Thursday 17 October 2024



so hold there and welcome to another
my name is Tenma Bakshi and today we're
going to be going over how you can train
your own word vectors with Facebook's
fast text library let's get started now
first of all what are word vectors now
work vectors are related to the field of
natural language understanding and
natural language processing in essence
they enable you to represent words in a
mathematical vector space so you can
actually quite literally represent the
semantics of different words instead of
the syntactic s-- using well mathematics
enabling you to take abstract concepts
like of course natural language and what
we mean by it and represent it in a
fixed dimensional vector space I know it
sounds very confusing but let's go ahead
and take a look at an example of word
vectors in action now first of all how
would you traditionally do natural
language processing let's just say that
word vectors don't exist so let's go
even take a look at an example and let's
just say we wanted to build a spam
classification system how would we do it
well you might take a few different
messages alright and you might take a
look at all the different words there
are in those messages and then you
create a unique list of all those
different words so basically every
single possible token in those words and
if well you have a token that's not in
that set and you consider it out of the
Cabul Erika Wolvie now in order to
represent this data for neural network
of course you can't feed in characters
so you would need to one hot and code
your entire vocabulary so let's just say
you're working with spam and you've got
a twenty thousand words okay so you've
got twenty thousand words now let's just
say we're working with a regular old
dense neural network your multi-layer
perceptron we're not working with any of
the fancy long short-term memory neural
networks or anything of that sort now
let's just say in the inputs and of
course this is not going to work very
well but let's just say you had a neural
work similar to this one where you have
20,000 inputs and your very next layer
has even say seven hundred and seven
hundred seven hundred units now if you
want to take a look at the amount of
connections between twenty thousand and
seven hundred that's not very scalable
that is not going to work well because
you've got way too many weights just
between the input and your first layer
you're not going to be learning anything
nearly useful and it's gonna take a very
very long time to Train
you're gonna need intense regularization
techniques there's intense chanting
chances of overfitting and overall it's
not a very good technique so you need
another way to represent your input and
of course instead of representing it
syntactically like you are now
individual words you somehow want to
represent it semantically as to what the
words actually mean instead of well
which words they are let's take a look
at how you can do that now of course
we're gonna be using neural networks so
let's take a look that's the word
vectors Inc the word vector technique
essentially enables neural networks to
understand what certain words mean by
understanding what words come before and
after it as john rupert first said for
example he's a very very famous linguist
from a few decades ago he said you can
understand a word by the company that it
keeps now we're gonna be doing something
similar to what he entailed but this
time with machine learning so let's take
a look at a simple sentence so let's
just say Tami back she is recording a
YouTube video
actually let's continue the sentence for
is channel alright
now you take a look at this sentence how
can you understand what all the words in
this mean now let's just say we were to
take a look at a simple task same next
word prediction or context prediction
now let's just say we take a look at the
word back sheet can we train a neural
network to predict the word that came
before it and the words that would come
after it that's what the word Tyvek
technique entails but I know what you're
thinking how would that be anywhere near
accurate you could have tons of things
before and afterwards well the
interesting thing is due to the way that
neural networks learn we're not
interested in the final output at all
we're interested in the way that the
neural network got to that decision let
me tell you what I'm talking about so
let's just say you have a 20,000 local
area size huh so you've got 20,000 words
in your data set now let's just say you
fed them into a neural network where the
next later was 300 units long that
outputs back into a 20,000 long you know
it sounds pretty pretty interesting
doesn't it how we have a neural network
that inputs 3,000 3,000 vital item
auto-encoder at first but it's not we're
gonna have different inputs and
different outputs now this is the way
it's gonna work all right we're gonna
define something called a context window
which is how much before and after a
certain word the neural network should
look for to make its predictions now how
big or small this is totally depends on
your domain if you're doing something
like for example by the recommendation
you might want to have a really big
context window size because then you're
actually understanding the patterns
between a word and
things that come before and after it if
you're doing English you might just have
a context so we no signs of to because
if there's something occurring over here
it's not related to Bakshi you don't
want to have that big window size but if
there's something over here actually
recording are related because I'm
recording a YouTube video so it's
important to have the right context
