Thursday 17 October 2024



since its release in November of last
year chat GPT has had so much hype
around it and also similar Technologies
like Bing chat and Google's Bard and
gpt4 and really generative AI in general
uh now as you may know I like to say
that artificial intelligence is easily
the most misunderstood technology on the
planet and to be completely honest the
past couple of months have only further
driven in that belief for me there have
been people making very confident claims
and statements about uh say a GPT and
what it's capable of that I frankly
don't really think hold for example I've
seen some very confidently claim that we
will be replacing all Junior developers
and even artists and journalists and
that this is the worst thing to happen
to education uh I don't really believe
that but this does bring up an
interesting question in my opinion and
that is that you see I love to do a lot
of different things I love to write code
and build applications as you can
probably tell from my YouTube channel
but I also absolutely love to share what
I learn learn about the world of tech
with others through a variety of
different media like for example
teaching AI courses and my YouTube
channel as well as through non-technical
media for example doing interviews to
help people understand the impact of
technology on their lives from a
non-technical perspective and so here's
uh here's the question today can chat
gbt replace me or maybe even at least
part of what I do and if so how does
that generalize to everyone and things
that we all do or maybe if not today
will it in the future well before we get
to that a little bit of background now
you may know that I've always been a big
proponent of the idea that the AI
artificial intelligence technology we
build today isn't really artificial
intelligence right it's not actually
intelligent rather what we're proving is
that there are skills that we have that
we previously thought required human
cognition and intelligence and instead
if we boil it down to enough of a subset
of that skill still we can actually
replicate it with math and we can do it
with the power of technology so take for
example deep blue playing chess or
Watson playing Jeopardy or alphago
playing go right so some of the classic
examples of AI technology and how it's
grown over the years especially with
almost with actually all of these
examples all we've really done is we
said all right here's a human skill
we've had say for example playing chess
or playing Jeopardy and if you boil it
down to enough of a subset and if you
specify the problem really well and you
really sit down and think about how to
build a pipeline an approach to solve
this problem mathematically we can
actually do it in in Computing right we
can do it with the power of Technology
we don't need human cognition for it
however this also comes with a pretty
fundamental limitation and that is that
these systems are not at all flexible or
adaptable really all they're doing is
what they were programmed to do pretty
much like every other technology system
except they have more capabilities right
they can for example analyze
unstructured data like Watson playing
Jeopardy but it's still playing Jeopardy
you can't tell Watson to do something
else in language for example but you can
continue to make these capabilities even
more complex sort of growing out from
there back in 2020 I even built and
trained a series of deep Learning
Systems myself that I call Auto Lyricist
and the goal of the system is to augment
songwriters by providing what I call
automated inspiration at scale the idea
is to eliminate writer's block and
actually got the chance to work with a
couple different talented
singer-songwriters uh to prove out the
system and show that it actually works
the line that you just heard and many
others in this song by Claudia hoiser
titled A Summertime song were actually
inspired by the auto Lyricist system
however even Auto Lyricist working in
language with such complex unstructured
data and nuance and art and creativity
isn't really flexible you can't really
get this pipeline of deep Learning
Systems to do something other than
generating music lyrics at least not
effectively on the contrary it seems
that modern AI technology is actually
flexible so take for example chat GPT I
can actually tell it to write a song
containing the line that you just heard
and it seemed to just do it without
requiring that whole complex pipeline
that I put together three years ago I
could even ask it to draft a response to
an email that I received or I could ask
it to write code for me for example and
this flexibility is precisely what makes
these systems so impressive to us and
also the fact that their input and
output modality is just language right
language in and of itself is super
special to us because fundamentally it
is the serialization format for our
thoughts it is very deeply linked to the
way that we think and when you can
communicate with an AI system quote
unquote that happens to use language as
this input output modality and it seems
like you can understand this complex
language and it seems like it's able to
communicate fluently using that language
it's very easy to trip up our brain's
internal circuitry and assign way more
credit and intelligence to the backing
system then there really actually is but
let's finally go ahead and answer the
question can chat GPT replace me or
replace you for that matter or anyone
there are four tests that I want to run
