Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is tanray bakshi and
today we're going to be talking about
the Ross borrow Checker and specifically
the kinds of rules that you can help to
build your intuition as to how to work
best with the borrow Checker now before
we get into it I would like to say that
if you enjoy this kind of tutorial and
you want to see more of it please do
make sure to subscribe to the channel as
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whenever I release videos just like this
one today and go ahead and leave a
comment down in the comment section
below if you have any questions
suggestions or feedback apart from that
if you like the video please do make
sure to like it as well now first of all
what is the Russ borrow Checker if
you've seen some of my other videos
where I've touched on the idea of the
Ross programming language The Borrowed
Checker is what makes rust so unique it
makes it so that rust can enforce the
ownership rules upon memory that it does
it makes it so that rust can do
completely automatic memory management
but it does so at compile time also
verifying memory safety for your
applications as long as you don't use
any unsafe blocks it'll verify for
example that you don't use a variable
after it's been freed it'll verify that
you don't have two separate functions
with mutual references to the same data
just in case there's a data race or one
of them doesn't expect something to be
mutated a certain way it'll make sure
that multiple threads cannot have
references especially mutable ones to
data unless they've been specifically
marked as being safe to send across
threads and so much more now these
safety guarantees are only possible
because of the rust borrow checker
and even though it does make programming
in Rust quite convenient because of the
guarantees that it gives you it does
also introduce some complexities
particularly there are a couple of data
structures that are very difficult to
implement in the rust programming
the most notorious example is a linked
list implementing linked lists and
actually using linked lists in Rust is
very difficult especially for beginners
just because of the inherent fact that
every single node has to have some sort
of reference in a way and own the other
nodes in the chain it is a little bit
difficult to sort of wrap your head
around other programming languages don't
have this problem because either they're
like C and they have you manage the
memory yourself or they're like Swift or
python or Java or whatever else and they
use automatic reference counting or
Garbage Collection to at runtime
determine when nodes no longer have any
more references or if there's just
cycles of references and automatically
free their memory so let's go ahead and
take a look at the rust borrow Checker
and learn some of its quirks and how it
determines things like lifetimes using
some linked list examples let's take a
all right now I want to start off by
talking a little bit about why I think
this is an important concept to cover
and to start off let's take a look at a
little bit of Swift Code so Swift is you
know a pretty standard programming
language I guess it has a couple pretty
Innovative features like in my opinion
its generic system is very powerful a
lot more powerful than most other
languages it's much more flexible the
syntax is really elegant things like
that but
the part about Swift that is also pretty
unique is its use of the automatic
reference counting system so what that
means is that while most programming
languages are garbage collected so for
example with python you know it'll it'll
track the number of references for every
object then every once in a while it'll
pause your program to collect garbage
deallocate memory and continue Swift
does that in real time so every time a
reference count increments or decrements
it will immediately determine at that
moment in time whether or not
um that variable still needs to exist
and then deallocate it if it doesn't
that has advantages and disadvantages
but that's not what not the point of the
video the point of this video is to talk
um guarantees so let's take a look for
example at this linked list class right
so in Swift uh classes are reference
types which is why we need to make the
linked list a class because it contains
itself and structures can't do that
otherwise they have infinite size we
have a generic type T which is the kind
of data we put in super simple append
function super simple print list
function that do exactly what uh the the
name suggests then I have functions like
this so for example yield pairs what
yield pairs does is given the linked
list of for example one two three four
five it'll call this function that you
pass it on the pairs one two two three
three four and four five
now what's really nice about the way
that Swift implements and pretty much
every other really compiled language
implements uh it's it's features like
this is that they help you encode Define
an API contract so what that means is
for example this function must expect
variables of the same type as within
linked list and when you create this
closure in line and you pass it to this
function at compile time switch will
verify that whatever you're doing to
these variables within that function are
compatible with the variable type within
the linked list right that's something
that Swift will ensure at compile time
it doesn't matter if you're passing in a
structure doesn't matter if you're
