Thursday 17 October 2024



now just before I get into the actual
video today I just like to say that an
early access copy of my book for the
first two chapters hello Swift iOS
programming for kids and other beginners
has been released you can find it at the
link in the description I really hope it
helps you along your journey of learning
iOS development through Swift so hello
there my name is tanu Bakshi and this
time we're going to be going over how
you can use the IBM Watson speech to
text API with Swift and in an iOS app so
let's meet again
now usually most tutorials including the
actual official example by IBM doesn't
allow you to record audio adjust sort of
uses a pre-recorded audio file and does
speech text on that however I'm going to
be teaching you how you can actually
record audio and also give it to the
speech-to-text API for it to transcribe
and you can get your text so this is
basically a rundown what we're going to
be doing let's begin basically we're
going to have the iOS n R over here just
pretend this is a iOS end alright that
right there
then we're going to have our Watson in
which is basically our speech to text on
the Watson end alright
and through bluemix what we're going to
be doing is we're going to connect to
bluemix which will connect us to that
sort of Watson API and back
alright so that's basically what we're
going to be doing in order to use speech
to text you know let me just make this a
bit more clear for you or I didn't
realize that happened so basically
what's going to happen again we're going
to communicate with bluemix which will
give us our
credentials to talk with Watson so let's
see how this works oh all right so I say
soap it were gonna be doing let's switch
over to the back part now in which I'm
going to be teaching you how exactly you
can use the iOS SDK for the Watson
developer cloud in order to use
speech-to-text let's get to it so
welcome back to my chart and now I'm
going to be showing you how exactly you
can actually integrate the IBM Watson
speech to text frameworks into your
project let's begin so first of all what
you're going to want to do is go to the
iOS SDK github repo for the IBM Watson
developer cloud and so this is basically
where you're gonna find your
documentation the source code for the
iOS SDK etc etc so as you can see my
internet is not exactly the most
cooperating with me right now but
eventually it should load so at a
snail's pace huh all right so continuing
as you can see over here when you scroll
down you will see visit our Quick Start
Guide whatever-whatever
so want to click on Quick Start died and
it will bring you to this little link or
choosing um pretty little sample
application so you're just gonna want to
read that document completely I actually
had quite a few mistakes because I
didn't read it completely but as long as
you read it completely you should have
no trouble
so yeah just give my internet a second
to load yeah this should be good anyway
let's just pretend the Quick Start Guide
open okay there will be a link to it in
the description though I promise so
continuing them as you can see there are
quite a few example codes here but the
Quick Start Guide they really explain
how you can incorporate the api's into
your application alright so you just
want to read that document completely
and incorporate the api's into your into
your app application and then once you
have integrated that you can continue
with this tutorial
alright so now I hope you're back
alright so let's begin first of all my
example app as you can see I have my
frameworks put in
Fredi object map arrest kit speech text
v1 Starscream and I do not need
text-to-speech I don't know why I
included that they can just delete that
alright continuing though how does the
interface of the app look let's just
begin with that alright so basically
this is an extremely simple interface
alright nothing really to explain here
there's a label multi-line label 22 font
size you can have any font size you'd
like then there's a button start stop
recording it's that simple now the thing
is what you're going to want to do with
this button is you by default you're
going to want to actually yes so by
default you're going to want to set its
alpha to 0.5 the reason I'm saying this
is because we want this button to be dim
when we're not listening to the user
when when it's not recording but we want
it to be sort of brighter when when
we're actually listening to the user and
then dimmer again when were the one
we're when we're finished listening to
the user so basically why we're setting
the alpha to 0.5 all right so basically
the opacity but continuing them so now
basically as you can see under this we
have a touch up inside action to the
start/stop IB action alright and then
the UI label has an referencing outlet
to the you can actually the name of the
IB outlet is transcribed label that's
how simple that is
alright so now the code here the
beginning part this part okay so I'm
going to explain the IB outlet first the
IB outlet is essentially again just the
UI label and it's just transpired label
this is what how where we're going to
give our output my Apple watch okay I
don't want to stand right now alright
continuing belt they're not going to
create the recorder variable the AV on
the airport and I declare this as a
class go variable so that we can set it
up in the muted load function and then
actually record with it in a IB action
alright alright so now in the
viewdidload function as you can see we
have a bunch of code here now
I'm just going to skim through this
first of all here what we're doing is we
are just setting basically we're looking
for the documents directory we're
setting the file name that way that the
recorder will save to we're going to get
the file path itself all right so that's
that then we're getting a session the ad
audio session the share instance of it
and then we're setting the settings of
the wav file or the wav file we're going
to record and then we're doing something
and we're going to try to set the
category of Accession to AV audio
session category play at the court all
right then we're going to set the
recorder to again we're going to try to
do this now we're going to set it to an
AV on your recorder with the URL as the
final path meaning it's going to save
its final result at that file path and
then give it the settings that we need
