Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is tandy bakshi and
today we're going to be talking about
how you can use cuda to build your own
segmented silva vera tostony's based nth
prime finder that runs on the gpu now i
know that's a lot of words i'll explain
exactly what that means but before we
delve into it if you enjoy this kind of
content you want to see more of it
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like the video if you enjoyed it and if
you have any questions suggestions or
feedback feel free to reach out to me
down in the comments below or on any of
the social media in the description box
as well
now getting into this what are we doing
today we are building an nth prime
calculator and we're going to do so
using the segmented silva veritosthenes
algorithm and we're going to be running
it on the gpu using the cuda gpu compute
library now this is a pretty fascinating
application i will say i've been really
interested in optimizing compute or
optimizing algorithms rather
to make use of compute for finding prime
numbers i find that a very fascinating
field and recently i actually
implemented uh a cuda based version of
this algorithm as well
before we get into
using gpus for this why you would want
to do that and what the segmented
cellular eratosthenes is let's talk
about just the simple plain old classic
ancient literally siva veritostomy's
algorithm the sea of veritas algorithm
doesn't exactly solve the problem that
we want to solve it doesn't give you the
nth prime number instead what it does uh
is it gives you well in in a list of
numbers starting from the number two
which ones are prime and which ones are
composite that's what it'll tell you so
for example if you list out the numbers
two to fifty you can use this the sieve
of eratosthenes to go through those
numbers and mark the ones that are
composite as composite and only keep the
let's actually take a look at a little
bit of a demonstration as to how that
works so effectively we start off with
of course our numbers 2 through 50 here
and we start off by looking at the
number 2. number 2 has not been marked
it's just a number and so we take a look
at it and we say it's prime but because
it hasn't been marked and because we
just considered it prime we're now going
to loop through all the multiples of two
from here on out and we're gonna mark
them all as composite which makes sense
because they are all divisible by two so
it makes sense that we want to mark them
down as composite then we take a look at
the number three has not been marked yet
so we consider it prime we loop through
all the multiples of three and we we
mark them as composite
then we take a look at four four has
been marked we ignore it we take a look
at five five has not been marked
therefore it is prime and we loop
through all of its multiples and mark
them as composite as well then we ignore
six because it's marked then once again
for seven we take a look at it and we
mark its one remaining multiple in this
list well there are other multiples but
the one multiple has not yet been marked
we mark it as composite
we then go ahead and loop through all
the rest of these numbers and for each
one we ensure that all of their
multiples are marked as composite and
after we're done all of that we have our
list of prime numbers effectively right
so we can boil it all down um to these
these numbers that we know between 2 and
50 are indeed prime
however here's something really
interesting about the way that this math
works and this is sort of our little
cheat code that's going to let us speed
up the compute a bunch right
that is that if you take a look at these
numbers again right after we were done
marking seven
we really didn't need to mark anything
else because if you take a look at for
example the number 11.
if you look at all the numbers that it
would have marked if you look at all the
multiples of 11 they've already been
marked by other numbers before 11. right
similarly if you take a look at 13 the
numbers that it would have marked as
composite have already been marked as
composite we don't really need to do
anything beyond the number seven why is
that though well it's because of a very
interesting property here you see the
maximum number that we have in this list
of numbers is 50. the square root of 50
is about seven it's just above seven
what that means is that if we know all
the prime numbers up until seven we can
just use those and mark all the
multiples of those primes as composite
and that's all we need to do right we
don't actually need to loop through for
example 11's multiples and 13s multiples
and 17's multiples we don't need to do
that as long as we go up to 7 and mark
all of 2 3 5 and 7's multiples as
composite we're good to go we don't need
to lose through any others now
this gives us a couple of very sort of
interesting alternatives as to how we
can compute
first of all
why do we need to make this better i
mean of course it's nice that we only
have a couple of numbers that we need to
start marking from
but what about the siva veritosthenes
makes it slow why do we need some you
know extra tricks well it's because of
this the sieve of eratosthenes is
terrible from a memory perspective now
from a computational complexity
standpoint it's actually pretty simple
but from a memory complexity standpoint
in terms of like actually accessing
memory on the hardware
it is terrible what do i mean by that
if we take a look at this list of
numbers again starting off with for
example two
when we had to mark all of the multiples
of two as composite what we had to do is
loop all the way from the beginning of
this array to the end of the array
and then for the number three we had to
start all the way back at the beginning
and loop all the way to the end
now that doesn't sound like much of a
problem there's just 50 numbers and
that's totally fine with 50 numbers that
doesn't make much of a difference but
the problem is when you get into the
hundreds of billions of numbers or
something on that scale because now
what's happening is this
as you're looping through your array of
boolean values to see if this number is
marked or not you are moving across
sections of the array and every time you
move across a certain sized section of
the array that entire section needs to
be loaded into cpu cache the old section
is invalidated thrown out of cpu cache
and now you're dealing with that section
you do this over and over again until
you get to the next uh prime that you
need to mark multiples for and then you
start at the beginning right you
invalidate what's in cpu cache you go
grab the beginning of the array put that
in cpu cache you start working on it and
you keep invalidating cash over and over
again that is
slow as much as possible you want to
avoid invalidating cash when you can't
you want to maintain the locality of
reference principle you want to make it
so that whenever you have subsequent
memory accesses as much as possible
they're as close to each other as
possible to increase the likelihood that
you are going to be getting cash hits
instead of missing your
the cash
of eratosthenes does not care about that
though and that's a problem
and that's why the segmented scene of
eratosthenes exists it helps us in a
very special way
what it enables us to do is i mean think
about it
if we know that from two to fifty the
only primes that we need to know
beforehand are two three five and seven
then we can go ahead and pre-calculate
that with a normal sea of vertositis
right we can find all the primes up to
the square root of 50 in this case
around 7. so we have 2 3 5 and 7.