window size or your neural network
therefore your Warren factors won't
really learn anything interesting let's
go ahead and let's just say our context
window size is 2 all right
and again our word here is Bakshi now
let's go back to words of course there
are no two words it's just one word so
we take a look at Taman we highlight
that now it's looking ahead two words
what are the two words as is and this
recording we highlight those words now
there are two ways we can go forward
either we can create three training
we're back she's the input Tam is the
output then back she's the input and
eases the output and then thatch is the
input then recording is the output
alright so for one of the same inputs
the output layer will have to fit it
will have to fit to three different
outputs which of course will never give
us high accuracy but again we don't care
about this last layer because when we're
done training the neural network or may
erase this all together we're gonna feed
him every single one of the possible
inputs and after that we're gonna get
the in coatings for every single one of
those inputs at the neural network
learned but still let's get back to that
in just a moment now that's one of the
options you've got a back she tell me
back she is back she recording or what
you could do is you can say Tanmay back
she is back cheap recording back she so
you can flip it around if you do that
sheet and then Tammy that's called the
skip grandma now these are usually known
to work better but if you were to do the
other way around where you take the
context and predict the word that it's
coming from that's called a continuous
bag of words model which is also good
but it's not nearly as good as skip gram
however the fast text API allows you to
actually use practically any
the model you want you can adjust all
your parameters yourself if you'd like
to I would recommend skip Graham for the
majority of the things you would want to
do when it comes to natural language
processing now similarly you're going to
go ahead and loop through the whole
sentence and every time they're gonna
love two words back and two words to the
front you're gonna add all that to your
training they're depending on skip
grammar continues bag of words with
Steve al and then you're gonna train
your girl network on those examples now
again you trained internal network don't
get a low loss but your accuracy will
not be great
don't worry though why because the final
classification where you've got soft max
you're gonna be erasing that altogether
then what you're gonna do is one by one
you'll take your one hot encoded inputs
and they're gonna run through them and
collect an umpire array of shape
twenty thousand all right for the sake
of clarity let's just make it twenty
thousand three hundred so basically are
gonna have 20,000 arrays of three
hundred lengths each now at least three
hundred will represent the actual
encoding that the neural network gave
you now the interesting part with this
neural network you can or with the
encoding that the neural network
provides you can actually interpolate
between different words or rhythmically
so you can actually with arithmetic
do operations on certain birds so for
example let's just say you have the word
King all right now let's just say you
wanted to find out King in relation to
another word some sort of analogy let's
just say you were to take the vector for
King that this neural network outputs of
three hundred lengths back and if you
were to negate the vector of the word
man and then add in the vector of the
word woman what would the up would be as
a human you can intuitively tell that
this should be equal to queen of course
what makes most sense here but this can
now be done with a computer because
you're not understanding these words
syntactically you're understanding them
semantically by understanding the
contexts in which they're mentioned with
other words through a neural network now
of course I do know that just a little
while ago I told you that if you
wouldn't have a neural network where you
have 20,000 inputs and then 300 hidden
nodes you're gonna be prone to
overfitting but in this case it really
doesn't matter as much as you may think
because again all we're doing is we're
getting the final encodings or the
embeddings and then their own network
provides new we don't really care but
whether overfits
on certain categories or not and so that
is exactly what i'm gonna be showing you
how to do today of course there are some
limitations to word vectors like for
example let's just say but there's a
certain word that's not in the
vocabulary but still makes sense to
humans of course you could take any word
and prepend um or append towards the end
ly you eventually come up with a word
that makes sense to humans intuitively
but the thing is of course the computer
wouldn't because it's not in this twenty
thousand list there's nothing to feed
into the neural network to get that
little bit output and so the fast text
library doesn't exactly use this
algorithm this is the original word
Tyvek algorithm fast text uses a
modified version and it is very very
fast and I mean it can train word
vectors in seconds instead of hours and
so what they do is this really
interesting Engram technique so for
example let's just say you were to begin
the word let's go towards the bottom
here let's just say you were to feed in
the word matrix it's actually going to
take a look at the mate at the word
matrix like this and a and a T 8080 our
I'm sorry it's gonna sort of go through
this using an Engram technique and then
it's gonna feed all of these into its
own little system where it's gonna
