Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is Tammy Bakshi and
today we're going to be going over a
fascinating new topic
straight from WWDC 2019 and it's called
swift UI now if you watch the WWC 2019
keynote I'm sure you've seen a lot of
the interesting things that Apple has
announced now there are two that are
very very important first of all there's
the combined framework which in that
enables a whole new way of working with
asynchronous operations but that's a
topic for a different video the second
one is called Swift UI if you haven't
already heard of Swift UI I'm sure
you're going to be fascinated by it was
the number one thing that come out of
WWDC this year and essentially it
completely redefines the way that you
define your user interfaces within iOS
or Apple platforms really so you can use
Swift UI to create a TV OS or a watch OS
iOS or also called AI Pedowitz for the
iPad or Mac OS interface essentially
enabling you to have one sort of style
of creating an interface to reuse code
across all platforms instead of having
app kit over on the Mac having you know
the specialized watch kit having iOS UI
kit and then the separate kits for TV
now everything is centralized everything
is a lot easier to work with and you
might be surprised at just how simple
Swift UI makes the most tedious UI kit
code now let me get the terminology
straight there just in case you don't
have very much experience in this field
now what the UI framework that iOS has
been using for years at this point is
called UI kit so if you've never
developed an iOS application before and
you've used a UI button or a UI label or
UI text field you have used UI kit these
are all parts of the UI a framework and
it's great it's versatile it enables you
to achieve a lot and used in the right
way it's very very powerful but there's
just one problem
and that's the key phrase if it's used
in the right way it takes a lot of
experience and a live code
just to do the simplest of things when
it comes to uikit but with swifty why
this is all taken away from the
programmer you no longer have to deal
with the hassle because now Swift UI
deals with it for you now what do I mean
well traditionally let's just say you
wanted to create an application with UI
kit which would run on a wide variety of
applications including any iPhone device
after say the iPhone 6 and from there
work on iPads as well you would have to
use auto layout and constraints you have
to define quite a big portion of your UI
in code if you wanted it to be complex
you couldn't do everything in
storyboards and at the same time it
would also be a little complex that
determine how exactly interview is gonna
look before you run the application
there's basically no way to determine
that unless you run the app get over to
that interview and then finally take a
look at oh this is what my application
looks like these are all problems that
are solved by Swift you on how well it's
actually doing this by removing the how
so let me explain what that means
traditionally with you wanna kit what
you're telling the framework to do is
exactly how you want to get to your
final user interface so you're telling
it create this label apply these
constraints and into the view do this
you know give you a bunch of steps as to
how to create an interface but the thing
is any framework that we've had as
developers where you have to actually
manually describe the how has
traditionally been replaced not very
many people use the actual manual URL
requests you just use a llama fire and
so similarly I will want to create a
very similar paradigm in the we're all
in the world of UI development and so
now instead of telling you I can these
are the steps you need to go through in
order to develop the UI you're now
telling Swift UI this is what I want my
interface to look like I wanted to have
the stack over here of elements I wanted
to have a button over here etcetera etc
and just like that su Qi will understand
what you want and it will create that
interface for you you don't need to tell
it how you just need to tell it what
this adds a lot more work on Apple side
in fact this has been
development for over ten years even
before Swift was created but were you
enforcement entered development but the
thing is it takes so much hassle off of
the programmer that it is absolutely
so another thing that's with UI does is
that it moves away from the how to one
and at the same time moves over to a
reactive programming paradigm what that
means is your view is going to react to
changes in the source of truth for those
views so let's just say you're
developing a simple application to movie
recommendation now let's just say
there's a brand new recommendation that
just came in for this user now
traditionally what you do with UI kit is
you would grab that new recommendation
it would append it to some sort of
movies array and then you would refresh
your table if you manually saying hey
there's new data you need to refresh now
and then what you would do is you I
could take a look at how many elements
that are in the array what the height of
each cell needs to be creating a
prototype cell manually defining that
prototype cell in the storyboard or even
your cone and then finally having your
cell displayed on-screen all of that is
removed with Swift UI all you do is have
your structure which defines your view
and this also brings me to another
change you're no longer going to use UI
views you're gonna use just regular
views and this time it's not it's not a
class or a structure you're actually the
view is a protocol and so now there's no
inheritance stuff used to deal with you
just need to make your structure conform
to the view protocol and so the
advantage of having this and having a
structure that conforms that view
protocol is that whenever a state
variable is modified within that
structure your view will automatically
reload for you now think about it when
you've got a structure and Swift
you cannot normally mutate variables or
things within that struct it doesn't
work that way that's the main advantage
of a structure versus a class a value
type versus a reference type but then
when it comes to views in Swift UI
what you can do is you can actually mark
as certain variables as state variables
for example remember that movie Zuri I
was talking about well let's just say a
new recommendation came in and you
appended to your movies array well if
you tell Swift that this is a state
variable it will know that the content
of this variable is
fundamentally linked to the way that
your view works or looks and so right as
it changes it will automatically refresh
your view and it will do so so quit
illusive so quickly that your user can
continuously interact with that view and
so that is the power of swift UI now I
know just talking about it might not
sound all that great but today I want to
actually build an application with you
from scratch the only thing that I've
built is the back end and I'm gonna be
building the whole front end with you in
Swift ey the idea is this what if I can
train a machine learning algorithm using
Tariq rig which is also Apple's machine
learning framework for Python and create
a movie recommendation system now you
may have already seen my tutorial on
training this and using UIKit this was
actually a code pattern for IBM so if
you'd like to check that out there will
be a link in the description I do highly
recommend that you check it out
but if you don't here is a quick brief
description now there's a data set
called the movie length data set in this
case we're using the 27 million version
of that so we've got around 27 million
ok so 27 million movies on our device I
mean of course not the actual movie
files but we've got 27 million movies