passing in a a class doesn't matter if
you call this function inside of another
generic function that has protocol
restrictions on T whatever right it'll
verify that whatever you do conforms the
contract of all of these different types
at compile time right and it'll do the
same thing for the link list like for
example we have features like for
example we can say that data is supposed
to be immutable So within every node
you're not allowed to have a mutable
piece of data now this is very helpful
because in large code bases it becomes
incredibly annoying to deal with parts
of code that don't have a well-defined
contract think about Python A lot of
people think you know Python's a really
simple programming language and it's
easiest to build things in Python but
believe me when I tell you that when you
start working with code bases that are
even medium to large in size that very
quickly breaks down because in Python if
you want to make a change to some part
of a code base that you're not aware of
then or that you're not familiar with
rather you have to rely on two things
you have to rely on human written API
contract documentation
assuming it's even there and they didn't
just assume you know it and then you
also have to rely that everybody using
your functions and types just happens to
actually conform to that contract
because with python thanks to duct
typing it's very easy to not do that
it's very easy to mutate internally it's
very easy to mutate internal state of
classes that you didn't expect to be
mutated whereas in languages like Swift
or calling or these sorts of languages
you can verify that these things will
never happen if I say it's let data I
know everywhere that that has never
changed once it is first initialized I
don't need to look right these sorts of
guarantees make it super convenient to
work with these more complex programming
languages for larger projects and that's
why you know for example here in like
the append sorted function I can say hey
if you give me a linked list where the
elements of type T conform to the
comparable protocol meaning I can do
things like this then I can go ahead and
append into the linked list in a sorted
fashion regardless of what the type of T
is and this is the kind of thing that in
C plus plus is really annoying to do
because when you have templates it's not
checking these sorts of you know
protocol conformances and things like
this and so if you call this function
with a template on the wrong type of
linked list suddenly you get an
unparceable error message about using
the wrong operator right and so you know
we've evolved to have better languages
that can help you enforce these
contracts more and more compile time
we went all the way from C having almost
none of it you know some level
um to C plus plus having you know some
some more I guess some lesson in other
ways like with templates
um and then we went you know we have a
whole different class of programming
languages like python to do duct typing
meaning do whatever you want and as long
as python can figure out a way to do it
it'll let you and then we have more
strict languages like Swift that are you
know actually checking as many things as
they can at compile time and rust is
also in completely a different class of
its own it helps you enforce these kinds
of complicated API contracts at compile
time but they do one more thing
they make it so that object and data
lifetimes are also part of that contract
that is really interesting to me so for
example here with Swift with the yield
the values of type T that you're passed
all of their memory information is
insanely ambiguous right so if T is a
reference type then you would be past
references and you'd be implementing a
reference counter if T is a value type
then you're going to be past technically
references of T but then if you try and
mutate it Swift is going to do copy on
right and if you're past like primitive
types and you're just going to be passed
like copies immediately like what is
happening behind the scenes regarding
memory is totally abstractive and that
makes it very easy to code don't get me
wrong right like this sort of code is
very convenient to write just like how
it's convenient to write python code for
small projects but then once again as
you start to scale python you hit these
problems with types and and people not
using your code as they intend and
similarly as you start to scale this
kind of code you also get more issues
like for example optimization problems
trying to understand
um why you have a bottleneck in your
code could it be the reference counts
could it be the fact there's a tight
Loop that's calling a function that does
very little work but has to also
increment and decrement a reference
counter right could it be the fact that
copy on right isn't working properly and
even though you're not making any
changes to your value types you're still
making copies they're all these things
that are insanely ambiguous once you
start to hit large projects with complex
logic it's super hard to debug with rust
though all of this is specified directly
in the signature of your function let's
take a look
so if I go ahead and v-split out into
um a similar rust file that I have as
you can see I'm basically mirroring the
Swift Code so I have a structure of type
linked list T we contain a reference an
optional reference that's what box is to
the next linked list node and then I
implement the same initialize append and