today first we're going to see if chat
gbt can answer interview questions for
me we'll see if they can draft responses
to my emails we're going to see if they
can answer my assessments that I've
written for my own students and my AI
courses like the one that I taught at
University of Winnipeg last year and
this will see if you know GPT can even
teach students which I mean is dependent
on it being able to answer the
assessments I put together in the first
place and then finally we're going to
see if chatgpt can replace me as a
developer and write my code for me so
let's go ahead and try them out alright
let's begin our assessment of chat GPT
to see if it can replace me we're going
to start off with a task that isn't
really replacing me as much as it is uh
automating a little bit of the job that
isn't as fun for me let's see if it can
write my emails now this is sort of like
a typical example of the kind of thing
you would do with gbt taking a look at a
hypothetical email that I that I wrote
out this is from John and he's saying
he's the founder of a startup focused on
blockchain and he wants to chat about
his web 3.0 platform now let's just say
once again fully hypothetical scenario I
have a conflict of interest and so I
can't work with them uh due to due to
this conflict of interest but I'd be
happy to chat I can simply tell chat gbt
tell John that I can't work with him due
to a conflict of interest but I'd be
happy to chat and with this very naive
prompting I get back actually not that
bad of an email draft it says hi John
thanks for reaching out introducing
yourself I appreciate your interest and
basically boils down to you know giving
across the message that I wanted to
but here's the problem you can tell that
I didn't write this right if this is
continuing a thread with someone I've
been speaking to myself for a long time
or if this is you know sending out new
emails and eventually I take over you're
gonna be able to tell that there's a
shift in voice and I don't want that now
I gotta go in and do a lot of you know
editing in post to make it sound like
I'm the one who sent the email
so how can we somehow improve this well
we can improve it with context so what I
did is I built a script that basically
scraped every email I have written and I
took out pairs of emails where it was an
email that I got and then and then my
response immediately after and wherever
I noticed that pattern across my emails
and of course it was like an actual
important tagged email I stored those in
the database and used the openai
embeddings endpoint to index all of
these emails and so now when I see an
email like hypothetical John's over here
I embed that through the same embeddings
endpoint look up similar emails I've
gotten in the past take the top five
most similar emails take my responses of
them and then feed those into chat gpt's
context telling it to respond with the
message that I specify here but then in
the voice and writing style of these
previous five emails and so now if I
were to run this through with the same
message and same email but including
this sort of contextual prompting I I
get an email that is a lot closer to how
I would actually word a response to the
email that I got if this is what I
wanted to say
and so you can improve the results that
you get from these models significantly
and make them much more valuable to the
end user by using all sorts of neat
tricks and these are ones that you build
into your application not just ones that
you prompt the language model with right
so for example I actually had to go out
and index all of my emails scrape them
run them through the embedding store the
vectors in the database and then
implement the lookup to make it so I can
construct The Prompt for GPT to begin
with so one thing to keep in mind is
that when you're building valuable
applications it's all about that
interplay of using the software that you
build in the logic that you build
alongside the language model in
individual components where it can
actually be valuable now let's move on
to what I think is a more interesting
assessment let's see if we can automate
the uh the process of responding to
people's questions that want
non-technical answers now I receive
these a lot in like talks that I do in
interviews when people ask me questions
and this will be a non-technical
audience so say will ask me something
like what are your thoughts on
generative AI technology like gbt3 do
you think that large language models are
going to be a bad thing for Education
since students are just going to copy
the output of these AI systems and not
learn anything for themselves and do you
think it's going to replace entry-level
this is a real question that I got uh
just a couple of days ago let's see what
gbt4 the sort of state-of-the-art
language model from openai has to say
about this as you can see
it gives us a not bad answer like it
gives us something that is technically
um there are pros and cons regarding its
impact on education you know it can be a
valuable tool for students but we need
to emphasize using these tools
responsibly as a supplement rather than
a replacement and as per entry-level
developers AI systems can automate
certain tasks but they're not capable of
replacing the human creativity problem
solving adaptability that's important
um development
and then it might change the nature of
some entry level jobs
again technically not wrong and it's
aligns to what I was going to answer
regardless but let's ask more detail