with their IMDB ID tmdb ID and so lion
DBA tmdb are different movie databases
tmdb provides an API and I'm also got
information about these movies and I've
also got information about users which
movies they watched and on a scale of 0
to 5 in 0.5 increments how much they
raid it so for example you can have a
3.5 rating you
could have a 2.5 rating you could have a
4 star rating these sorts of ratings so
we've got all these ratings and by using
to recreate I'm training a machine
learning model that automatically
analyzes all of these ratings and it
will generate predictions as to what
movies you should watch based off of the
movies you've already rated and so the
idea of the application is to use this
Cornell model using what Tariq Rhian is
actually created for us and use it
within the iOS application within Swift
ey in order to allow the user to
automatically do this sort of movie
recommendation and so that is what we're
going to be billing today when the user
opens up the application they're going
to see a list of the movies they've
already rated and at the same time it'll
be a little bar on the top where they
can click and search for new movies on
the bottom there will be a recommend
button that they can click and take a
look at new movies that Terry create and
machine learning model things that they
should watch something to note the
individual cells within the list will
contain an image of the cover of the
movie will contain the user's rating in
visual form and the movies title in
scrollable form so if it's too large to
fit the display you'll be able to scroll
across and take a look at the whole
title sounds complex but swift ey makes
it really really simple so let's take a
look first at a demo of the application
in action and then let's get into the
code alright so before we get into the
code let's take a look at a demo of the
application in action now on my phone
over here you can see that I've got the
application open now all right as I turn
it on it shows me a list of the movies
that I have already rated now on the
left you can see the cover of the movie
this is all downloaded in real time from
the tmdb API and of course you can see
my rating as indicated by the five
squares wherever it's golden or yellow
that is the rating that I provided
wherever it's gray that's stuff that I
haven't filled out so for example
Monsters Inc is three stars everything
else here is all 5 stars
now there's actually quite a bit of
functionality that goes into this
application so for example let's just
say one to find out more about Toy Story
all I need to do is click on that cell
and it takes me over to a detailed view
where I can take a look at my rating the
cover of the book the title and of
course a description of the movie itself
now if I scope back you can see that
there's this little like magic move
transition that the work movies does so
watch this as I move my finger back
what's happening is the word movies is
actually transitioning on the top left
from being this sort of back button to
being the title of the view that is
something that Swift UI does completely
automatically for you it's really quite
amazing now let's just say I wanted to
delete my reading on a certain movie say
Monsters Inc all I need to do is long
press on the rating and just like that
it's all grayed out there's no longer a
rating that I provided so if i refresh
the view it actually goes ahead and
clears that out for my favorites or the
ones at least that I've rated now let's
just say there's a movie that I want to
look for in order to rate it well all I
need to do is type in the search bar the
name of the movie say I want to search
for Shrek
so I'm gonna type in Shrek click on
enter and in just a moment it'll search
through 27 million movies on the device
and there we go we see the only movie
gets is Shrek and that's the one we want
if I want I can click on it and take a
look at some information and I can even
write it directly from this detail view
I just click on the stars that I want to
give it and I can go back if i refresh I
can see that Shrek should now be in the
movies that I've raided so now that I've
given the application some data how
about we go ahead go ahead and get some
recommendations so if I click the
recommend bottom button on the very
bottom of the screen we should see in
just a moment that it comes back to me
with a bunch of movies that it believes
I would be interested in seeing it's
like if in just a moment it's gonna take
all the movies that I've already fed in
its gonna convert them into a list of
movie IDs along with a rating that I
provided it's going to feed that into
the terique rate machine learning
it'll take the output it will put into
the view and the view will automatically
refresh let's try that once again I'm
gonna click on recommend give that to a
second and there we go as you can see
all the cells kind of animated
transitioned out and a bunch of new
cells came in look at that once more if
I close the recommendations click on
recommend watch how the cells move away
watch this that is the default animation
you don't need to code anything for that
smooth transition to take place as you
can see it's showing me quite a few
different movies now I've already
watched Monsters Inc wasn't too big of a
fan but it was a pretty good movie so if
I click on three stars
I've now provided it another rating and
now I can click on recommend once more
it'll take a look at the new ratings and
provide me some more movies and you can
keep sort of going through this loop of
rating movies take the look at
recommendations watching them rating and
continuing that loop and so this is how
the application works but now let's take
a look at how you can actually build it
so what I'm gonna do over here is I'm
gonna exit out of the application and
actually before we exit I think there's
one more thing that you'd find pretty
interesting iOS 13 as I'm sure you've
heard has dark mode so what I can do is
swipe from the top right of my screen
down and wherever my brightness
indicator is I can force tap on that
before snap is gone now in iOS 13 long
press and there's this appearance like
button if I click on that it turns to
dark now the entire iOS interface is
gonna be in dark mode so if I click on
the application look at that it
automatically adjusted for dark mode now
this doesn't seem like much but this is
only possible because you are telling
Swift what you want the UI to look like
not how you want it to get there and
because of that so if you can actually
handle basically everything when it
comes to localization or dark mode
versus light mode like for example take
a look at the X button little cross
beside the search bar right now there is
a white filled circle with a black X now
if I switch to light mode look
how that symbol changes to a black
circle with a white X it doesn't again
seem like much but because we're using
FS SF symbols which are a collection of
pre-built symbols in iOS because we're
using Swift UI this is all automatic for
you can even for example use a language
like Arabic that goes from right to left
and it'll automatically adjust your
whole UI to work with that new language
it's really an amazing tool so now let's
take a look at how you can actually
build this application so let's head
over to the code shall we alright so now
let's get into the actual code of the
application now when you create a new
swift UI project which by the way looks
something like this you start off by
creating a new project just like you
would let's just say it's a single View
application you're gonna create your
regular old product name as you would
but you're gonna click on this little
check mark called use Swift ey that's
