Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
my name is Tanmay Bakshi and today we're
going to be going over two different
regularization algorithms that will help
you prevent your neural networks from
overfitting let's get started now these
two algorithms are drop out and drop
connect you may have already seen a few
of my videos on algorithms like dropout
and overfitting but just in case you
haven't seen them let me go over and
give you a quick primer on what
overfitting is and also it's less often
counterpart under fitting as well
so let's start off with what overfitting
is now overfitting is when your neural
network go to the head and memorizes its
data it doesn't generalize to data what
that means is whatever you try it on it
has remembered but it's unable to answer
new data it's unable to take new data
and give you good results because it's
just trying to memorize what you trained
it on this can happen if you have too
many parameters in your neural network
so for example let's just say you've got
a graph of data like so so you've got
your x and y axes here and you've just
got a bunch of data like this if your
neural network is specifically drawing a
line like this like on each dot what
that means is your neural network is
essentially memorized the locations of
every one of those dots and is just
drawing a straight line between them it
hasn't actually learnt any useful
patterns and underfitting is what
happens when for example you have a
neural network that draws a very
ambiguous line to your data so for
example if you've got this data over
here if your neural network just draws a
line like this it's not learning a very
good fit of the data and
so more parameters but a good fit on
data is one where you're not going from
point to point but at the same time your
neural network has a good idea of the
structure of your data so for example if
you've got another good set of points
over here if your neural network
understands how to go between these
points of data understand how to
separate them and does good on both the
training and the validation sets and
they've got a good fit and this is what
you want because of course you can't
train your neural network on everything
it's going to see there are a few ways
to combat overfitting first of all of
course more data is always better
because then you've got a much higher
variety of data of different features
that you're exposing your neural network
to but sometimes this isn't always
possible and in some cases you have very
very few examples but tons of features
in which case you are very prone to
overfitting your networks and other
machine learning algorithms like for
example Kangol has they're don't over
fit challenge where they give you 200
training examples of 20,000 features
each which of course makes your girl
networks very prone to overfitting but
there are a few ways to combat
overfitting and underfitting of course
under fitting feeding in more parameters
creating a larger neural network always
helps when it comes to overfitting
decreasing the width and sometimes
increasing the depth of your neural
network always helps introducing things
like residual connections don't hurt
either and when it comes to more complex
networks like convolutional networks
there are new and better techniques like
batch normalization that enable you to
actually normalize and standardize
actually the data that your layers
output however drop out is what we're
going to talk about today so how exactly
does dropout work let's take a look now
let's just say you've got a simple
multi-layer perceptron neural network
now this neural network has a very very
simple structure actually you
essentially just got these two input
neurons say we're doing the XOR task
you've got three different hidden
and you've got one output around okay
very very simple now each of the input
neurons are connected to each of the
hanger-ons of course this is how
multi-layer perceptron networks work and
then after that every single one of the
hidden nodes is connected to the final
output node and so just like that you've
got a simple multi-layer perceptron
Network but let's just say you had
thousands of these inputs you had say
three or four different players and you
had hundreds of individual nodes within
those layers in that case you've got a
long waits and because you've got a lot
of weights that means your network has a
very very strong ability to memorize but
that's not what you wanted to do if of
course that propagation had the choice
to it would just encode all that
information within the weights so that
it could memorize each one but you don't
want to give back propagation that
chance and so you've got to use a few
tricks in order to prevent overfitting
one of these tricks is called
dropout now the way dropout works as
well you drop out a few neurons at
random to force the neural network to
make a new paths to learn the same
knowledge and so for example let's just
say reply dropout on this layer over
here we apply dropout over on this layer
now every time you apply a dropout you'd
apply a probability okay so let's just
say our probability is 50% okay we've
got 50% 0.5 probability of dropping out
of every individual node so during the
forward propagation over here
