Thursday 17 October 2024



so hello there and welcome to another
tutorial my name is tany bakshi and this
time we're going to be going over how
you can use the discovery service in an
iOS application in coded in Swift so you
know what let's actually be in today uh
so what's going to be happening is we're
going to be using xcode we're going to
be using Swift uh in order to create an
iOS application uh which can query the
IBM Watson Discovery Service uh and so
without any further Ado Again by the way
though if you haven't already I'd really
really recommend that you watch my
previous video of Discovery to which the
link will be down in the description uh
and that video really just uh shows you
how you can actually use the discovery
Service uh with it generally and how you
can train it and how you can test it and
improve its performance and give it data
that type of stuff but this video is
going to be showing you how you can
create a swift iOS interface for that
service in X code so let's get right to
it now shall we
all right so let's begin with a quick
demo of the application itself so what
are we going to be building today well
essentially as you can see over here
I've got an iPhone simulator opened up
here uh and this is the iPhone 7 plus
simulator so let's say I were to search
for something on Discovery and uh let's
just send uh for the sake of Simplicity
let's send the same request that we did
in the first part of the video series uh
and let's send Quest let's say when did
T start coding okay I'm going to click
on the Discover button and in just a
moment you will see this UI t view
populate with lots of search results
from Discovery and of course we can take
a look at the top one which is the exact
same one that we saw in part one which
of course says meet Tammy bshi an Indian
origin preee from Brandon Canada who
started coding when he was just 5 years
old and of course this sentence is
conveying a lot lot of information and
this as I said the same sentence I'm I'm
I originate from India I'm a Preen I
live in brandton Canada and I started
coding when I was 5 years old and it was
able to extract that contextual
similarity to my query in this document
and it was able to give me my final
answer but now let's take a look at how
I was actually able to build this
application let's get to it shall we
all right so now let's take a look at
the actual user interface of this
application so if I switch over here as
you can see I've got xcode open and this
is a very very simple interface as you
can see I've got our UI text field over
here uh with prototype text as search
query uh which is where the user will
type in their query of course the
Discover button which actually queries
Discovery with your query and then a UI
table view which will of course give you
a list of the results that Discovery has
returned now inside of this UI table
view I have a UI table view cell and
this is a prototype cell uh and so as
you can see this is a very simple cell
just I haven't even changed the height
whatsoever uh however there is some neat
stuff that goes on with this in the code
uh and so what happens is each row if I
open up our demo back here each row is
of different height so of course this
article is of different height this
article is of different height this one
is much bigger uh and this of course
this one might be smaller uh but as you
can see each row is of a different
height and so essentially what happens
is this UI table view in this label
adjust different heights and widths
according to how big the article or
result actually is and so I've got some
constraints set up on the label uh no
constraints on the actual row though uh
because of course or the cell
technically uh because of course that uh
is done in the code but this label has a
few constraints on it using uh of course
uh Auto layout and so uh I will be
leaving you a link to a ray wonderl
article which explains exactly how you
can do that uh in a very simple way
actually so that'll be down in the
description but now that you've seen the
user interface of this application I'd
like to introduce you to the code of
this application and how it's actually
able to query Discovery with your real
query and give you back the results all
right let's get to that part
now all right so now let's take a look
at how the code of this application
works so if I go back to xcode here as
you can see I've got our main code open
the viewcontroller.swift file uh and
over here I have let's just start right
off uh right after import UI kit I've
got an extension to the string class and
this is very simple uh this is from my
asked handm code actually uh and so this
is an extension to the string class
which allows us uh to URL encode a
string very nicely and very quickly so
you can just do like for example
um hi there this is
spring with um
symbols and you could URL encode this
very nicely just URL encoded and it
would be able to um if I just move that
over here see it would really easily be
able to URL encode this string and then
you could put this into sort of like an
nsurl or something of that sort and so
of course that's what that extension
does uh and next we also have a class
though this is our table view cell that
we created uh and so very simply it only
has one label the Discover label which
is where the discovery search result
will be this is a UI label uh and of
course it is connected uh to the actual
label uh with an IP
Outlet next in our view controller of
course we've got this uh in sort of
inheriting from UI view controller but
it also conforms to the UI table view
data source uh and UI table view
delegate uh protocols uh and of course
we've got our IB it's the table view
which is UI table View and our query
field which is our UI text field which
is what allows us to actually know what
the user wants to query of course we've
got a data array and this is the final