then what we can do is we can take
chunks of the rest of the array and in
each chunk individually mark multiples
of those primes as composite so now for
example what we could actually do is
take the row of you know from 11 to 20
and 21 through 30 and 31 through 40 and
41 through 50 those four different
individual sections could be computed in
a completely isolated environment right
given any one of those chunks you can
determine which numbers are prime and
which numbers are composite uh based off
of just the numbers 2 3 5 and 7. so
in case you may have also missed this
not only does this help with locality of
reference because now each chunk that
you have to operate on is smaller
the chunks are isolated
and you know what that means if they're
isolated they can all be done at the
same time so that means you can
multi-thread your code and thereby make
it even faster
and there's a lot of really interesting
other tricks that you can apply here as
well like for example instead of having
an actual array of booleans where each
boolean takes an entire byte eight bits
worth of information even though it's
only a boolean so it needs a single bit
you can use bit arrays where you
effectively have eight booleans in a
single byte it's really fascinating all
the optimizations you can apply
and then of course because this compute
is incredibly repetitive and almost the
same for every individual chunk of
course there's some exceptions with you
know certain loops maybe being a little
bit longer or shorter for individual
because they're effectively the same you
can implement this as cuda code and you
can make it so that given a bunch of
seed primes like two three five and
seven up until 50
you can calculate which numbers are
priming composite in individual chunks
on the gpu now this is pretty
fascinating stuff let's go ahead and
take a look at how you can actually
implement it uh using cuda let's take a
all right now that you understand the
idea of the segmented sea of
eratosthenes let's go ahead and take a
look at the code and see why the
application works
so as you can see here i've got the code
pulled up and you're going to need to
bear with me here because it is pretty
dense there's a lot of stuff happening
there's a lot of logic here that might
take a while for you to understand of
course as always the code is linked in
the description below for you to go
ahead and check out for yourself if
you'd like to sort of read through it
more slowly
and sort of reference with the video to
understand individual sections of logic
and why it works
this is of course cuda c plus plus code
um which means that we have our
traditional c plus includes in the
beginning i will be going through these
we'll see where we use the functions
later on in the code um
but we start off pretty simply with our
definitions this code is multi-gpu
compatible so because i have two gpus on
this machine
as you can see here or it doesn't want
to work inside the docker container
maybe we'll do it right outside uh let's
do it here there we go you can see that
i have the two uh these are 230 90 ti's
that are running um enabling us to
calculate primes
so i am defining two gpus
i'm defining a byte type as just
unsigned character just because it's
easier to write byte than unsigned
character everywhere
i'm defining that when we invoke the
cuda kernel we will invoke it with 64
threads and 256 blocks these are numbers
that you can play around with to find
the most effective values for your use
case and i will link to some resources
to sort of explain what these mean in
more detail down in the description
now we start off with some pretty simple
high-level logic functions to create a
bit array to get an element from it from
a bit array and to set an element from a
bit array this uses pretty simple logic
for example if you have a number of
elements you want to store in the bit
array that number divided by eight plus
potentially one more byte if it's not
divisible by eight is how many bytes
you're going to need to represent these
number of elements as boolean values in
a bit array
a bit array get simply takes the index
computes which byte and which bit you
need to access in order to return that
value and bit array set does something
similar except it actually sets the
value using the masks that it calculates
now we have the naive c function the
naive c function is basically just a
completely normal sea of eratosthenes
there's nothing particularly special
about it
the way that it works
is you give an upper bound that you want
to see until and you also pass it a
pointer to both a
an array where you will where you want
it to store the primes
as well as a number to store how many
primes it actually found
so the sieve does not return the boolean
array instead it actually returns to you
which primes it found up until the upper
we start off by creating a bit array
so we can store the true false values of
which numbers are prime and which ones
are composite we start off by saying
that the total number of primes we found
so far is equal to the upper bound minus
because of course zero and one don't
count and then we start looping so we
start off with number two and we loop up
until effectively the square root of the
upper bound this is just a more sort of
concise way of saying that
while p times p so p squared is less
than the upper bound is just another way
of saying um
the square root of the upper bound
uh and we always increment so if when we
loop we see in the bit array that the
value is prime not composite meaning
that the value is still 0 in the bit
then for all of the multiples of this