print functions based on whether or not
the type within the linked list conforms
to the display uh trade and let's go
ahead and take a look at maybe like a
rust equivalent implementation of yield
pairs I think that might be helpful
so in Rust the way I would go about
doing this
um is we would start off with of course
our function declaration so we'd say FN
yield Pairs and obviously we're off the
bat we need our generic type t
and we need to take an hour linked list
but hold right off the bat there is a
bit of a difference we don't want to
take ownership of the linked list
because we don't need it we're not doing
anything with that memory we're not
mutating it we're not getting rid of it
we just need a reference to that linked
list right after that we also need our
yield function which in Rust would be a
generic type so we would do F and then
we do where f is a function that takes
two values of type t
you may think our function signature is
over but actually not just yet because
and here's a really interesting part
about rust think about it we have a
reference to the linked list that owns
data of type T if we expect a function
that's going to take two owned values of
T this is immediately invalid because we
cannot do that we cannot take ownership
of data behind an immutable reference
that doesn't work so we need to specify
that there's references of type T but we
can't do that either because we don't
know how long those references are
supposed to last in this context right
what if for example this function that
you call with these references does
something to drop the owned memory of
the list that we were passed and now all
of a sudden these two immutable
references suddenly are invalid right
whether or not that's actually possible
depends because if you're calling yield
pairs you probably wouldn't be able to
drop the reference anyway but point is
these sorts of edge cases can occur
and so this is the really special part
of rust you can make the lifetime of
this reference a part of your function
signature you can make it so that you
can say hey when we're calling this
function this is what's called a generic
lifetime specifier it starts with an
apostrophe a single quote
sure we're being passed an immutable
reference to linked list but this will
specify how long it has to last and this
will specify that the function we pass
references of type T2 will make sure
that these values last at least as long
as the backing link list behind it right
that's that's the key difference that
rust lets us specify the lifetime of the
data is now part of the API contract
moving more things to compile time to
make it as easy to disambiguate logic as
physically possible that's the idea
making it so that large projects are
easier to build
now from here we can go ahead and start
mirroring our Swift logic now there are
a couple issues with this and we'll get
to those because the rust compiler
should theoretically help us solve them
so if I were to just go ahead and do
like a naive one-to-one translation of
the Swift logic we might end up with
something like this uh a DOT data B A equals a DOT
uh next and then we'd unwrap that and
then b equals B val dot next
there we go so I'm going to go ahead and
disable co-pilot also actually
um theoretically I mean you would think
something like this would compile but it
actually doesn't
um if I were to go ahead and try it out
there are a couple of issues we hit one
of them
is the fact that of course yield
function expected references but we're
passing actual data which we're not
allowed to move so we go ahead and pass
those references or compile again now
it's complaining that we store an a at
first an immutable reference to a linked
list but now we're unwrapping a box an
actual owned value directly into it Russ
recommends we solve this by grabbing a
reference to the box which would make
this valid syntax but what rust isn't
realizing at this point is that we're
not allowed to do that the reason we're
not allowed to do that is because if we
were to grab a reference to the
unwrapped owned value that would mean
that we are trying to grab ownership of
a value behind an immutable reference we
can't do that so instead we do dot as
ref dot unwrap which basically takes
this optional value gets a reference to
it moves the reference out from from
outside of the optional value to inside
of it so now we have an optional
reference value and the then we unwrap
that instead so now we end up with an
immutable reference to the box type
within the optional that still conforms
to this lifetime if I go ahead and save
compile again we see two more issues one
of them is that once again we are trying
to move out of on line 41
because we're trying to access that
member directly which would give us
ownership but we're not allowed to do
that so we must get a reference and
similarly over here it's saying that um
or I guess actually that that error
would not be relevant once we um compile
with this new change so if I were to go
ahead and save and run we get a
different error now and that error is
that over here it expects that we'll be
assigning a reference to an optional
because of this but we're actually
passing it the optional directly because
we're not getting a reference so we can
fix that with rust's suggested fix which
is to grab a reference and just like
that we're good to go our rust code
compiles and runs just like our Swift
Code so if I go ahead and run the Swift
Code as well I can show you