because this was kind of high level
so I ask what is the interaction between
students and AI really look like like
why wouldn't they just use it to cheat
right and
gpt4 comes back with a list of positive
interactions between students and Ai and
some of the ways that we can encourage
students not to cheat and most of it
boils down to providing clear guidelines
encouraging collaboration you know
emphasizing the importance of academic
integrity and then also you know finally
designing assessments that require
students to apply their Knowledge and
and so
a lot of this was honestly quite high
level boiling down to hey you just got
to make sure that you really am you know
encourage people not to cheat there
wasn't a lot of real substance as to
something I guess actionable um in these
uh now for a little bit of context
my actual answer to this was something
along the lines of you know with these
language models sure say software
engineering students they will
inevitably try to use it to cheat no
matter how much you encourage them not
to but the point is that's these models
fundamentally due to certain limitations
and precisely the same ones that made it
so they couldn't answer this question in
more detail we'll never get everything
completely right there will be mistakes
that are made especially in fields like
software and when these mistakes are
made you are forced to then go in
understand the content the code and then
fix those bugs that is a lot harder than
people will necessarily give credit for
and then from an entry-level perspective
entry-level jobs are going to continue
to exist we're not replacing developers
right what's going to happen though is
the expectations of entry-level
developers will significantly change
they will be much higher than they are
today and the reason is simply because
they will have better tools right If you
hired two mathematicians one with them
without a calculator I imagine that you
would expect the one with the calculator
to get more work done because they just
fundamentally have a better tool and so
it's not that entry level developers are
going to be expected to have senior
levels of experience coming out of
school that's unreasonable instead
what's going to be expected is that they
will be able to provide more than an
entry-level developer today because they
will have the tools alongside their
human creativity and problem solving and
that little bit of experience to sort of
work effectively with that tool and get
more done than they would be able to
today but what about replacing me in
technical domains let's see if chatgpt
could replace me as a teacher now of
course in order to replace me as a
teacher I would expect that it would
actually be able to pass the existing
assessments I've already made for some
of my students for example as I
mentioned I taught a course at the
University of Winnipeg last year this AI
course was centered around my students
actually being able to build an actual
application using a machine learning
Tech and I had a quiz where I asked why
is explainability a problem with modern
deep learning techniques select all that
apply and in this question there were
four possible answers it's because we
don't understand the math behind
training the models at all the data we
train these models on only Maps input to
output and doesn't include the reasoning
for why the human made the original
decision uh also that there's no
standard way to explain a model's output
because it depends on the domain and the
representation of the data and deep
learning models are just trained
end-to-end with a large number of
parameters as a black box
and so these are our four possible
answers why is explainability a problem
with modern deep learning techniques
now right now if you'd like go ahead and
pause think about the answers and leave
them down in the comment section below
the reason I chose this specific
question from the quiz to give to gbt4
is because this was the one that
actually stumped the most of my students
and looking back in retrospect it was
kind of mean toward it this way because
it's a little bit misleading but really
if you think about the answers and if
you think about what they entail and
what would be necessary for them to be
true or false you realize which ones
should be true and false so let's run it
through gpt4 and let's see what it gives
once again this is sort of like the
state of the art model that we have
access to so asking it to both explain
each option a little bit as well as say
whether they're true or false we see it
start with number one then it gets to
number two and three and four
um and it basically boils down to saying
that number one is false because it's um
because we do understand sort of the
Core Concepts behind training deep
learning systems but then two three and
four are true number two because given
reasoning we could train these deep
Learning Systems to use that reasoning
number three because of course
explainability depends on your data and
uh and then number four uh because that
is how these deep learning systems are
trained they are trained as an
end-to-end Black Box uh and so we may
not be able to understand you know the
internal uh reasoning behind decisions
now how did gpt4 score
well what if I told you it got three of
the four correct number two should
actually be false now thinking about
this for just a moment
if you really sort of understand the way
deep learning algorithms are trained and
if we think about reasoning and if for