essentially what we're going to do is at
random we're going to take these neurons
and there's a 50% chance of just setting
their value to zero so no matter what
these are this could be X this could be
why this could be Z no matter what they
are there's a 50% chance of X just
becoming a zero there's a 50% 50% chance
of Y
and 50% chance of z becoming zero this
essentially makes it so they don't learn
anything for that one individual step of
training and so what that does is it
forces the neural network to say hey
even if this input isn't available I can
also make a decision just by looking at
this neuron and this neuron and there's
no pattern to how dropout works it would
work in just random ways forcing the
neural network to create new pathways of
learning how to make a classification or
regress to a certain continuous value
and so this is how dropout works you
could have very aggressive dropout at
say 70 percent dropout probability
although that's usually over-aggressive
or you could have very minimal dropout
just around 10 percent around back
propagation through time for example to
make sure that information still flowing
but you've got a few different ways to
get knowledge across and so this is how
the dropout algorithm works drunk
Connect gets a little bit more specific
with how things work though again the
drug connect you've got another
probability but you don't apply
probabilities to layers you apply it to
the weights between layers and so for
example let's just say that this layer
over here has these weights and this
layer has these three ways now let's
just say we were to apply drop connect
to this set of weights over here and
again if we were to apply say a 50%
chance of dropping out randomly then
what we would do is instead of dropping
out the actual nodes we're going to keep
their values instead what we're going to
do is we're going to drop out individual
connections between nodes so for example
let's just say input 1 to X has been
crossed out all right let's just say
input 2 to Y has been crossed out okay
so we don't want this connection and we
also don't want this connection just
like that that's all you need to do each
weight has a 50% chance of being dropped
from that backward pass now one thing to
note you will not do this during your
forward paths there's this thing called
a learning phase
that will essentially tell the dropout
to say alright if you're doing a
backward pass then apply dropout our
drunk Connect but if you're doing a
forward pass just pretend like it's not
there and don't do anything because
we're doing a forward pass we want the
inferences of all neurons to be
influencing the final output value and
so that is how dropout and drunk a
network and their performance is really
by modeling for such a simple technique
it can be applied in practically any
neural network architecture for
multi-layer perceptrons to convolutional
neural networks all the way to recurrent
neural networks however convolutional
neural networks don't usually play very
well with dropout because there are
certain filters that may be critical to
for example to the final output decision
based off of a certain class or even
individual pixels within filters and
therefore dropout isn't usually used
nowadays at least with convolutional
neural network so still probably see a
few implementations of CNN's would
dropout but it's not very common because
it's been superseded by a new algorithm
called batch normalization and so the
next part of the video I'll be
describing Bachelor mobilization and how
you can actually standardize not only
input data to your network but also you
can standardize the data coming out of
each layer to make the next layers
learning easier and accelerate your
training by many many fold and so that
was a quick overview of the drop out and
drop can I algorithms and how you can
prevent your neuron that looks lower
fitting by Maybelline back propagation
to find in new ways to spread knowledge
throughout the neural network at the
same time make sure that all modes get
some knowledge and they're not just
memorizing certain values based off of
certain inputs all right so I hope you
enjoyed that tutorial thank you very
much for joining in to the next part
i'll be showing you batch normalization
and of course how you can go ahead and
implement this algorithm along with box
fertilization on your own data sets with
multi-layer perceptrons and
convolutional neural networks in cross
and Swift for tensor flow all right so
thank you very much joining them for it
for joining in today and that's what I
had for this tutorial do hope you
enjoyed if you did please make sure you
like down below if you do have any
questions suggestions or feedback feel
free to leave a comment and I will
certainly get back to you artfully not
if you do believe this tutorial can be
useful to anyone you know like your
family your friends feel free to share
the video as well and if you really do
like my content you want to see more of
it feel free to subscribe to the channel
as well as it really does help out a lot
and apart from that turn on
notifications if you want please if
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release new content so thank you very
much goodbye

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