where the Swift Code runs the same it
creates a linked list of one two three
four five and then yields these pairs
now to take this a step further let's
work on I guess a more complicated
function the append sorted function as
well and take a look at what the
differences are
um in in how we would translate from
Swift and how we follow the rust
compiler recommendations because as you
can tell a very large portion of the
help that in in in helping us conform to
the borrow Checkers rules uh comes from
the actual rust compiler it gives us
really helpful error messages of course
they are wrong sometimes because if they
were correct all the time then we
wouldn't need the rules to begin with
that's why there's ambiguity but if you
understand the rules they can help guide
you to the right solution even if the
suggestions are wrong you'll be able to
recognize that they're wrong and work on
uh figuring out the correct ones so
let's go ahead and take a look at the
append sorted function the idea of it is
pretty simple the implementation can be
a little bit complicated uh let's go
ahead and take a look at it so
in in particular because of the
translation of the ownership rules but
we'll we'll take a look at what that
what that entails so I'll just go ahead
and move this down a little bit so we
can sort of have a more aligned view of
it um and
let's start implementing so
uh let's just say we start off of course
with our function declaration so FN
append sorted
um snake case not camel case uh T
conforms to ord in Russ is what it's
called not
um comparable uh this time we are
actually going to take um ownership of
the linked list and of course we're
going to make this optional
and once we've got that let's go ahead
and also take the data that we want to
we're going to return the linked list
once again the reason we're doing this
is because we may want to change the
head of the linked list in which case we
return a different value now if we go
ahead and get the old head from the list
we have different logic if there was no
old head so we're just literally
creating a new linked list node then all
we got to do is return linked list new
data so that's that's all there is to it
otherwise there is some more complicated
Logic for us to follow so let's go ahead
and start implementing it
first thing we're going to do is we're
going to create our new node that we
want to actually insert into the linked
list because at some point we know we're
going to need it we might as well create
it now so we go ahead and create the
linked list node then we're going to
check to see if we're in the right
position so if right off the bat we're
in the correct position and we need and
we know that we need to replace the old
head then we go ahead and set the new
node's next value to the old head and
then we return the new node as our new
head value otherwise if that is not the
case then we have a loop that we
determined that we use to determine
where to insert this new node in a
linked list so we start off by setting
our current value to old head which is a
typical way of doing this sort of like
uh linked list
sort of traversal and then you just do
while let some next equals current dot
next from there we go ahead and do if
next dot data greater than equal to data
so check if we're in the right position
if we are we can break otherwise we Set
current to current dot next and then
after that we simply do new node dot
next equals Uh current dot
next equals new node and then we return
our old head
you would think this would work
but unfortunately it does not I'll tell
you that right off the bat because there
are a couple of issues
as a matter of fact to sort of prove it
to you let's go ahead and compile our
rust code as you can tell it complains a
lot one of them is you know starting off
here at the end is the fact that it
expected an optional value to be
inserted into next but that means sort
of an actual value that is not
um it also uh same thing here it
um or rather the opposite I guess it
expected an actual linked list but we
gave it an optional box right so it's
complaining a lot so let's go ahead and
start start debugging what what some of
this means let's start off with this one
I guess so this one says that it
um us to put a um like an actual linked
list type into the current variable but
we put an optional box right so if we
take a look here this is being set to
old head which is a linked list type an
owned linked list type and we're giving
an optional box in order to make these
compatible we have to grab a reference
to the old head here and in particular
we're actually going to need a mutable
reference because we do end up changing
it down here and here what we can do is
we would do something like azeref but as
Rec because it's an immutable reference
we do as mute and then we unwrap it
because this bit of code told us that
there is indeed a next value so we can
assume that it is safe to forcefully
unwrap and as mute makes it so that what
we unwrap gives us a mutable reference
right so then this is now compatible
because the mutable reference to the box
is the same as the mutable reference to
the type in this case so that bit of
code is now all peachy and happy it
likes that the borrow Checker is
uh now Ross is complaining that it
doesn't like the fact that we are
passing it this value directly instead
of making it an optional so let's go
ahead and uh solve that for rust let's
get make it some current up next some