very important too or else you're gonna
use UI kick you gotta have that checked
if you want a swift UI project but I'm
gonna cancel that because I've already
created the project when you do you
should have three Swift files in your
main directory app delegate that Swift
seam delegate and content view dot Swift
content view is where you're gonna be
doing the majority of your work it's
where you're gonna be developing your UI
and you can create more views just like
you would UI views or storyboards as
well seam delegate is a new file we'll
talk about that in just a moment
app delegate is the one that you know
and love so let's start off by talking a
bit more about the content view now when
you open up the content view as you can
see on the right of the screen there is
automatically a little phone over there
displaying what you've already got
as as code on the left of the screen and
so you've essentially got a code version
of your view on the left of the screen
and you've got a interface version of
your of your view on the right of the
screen now what's so special about Swift
ey is that you can actually modify your
UI both through code and through the
interface so for example on the top
right here say I click on this plus
button and I want to add say some more
text to the view I can take some time
and actually drag it over down here and
it's gonna go ahead and modify my code
in order to actually allow for that new
piece of text or what I can also do
let's just say I want bold text I can
command click on the text itself scroll
down to where it says let's see here
inspect and then from there it's gonna
show you a bunch of options again this
is the first beta so do expect for there
to be things like graphical bugs and
things like this but then again it will
show you a bunch of options as to things
like font weight size and much more so
if I were to say move over just a code
then possibly the inspector will work no
unfortunately doesn't again first beta
things like this are gonna have an X
code but towards the golden master and
September we should see more of these
bugs getting fixed and I mean if you
think about it there were actually quite
a few bugs in Swift UI that prevented me
from creating this application but there
are also workarounds and sometimes even
more efficient ways of doing things that
the bugs force you to find and we'll be
getting to that in just a moment
so as I mentioned you're going to have a
live preview on the right of the screen
sometimes though if you make a change in
your code that requires a rebuild of the
product it's going to pause that
automatic updating preview so there's a
little resume on the top right but
there's a little resume button on the
top right that you can just click it'll
rebuild and show you that that preview
now again as I was saying this is a live
preview so if I were to change my code
like for example hello world this is
Tanmay you can see the live preview
changes in real time and there's also an
option to run this live preview directly
on your device so you can actually use
that device and and interact in real
time so that is how these previews work
it's really interesting you should
definitely take a look now swiftie why
is compositional so for example let's
just say I wanted this text to be bold
all I would need to do is add bold and
just like that it should go ahead and
bold that text for me in the automatic
updating preview
just like that I can do lots of other
things like for example I can set the
multi or I can actually set the the line
limit to nothing so we can have as many
lines as we want so for example if I
were to put a line break in between the
two things it would automatically go
ahead between the two pieces of text it
would automatically create those two
lines and I can even set the multi-line
text alignment to Center and there we go
in centers of text this is all happening
live this is a compositional interface
which I'm sure you have used in the past
makes UI development super super simple
so now let's take a look at how you can
actually use this to develop a more
complex movie recommendation application
now when I went over to my files I'm
sure you notice that there are like see
here seven new files that you will not
already have when you create your
application these are all files that you
can download from a github repository
that I'm already set up for you down in
the description below now let me explain
what these are first of all you've got
the labor recommender dot die Lib file
this is essentially to recreate having
all their custom recommender functions
and utilities inside of a little
framework that you can use unfortunately
this is not a fat binary this is not
using bit code and therefore you're not
gonna be able to have one file that
works on arm as well as x86 meaning on
Mac and iOS simulator as well as AI
devices like your your phone and your
you're gonna need separate frameworks so
that's why this application currently
does not run on the simulator it will
only on the phone but it's an active
issue that the Tariq rate team is
working on fixing I've also got the
actual machine learning model called
movie wrecked a male model isn't around
50 6.8 megabytes
unfortunately this cannot be brought
down by a pruning this is a recommender
model not a neural network model so it
cannot be but it's actually a very very
simple interface you're basically just
giving it a dictionary of movie ID as
the key and the value is the rating on a
scale of zero to five with 0.5
increments and it's going to give you
another dictionary providing the movie I
and the ranking as the value of how
likely it is that the user will like
this movie there's also a probabilities
dictionary which provides the confidence
but I don't use that in this demo there
are also two more files links JSON and
movies not JSON now I would love to open
them up for you but they're huge files
and Xcode 11 crashes when you're trying
to open them so we're not gonna open
them but if you'd like to take a look
they're available on github and you can
open them up in a text editor like VI M
or atom or sublime text in order to take
a look but let me give you a quick brief
with links on you have got an array of
dictionaries each dictionary contains
three items movie ID tmdb ID and I am DB
ID so it's essentially relating each
movie to their respective identifiers on
tmdb and IMDB but I only use tmdb I've
also got movies not JSON which is larger
in movies not JSON you've got things
like a title the genres and much more
information you can take a look at that
if you would like to but those are the
only two JSON files we're gonna be using
in this application I'm also not a few
Swift files like for example I've got
this Levin shine not Swift over here now
this is not my own custom implementation
of the Levenstein at a distance
algorithm if you'd like to find exactly
who created this dobby a link to his
github gist down in the description
below so apart from that I've also got a
constants file now the user defaults in
Swift which is how the data is made
persistent is what's informally called a
string Lee typed API so I'm sure you've
heard of strongly-typed api's a spin on
that name is called string lee tight
baby eyes so it's you're using strings
to call certain keys and things from the
API now this is not great to do because
it's very prone to typos you've got to
type the same thing over and over again
if you replace it in one place you've
gotta replace it everywhere so that's
why I've just got a structure called
constants with a static variable called
ratings which refers to the actual key
so if I change it here it'll change
everywhere throughout the user defaults
and if there were more constants I would