example data sets contained reasoning as
to why certain outputs are correct or
incorrect compared to others
even if a deep Learning System were
trained the way it is today to produce
that reasoning as output even if it were
part of the data that doesn't change the
fact that that reasoning is now just
another output of this system
and so now your reasoning is another
output that must further be explained
right you sort of develop the problem
back into needing to now explain the
reason you came to that explanation
because it's just another output of your
deep Learning System that is trained end
to end as a black box
and you know a system that we don't have
a standard way of explaining output for
and so that answer should have been
false but it's true and gpt4 fell for
the same uh sort of uh trap I guess that
that every human does
um or a lot of humans do which is it
sounds very correct right it sounds like
if there were explanations and reasoning
and training data that would be able to
train systems to sort of respect that
reasoning and to be able to adhere or or
produce that kind of reasoning but
fundamentally keeping the training
algorithms the way they are today we
can't do that because then reasoning
just ends up being another output and so
I think this is really fascinating to
take a look behind the curtain to see
what some of the very fundamental
limitations Behind These large language
models are and speaking of fundamental
what about code can chat GPT replace me
as a developer well let's find out and
we're going to find out with the example
of the email bot that I showed you just
a little while ago now how is that
relevant you may ask well
as I mentioned I had to build a script
that could extract email pairs from all
of the emails I've ever sent email reply
Pairs and I would then feed them through
the openai embedding endpoint I would
receive embeddings store them in a
quote-unquote database which is really
just a numpy file on disk and then
attempt to retrieve new vector
embeddings and match them against old
emails in the future
now on one hand people have argued that
yes large language models will replace
developers in some fashion at least
entry level ones and the reason is
because of the following if I were to
for example throw the code sort of task
that I need into gpt4 it seems like it's
able to code it pretty well so for
example I can tell it that I would like
Implement a script that can take the um
that can take you know list of emails
that are that are laid out in folders in
a certain way and run them through the
open AI embedding endpoint and save them
to disk and what's really impressive is
that it's doing this based off of an
example of using the openai embedding
endpoint because it's data cutoff is
before that endpoint was even released
and so it is really impressive to be
fair and this sort of conclusion has led
a lot of people to think hey we're
replacing entry level developers but
here's the catch let's take another step
back let's go back to the author script
that I was talking about that actually
the email reply pairs in the first place
the problem is that we're trying to
extract these pairs from an Mbox file
I've actually exported my entire Gmail
to two Mbox files in total it's
something like 20 Gigabytes large that's
a big inbox file if you don't know what
these files are laid out like don't
worry I didn't until yesterday either
but these Mbox files are basically a
bunch of text representing all the
information in every single email that
is in your well email account
this information includes all the way
from like the subject and the body to
the individual tags of the email when it
when the email was sent you know who is
from the message ID all these things
and the thing is parsing that entire
file to begin with ahead of time to then
go and extract like a thousand emails
from it is insanely wasteful but by
default that is the solution that chat
GPT will want to provide you what I
wanted was a solution in the go
programming language that would lazily
load one by one individual emails from
the Mbox file put them through a channel
and allow multiple go routines to parse
these emails allowing me to make use of
all the resources on my computer at
least a lot more of them in order to
parse these emails and figure out which
ones have replies and which ones don't
it's a pretty complex problem because
you have to keep track of State you have
to keep track of the fact that for
example when you see an email you're
going to see the reply before you
actually see the email because they're
sorted chronologically so you've got to
store the in reply to tag of a certain
email and then match that against the
message ID of a future email and if you
don't end up seeing one then you don't
actually have an original email and you
shouldn't save the reply there is
complex state that needs to be managed
and honestly it's a pretty challenging
task it requires a certain level of
creativity to come up with a brand new
way of this of this sort of parsing that
gpt4 may or may not have seen on the
internet before sure maybe it's seen
individually lazy loading
emails from an Mbox maybe individually
it's seen things like understanding the
in reply to header but putting that all
together it's either I Lay It All Out
step by step in which case I've still
done the creativity and I've still done
the problem solving
or alternatively I could write the code
myself because chat GPT really just
doesn't have the capability to come up
with these sorts of Novel solutions to