new node and let's see if that works uh
Russ didn't like that either Why didn't
it like it uh in this case it's because
it expected boxes inside of the sum
as you can see clearly this logic isn't
exactly correct
so how do we make it correct well if you
think about what exactly rust is asking
us for here right it's asking us to give
it an an owned box representation of
linked list tea wrapped in option right
and we know that we need to set new node
next to current next so what we do is we
call the take function on current next
what this will do for us is it will give
us ownership of something behind the
mutable reference I know I said we can't
get ownership of things behind
references but this is different what
the take function will do is it will
swap out what's actually in next for its
default value now what is next next is
an optional value the default value for
an optional is none so what take will do
is it doesn't violate any rules it's
still following all the rust rules but
what it does is it takes this mutable
reference to current next that we have
and it makes it so that we swap out
current next for a none value and take
returns to us the owned version of what
was originally inside of current next
and now that we own that box
we can go ahead wrap it in some
and put it into new node next and it
shouldn't complain about that bit
anymore now similarly we now have
current next that is set to none but we
don't want it to be set to none we want
it to be set to new node so we can
replace the inner value of the optional
container with a box representation of
the new node right because that's not
something that we created before we need
to box the node in order to make it the
next value for our current node in the
so uh just like that we are able to
compile and we get different errors in
this case it expected struct box but it
found option box which would make sense
because when we take this we are
actually taking the optional box
representation from the raw mutable
reference so we actually don't need to
wrap that in some now we get one last
error and that is that expected enum
option is but actually found linked list
for equals old head and
that's on line 57
and to fix this we just go ahead and
make sure that we use a box
representation or we could actually even
use the replace function here so we
could do you know next replace
Box new uh
and so that makes it so that the next
node after this new head is a box
representation of the old one
we do get a few more errors for example
the fact that rust over here is
complaining that new node is being
mutated even though it's an immutable
variable so we can fix that say that it
is a mutable variable we didn't need to
Trend we didn't need to say that in
Swift because it's a reference type so
we're technically not changing it but
rust doesn't care this is a value type
according to rust and so we need to mark
it as mutable in order to set its next
values here and here let's see what else
rust complains about foreign
after that it complains about the fact
that we are using the data variable
multiple times right think about it if
we go ahead and pass data to linked list
new linked list is now what owns the
data we can no longer compare against it
because it's the ownership has been
moved away from this function so in
order to actually properly compare we
would need to do new node dot data here
and same way new
that fixes that problem
from there uh here rust is complaining
uh that we are moving the next value of
the current node out of the out of the
node into this next variable here during
the loop and so in order to fix this
issue we can tell rust that we expect to
get a reference to the current next
variable instead of the actual owned
variable the reason that this fixes the
problem is that this is fine just being
a reference because we're only comparing
and after this point we no longer use
this reference we go ahead and look at
current next over again using asmute
over here so after this because this
reference isn't used it's effectively
invalidated and then this line of code
is also allowed to run properly and then
over here it's complaining because we
attempt to get a mutable reference to
old head even though old head is an
immutable variable that comes from an if
let statement so simply making this
mutable should fix our issue and just
like that our rust code compiles and
then runs and if we go down here and we
swap out our append calls for sort of
pen calls one five two four three even
though the order is wrong it should
still help us output in sorted order and
just like that we've implemented our
Swift functions in Rust and the way we
did it made it so that all of our
variable lifetimes were known at compile
time no memory management had to occur
at runtime that is why I love the rust
programming language so much it is
really powerful generics extend beyond
just types and I find that very
fascinating now there is so much more
that I want to dive into but this is
already a lot for a video so there's
going to be more videos on Rust wide
special and special things you can do
with it in the future make sure you
subscribe to stay tuned for that turn on
notifications so you're notified when I
release those tutorials like the video
if you liked it and any questions
suggestions or feedback feel free to
leave them down in the comment section
below thank you very much everybody for
joining today goodbye

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