just add them as more static variables
as a matter of fact this could just be a
constant if I wanted it to be apart from
that there's also a movie data provider
now the movie data provider is kind of
where things get a little bit more
it uses three libraries so it use a
swift UI it uses the brand new combined
framework and it also uses dynamic json
dynamic json was installed through cocoa
pods so that's why this is actually a
workspace it's using cocoa pods and this
is the only pod that i've installed
dynamic json it makes it very very easy
to work with json and swift
there's also combine which is which is
as i mentioned a new sort of paradigm
for for asynchronous programming again
that's a topic for a different video but
then there's swifty why why do we use
swift UI here well let me explain so the
movie Dana provider is let's see here
around 236 lines of code that enabled me
to work with those those JSON files that
I mentioned in a very easy way so links
and movies essentially there is a movie
type and there's a link type every movie
has things like in the title of the
movie the genres and we can actually
take a look the movie contains it's the
movie ID title in genres as well and
essentially what happens here is the
movie and the link enabled me to do
things like download the cover image
from tmdb or download a description of
the movie or download a poster of the
movie these sorts of things through a
very simple movie dot download function
now the reason we're using Swift ey in
this file is because I have defined
movie as something called a bindable
object I know that sounds really complex
but essentially a bindable object is a
protocol and if you want your type or
your class where your objects or
whatever it is to conform to the
bindable object protocol there's only
one condition that you need to fulfill
you need to have a constant called did
change and whenever the internals of the
of this sort of object change you've got
a call that constants a yes something
has changed within this class and what
this is gonna let Swift do is gonna tell
us what they hate something changed here
so if there's any view that depends on
this refresh that view now okay so let's
just say we're on the movies view and
some movies rating change or the cover
change or something of that sort
well because it's a bindable object it
would tell Swift UI hey I've changed and
then the view would be like I depend on
you and it would go ahead and and
refresh the view and so that's that's
how that works this is combined but I'll
explain exactly how that works in the
next part of this series of what came
out in dub WC 2019 now there is a lot
more that goes behind here but remember
this video is about Swift UI right it's
not about movie recommendation if you
want to find out more you can take a
look at my code pattern there will be a
link as I mentioned in the description
but this is a much much more complex
version of that code pattern it's much
more general it's much more extendable
and it's much more scalable so you can
take a look at all this code you can
understand if you'd like to but today's
topic is Swift UI
all you need to know is that the movie
and link types enable us to do things
like download relevant information take
a look at movie genres take a look at
the title read the JSON files in a very
very easy way and there's also a special
structure called a movie data provider
which actually stores all the movies and
all of the links that we have from those
JSON files within itself there is also a
static variable called shared which is
its own instance so essentially instead
of having to initialize this over and
over again and instead of having to
reload the data over and over again
I just have a static shared instance of
this structure that you can use or
affect the application use this in order
to access data of the movies so again
nothing that you really need to worry
about right now but this handles
everything for a movie recommendation to
movie searching to basically everything
else in terms of the data but now let's
focus on the UI finally I know that's
something you've been waiting for so
let's start off with
now content view is great but this is
not it doesn't depict what the view is
gonna show it's gonna be showing movies
so let's remain content view to movie
view I'm gonna do that now all right
there we go I've renamed over to movie
view I can even rename the file now one
thing to note if you build right now you
will get a build failure because you've
got to go back to the scene delegate and
tell it you're no longer using a Content
view as your initial view you're using a
movie view if you build now you should
see it built successfully now if you'd
like to bring back that live preview
click this little lines of code thing
over here and click on editor in canvas
and there we go you're gonna see your
live preview I'm gonna hide the file so
we have a bit more working space there
we go so I am going to hide the mini-map
just to make this give us a little bit
more space gonna make this a little bit
smaller and resume the live preview as
you can see currently the movie view
only shows hello world not very useful
let's make that more useful so the way
we're gonna do this is we're going to
start off by initializing a list of
movies so the way you do this is by
first of all having some sort of array
of content to use so in this case we're
just gonna have a variable within the
structure called movies and it's going
to be a type array of movie objects and
so by default this will be equal to an
empty array I'll talk about why in just
a second now within the body of the
actual view what we're gonna do is we're
gonna stop an list and so what used to
be called UI table views are now lists
now what we're gonna do is we're gonna
pass these movies to the list and say
this is the array from which the content
of the list is going to be determined so
each cell represents an individual
element of this array in the same order
that the array is so the very first
element in the array is the very top
cell so what I'm gonna do is I'm going
to open parentheses and pass movies to
this list and then I'm going to open a a
bracket and there we go we're inside of
this closure now one thing I'm gonna do
is I'm going to define the argument that
we're taking so remember because
is a closure what's happening is that
every time this closure is called it's
passed a movie object and that is an
individual element from this movies
already and so what were what our sort
of responsibility is is to return a view
that represents what the cell should
show for a certain movie so let's just
say we wanted each cell to show the
title of a movie then we just return
text movie duck title and just like that
in just a moment if I were to go ahead
and resume the live preview we should
see a blank list just like that well
that's because we didn't give it any
movies we've got to go ahead and do that
and traditionally this was a big problem
right when you do story of your
development you've got these prototype
views but you never really see what your
application is going to look like and
this is a big problem that Swift UI
solves in order to solve in order to
pass it some sort of data show all you
need to do is say over here in the
preview provider pass some movies and
let's just say we head over to the movie
data provider and we ask it for the very
first movie that it has and this happens
to be Toy Story so I'm gonna go ahead
and try again having actually compiled
up unexpected error occurred again very
first beta of Xcode you're gonna have
these bugs but no problem all we need to
do is clean rebuild well you should see
that it builds successfully and right as
it does we should be able to try again