novel problems
on its own it's just not fundamentally
creative enough it's still boiling down
to a statistical language model a
statistical language model that can
interpolate between its own internal
data points in a very very sophisticated
Manner and then a lot of times ways that
look really impressive but it can't
extrapolate outside of its own data set
outside of its own data distribution
that is the limitation with these models
and that's why it's not going to replace
developers anytime soon now I personally
think that these experiments have been
incredibly insightful to learn more
about how these models work and what
they're actually useful for and
hopefully you can see why I say that
these models aren't going to be
replacing me or you or really the
majority of people anytime soon however
this does bring me to another question
which is why did it take so long for me
to even cover generative Ai and chat GPT
and these sorts of Technologies on this
channel in the first place and really
it's because and I know this is going to
sound weird but I have been struggling
to find a need a use case to cover
now you're probably thinking there's so
much you can do with this there's
infinite possibilities why have I been
struggling to find a use case well it's
because I traditionally like to cover
one of two kinds of topics either like
to cover very core technical Concepts
that in and of themselves don't seem
that useful but could be used and sort
of abstracted or learned from to then
apply into a real application or I like
to cover actual applications that I
might not scale up myself or put in
production but that have the capability
to move into production so for example
a hard ID is a system that I built that
can recognize you based off of the way
your heart beats and it uses deep
learning and this is an actual
application that you know could scale up
and be put into production in the future
or you know I released a YouTube
tutorial on using Nvidia Cuda kernels to
brute force hashes similar to proof of
work in blockchains and in and of them
in and of itself the code base isn't
that useful but you can learn things
like how to launch Cuda kernels and the
basics of blockchain Technology
and so when you take a look at those two
sorts of things I like to cover
Easter realized that chat GPT and the
majority of things you can do with it
exist in this very weird Middle Ground
it's almost an uncanny valley of sorts
because on one hand there's the obvious
use case which is just chat with it
right talk to chat gbt and then sort of
guide it through conversation providing
more and more instructions as necessary
to achieve a certain task that's the
obvious one
now what I think delivers a real value
that people would really want to have is
just having these you know machine
Learning Systems integrated into an
application so you don't need to think
about it you don't need to converse with
this AI system it just does things for
you right
but these systems aren't really capable
of that yet they're not truly
intelligent they can't genuinely pick
off of little bits of context and just
you know do the things we want them to
so I can't really build real world
applications with it as a matter of fact
it's very hard to do so it's very hard
to think of those use cases which is why
you see all these cool demos but barely
any actual applications that people are
using at a very large scale to do things
in completely automated ways but on the
other hand it's also not really hard to
call into as a developer right pretty
much any developer with simple rest API
knowledge can call into the open AI API
so I'm also not really covering a core
technical concept so that puts me in
this very weird Middle Ground where it's
hard for me to cover anything technical
because it's just calling an API and
openai has decided not to release any
details about their models but on the
other hand it's also very difficult for
me to build anything because sure I
could show you some demos where it works
but if you actually tried to use these
applications in the real world they
break down so quickly that sometimes it
ends up being more effective just not to
use them or to instead take parts of
what you were going to do and just
converse with chat gbt directly
and so that is the problem that I've
faced so far and this brings me right
back to the fundamental limitations of
these models they are large language
models they're not intelligent right it
takes a fundamental rethinking of the
way we do machine learning and AI to
make them useful in large scale
applications and while there are uses
for today's version of this you know
large language modeling tech there are
use cases but they boil back down to
helping us with individual pieces of
larger bits of work rather than taking
over parts of the work entirely that's
that's that's that's really what it
boils down to so I know this is a topic
that many people have many different
opinions on so feel free to leave your
opinions down in the comments section
below or ask any questions or provide
any suggestions I'm happy and in fact
I'm very interested to be hearing from
you on this one apart from that if you
enjoy the video please do make sure to
leave a like down below subscribe to the
channel as it really does help out a lot
and turn on notifications that you're
notified whenever I release content just
like this apart from that thank you very
much for morning and goodbye

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