data that Discovery returns back to us
and this is actually the really
interesting code for the eii table view
that I was talking about just uh in the
last part here and so this uh UI table
view code essentially allows us to set
the table views row height to UI table
view automatic Dimension which will
allow us to automatically set the row
height but the estimated row height this
is just set to anything real random
really uh 140 again the link to the ray
wonderl article which explains mostly
all of this uh is going to be in the
description so if you'd like to know
more about how you can use you know Auto
layout and how you can use it with UI
table views to create self adjusting
rows of height uh then of course you uh
you can check that link out in the
description of course though I also have
an IB action and this is the Discover IB
action and what's going to happen is
here I end editing meaning if the
keyboard is up on an iOS device it'll go
right back down and I do force it to do
that uh and then I call a function
called get data uh which will give us
our which and will give it the query
text uh so it knows what to give to
Discovery and then we reload our table
views data but of course I also have I'm
also uh overwriting the touches began
function so that right as the user
touches on The View I can end editing
meaning I can bring down the keyboard
but finally the most important function
of them all the get data function this
will take our query as a string and
it'll of course reset the data variable
which is our final data that goes into
the table view it'll create a URL string
which uh this is actually quite long but
this is this will essentially query
Watson Discovery uh with of course this
long Watson Discovery query URL
including lots of information about the
actual collection that we want to query
but of course the query that we want to
give it itself uh and so uh of course we
are URL encoding this query using that
string extension that I was talking
about just a little while ago and we're
telling it to return 10 uh results to us
we're giving it no offset aggregation
filter or return though next I'm turning
this into a URL as you know with swift 3
uh Apple has sort of just uh stripped
out all the NSS uh from you know NS URL
NS data uh and so of course we're just
left with URL and then I created a new
data response constant uh where I
forcefully try to get the data uh of
that URL the data in that URL so it'll
query that URL and give me that data of
course though I'm also getting Json so
I'm taking this data and I'm forcefully
trying uh and so what I'm doing is I'm
forcefully trying the Json
serializations Json object function and
I'm giving it the data response that I
got from the URL I'm telling it that I
want some mutable containers as the
options for this Json
sterilization uh and then finally I
enforce uh casting that to a string any
dictionary once that's finally done
though I'm creating a results constant
uh and this will be uh the results from
our Json uh and this is essentially a uh
this is one of the keys that are that is
returned from Watson Discovery itself
when it returns its Json so results uh
would be the array where uh Watson holds
all the results as as the um as it sort
of indicates but then I forcefully cast
that to an array of dictionaries and
those dictionaries are string and object
dictionaries but then since this is an
array of dictionaries I Loop through
this array of dictionaries so every time
I Loop I'm getting I which is a
dictionary itself and then for every I I
get I append that I uh that I's text
value more specifically uh to the data
variable now once this get data function
is called over here in our Discover
function now remember get data is
synchronous so it'll actually stop
execution until it receives the data and
then I can run table view. reload data
and since this data variable uh has all
of the new data from watts and Discovery
I can actually tell the table view uh
first of all my first uh table view
class here would be uh number of rows in
section and so I'm just telling it
however many uh rows are in or however
many elements there are in data that's
how many rows there will be in the table
view so I'm just returning data. count
and for the cell for row at index path
uh table view function here I'm just
creating the new cell I'm grabbing the
Prototype cell that we made in the view
controller uh or the actual main.
storyboard I'm I'm casting this to a
table cell which is the class that we
created over here I'm then setting the
cells discover labels text to data index
path. row that we can set uh it to its
respective result that we got from wats
and Discovery and then I'm returning
that cell and that will finally be
displayed on this on the screen for the
user to see and so of course that's
essentially how this application
actually does work out of course though
that's actually going to be it for this
video it's was quite simple but of
course it shows you how you can create
an iOS application that disco that uh
queries the IMM Watson Discovery service
but of course though as I said before
the link to the part one of this video
series will be in the description just
in case you haven't watched it until now
but of course though if you really
that's going to be it for this video but
if you really do like this video please
consider leaving a like down below but
if you have any more suggestions
feedback or questions please do consider
leaving them down in the comments below
emailing them to me at tajim Manny
atgmailcom or tweeting them to me at
tajim Manny of course if you really do
like my content and you want to see more
of it do consider subscribing to my
channel as it really does help out a lot
and of course that's going to be it for
this video today thank you very much

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