and see the live preview now again this
is gonna be way more stable in the in
the final release of Xcode 11 let's take
a look
alright so unfortunately it seems that
the live previews aren't cooperating
with us so what would be better is to
actually run this on the simulator now
something to know in the preview
provider you're actually passing the
list of movies that you want to render
so when you're running on the simulator
of course you're not gonna be using a
preview provider so you're gonna go over
to your scene delegate and you're gonna
tell it to initialize that view with a
certain array so I'm gonna pass that
over and I'm going to run this on I
phone 10s max simulator let's take a
look so it's gonna go ahead and run
let's take a look at that in just a
moment alright so after powering through
some technical difficulties with the
Xcode 11 beta with the Tauri create not
working on x86 I finally found a way to
get it to work you don't need to worry
about how I got it to work
we'll get to that towards the end of the
tutorial because that is where machine
learning comes in let's take a look so
as you can see on the right we've got
our preview again now this preview is
showing Toy Story 1995 which is the
title of the very first movie in the
movies awright so in the movies that
JSON file the movie that has the the
very first movie and that's in that JSON
file is Toy Story great it's that's the
one that pops up now the thing is we
don't just want to show the title right
we want to do something more interesting
let's just say we want to show an image
of the cover of the movie and to do this
we need to display two things side by
side horizontally we need the image and
of course we also need the text which is
the title and the rating so what we're
gonna do is we're going to embed this
text within what's called an H stack a
horizontal stack of views so to do it
ultra simple command click on text and
click embed in H stack and just like
that it's in an H stack now there's
gonna be no change in the preview so far
because there's nothing else in the
stack but you can put things there for
sure so what we're gonna do is basically
just simply put an image and we're gonna
cast it a UI image of the movies links
cover image so we're gonna tell it to
download the cover image alright give
that a second and it should update the
preview so it's actually going to get
the movie it's gonna find the movies
link within the link stock JSON file
it'll find it's it's tmdb ID and
download the cover image so as you can
see on the preview page that doesn't
look so good it's way too big for this
display so let's go ahead and minimize
that a little bit and the way we're
gonna do that is we're going to do that
by resizing now again because Swee'Pea
is compositional it becomes a lot
to do this so we're going to actually
define a frame for this image we're
going to tell them that the width is
going to be 87 and the height is going
to be 127 pixels now something about
just giving an image a frame will not
actually resize it first you can tell it
that it is resizable after that you
should see over there on our preview
that it does go down to its to its
requested height and width now just to
make it look a little bit better again
you can adjust this to however you'd
like we can do something like providing
this with a corner raise which will
essentially round the edges let's just
say a corner radius of 10 just like that
we should see on our preview that the
corner radius becomes 10 we can see a
rounded rounded edges around the book if
you'd like you can even give it a border
just like I did and the art in the
earlier version of the application what
there's no need to do so if you would
like to do is just say border color gray
or whichever color you'd like and the
width of the border say 5 and just like
that in our live preview it should
update to give the cover a border now
things have been going relatively slowly
so far because we're pretty new to Swift
UI but this is gonna go a lot faster
from here because now you know the
fundamentals so let's start building
upon this and create a more complex UI
now of course we don't want toy story
just being there we want it to be big we
wanted to be a title so we are gonna do
that these are going to provide this
text with a custom font you're gonna be
saying font or dot font in order to
provide the font dot large title and
just like that it should expand that to
become a large title style font now the
thing is let's just say your movies name
is a little bit too big and it doesn't
fit of course you don't want line
wrapping just yet but at the same time
you do not want it to say dot dot dot
that's not a great user experience so
what you're gonna do is you're going to
embed this in what's called a scroll
view which traditionally in UIKit were
painful to work with but now with Swift
UI you just wrap it up in a scroll view
and just like that you've got a little
view where you can scroll across if
there's something that goes outside of
boundaries and when you put it in a
scroll view it also automatically goes
to the top because the scroll view is
taking up the whole space and the text
would have taken and the text is going
matically to the top left of the scroll
view now in the scroll view we can also
do more things or actually outside of
the scroll view like for example let's
just say we wanted to provide a rating
now think about how the rating was
positioned within the application as
you're seeing a screenshot of now there
is a horizontal stack of the image as
well as a vertical stack which is
another element within the horizontal
stack of both the title and the rating
so what we're gonna do is we're going to
embed the scroll view within a V stack a
vertical stack and so essentially this
vertical stack will contain the title
and below the title it's going to
contain the rating now we'll get to
actually implementing the rating in just
a second so let's add a to-do there so
we can get to that in just a moment
the reason I'm waiting is because that
requires another view called the rating
view that is actually its own individual
view structure we'll get to that in just
a moment so now that we've got this then
this list let's go ahead and actually
implement the search bar functionality
now in order to implement that
functionality you're gonna have to add a
text field above the list and in order
to do that you need to put the list
inside of a vertical stack and the text
field on top so command click on list
embed in vertical stack and just like
that you've got your vertical stack so
what I'm gonna do is actually do that
manually because currently in this beta
the indentation goes haywire when you do
it automatically so let's just do that
manually and now we've got a V stack so
on the top here I'm gonna add a text
field but the thing is we need somewhere
for the text field to actually put its
information and this is going to be in a
structure a variable within the
structure called the search term this is
going to be a string and by default it's
going to have just an empty string value
in fact we can just leave its type to
swift to infer now something to remember
the search term affects the way the view
and so what this means is that as a
certain turn changes the text in the
text field and the movies being shown
will change that's why you need to tell
swifty why that this is what's called a
state variable this means that it can be
mutated unlike other variables within
the structure and whenever it is updated
it will update the view as well as a
matter of fact because the movies of
course affect the list they're gonna
define this as a state variable as well
and so there we go you've got your two