number we mark them as composite if they
are not already marked so we go ahead
and check for the multiple is it marked
as prime if it is uh then we decrease
from the total number of primes and we
set it so that it's marked as composite
so that in the future we don't end up
marking it as composite again the reason
that this is important to do is because
then we are able to keep track of how
many primes we actually found
once this is done we go ahead and set
the prime count value that was passed
into the function as a pointer we then
go ahead and set the array to a a memory
for the total number of primes times the
size of an unsigned 64-bit integer
we then loop through our bit array
and for every number that is still
marked as prime we go ahead and add it
to the array and then we free the bit
array that we allocated up here once
again this is
c code c plus technically so we do need
to keep track of our memory manually
all right so now that's done this is the
naive c function out of the way of
course we need this to figure out sort
of our seed primes so if we are sieving
all the way up to uh you know a billion
that we don't actually once again need
to sieve manually um all the way up to a
billion we see up until the square root
of a billion and then we use those c
primes in order to determine um the uh
which which numbers are prime and
neutrons are composite in individual
chunks leading up to a billion
so let's continue from there
next we have a function that's meant to
create bit arrays multiple bit arrays
and particularly for the gpu so the way
that this works is it takes as input the
number of elements per bit array that
need to be
and then it also takes as input a
pointer to a size t type called bytes
per bit array as well as a size t bit
let me explain what this means
when we have our gpu kernel of course
the idea of it is that it's going to see
multiple chunks at the same time that is
why the code is so fast because unlike
on an individual cpu core where you can
only see one chunk the gpu can see
many chunks at once
now whenever you're sieving a chunk just
like sort of we did here with the naive
c you need a bit array this bitter right
helps you keep track of which numbers
within the trunk are prime and which
ones are composite
now here's the thing because the gpu
kernel is doing thousands at a time
we don't necessarily want to have to
allocate a thousand different bit arrays
and pass each bit array pointer into the
kernel for it to use
instead what i want to do is allocate
one contiguous chunk of memory that has
enough space for all the thousands of
bit arrays that we need
and then just use that
that's because it's just more efficient
to do one contiguous allocation than to
have a thousand separate individual
isolated allocations
so the way this function works is it
takes a number of elements per bit array
and the number of bit arrays that you
want to allocate it'll tell you how many
bytes each bit array will take but then
it's actually going to allocate
that number times the number of bit
arrays that you want
so the gpu kernel can now take this one
contiguous block of memory and index an
individual section of it which is that
threads um sort of chunk that it needs
to use of the bit array
so that's that's what this function does
next up is the meat of the code this is
this is the fun part right this is the
gpu kernel
this is what helps us actually achieve
this you know wonderful performance of
calculating um the the billionth prime
and and so on
though this actually takes quite a few
inputs so let's take a moment to just go
through them
of course this function is also marked
as global this means that it is a cuda
kernel function this is something that
will run on the gpu all right so back to
the input
we start off by taking in is prime
arrays and is prime bytes
this is a
the contiguous bit arrays uh that we've
allocated using this previous function
um and these these bit arrays are going
to be used by each chunk to keep track
of the primes and the composites and is
prime bytes is how many bytes are used
by each bit array right so not the total
number of bytes in this contiguous block
rather how many bytes per individual sub
bit array within this contiguous block
now default prime count is basically
in each chunk because all the chunks are
the same sizes uh how many primes do we
expect by default right so uh for
example if you've got say you know
arbitrary number a chunk size of 10 um
then we know for example that all of the
even numbers within this chunk cannot be
prime so by default our default uh prime
count is actually five it's ten divided
by two uh because we know all the evens
cannot be prime uh five is our maximum
number of primes uh within the chunk
and what we do then in in the actual
function is we filter it down because we
know that not all the odd numbers are
necessarily prime we go ahead and filter
it down um to just the ones that
actually are prime
but this is just by default sort of our
maximum our upper bound of how many
primes there can be in each chunk
there are other ways to optimize this
and you can sort of like figure out per
chunk a better value um in order to
reduce the memory usage but we sort of
skip that um and this is just upper
bound uh based off of simply uh the
chunk size divided by two
um then of course we also have the array
where we want the gpu kernel to store
how many primes it found per chunk so if
the if the gpu is processing say you
know again arbitrary number a thousand
chunks then this array will have a
thousand elements
and each element will be per chunk how