calculate these word vectors so if you
have something that's not you're not
necessarily in vocabulary but still
makes intuitive sense you should be able
to come up with a word vector for that
word is that's why the fast text library
is so intriguing been developed by
Facebook research now let's take a look
at how you can go ahead and implement
your own word vectors and I'm actually
gonna be using an interesting data set
it's provided by Stanford and it's
actually supposed to be used for neural
machine translation it contains
approximately 4.5 million sentence pairs
it was German but we're gonna be
ignoring the German one for now because
we only need English word vectors from
there there are over 120 million
individual words in this corpus let's go
ahead and find out how we can train
weren't vectors using this change
alright so welcome back to the code part
now let's take a look at how you can
actually implement word vectors with
fast text now remember the whole reason
that this is called fast text is because
well it lets you train word vectors
without needing to worry about spending
time on well your word vectors so
instead of for example creating an
embedding layer in Karass and then
having to train that with the rest of
your neural network you can take these
pre trained embeddings from fast text
and implement them in your cross model
or any other machine there's a model for
that matter or even process your data
beforehand and then feed it directly
into your model now in this directory
I've got three different files these two
are a pre trained model that have
actually gone ahead and trained myself
and this is the data that we're using to
Train so if I go ahead and take a look
at the data here open it up with vim is
you can tell the data is well there's a
lot of it if I were to in fact go ahead
and show you the word count or the line
count here it tells me that there are
four million four hundred and sixty
eight thousand eight hundred and forty
four sentences in this document now if I
were to go ahead and
for example ahead of this document this
is this is just a few of the samples of
what's in the document now of course it
isn't meant for neural machine
translation so there's a lot of
in here so for example there's a space
before before spam here and before after
the bracket and so if I were to go ahead
and make that a bigger for you you can
tell that there's a lot formatting but
fast text would automatically take care
of all the pre-processing that's
required now in order to train that your
word vectors there's just one very
simple command you need to run fast text
skip Graham to train a skip Graham model
pass it the input which is of course
your file with all your words and then
output to whichever model you want I've
already trained this one so let's output
to model number two and it's gonna start
off by reading all the millions of words
in your document now the specific one
that I fit in there will be a link to
this document in the description has
approximately 120 million words but
still though fast text is capable of
training word vectors on this data in
under 10 minutes easily whereas lots of
other techniques would take an hour so
to to complete as you can see it gives
you detailed statistics including the
learning rate of the neural network of
the time how many words are being
processed every second on every thread
and so there should be like eight
threads running on this MacBook Pro and
therefore we're getting around 70,000
per thread but it's slowly going up
until it reaches sort of a is row
plateaus it also shows us the lost value
remember the less here the better over
time this is gonna go down or up slower
because the learning rate is decreasing
linearly it also gives you an estimated
time of arrival so currently it's around
ten minutes and it also gives you a
progress of course you can control how
many epochs it actually completes in in
settings as well but by default even the
fast text models do give you very good
accuracy so let's go ahead take a quick
and let's see in the next ten minutes if
we get good word vectors from fast text
all right so we're almost done training
here and 99.9 percent and 100 percent
there we go so as you can see at the end
the learning rate was exactly zero so
that of course goes down linearly from
0.04 to zero those words per second per
threat through the whole training
session was eighty four thousand two
hundred and forty one and the final lost
value was 0.76 thirty three now it's
gonna go ahead and save the weight of
course the total number of words that
were actually finally that the neural
network was trained on was under than
eighty five thousand three hundred
eighty five but now I we're ready to go
ahead and actually use our word vectors
so let's go ahead and run the following
command I'll tell you what it does in
just a moment now the following command
is gonna do this it's gonna run n n
which a specific function of fast text
it's called a nearest neighbors function
and I'm gonna pass it the the model that
we just trained en de model to dot BIM
and it actually saves two files the dot
vector and the dot bin file however the
dot bin file is what fast text generally
uses in the dog fecfile is what you're
probably gonna use in your applications
if I run this it will actually go ahead
and initialize the nearest neighbor
interface the nearest neighbor tool
allows us to see which words are closest
to another word in the whole vector
space so let's go ahead and try it out
say for example I type the word King
what's closest to the word King it's the
word Queen and throne King Kings Thrones
dethrone Prince Duke Kingdom and Emperor
as you can see the neural network has