state variables now for your text field
you're going to actually pass it the
search term but you cannot just type in
search term you have to put a dollar
sign before it meaning that this is a
binding variable we'll get into what
that means
in the next part of this tutorial now
this text field has to have some sort of
placeholder text again it doesn't need
to have placeholder text but it's always
better to have some sort of text to tell
you users what this text field is
actually expecting so to do that all you
need to do is pass it a placeholder with
some text in this case let's just say we
pass it something like movie name before
I had passed it something like search
okay there we go
now if I click on try again and I have
an update the preview it should go ahead
and show us the text field with the
placeholder text as well as the list
with the cover as well as the movie name
there we go it shows us the text field
now I don't really like the way that the
text field kind of sticks to the edges
of the view and so so this we can use
padding so again in a compositional
manner just say dot padding provide it
some edge in sets and we're gonna say
towards the top no padding but leading
and trailing padding will be 20 pixels
you can see the preview updating and you
can see the search bar moving in by 20
pixels on the side there we go now the
thing is if you saw in the other UI we
also have to have a little X button to
the right of the text field that says
yes we're done searching now you can
refresh go back to the favorites or back
to what I've already
so to do that we're gonna need a
horizontal stack so all you need to do
is invent this text field within a
horizontal stack now as you can see I
have purposely left the padding outside
of the horizontal or outside of the text
field and now the padding's applied the
horizontal stack itself this has an
advantage whatever the horizontal stack
has within it it will actually pad that
all 220 pixels so let me show you why
that's useful let's just say we add an
image which is of course our X this has
a system name of x mark cut circle dot
fill now what this is gonna do is it's
gonna create a horizontal stack of the
text field and the little circle a
little X icon now both of these will
take up as much space as they're given
proportionally now when you actually
reduce the amount of space by including
padding both of them will move in by 20
pixels to make the whole horizontal
stack 20 pixels padded so as you can see
on our UI on the right to preview it
looks great so now let's go ahead and
make this a little bit more complex the
way we're gonna do that is by actually
modifying the search term based off of
when you click the image so what we're
gonna do is over here with the image
we're going to create this so we're
going to have it have this thing called
a top action so essentially we're go say
image tap action search term is equal to
all right so self dot search term is
equal to nothing essentially what we
just did is we told Swift UI that right
as you click on the image right as you
click on that little X you're gonna set
the search term to well nothing now
let's take a look at a demo of this in
action and you see what's so powerful
about Swift UI is the fact that let's
just say and this is not something
you're gonna need to do what I'm doing
right now give me just one second there
we go okay yeah so what I was saying is
that Swift uisce powerful because right
here in the previews watch this see this
little play button over here I just
click on play and just like that the
simulator is within the preview I can
actually interact with this view just
like I would with in the iOS simulator
only thing is it doesn't do debugging
within this view so you cannot include
breakpoints you cannot print things you
can only interact with your view as you
can see it's currently loading up this
this sort of interactive preview and
there we go as we can see we have the
iOS simulator interface we've got the
current time battery and Wi-Fi it's
currently loading give that just a
all right so because the live preview
was acting a little buggy because of
Xcode being in beta 1 I decided to
actually launch the real simulator for
you so as you can see over here in the
real simulator let's just say I type
something in like family Bakshi or tan
named dan May back she has created this
test field alright I'd type this in and
now if I want to clear I can click on
this little button over here and just
like that it clears out the text the way
this works is again search term is a
state variable when it changes the view
will refresh when you're setting it to
nothing the view refreshes and it's like
hey this text field shouldn't have
anything in it and you see the
placeholder text which is search because
there's nothing in the text field and so
that is how these state variables work
now let's go ahead and actually combine
this all to do something even more
complex so I'm gonna go ahead and stop
the simulator because we don't want it
to just keep running and now let's go
ahead and actually take a look at what
happens when the user actually searches
for movies the way this is gonna work is
you're gonna have a private function
within this structure called process
search now the way this function is
gonna work is they're gonna have it
essentially determine whether to show
the users rated movies or to show the
search term now it's actually very
simple logic if the search term is
nothing meaning there is no search that
they're currently conducting then the
movies is just equal to the movies that
they have rated in the past if there are
any ok so we're gonna use the movie data
provider to do this but if there isn't
if there is a search current to use then
we're gonna set that to well the movies
that qualify according to that search
term so we're going to perform a search
for the search term so again we're using
the movie data provider to help us find
those movies and because movies is a
state variable right as you change the
movies the view is updated and you get
your new
in the list so just like that we've got
our process search function but
something else to realize is that there
has to be some sort of way for that
function to know when to process the
search and so that's why right after
your text field if you add a little
closure and do self dot processed search
what's gonna happen is right if you
click to enter on your text field so
right as you click enter on your
keyboard it's gonna call the process
search function and one more thing I
want it to do when you when you quote
when you do this is that I want it to
hide the keyboard okay so if there's a
keyword visible and you click enter I
want it to hide the keyboard
automatically I'm gonna do the same
thing for the image I'm gonna have it
process a search and then I'm gonna have
it hide the keyboard just like that
there we go
you've got your keyboard hidden so just
like that we are actually completely
done search for our functionality it's
really that simple
with Swift ey it's almost magical how
you can actually create such complex
interfaces in such little effort but
there's more you can do so again you
don't just have the movie view you've
got to have a more complex view so when
you click on a movie you want to go to a
different view that provides details
about that movie so what you're gonna
have to do is turn this view into a
navigation view the way you're gonna do
that these are going to wrap your
top-level V stack inside of this
navigation view and just like that your
view now has the ability to navigate and
in order for it to navigate there has to
be a button that deals with actually
moving to the next view so to do that
you're gonna actually have this list ba