many primes were found within the chunk
so just for context the gpu kernel does
not actually return the prime numbers
that it found rather it will only return
per chunk how many primes it found this
is useful because then on the cpu end of
things we can go through each chunk keep
keep keep track of how many primes were
counted and right as we see the nth
prime number that we're looking for say
we're looking for the millions prime
right as we see hey this chunk brought
us to a millionth prime
then we can go ahead and recalculate
that chunk on the cpu and figure out
which number was the millionth prime
this is a lot more efficient than
actually sending all of the prime
numbers from the gpu to the cpu because
of the way that the gpu works and i'll
explain that in just a moment
next of course is our seed primes and
seed prime count
c primes is just of course the uh the
primes from two to the square root of
the upper bound that we're that we're
seeing until
and this is just how many of those that
we found and then finally we have our
chunk size which is of course how many
like elements we we're dealing with per
chunk um and then chunk count which is
how many chunks we are dealing with in
total and also our chunk offset
what is the chunk offset you may ask
well basically once again this is
multi-gpu code right we are supporting
using uh in this case two gpus
now the problem with supporting multiple
gpus like this
is that
both of them need to somehow distribute
work and make sure that they're not
doing the same thing over and over again
the way we do this is by evenly
distributing the workload
let's just say once again we have 10
chunks that we need to process
what we do is we say gpu one will
process five chunks gpu two will process
another five chunks
however if gpus one and gpu two both
start at chunk zero and chunk five
both of them will end up processing
chunks 0 1 2 3 and 4.
that's a problem because now every chunk
has been duplicated and the next set of
chunks just hasn't been worked on
so what we do is for gpu 1 we set chunk
offset to 0. that means the gpu 1 will
process trunks 0 1 2 3 and 4.
however for gpu 2 we set chunk offset to
5. so when it wants to process chunk 0
it's actually going to add chunk offset
and end up processing chunk 5.
this makes it so that it's effectively
skipping all of the work that we know
the first gpu will get done anyway so
that's our offset for the gpu
kernel then within the kernel uh that
was just the input but now we get to the
fun part uh within the kernel uh we have
to do a little bit of ceremony in the
beginning to to get ready right so we
calculate our index so of course the way
cuda will invoke a kernel
is through blocks and threads using the
block dimensions and indexes
and the threat indices we calculate the
index of this specific invocation and if
it somehow is beyond the chunk count for
example we inv we invoked with
more threads and blocks than we actually
had work to do then this specific
invocation of the kernel will return um
if if not though if this is a valid
invocation then we will go ahead and add
that index to the chunk offset and we
will use this um as
effectively like which index in the
global array of work
we are we are currently on
then we go ahead and get our bit array
and we do this by indexing our global
set of bit arrays and we add the index
that we're on times however many bytes
each bit array takes right so this will
figure out our memory offset inside this
global um contiguous block of bit arrays
and then this will give us sort of just
our pointer to our bit array that we can
safely use and make sure we're not
stepping on the toes of any other
indications of this kernel
um beyond that is some pretty
fascinating sieving logic that is
as far as i could get it to be
branchless because remember as much as
you want as much as possible at least
you want to make it that gpu code is
branchless you want to make it so
there's no if statements no branching
gpus are a lot simpler than cpus which
is why you can run thousands of these
threads at once so if any one thread
all of your threads actually need to go
through the different branches that were
that were selected so it makes your code
slower basically
for example over here what i'm doing
is i'm calculating a low and a high
sort of
lower and an upper bound for the numbers
that we're actually dealing with in this
from there i want to skip any even
numbers so for example if low is an even
then i want to increment it uh to make
it odd and if high is an even number i
want to decrement it to make it odd
because again we don't want to waste our
time dealing with even numbers but
instead of doing an if statement where i
do a modulo and make sure that it's not
uh make sure that it's not
even instead i do a branchless mechanism
of doing the same thing which is
basically a bit wise and against the
number one to figure out if it is odd um
and if it's we just invert that and then
add that to low so it has effectively
the same
consequence consequence
of doing an if statement and an addition
uh however we don't actually need the if
i then go ahead and reset the memory
within the actual bit array so that we
can we have a fresh slate
uh clean slate uh the reason this is
important is because there may have been
a previous invocation of the kernel uh
that has already used the bit array so
we just reset it completely
and when we actually do the allocation
of course over here there's no guarantee
of what was in the memory previously
and so this is just a sanity check just
making sure that everything is nice and