picked up a very good semantic
representation of the words and what
they truly mean similarly a poor solder
to type in Queen it would tell me that
King is the most related word in this
sense of course I can go ahead and
actually take a look at other words in
fact if I wanted to I could go ahead and
actually do some word analogies so now
I'm gonna pause really quickly open up a
new Python script and show you how you
can actually calculate word analogies
all right so now this color that you see
on screen right now will allow us to
figure out the analogies between
different words let's take a look
now this code over here essentially
starts off by importing
numpy CSV sis or system and cosine from
Sippy spatial distance essentially this
will enable us to figure out the cosine
distance between two different vectors I
start off by importing the neck file
that I was talking about of course the
delimiter in this case is a space since
it's not a CSV file but we are still
using the CSV library in order to read
the file I can rip that to a list from a
generator and then I do a quick list
comprehension and basically what this is
gonna do is it will remove the first
element of the whole array and from
every sub element it'll remove the last
element and so if I were to go ahead and
show you over here if I were to open up
the vector file as you can tell the very
first line is essentially how many words
there are and the dimension of the word
vectors and then you've got that in
every line the word and then a space and
then a hundred numbers each delimited
with spaces if I were to go to the end
of this there is one extra space at the
end and therefore Python says that
there's an extra value at the end even
though they're technically isn't or
practically isn't technically there is
and so basically we need to remove this
extra space and after remove this which
is what the list comprehension is going
to do for us after that there are just
two more list comprehensions first of
all I create an array of all of the
words so basically the first element of
every row and then I create the actual
vectors which is the the second element
on words converted to floats and then I
just go ahead and put those into a
dictionary so every key is a word and
the values are integer or float arrays
that describe the vectors themselves now
after that I create three different
numpy arrays a B and C so basically I
take the word vector for the first
parameter that you fed into the Python
script and the second parameter than the
third parameter and then I take those
word vectors and I convert the
to numpy race so to give you an idea of
what that means if I were to call Python
analogies dot p op py with King man
queen or king man woman what it would do
is it would set a to the value of Kings
vector B to the value of man's vector
and then C to the value of woman's
vector but let's go back to the the
script for just a moment
so after that I go ahead and create the
actual final vector which is the
calculation so a minus B plus C's the
analogy vector and then I go ahead and
put a little bit of logic in to figure
out which vector is the closest in the
data set and so I just create the
closest word closest score and then I
loop through the word vectors I've
calculated a distance and if the
distance is less than the current
closest score and if that word is not
any of the things that you typed in then
go ahead and set in this current
distance the closest one I've set the
current word to the closest word and
then go ahead and print out that closest
word it's essentially very very simple
script it's not necessarily optimal in
any way
there are definitely better ways more
efficient ways you can implement this
but that's that that's how this one
works for now so I'm going to go ahead
and run this quick script and if it
works we know we've created true
semantic representations of natural
language give it just a moment and if it
says final word Queen we're good to go
it's gonna take King negate the man
representation add woman and any moment
now close yeah again they're much more
there we go it says final word Queen and
just like that proves that we've got
true semantic vector representations of
natural language now of course there are
many other ways we could do this there
are tons of other libraries out there
there are pre-trained word vectors out
there for a lot of use cases it's good
to get your own word vectors and for
some use cases like for example product
recommendation your own word vectors are
absolutely priceless alright so that was
a quick tutorial on how you can use
Facebook fast text to train your own
word vectors on your own domain or your
own language I really do hope you
enjoyed that tutorial thank you very
watch everyone for joining in today
that's what I had for this tutorial if
you'd like to find out more please do
take a look at the code down in the
description below apart from that if you
do have any more comments suggestions or
feedback feel free to leave them down in
the comments section below
apart from that if you do believe this
tutorial could help anyone else you know
like your family or friends feel free to
share the video as it does help out and
also feel free to leave a like down
below if you did like the video parking
that if you really do enjoy my content
you want to see more of it feel free to
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does help out a lot and apart from that
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content so thank you very much for
joining today that's what I had for
Facebook fast text and word vectors good

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