not have have cells which are navigation
buttons so let me explain how this works
they're going to add a navigation button
here and its destination has to be some
view it can really be any view it can
even just be a singular piece of text
like for example the movies title and
you're going to wrap the cell content
within this navigation pocket so you're
gonna wrap this H stack within the
navigation button so now this is the
theory when you click on the movie it
should just take you to a different
that shows the movies title in the
center of the screen and you should be
able to go back and it should be able to
show you the the original view you are
now one more thing you can do this over
here is the view that is inside of the
navigation view and you can set its
navigation bar title which was movies in
the previous case so if I go ahead and
resume the automatic preview you should
see that that and of course it seems to
be text actually so if we take a look it
should show you that movies heading that
that we took a look at during the
previous iteration so I'm gonna go ahead
and let that load and there we go we see
movies we see search and we see the
actual movie now if I were to actually
go ahead and run this we should be able
to see what it looks like to actually
process and I'm able to click see the
movie title and go back let's take a
look as you can see on the simulator
I've got the interface loading up right
as it loads up we should see Toy Story
when you click on the Toy Story cell it
should take you to a different view as
you can see we're Toy Story is the only
text and you can head back and you can
do the sort of stuff so we're almost
there's a little bit more you've got to
do so from here what we're going to do
is head back over to our movie view and
we're gonna take this text and we're
going to extract it to its own sub view
okay so we don't just want it to lead to
a simple text field we want it to lead
or to a label we want it to lead to the
actual detail view of the movie where
you can take a look at the at the
information of the movie now before we
actually talk about the navigation
buttons let's implement rating control
now the way rating control works is by
using a custom view and this is the view
right over here it's on the github page
for this project you can take a look at
it right now if you'd like to as well so
instead of actually boring you and
manually coding in this whole sort of
rating view well
do is I'm going to copy this rating view
into the code and explain how it works
so let's create a new rating view file
just like so and what I'll do is I will
paste this into the rating view just
like that we've got this new rating view
and what we can do with this is actually
depict the ratings of movies so we can
depict 2.5 or or 5 or 0 or even even
other ratings so the way this works is
by actually just taking any movie and
this is a state variable so you can
actually change the movie and what it's
gonna do is it's going to take the
rating attribute of that movie which is
the rating that the user provided and
it's going to sort of render a view that
depicts that rating the way it works is
by creating a horizontal stack of five
rectangles now these aren't actually
rectangles these are squares but squares
are kind of rectangle so what's gonna
happen here is we're gonna have these
fly rectangles and the color of each
rectangle depends on which index the
rectangles act so let's just say that
the users rating is two then the first
two rectangles are gonna be yellow then
the final three rectangles are gonna be
gray if it's 2.5 then the first two are
gonna be yellow then there's gonna be
one rectangle that's which is actually a
combination of two rectangles top yellow
half gray and then there's going to be
one more gray rectangle and so that's
essentially how the logic behind this
works it's a little bit more complex but
it's very very straightforward code and
you'll be able to understand it based
off of the tutorial that I've given you
so far so we can head back over to our
movie view and to add the rating it's as
simple as replacing the to do with a
rating view providing it the actual
movie that we're currently dealing with
so if we go ahead and continue sort of
resume our our live preview
we should see that rating pop up not
when there's no writing provided again
it's going to be just all grace squares
and so again rendering service was
interrupted let's take a look at why
that was by running it in the simulator
perfect so what just happened here was
the fact that we did not already have
the user default setup in order to do so
probably need to do is call over here in
our movie view in the preview movie data
provider dot shared dot setup storage so
as long as you do this you will be good
to go when it comes teams or defaults
I'm gonna go ahead and do that let's
take a look at our preview we should see
the gray squares depicting the fact that
there is no rating currently for that
movie there we go we see the gray
squares now these are currently centered
and it doesn't necessarily look the best
center so in order to move to the left
all you need to do is tell the V stack
that's contained within to have
alignment that is reading moving left
aligned and just like that in our line
preview those five gray squares should
head over to the left just like so now
if we were to actually provide a rating
for the movie by say setting its rating
to rating save 3.5 then in the preview
as well we should actually see the 3.5
filling up just like so and so the
rating new does work and just to give
you a little bit of a sneak peak of
what's happening behind the scenes its
rendering one yellow square another
yellow square a third yellow square then
half of a yellow square and a half of a
gray square and then one more gray
square so that's how this whole rating
viewers but that's all that there is
when it comes to rating next up is kind
of like finishing off the application
applying our finishing touches to the e
to the app and to do this we're gonna
add something called a movie details
view which is the view that you see when
you actually
on the movie so what we're gonna do is
head over to the github page once more
and go to movie detail for you I'm gonna
copy this code and I'm going to actually
have it create a preview as well and
I'll talk about how that works in just a
second so I'm gonna create a new file
called movie detail view and there we go
I can paste in my code now the movie
detail view also has its own preview so
if you'd like to take a look at it all
you need to do is open up the canvas
resume the live preview and in just a
moment it'll render it up for you there
we go that is a live preview of what it
would look like to see toy stories movie
details you again what I really want you
to realize is that this is a huge
problem that Swift UI songs actually
previewing your views before you run
your application is something that
couldn't be done with UI kid at least
not easily but now it's Swift UI it's as
trivial as adding this little preview so
now it's head back over to the movie
view and also before we go there the
movie detail view the only variable that
it has is the movie variable based off
of this state variable it'll determine
everything that it needs to look
including the cover image the
description and everything else so let's
head back over the movie view and over
here the navigation button instead of
heading over to text of the movies title
we're gonna head over to the movie
detail view and we're going to pass it
the current movie that we're dealing
with in the list closure and so now you
should be ready to run this on the
simulator and actually interact with it
just like you would your regular
application there's just one thing it