after that we have the real seating
logic so we start off by once again sort
of like the naive sieve having a count
of how many primes we have so far which
in this particular case is just our
upper bound that we already specified
um and then we loop through all the seed
primes we do not start at zero we start
at one because the first seed prime
which would be at index zero
is the number two and once again all the
multiples of two
i.e the uh the even numbers we are
already skipping so we actually don't
even need to process that c prime we
skip it
what we do then is a little bit of funny
logic to determine within this chunk
what is the lowest multiple what is the
first multiple of the c prime
that we have uh that that we're
currently processing so for example for
the number three within the chunk that
we're currently processing what is the
first multiple of three
so we go ahead and run uh this this this
this math to figure that out and if
for some reason our calculation brought
us to a value that is lower than our
lower bound
then we just simply go ahead and add
that seed prime again that should bring
us into the range of low to high once
again this is a branchless way of
basically saying if low multiple less
than low low multiple plus equals c
primes i
except this doesn't use an if statement
we then go ahead and run our sieving
loop similar to what we had in the naive
that will help us mark all of the
of this seed prime as composite
even though we may already consider them
prime so what we do here
is we take our low multiple and if this
low multiple is an even number we add c
primes again right so if the multiple of
the c prime that we're looking at
currently happens to be an even number
we add the seed prime again which will
guarantee that we are now looking at an
odd number because if you take an even
number and you add an odd number you end
up with an odd number
after that we loop while this value is
less than our upper bound uh and again i
really don't like doing this because a
while loop of course means that there's
branching but i couldn't really find a
way to avoid this loop there are
definitely ways um to do so but this is
this is the code that i came up with
which is significantly faster than my
cpu code so it's still a a win there but
i'm looking forward to optimizing this
out in the future potentially
and then we go ahead and calculate um
within the chunk the index of this
multiple um of course where in the bit
array the byte and the bit that this
would actually be located we want to
figure out if it's already been set um
and if it has been
then we update uh the prime count uh
or in this case if it if it was already
set as prime uh then we want to
reduce our prime count because now we
know uh that this is composite uh and so
we can we can reduce that and then we go
ahead and uh
figure out a new value uh for the byte
inside the bit array containing this
value uh if it needs to be updated and
then we use this branchless logic to
determine what the new value should be
so if it was already set as prime
then we want to use this potential new
value if it was not set as prime then we
want to continue to use the old value
that was already in the bit array this
is the branchless logic we use for that
then we go ahead and add our c prime
multiplied by 2 to j why are we
multiplying by 2 well think about it we
know that j is an odd number we know
that this c prime is an odd number
because it's a prime odd plus odd that
means even but we want to skip all the
evens so we multiply by 2 to make this
an even number meaning that when we add
it to our odd number we get an odd
number so we skip the multiple that we
know would have been an even number so
that's just a little bit of an
optimization meaning that we only need
to deal with half of the primes or or
really values in the chunk at all
then we would have had to if we weren't
doing so
then when all is finally said and done
we go ahead and update the prime count
in the prime counts array
and there we go that's the gpu kernel
that it might have looked a little
intimidating but really when you break
it down the logic is quite i wouldn't
say straightforward
but it makes sense you know according to
according to the logic that i've already
described previously
then i just have another function this
is effectively the same thing as what we
just covered except it's not a gpu
kernel it is a cpu function
that just you know works normally on the
we use this because when we figure out
from the gpu
how many primes there are in each chunk
then we need to receive the chunk that
contains the nth prime and we want to do
that on the cpu because it's wasteful to
invoke the entire gpu kernel just for a
single chunk so we want to do that on
the cpu
next we have our logic that helps us
to distribute work across gpus so we
have this structure over here that i
which contains information for a gpu
worker thread so uh effectively for each
gpu i spawn a new cpu worker thread to
handle that gpu in particular uh the
input to any given worker is of course
the gpu index that it must deal with uh
the size of the chunks that it will deal
with how many chunks this worker needs
to deal with the chunk offset which is
what i described previously
and the chunk prime count which is our
maximum sort of upper bound of how many
primes are possible per chunk
we also need to be past the seed primes
and how many there are as well as the
output array which is where we are
expected to deliver back into sort of
this array how many primes were found
per chunk once again if there's
five chunks then there's going to be