all right then we're going to make sure
that the recorder setup if it is not
then we're just going to return out of
the function and that's it sort of we're
done and so I mean if it is that we're
going to continue and we're going to
prepare the recorder to record and
basically what we're going to do is
we'll go set the metering and labeled
variable to true and we're going to tell
it to prepare to our court now one more
thing really quickly though most of this
code was actually taken from the iOS SDK
the example code from there this was
just calling from there because the
thing is I didn't want to have to set up
for a quarter from scratch so you know
it's built already for me I took a bit
of that open source code and I put it in
here the power of open source is amazing
but continuing so basically yeah this is
from the IBM Watson example code and of
course I will be giving a link to that
in the description then we have the IP
action called start stop recording
alright and we're also taking a
parameter called sender uibutton
and essentially what we're doing with
this parameter is a sense we're going to
be able to set the Alpha value of the
button to 1 when we start
morning and 0.5 when we are done
alright so weighs about will checking is
if they're quarter is not according
meaning if not recorded on recording
that means that we're not currently
recording development the button is dim
then we're going to set this set a
session constant to again the current
shared instance of the av audio session
then what we're going to do is we're
going to try to set that session to
active alright so we're going to set
active true then what we're going to do
is we're going to say recorder dot
record and set the sender's alpha to 1
okay next what we're going to do is
we're going to say else
currently we recording and the users
click the button meaning they want to
stop recording then again we're going to
do a record on stop and this will stop
recording the users voice then like once
setting these senders alpha back to 0.5
so it's dimmer again then essentially we
take that and we take a share
instance of the av audio session what's
more incentive to not active meaning
false then you create a new speech to
text and since by saying let speech to
text is equal to speech to text username
and then of course our username here and
of course also the password which is
this password here alright so next then
we're going to be do setting the
settings birth of constant to the
transcription settings and we're going
to actually set the content type to dot
wave it's the easiest sort of type I
could use okay because the thing is it
is a bit harder to get iOS store court
and other formats wave is one of the
easiest that I I was able to find
because that was the default code that
was already there alright so then what
we're gonna do is we're going to create
a failure but then again I don't believe
this is required anymore
but they haven't exactly updated the
speech-to-text API in the iOS SDK yet so
the family of error will still has to
remain and so basically we're doing is
we're creating a block of code that will
take an NS error and print that error so
it's basically a function and a constant
and then what we're doing is we are
calling that speech-to-text
constant and we're doing dot transcribe
on it we're taking the speech-to-text
class and we're running that doctor
transcribe function and so essentially
it's using the reporters URL we're
taking the file from the reporters URL
and then essentially it is taking the
settings of course that I gave it and of
course family available failure variable
and then essentially all it does is it
just takes the results and again this is
an asynchronous call and so that's why
we have this little block of code here
and so basically I'm taking these
results from that little asynchronous
call and then I'm checking in the trance
wave basically results that last done
alternatives that last dot transcripts
exists exists and if it does it goes
into a constant called transcription and
then basically the transcribe labels to
text it gets equal to transcription and
that is basically how the start stop
recording thing works and again this was
also taken mostly from actually let's
see if this loads now now my internet is
still not cooperating with me I don't
know why but anyway continuing again
this code was mostly taken by heavily
modified from the IBM Watson iOS SDK
example code so now technically we
should be able to run this and see our
reward or app running so I'll meet you
alright so as you can see the app is
running on the phone so there's a hidden
little label over there and there is a
button over here that allow us to start
and stop recording as you can see right
now that's currently a bit dim but right
as I click on it it's going to be a much
brighter right as I click on it once
more it's going to become dim and then
we'll be done recording so let's try
transcribing something shall we now I'm
going to just transcribe something
really simple for the first time at
least let's do this I am currently
recording a YouTube video and using the
IBM Watson speech to text service
you could see that button getting dimmer
and brighter and now it's dimmer again
because it's not listening to us and in
just a second this should be able to go
to IBM Watson and as you can see I am
currently the am sort of gets stuck here
with the IBM Watson speech to text SDK
but then again they're working on it
that'll be results soon I assume so I'm
currently recording a YouTube video and
using the IBM Watson speech to text
service that's how the app works and so
now we can just zoom out from there and
get back into the Mac part alright so
that was it for the video today I really
hope you enjoyed and if you did please
make sure to leave a like down below and
even subscribe if you really like my
content and you want to see more of it
you can even share my video share my
video with your friends or family or
really anyone who you think this would
help and that's gonna be for this
tutorial if you have any questions
suggestions or feedback you can surely
email it to me at tad you made
and you can also tweet it to me at
taching many that's gonna be it for this
video again one more place you can
contact me is down in the youtube
comments below let's connect to this
tutorial hope you enjoyed good bye

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