my name is Matthew I've been trading
since 2016 and I became consistently
profitable in 2018 so I've been trading
and investing in Forex stocks and crypto
for a couple of years now and in that
time I've come to love and become
proficient in Pyne script coding so I've
been coding since I was about fifteen
years old and as of recording this video
I've just turned 30 so I started with
our games programming and creating basic
applications I used to create games once
a University to study how to code but
then I ended up in the music industry
ended up as a audio engineer and music
producer instead of a coder but a couple
of years ago I injured myself and I had
to give up that career and that passion
and over time I've developed a new
passion for trading and particularly
coding trading scripts so I never
imagined that all those years of making
games and tinkering with code and
fooling around with computers would lead
me to this position now where I am able
to trade profitably and use my coding
knowledge to enhance my edge and reduce
my screen time but now that I'm here I'm
really excited about it I'm really
passionate about trading and I love to
teach I love to pass on the information
that I've learned the same way that I
learned from mentors that were
themselves passionate about trading and
coding so that's why I created this
mastery course and why I'm here today
doing all of this so if you're
passionate about trading as well and you
want to learn Pyne script look no
further than my Pyne script mastery
course I'd love to have you as a student
if you have any questions shoot him to
otherwise I'll see in the course
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