five values in this array each one will
be expected to set to how many primes
are within the respective chunks once
the gpu kernel's done being invoked
and then there's of course also an
atomic variable this is shared across
the gpu workers this is actually one
common atomic variable that we pass to
all the workers
and this is how many chunks have been
processed so far so if you need to
a million chunks
as as the trunks are being processed we
update this atomic variable from all the
different threads so the main thread can
print out a log of how many chunks have
been processed so far
once we have that structure defined we
can finally go ahead and run our worker
function our worker function is simply
for handling the invocation of the gpu
kernel making sure it gets all of its
input correctly making sure it's fed
taking a look at what it says and
delivering that output back to the main
thread so let's go ahead and take a look
at how it works
so we have this function called process
trunks on gpu it takes uh the worker
input and returns a void pointer this
just we just need to conform
to this uh particular sort of function
signature because uh this will be
invoked via p thread
and p thread expects us uh to uh to have
this specific function signature so we
go ahead and cast the void pointer input
into gpu worker pointer uh gpu worker
input pointer
and then we go ahead and start real
logic we first call into the cuda api to
set the device to the correct gpu index
that we're expected to work on
and then we start allocating some memory
the first thing we do is figure out how
many chunks the kernel is actually going
to deal with and this effectively boils
down to how many threads and how many
blocks we're invoking based off of the
um defines that i had set up ah in in
the code
um we then also go ahead and calculate
how many invocations we're going to need
um and so this is obviously starting off
at one because we need at least one
invocation of the kernel we can't have
half an indication
however from there we need to do some
math to figure out how many times we
actually need to invoke the kernel based
off of how many chunks we have to deal
so for example if we need to calculate
more chunks than threads times blocks um
then we need to invoke the kernel
multiple times in order to deal with all
of the chunks that we need so if the
input chunk count is less than the
kernel chunk count meaning one
invocation deals with
more data than we actually need
then we're already good to go we only
need one invocation and we're going to
set the kernel chart count to just the
input chunk count because that's all we
need to do uh however if the in if if
this is not the case if the chunk count
is greater than what the kernel can do
in one indication then we update
invocations and we say it's equal to the
input chunk count divided by the kernel
chunk count
which is our sort of base value here but
remember this is integer division so we
are uh truncating decimal um and then
so in order to deal with that we then
check if um the uh input chunk count is
divisible by the kernel chunk count and
if it is not then we add an extra
invocation because we know there's going
to be some leftover that we also need to
deal with in one final invocation we
then go ahead and allocate the memory
for the seed primes on the gpu
so the um
we already have the actual seed primes
from our input here but this is
allocating the memory on the gpu and
then we go ahead and copy over the
memory from the cpu to the gpu we then
allocate the memory for the bit arrays
to keep track of composite versus prime
and we go ahead and allocate the memory
for the prime counts uh so the gpu can
tell us how many primes found per chunk
we keep track of how many chunks we've
totally processed so far we loop through
according to the number of invocations
that we've pre-calculated that we will
need we determine our offset uh sort of
based off of the kernel chunk count
because of course we start off at zero
but as we invoke we wanna
sort of increase our offset uh based off
of how many chunks we've processed in
the kernel indications before we then go
ahead and calculate how many uh
remaining chunks there are really this
variable is how many chunks we're going
to process in this invocation um and so
it starts off by default being equal to
the chunk count minus the offset and the
offset being how many we've already
processed basically um and
what we do here is if this value ends up
being greater than the kernel chunk
count then we go ahead and set the
remaining chunks to the kernel chunk
count um so if this value is less than
that then that's totally fine that's
just how many we need to do that's sort
of like our leftover and the last
invocation however if it is greater than
how many we can do in an invocation then
we're like okay we can only do kernel
chunk count for this specific loop
we then go ahead and add the chunk
offset that we have from our input into
the offset to make sure that the gpus
don't duplicate each other's work and
then we invoke sieve chunk gpu with all
of the input that we've previously uh
specified i then just for safety go
ahead and do a cuda device synchronize
which will make it that we wait for this
kernel to be finished executing before
we continue our code i then copy over
the prime counts from the gpu
here into the cpu device to host
we then keep track of how many chunks
we've processed so far and we even
update the atomic variable uh so that we
can print out a log in the main thread
when we're finally done we coulda free
all the cuda memory that we allocated