cannot do so far it cannot actually
recommend movies and we'll get to that
in just a second so I'm gonna run the
application and what I just did here is
in the scene delegate delegate I added
the function called setup store
so what this does is even before the
window of your application is
initialized it'll initialize because
maybe user defaults such that it already
has a blank ratings dictionary so that
it knows which movies you're going to
write and it has the provision to
actually store that data so there we go
as you can see on the application we
have Toy Story
we have no rating so far because we
didn't provide it with rating we can go
inside and take a look at this detail of
view I can provide it a rating by
clicking on a certain value I can go
back and we see that new value and I can
even search for movies so I could type
in something like Shrek click enter and
the theory is that it should be able to
go ahead find Shrek within all of its
movies and there we go it shows it to us
I can give it a rating say I want to
give it a five-star rating
I can click on close and there we go we
get back to our favorites this is again
a list I can click and get some
information about the movie
so now let's implement the final piece
of functionality which is of course
recommendations the magic behind the
application so within the V stack that
contains the search bar and that
contains the list after the list I'm
gonna add a button and the way buttons
work is quite interesting you've got two
closures that it uses it has an action
and it has a label the action is what's
called when you actually click on the
button and the label is what's called to
actually figure out what the button
should look like so within the button
all you're gonna do is I'm gonna say
movies is equal to movie data provider
dot shared dot recommendations and the
label is going to be text
recommendations or recommend and I think
that would look best in all caps
of course since this is within a closure
we need to explicitly tell Swift we're
talking about self when it comes to the
movies variable and if we resume the
live preview any second now we should
see that button pop up on the bottom
there we go we see our little recommend
but then again there's no padding on the
bottom so let's add padding we were
gonna do that is just by saying not
padding edge in sex and we're gonna
provide it for no top no leading a
little bit on the bottom say 10 pixels
and no trailing again it's gonna it's
gonna update the preview automatically
so if there's more or less padding
required we can change that instantly
without having to wait I think that's a
good amount I think we'll still go with
20 just to be on the safe side
there we go it's nice and clickable and
it won't interrupt with your with your
with your swiping there we go so now
that we've got the recommend button
let's actually go ahead and test it out
now again it won't work on the simulator
and this is gonna have to run on a real
device so what I'm gonna do is open up a
QuickTime Player so you can actually
take a look at my phone now in QuickTime
Player we go ahead and show you my phone
there we go you can see my phone and
what I'm going to do is I'm going to
tell Swift over here that I do want to
provide recommendations because now I'm
running on a real iOS device so
unfortunately because of the fact that
to recreate does not run both on the
simulator and on the device if you do
not comment out all the machine learning
codes from your data provider then
you're not gonna be able to use the live
previews and you're not gonna be able to
use the you're not gonna be able to use
the lossless this is the old version of
the application there we go
we get the new version you're also not
gonna be able to run the get iOS
simulator but there we go we see our
movies now one thing to note again is
that the seem delicate we have
hard-coded for it to show Toy Story in
the beginning let's go ahead and remove
that because of course not everyone's
gonna like Toy Story and let's also head
back over to our movie view and set the
default values for the movies array to
all the movies that user has already
rated now by default this should be that
we'll gonna let this refresh as you can
see by default it's blank because so far
we have
read of anything but if I go ahead pick
up my phone search up say Toy Story I'm
actually doing this in real time I click
on enter you can actually see this
changing on screen it should go ahead
and search up Toy Story throughout its
vast database shows us all the movies we
can click on one to see the detail do
you head back right over if we want to
I'm gonna rate these all 5 stars
I'm gonna also search for say Shrek
can't click enter give that just a
second it's gonna show us Shrek
gonna write that say four stars again we
can even take a look at a detailed view
let's head back over to our favourites
and let's click on the recommend button
to take a look at the movies that to
recreate things we should take a look at
these are all the movies that it thinks
we'd like again I can go ahead and
provide some more ratings over here like
for example these ratings here now I can
click on recommend once more and it'll
go ahead and change my recommendations
did you see that did you see how the
cells actually moved on the on their own
and animated in such a smooth way
instead of snapping like a UI table you
would have done that is the power of
swift UI in action again you can just
keep doing this I clicked I'm not going
to begin watch what happens to be
Incredibles it slides out and Harry
Potter slides right in that is amazing
these are all default things we did not
code this in and just like that if you
click on the X button again you're gonna
see your favorites so or whenever you
rate it at least and so that was an
example of how you can create a movie
recommendation application within swift
UI now I did not cover the movie data
provider I did not cover the way the day
is loaded I did not cover actually quite
a bit of the backend functionality but I
did cover a lot on Swift UI and as
you've seen creating such a complex
interface in UI kit we've required much
much more code and I'm not talking just
about what we did I'm talking about what
Swift you I did I mean take a look once
again at the application alright this is
running in dark mode just like this I
switch over to light mode and there we
go we are in light mode
and the application looks just like
normal and there we go we can see all of
our cells and it animates nicely as well
so we can even scroll actually this is
one thing I didn't show you we can
actually scroll through that these
titles if they're larger than the actual
width of the screen or what's available
to this cell and so this is just one
example of how you can use Swift ey to
create a complex interface we did work
so if you I did a lot of work for us and
that is how you can use Swift UI to
create complex interfaces to create a
movie recommendation application again
all links will be in the description
below github
the link to the to the Levenstein get
gist the link to my earlier video on
turnt rate and creating a movie
recommendation system that was a code
pattern as well and that was what I had
for this tutorial I do hope you enjoyed
this tutorial on how you can use Apple's
brand new magical swift UI framework if
you did please do make sure to leave a
like down below apart from that if you
have any questions suggestions or
feedback I'd love to hear it and I would
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PineConnector TradingView Automation MetaTrader 4 Setup Guide

what's up Traders I'm Kevin Hart and in today's video I'm going to be showing you how to install Pine connecto...