first of all in the storyboard we
have two labels guest label here and
output label here and then we have four
buttons uh smaller bigger new number and
submit okay so now we have two IB
outlets for the guest label and the
output label we have three variables in
a constant so the three variables are
the guest number which is the number
we've currently guessed uh the other
variable is the number of guesses you've
done till now uh the other um variable
is the random number that the computer
is comparing your guess
against now this is the constant and
this is the number to randomize till so
if this is let's say 300 it's going to
make a random number between 1 and 300
however if I make this 30 it's going to
make a random number each time between 1
30 so B basically um I have a new number
function in the viewed appear uh uh
function from the UI view controller
class and that's why we're doing
override and I couldn't put it in viewed
load since uh these IB Outlets wouldn't
be loaded uh in the viewed load function
since viewed load happens before the
view actually
appears okay and so next we have two um
functions that I created the big clicked
and small clicked functions now what
these functions handle is when you have
clicked on the button bigger or smaller
respectively so basically what we're
doing in the big clicked
function is we are making
sure that first of all you do not go
over 30 and in the small click to making
sure you don't go over I mean under
zero uh and then so basically in the big
click we're increasing your guest number
and we're setting the guest labels text
to that guess number uh we're doing the
exact opposite in small click we are
decreasing your guess number and we are
also uh setting the guess labels text to
it next what we're actually uh here what
we can do just to decrease the amount of
work if we change the um number to
randomize we can set this to num to
randomize so basically they'll just make
sure you don't go over this a number
instead of you having to type it in two
places okay so in the submit
function as you can see it's doing quite
a lot of work we're checking if your
guest number is greater than what the
computer has generated then we're
increasing the number of guesses and if
the number of guesses is not equal to
one then we're saying your guess is too
big and then these number of guesses
tries however if it is one then too big
number of guesses TR try since we don't
want one try we want one try two tries
three tries and then we're and then we
are setting the guest labels text to uh
your guest number is greater than
whatever the computer is generated just
a little symbol to um make more visual
appeal and then we're doing the exact
opposite here uh if your number is less
than the random number that the computer
has generated we're increasing the
number of guesses doing the exact same
thing here except we're saying it's to
small and then uh here we are telling
them that their number is smaller than
what we had what the computer as
generator and then else if all these
conditions fail meaning the only thing
left is equals uh it will it will uh
increase the number of guesses um and
then it's going to check if it's not one
uh if it's not one correct in number of
guesses tries else uh correct in this
and yeah those are the main functions
and then the new number function which
basically acts as a reset um function
basically creates a new random number
between 1 and 30 but since the arc for
random uniform function will uh generate
a random number from 0 to 29 I'm adding
one so if it's zero it'll become one if
it's 29 it'll become uh
30 so then here um we're setting guest
labels text to zero and output labels
text to nothing and we're setting the
number of guesses to zero and the guest
number to zero uh we're basically
resetting those
variables uh yeah so that's basically it
for the iPhone
end and since this isn't a from the
groundup uh just totally beginner
tutorial I'm not going to be showing you
exactly how I created this watch app
step by step however number one I will
be putting the source code in the
description if you want to download it
take a look at it uh modify it to be
your own you have uh permission to do
that and uh also uh this week or maybe
even next week I will release another
watch kit tutorial uh where I will
basically um teach you from the ground
up how to create a simple app uh I'm
still not exactly sure about that so
just uh keep looking at the channel if
you're really interested into that
okay so this is the watch storyboard as
you can see this is the Apple watch 38
mm storyboard and so we have the guest
label output label bigger smaller submit
new number functions I mean buttons and
so that's the storyboard and then the uh
actual code for it we're importing watch
kit instead of UI kit and then uh we
don't really need this uh import
Foundation a watch kit import Stu for us
so all the there's really no change in
the code um all we're doing is instead
of UI uh view controller we're doing WK
interface controller and then instead of
UI label we're doing we're using the WK
interface label uh both for the guest
label and the output
label uh the next change is that instead
of viewed load we have awake with
context in which way are putting our new
function and then we have two extra
default functions will activate and did
deactivate um and yeah that's really all
there is uh changed and instead of using
text as equal to for the labels we're
using the dot set text method to set the
text of this label to this
variable and so I can also change this
number to
randomize and yeah or actually what we
can do do if number of
guesses not equal to
one yeah so we need to make sure it does
either tries or try if they get it
correct in one
try then we just want to paste that
there and make that try yeah so that's
basically how the watch end works and uh
subscribe if you're new to the channel
um like this video if you liked it
download the source code in the
description comment if you have any um
suggestions improvements or if you have
a question and yeah
e e

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