and return no
the function that ties it all together
that invokes all of our rather spawns
all of our cpu worker threads and
enables this application to work let's
take a look so in essence what this
function is doing is it's tying together
all the functionality that we've
described so far the idea of the
function is to help us actually find the
nth or i guess in this case m prime
um what this function does is it takes
the number m
this is for this is as i mentioned which
which prime we would like to find so if
we wanted to find for example the
millionth prime and would be equal to a
we then go ahead and do some
calculations this is because the seed c
veritostomies doesn't let us just say
hey give me the millionth prime instead
the civil fairtosthenes has us go up to
a number and it'll tell us which numbers
up until that number are our prime this
is somewhat problematic for this use
case so what we have to do is a little
bit of math the math in this particular
case is to approximate an upper bound
for what the largest possible number is
that could be the nth prime
and this is the math to do that there's
actually multiple ways of calculating
this this is like a simpler way of doing
it and basically what this will tell us
is if you wanted to find say the
millionth prime
this number is guaranteed to be greater
than or equal to the millionth prime um
it may be you know quite a bit over the
millionth prime so you may end up over
calculating a little bit and maybe
finding a couple thousand extra primes
than you wanted to
but it's better than not finding the
millionth prime at all
and so what we do is we calculate all
the primes up until this number and then
we count we find the millionth and then
we return the millionth in specific
of course though we don't just want to
sieve all the way up to the upper bound
because that would be very slow so we
chunk it up we square root the upper
bound that is our chunk size and our
chunk count is literally just that minus
one because the first chunk from two to
the square root of n we're doing
manually and using that as our seed
primes our chunk prime count which is
our sort of upper bound sort of like per
chunk how many primes you can have is
just the chunk size divided by two and
potentially one more if the chunk size
is an odd number from there we just go
ahead and log how many uh chunks we
actually have to deal with um and what
the upper bound is uh for the um
for the like m prime in this case
and then we go ahead and start doing
some actual logic so we start with
calculating the seed primes um which is
a simple naive sieve
and then we go ahead and start
distributing work across the gpu so we
start by calculating how many chunks
need to be dealt with per gpu and if the
chunk count is not divisible by the
number of gpus then how many chunks will
need to be uh dealt with by the last gpu
as extra versus the other gpu so it's
not a totally even distribution of work
it's really just we assign you know a
chunk to each gpu and the last gpu gets
however many is remaining basically
we then go ahead and create the um array
of arrays
that will contain the prime counts from
the gpus so this is an array of count
gpus where each value is a pointer to an
unsigned 64-bit integer which is really
just an array that we keep track of
using using memory allocation
we also keep track of all the input that
we're giving our gpu workers uh through
a similar sort of stack allocated array
and then also the uh p thread sort of
handles um the thread ids on a similar
stack allocated array for each gpu we
then create our atomic integer telling
us how many chunks have been processed
so far we then go ahead and loop through
the number of gpus that we actually need
to start working with
we count the number of chunks per gpu
that we need to deal with and of course
if this is the last gpu we add the
overflow that we may have
we then go ahead and allocate uh the
prime counts array for this specific
worker uh we need to call lock it so
that it's clean uh and then once that's
done we put together our input which is
just the type that i had specified
previously gpu worker input
and then we go ahead and invoke the
function uh we do so using pthat create
so that we launch the gpu worker
function on a new thread and then on the
main thread we simply keep looking at
this atomic variable and while it's less
than the total number of chunks that
needs to be processed we just print
however many chunks have been processed
so far and we sleep because we don't
want this to be um a a a lock we don't
want this to be a spin lock here we want
to allow the kernel to use the cpu for
other things for 100 milliseconds
while we wait for this atomic variable
to update then we just print a new line
so that we can uh flush out the the the
logs um we go ahead and join with the uh
other cpu threads that are actually
dealing with the the work just to make
sure that they're genuinely finished
before we start looking at their work
once again this is for safety and then
we run the logic that helps us figure
out which chunk actually contained the m
so we start off by
logging out how many chunks we've
checked so far and how many primes we've
seen this is by default equal to the
seed prime count because of course that
is how many primes we have already seen
in the in the process of checking
we then go ahead and loop through all of
the chunks the way we have to do this is
by looping through all the gpus figuring
out how many chunks that gpu would have
had to deal with based off of the gpu
index and the overflow and then looping
through that number of chunks so these
two loops effectively boil down to a
one-dimensional loop over all the chunks
that were dealt with across sorry worked
on across all the gpus so then for every
chunk basically we take a look at
however many primes were found within
the chunk we add that to how many primes
we've seen so far and if this new added
value suddenly meets or exceeds the
value that we're looking for we know
that we've found the empty prime
in this case we go to foundchunk which
is this this label here but if we have
not met that value yet we just update
however many primes we found update the
number of chunks checked and loop over
and over again if we end these loops
without doing this go to we know that
for some reason we couldn't find the m
prime could be that the gpu kernels
didn't invoke properly our math is wrong
something but we couldn't find it so we
just go to clean up
in all normal runs of this program you
should end up going to file chunk
now you know that um total chunks
checked is the index of the chunk
that contains the m prime so what we do
is we create a bit array and we see that
specific chunk once again on the cpu
once we do that we loop through
this new bit array that we've created
and right as we find the empty prime
based off of the markers whereas we find
it we go ahead and print it out and we
and just like that we found the amp
prime all we got to do now
is free our memory the reason we don't
free this in cleanup is because this
will only have been allocated within the
found chunk label
through this function call otherwise
that would have been
as far as i know either undefined
functionality or it's just um
it will just ignore your free if you try
to free a null pointer um but now to
think about it you actually shouldn't do
that because this is not going to be a
null point or this is going to be a
garbage pointer because it's just stack
allocated so the logic is correct you
want to free within found chunk
wonderful and then we've just got a
really simple main function all we do is
we get the current time of day run the c
function get the time of day again and
then print out how many seconds it took
for us to do the actual seating um now
we're going to start off with something
a little less ham here
this is this is quite a bit uh for for a
first invocation so
let's go ahead and actually take a look
at the code running shall we i'm going
to do so within my docker container here
i've got a fresh one
and so this is
this actually lets us run nvidia smi
i've got the code over here well let's
go ahead and quickly update it
i'm going to need vim for that
all right so let's go ahead and update
the code quickly to save a more
reasonable number let's just say we
wanted to find
the one millionth prime so what we do is
we update the code
run the compile command
and i will explain this in just a moment
so basically
actually let's go through the compile
command first so what this is saying is
we're saying run the nvidia akua
compiler um and we're passing it 03 for
the c plus code and then for the cuda
code we're also telling it to optimize
that and we're saying output to a binary
file called sieve and when you run it um
it's telling you that hey to find the
millionth prime i actually deceive up
until 16441
301 which means i need to process
4053 chunks
but it was able to go ahead and process
all of them so fast that it didn't even
actually log them
and there we go we find that the
millionth prime is 15485
863 which we can go ahead and validate
by going to the nth prime page pasting
it in and it should tell us
there are 1 million primes less than or
equal to
15 million four hundred and eighty five
thousand eight hundred and sixty three
let's go ahead and scale this up a bit
shall we this was this was fun um of
course i don't wanna vim a binary file
uh but we did a million
let's let's even skip ten million let's
just go directly to a hundred million so
i'm going to recompile the code we're
going to run
and there we go just like that in 0.4
seconds we find the 100 millionth prime
which i can paste in oh didn't want to
copy i wanted to paste
so i'm going to go ahead and do that
let's see if there we go the 100
millionth prime
now let's really go crazy so let's go
ahead and calculate the 10 billionth
prime number
all right
let's see here we have to process 511
491 chunks that's quite a bit that means
that we are sieving up until let me see
if i can read this properly
261 billion 624 million 684
681 that is our upper bound for how
large the 10 billionth prime can be
so as you can see the gpus are making
quick work of this and in just 26
seconds just over 26 seconds we're able
to calculate
see here
verify that this is indeed the 10
billionth prime there we go
just like that multi gpu segmented sea
of veritostones to find the nth prime
number i hope you enjoyed thank you very
much everybody for joining in today code
will be in the description feel free to
let me know if you have any feedback
ideas on how to optimize there's always
ways to make this better i'm by no means
an absolute you know expert in the field
of gpu programming um that is an
insanely complicated field and i'm sure
there's ways to make this better so let
me know if you have any ideas down in
the comment section below or any
questions i'd be happy to answer them uh
feel free to reach out to me and of
course if you enjoy this kind of content
and you want to see more of it please do
make sure to subscribe to the channel as
it really does help out a lot and thank
you very much everybody goodbye

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